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A Grant and Assignment of a Lease of Lands given by Will on Condition to pay an Annuity (forfeited on Non payment of the Said Annuity) made to bim next in Reversion.



T. B. of,

His Indenture made, &c. Between &c. and S. his Wife, one of the Daughters of W. T. late of, &c. deceased, of the one Part, and J. N. of, &c. of the other Part: Whereas T. N. heretofore of, &c. by his Indenture of Lease bearing Date, &c. did for the Confiderations therein mentioned, demise, grant and to Farm let, unto the faid W. T. All that Messuage for Tenement, &c. situate, &c. To hold unto the faid W. T. his Executors, Administrators and Affigns, for the Term of 99 Years, if M. S. of, &c. T. T. Son of the said W. T. and A. the then Wife of the faid T. N. or any or either of them should so long live, At and under the yearly Rent of 8 1. of, &c. payable on certain Days and Times in the faid Indenture of Lease mentioned, with a Clause of Re-entry on Non-payment of the Rent, as in and by the said recited Indenture of Lease may more fully and at large appear. And whereas the faid M. S. and A. N. are now long fince dead, and the said T.T. is only living: And whereas the said W. T. by his last Will and Teftament in Writing bearing Date, Oc. (amongst other Gifts and Devises therein contained) did give and bequeath unto the said T. T. All that the said Messuage or Tenement and Premisses above-recited, for and during the Remainder of his Term and Interest therein, together with the said recited Indenture of Lease, upon Condition, that he did and should pay or cause to be paid unto the said S. B. the yearly Sum of 5 l. per Annum, during the Continuance of the faid Leafe; and that if he should refuse to do the fame, then and in that Cafe the faid W. T. gave unto her the faid S. B. the faid Mefsuage and Premisses for the Remainder of the faid Term, and of his faid Will made and conftituted C. the then Wife of the faid W. T. Executrix, and shortly after died. And whereas the faid C. him survived and duly proved the said Will, as by the Probate of the fame Will appeareth. And whereas the faid T. T. made Default in Payment of the said 5 l. per Annum, to the said S. by Reason whereof the faid S. and the faid T. В. her Husband became interessed in and entitled unto the said Messuage or Tenement and Premisses, with the Appurtenances, for and during all the reft and Residue of the faid Term of 99 Years therein to come and unexpired. And whereas the Reversion in Fee of the faid Premisses is now by lawful Means come and descended unto and vested in the said F. N. Now this Indenture witweffeth, That the faid T. B. and S. his Wife for and in Confideration of the Sum of, &c. to them or one of them, before the Sealing and Delivery of these Presents by the faid J. N. well and truly paid, the Receipt whereof they the faid T. B. and S. B. do hereby confefs and acknowledge, Have granted, bargained, fold, released, assigned and fet over, and by these Presents do grant, &e. as well the recited Indenture of Lease, as also all and fingular the said Messuage or Tenement and Premisses above-recited, with the Appurtenances; and all the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Term of Years yet to come and unexpired, Claim and Demand whatsoever of them the faid T. B. and S. his Wife, and either of them, of, in and to the faid Messuage and Premisses, and of, in and to

every Part and Parcel thereof, by Vertue of the faid recited Indenture of Lease, and the faid last Will and Testament of the said W. T. or by any other Ways or Means whatsoever: To have and to hold the said Messuage or Tenement and Premisses above-mentioned, and every Part and Parcel thereof, with their Appurtenances, unto the faid J. N. his Heirs and Assigns for ever. And the faid T. B. for himself, his Executors and Administrators, doth covenant, promise and grant to and with the said J. N. his Heirs, Executors, Administrators and Affigns, and to and with every of them by these Presents, That he the faid J. N. his Heirs and Assigns, shall and may from Time to Time, and at all Times hereafter, during the Residue of the said Term of 99 Years, determinable as aforesaid, peaceably and quietly enter into, have, hold, occupy, possess and enjoy all and fingular the said Messuage or Tenement and Premisses above-mentioned, without any the Let, Suit, Trouble, Molestation, Eviction, Ejection or Denial of him the said T. B. or the faid S. his Wife, or any other Person or Persons, claiming by, from or under him, them, or any or either of them. In Witness, &c.

A Special Grant or Feoffment of a Manor from Father and Son, with Variety of Covenants.


His Indenture made, &c. Between R. B. the elder of, c. R. B. the younger (Son and Heir Apparent of the faid R. B. the elder) of, Oc. and M. his Wife of the one Part, and S. A. of, &c. of the other Part; Witnesseth, That the faid R. B. the elder, R. B. the younger, and M. his Wife, for and in Confideration of the Sum of, c. to them the said R. B. the elder, and R. B. the the younger, or one of them, in Hand paid by the said S. A. the Receipt whereof they the sad R. B. the elder, and R. B. the younger do here. by acknowledge; they the said R. B. the elder, R. B. the younger, and M. B. Have granted, bargained and fold, aliened, enfeoffed and confirmed, and by these Presents do, and every and either of them doth grant, r. unto the said S. his Heirs and Assigns for ever, All that the Manor and Capital Messuage, or Dwelling-house of, Oc. situate, &c. and all Houses, Or. Royalties, &c. and the Reversion, &c. and also all the Estate, &c. To have and to hold the said Capital Messuage, Manor, Hereditaments, and all and fingular the Premisses hereby granted and conveyed, or mentioned, or intended to be granted and conveyed, with their and every of their Appurtenances, unto the said S. A. his Heirs and Assigns, to the only proper use and Behoof of the faid S. A. his Heirs and Assigns for ever. And the faid R. B. the elder, and his Heirs, the said Capital Messuage, Manor, Hereditaments and Premisses, with their and every of their Appurtenances, unto the said S. A. his Heirs and Assigns, in Manner and Form aforesaid, against him the said R. B. the elder, his Heirs and Af figns, and against all and every Person and Persons, lawfully claiming or to claim, from, by or under him, them or any of them (except as is hereinafter excepted) shall and will warrant and for ever defend by these Premisses. And the said R. B. the younger, and his Heirs, the faid Capital Messuage, Manor, Hereditaments and Premisses above-mentioned, with their and every of their Appurtenances, unto the said S. A. his Heirs and Afsigns, against him the said R. B. the younger, his Heirs and Assigns, and against the faid M.

his Wife, and all and every Person and Perfons 'awfully claiming or to claim from, by or under him, them or any, or either of them, thall and will warrant and for ever defend by these Presents. And the faid R. B. the elder, for himself, his Heirs, Executors and Administrators, doth covenant and grant to and with the faid S. A. his Heirs and Afsigns, that the faid Capital Messuage, Manor, Hereditaments and Premisses above-mentioned, and every Part thereof, shall from hence. forth for ever hereafter remain, continue and be unto the faid S. A. his Heirs and Afsigns, free and clear, and freely and clearly acquitted and discharged, or otherwise by him the faid R. B. the elder, his Heirs, Executors or Adminiftrators, well and sufficiently saved and kept harmless and indemnified of and from all former and other Bargains, Sales, Gifts, Grants, Mortgages, Leases, Estates, Statutes, Judgments, Executions, and of and from all other Charges, Rights, Titles, Troubles and Incumbrances whatsoever, had, made, committed, done or fuffered, or to be had,

c. by the said R. B. the elder, or any other Person or Perfons whatsoever, lawfully claiming or to claim, by from or under him, them, of any or either of them, Except one Indenture bearing Date, &c. made and granted by him the faid R. B. the elder to, &c. by Way of Mortgage for securing 2000 1. and Interest. And also one other Indenture bearing Date, &c. purporting a Feoffment of the Inheritance of the faid Capital Mefsuage, Manor and Premisses from the faid R. B. the elder, to the faid R. B. the younger. And the faid R. B. the younger for himself, his Heirs and Affigns, doth covenant and grant to and with the faid S. A. his Heirs and Assigns, by these Prefents, That for and notwithstanding any Act, Mar

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