1 ter or Thing whatsoever, had, made, committed, done or fuffered by him the faid R. B. the younger to the contrary, they the faid R. B. the elder, and R. B. the younger, or one of them, now are and stand, or one of them is and standeth lawfully and rightfully seized of and in the said Capital Messuage, Manor, Hereditaments and Premisses above-mentioned, and of every Part and Parcel thereof, with their and every of their Appurtenances, of a good, fure, perfe&, absolute and indefeasible Estate of Inheritance in FeeSimple, without any Manner of Condition, Limitation of Ufe and Uses, or other Matter, Caufe or Thing whatsoever, to alter, change, charge or determine the fame. And that for and notwithstanding any such Act, Matter or Thing aforesaid, they the said R. B. the elder, and R. B. the younger, have, or one of them hath good Right, full Power, and lawful Authority, to grant, bargain, sell and convey the said Capital Meffuage, Manor, Hereditaments and Premisses abovementioned, with the Appurtenances, unto the said S. A. his Heirs and Assigns, to the only proper use and Behoof of the faid S. A. his Heirs and Assigns for ever, according to the true Intent and Meaning of these Presents. And also, that he the said S. A. his Heirs and Affigns, shall and may from Time to Time, and at all Times for ever hereafter, peaceably and quietly have, hold, occupy, possess and enjoy all and fingular the said Capital Messuage, Manor, Hereditaments and Premisses, and every Part and Parcel thereof, with the Appurtenances, without the Let, Trouble, Hindrance, Molestation, Interruption and Denial of him the said R. B. the younger, his Heirs or Assigns, and of all and every other Person or Persons whatsoever. And that freed and discharged, or otherwife well and ) and sufficiently saved and kept harmless and indemnified of, and from all former and other Bargains, Sales, Gifts, Grants, Leases, Mortgages, Jointures, Dowers, Uses, Wills, Entails, Fines, Post-Fines, Issues, Amerciaments, Seizures, Bonds, Annuities, Writings Obligatory, Statutes Merchant, and of the Staple, Recognizances, Extents, Judgments, Executions, Rents and Arrearages of Rents, and of and from all other Charges, Estates, Rights, Titles, Troubles and Incumbrances whatsoever, had, made, committed, done or suffered by the faid R. B. the younger, or any other Person or Persons whatsoever, claiming or to claim, by from or under him, them, or any or either of them, Except the Estates and Interests, in the Schedule hereunto annexed, mentioned. And further, the faid R. B. the younger. for himself, his Heirs and Assigns, doth covenant and grant to and with the said S. A. his Heirs and Affigns, that he the faid R B. the younger, and M. his Wife, and their Heirs, and all and every other Person and Persons, and his and their Heirs, any Thing having or claiming in the said Capital Messuage, Manor and Premisses abovementioned, or any Part or Parcel thereof, by, from or under him, them, or any or either of them, thall and will at any Time hereafter, during the Space of seven Years next ensuing the Date hereof, upon the reasonable Request, and at the Costs and Charges of him the said S. A. his Heirs or Assigns, make, do, acknowledge, execute and suffer, or cause or procure to be made, &c. All and every such further and other lawful and reasonable A& and Acts, Thing and Things, Devise and Devises, Conveyance and Conveyances, Afsurance and Afsurances in the Law whatsoever, for the further better and more perfect granting, conveying and affuring of all B 2 and 1 and fingular the faid Capital Messuage, Manor and Premisses above-mentioned unto the faid S. A. his Heirs and Assigns for ever, Be it by Fine or Fines, Recovery or Recoveries, Deed or Deeds, inrolled or not inrolled, Release or Confirmation, or otherwise howsoever, as by the said S. A. his Heirs or Assigns, or his or their Council Learned in the Law, shall be reasonably devised, and advised and required, so as for the making and perfecting of such further Afsurance and Afsurances, the Parties thereunto be not compelled or compellable to travel from the Place or Places of his or their respective Aboad: All which further Assurance and Affurances, Conveyance and Conveyances, so or in any other Manner to be had, made, executed and fuffered of the faid Premisses, shall be and enure, and shall be adjudged, esteemed and taken to be and enure, and are hereby declared to be and enure, to the only proper Ufe and Behoof of the faid S. A. his Heirs and Assigns for ever; and to and for no other Ufe, Intent or Purpose whatsoever. And lastly, the faid R. B. the elder, R. B. the younger, and M. his Wife, have, and either of them hath conftituted and appointed, and in their Stead and Place put, and by these Presents do, and either of them doth conftitute and appoint, and in their Stead and Place, put their trusty and well-beloved Friends T. N. of, &c, and F. L, of, &c. their true and lawful Attornies, jointly and severally for them, and in their Names, into the said Capital Meffuage, Manor and Premisses above-mentioned, or into fome Part thereof, in the Name of the Whole to enter, and Poffeffion and Seizin thereof, or of fome Part thereof, in the Name of the Whole, for them and in their Names to take, and after fuch Poffeffion session and Seizin thereof so had and taken, the same to deliver over unto the said S. A. or to his certain Attorney in that behalf lawfully authorized, To hold unto the said S. A. his Heirs and Afsigns, according to the Purport, true Intent and Meaning of these Presents; hereby ratifying, confirming and allowing all and whatsoever their said Attornies jointly, or either of them severally, shall do in the Premises. In Witness, &c. T Releases, &c. A Special Release of an Annuity. His Indenture made, &c. Between S. W. of, &c. of the one Part, and Dame A. E. of, c. Widow, Relict and also Executrix of the last Will and Testament of Sir T. E. late of, &c. Bart. deceafed, of the other Part; Whereas the faid Sir T. E. in and by his last Will and Teftament in Writing bearing Date, &c. did give unto the faid S. W. one Annuity or yearly Rent charge of 30 1. per Annum, for and during the Term of his natural Life, and by his faid Will did also give and devise all his real Estate whatsoever, unto the faid Dame A. E. whom he made fole Executrix thereof, as may appear. Now this Indenture witnesseth, that the said S. W. for and in Consideration that the said A. E. hath by Indenture, dated the Day before the Day hereof, granted to the said S. W. during his Life, one Annuity or yearly Rent-charge of 30 l. per Annum, to be issuing and payable out of several Messuages, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments in, &c. being her own Inheritance, with Power and Liberty for him and his Assigns to enter and distrain B3 1 distrain for Non-payment thereof; and in Confideration also of the Sum of, 5 s. of, &c. to him the faid S. W. in Hand paid by the faid Dame A. E. the Receipt whereof the faid S. W. doth hereby confess and acknowledge, he the faid S. W. Hath remised and released, and by these Presents doth for himself, his Executors, Administrators and Afssigns, fully, freely and absolutely remise and release unto the faid Dame A. E. her Heirs and Afsigns, the faid Annuity or yearly Sum of 30 1. so to him given and devised as aforesaid in and by the said Will of the said Sir T. E. and also all the Right, Title, Interest, Claim and Demand whatsoever, both in Law or Equity of him the said S. W. in and to the same Annuity, and to every Part thereof. And the faid S. W. for himself, his Executors and Administrators, doth covenant and grant to and with the said Dame A. E. her Heirs or Assigns, that he the faid S. W. hath not at any Time before the Execution of these Presents assigned, made over, or any Ways incumbered the said Annuity, hereby released and discharged, or any Part thereof. In Witness, &c. A Release from the Widow of a Man dying intestate of all her Right and Interest in the Intestate's PerSonal Estate made to the Administrator, in Confideration of a Lease of a House, and Grant of Goods, &c. K Now all Men by these Presents, That I M. J. Widow and Relict of I. J. late of, c. Efq; deceased, for and in Confideration of a Lease and Grant of the Dwelling-house, &c. whereof the faid 1. J. died poffefsed; and of a Bargain and Sale of all the Goods that were remaining in the faid House at the Time of his faid Death, |