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Death, agreed to be made to me the faid M. J. by A. J. Adminiftrator of all the Goods, Chattels and Personal Estate of the said 1. J. my late Husband, in and by two several Indentures bearing Date, &c. and for divers other good Causes and Confiderations me the faid M. J. thereunto especially moving, Have remised, released and quit claimed, and by these Presents do for me, my Executors and Administrators, remise, release and for ever quit claim unto the said A. J. all my Right, Title, Interest, Share, Dividend or Proportion, which I now have, or shall or may here- ' after claim or challenge of, in or out of all or any of the Personal Estate of the said I. J. either by Force or Vertue of the Statute for settling Intestates Estates, or by Force of any Custom, or by any other Ways or Means whatsoever; and all Actions, Suits, Controversies and Demands touching and concerning the same. In Witness, &c.

A Release of Dower, with a Proviso that it shall not extend to release an Annuity, and Right to a House given to the Wife, during her Life, by the last Will and Testament of the Husband.


His Indenture made, &c. Between H. M. Relict and late Wite of P. M. late of, c. of the one Part, and P. M. of, &c. of the other Part; Witnesseth, That the faid H. M. in Pursuance and Part of Performance of the last Will and Teftament of the said P. M. the elder, her late Husband, deceased; and in Confideration of 5 s. of, &c. to her in Hand paid by the faid P. M. the younger, the Receipt whereof the said H. M. doth hereby confess and acknowledge The the faid H. M. bath remised, released, and

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for ever quit claimed, and by these Presents doth remif, &c. unto the said P. M. (in his actual Poffeffion and Seizin now being) and to his Heirs and Affigns for ever, All and all Manner of Dower, Right and Title of Dower, and all other Right, Estate, Title, Interest and Demand, which the the said H. M. by any Ways or Means whatsoever now hath, may, might or of Right ought to have or claim into and out of All and every or any the Messuages, Closes, Grounds Lands and Hereditaments, late of the said P. Μ. deceased; and also in, to and out of the Reverfion, Remainder and Remainders, Rents and Services of all and fingular the said Premisses abovementioned, and of every Part and Parcel thereof, with the Appurtenances; so that neither the the faid H. M. nor any other Person or Persons for her, or in her Name, or claiming by, from or under her, shall or will at any Time or Times hereafter, by any Ways or Means whatsoever, have, claim, challenge, demand or profecute any Manner of Dower, Right, Title, Writ, or Action of Dower, or any other Estate, Right, Title or Intereft, in, to or out of the said Premisses, or any Part or Parcel thereof; but of and from all Dower, Right, Title, Writ and Action of Dower, and of and from all other Estate, Right, Title and Interest into and out of the said Premisses, and every Part thereof, the the Said H. M. and all claiming, by, from or under her, shall be utterly excluded and barred for ever by these Prefents. Provided always, and it is agreed between the said Parties to these Presents, that nothing herein contained shall extend, or be conftrued, expounded or taken to extend to release, impeach, or in any Manner discharge or prejudice one Annuity of sol. per Anmum, given to the

- faid H. M. for her Life, in and by the last Will and Teftament of the faid P. M. her late Husband, deceafed, and charged on and issuing and payable out of the said Premisses; nor to release, impeach or in any Manner difcharge or prejudice the Power thereby given and granted of diftraining for the faid Annuity, but the said H. M. shall and may have, receive, take, sue for and recover the fame annually, by all Ways and Means whatsoever, as fully and freely to all Intents and Purposes whatsoever, as if these Presents had not been made, any thing herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding. Provided also, and it is agreed between the faid Parties to these Presents, that nothing herein contained shall extend or be conftrued, expounded or taken to extend to release, impeach, or in any Manner discharge or prejudice such Right and Title, which the the faid H. M. hath or may claim in and to the Capital Messuage or Tenement at, &c. and the Garden and Orchard thereto belonging, by Vertue of the last Will and Teftament of the faid P.M. But the faid H. M. shall and may hold and enjoy the fame Messuage, Garden and Orchard for and during the Term of her natural Life, according to the Purport and true Meaning of the faid Will, any Thing herein contained to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithstanding. In Witness, &c.

A Release of a Proviso in a Mortgage to Trustees, made by Way of Indorsement as a Security for a further Sum due to the Mortgagee for Interest, zc. bereby made Principal Money.


O all People to whom these Presents shall come, Greeting: Whereas the within named W. P. having failed in Payment not only of the Principal Money of 1000 1. secured by the within written Indenture, but also of all Interest due for the fame ever since the Date of the within written Indenture; and the said W. P. stands also indebted to the within named J. P. in the further Sum of sol. more; so that upon an Account now made up between the faid W. P. and the within named J. P. of and concerning the Interest of the said 1000 1. and also the said 50 l. there remains justly due and owing from the said W. P. to the said J. P. the Sum of 1901. And the faid W. P. having not Monies to pay the same, hath requested the said F. P. that the said 1901. may be added to the said Sum of 1000 l. within secured and made Principal, whereto the said J. P. hath consented. Know ye therefore by these Presents, that the said W. P. in Consideration thereof, and for the better securing the Payment as well of the said 1901. as of the said 1000 l. with Interest for both the faid Sums; and in Confideration also of the further Sum of 5 s. of, &c. to him in Hand paid by the within named R.Y. R. H. and J. H. the Receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge, he the faid W. P. hath remised and released, and by these Presents doth remise, &c. unto the said R. Y. R. H. and J. H. and their Heirs, the Proviso or Condition in the within written Indenture con


tained, and all Benefit and Equity of Redemption, by Vertue or Colour thereof, or otherwise howsoever; and also all Covenants, Clauses and Agreements in the faid Indenture contained, on the Part and Behalf of the faid R. Y. R. H. and 7. H. to be observed and performed. Provided always, and it is agreed by and between the said Parties to these Presents, that if the faid W. P. his Heirs or Assigns, do and shall, well and truly pay or cause to be paid unto the faid R. Y. R. H. and J. H. their Executors, Administrators or Afsigns, the full Sum of 12191. 15 s. of, &c. in and upon, óc. next coming to and for the only proper Ufe and Benefit of the faid J. P. and M. his Wife, according to the Purport and true Meaning of their Marriage-Articles in the within written Indenture mentioned, without any Deduction or Defalcation for Taxes, Assessments, or any other Impositions whatsoever, that then and at any Time thenceafter, they the faid R. Y. R. H. and J. H. their Heirs and Assigns, thall and will at the Requeft, Costs and Charges of the said W. P. his Heirs and Affigns, re-convey or otherwise transfer, all and fingular the Premisses within mentioned, unto the faid W. P. his Heirs or Affigns, or to whom he or they shall direct or appoint, so as the Person or Persons, who is or are to make fuch Conveyance or other Assurance, by Force of these Presents, be not compelled or compellable to travel or go, for the doing thereof from the Place or Places of his or their respe&ive Habitation or Abode; nor to enter into any further or more general Covenants than against him and themselves respectively, and his and their respective Acts, any Thing in this present Writing or in the Deed within written contained to the contrary notwithstanding. And the faid W. Pfor

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