A Release of Right and Title to Lands, from a younger Brother and Sister to an elder Brother, and his Release of Right and Title to Goods to them made on a Division of the Estate of the Father, in Confideration of certain Sums of Money in Lieu of Portions, with a Covenant to discover other Lands if they can find out any concealed, &c. T His Indenture made, &c. Between J. J. of, c. and A. J. and M. J. of, &c. Brothers and Sifters of T. J. of, &c. of the one Part; and the faid T. J. Son and Heir of T. J. late of, &c. of the other Part. Whereas the faid T.J. in his Life-time, and at the Time of his Deceafe, was seized in his Denesne as of Fee-Simple, of and in All that Messuage, &c. and of and in divers other Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments within, &c. and of and in the Rents, Reverfions and Services of all and fingular the faid Premisses. And whereas the said J. J. A. J. and M. J. fince the Death of the faid T. J. have claimed and pretended to have fome Right, Title and Interest of, in, to or out of the said several Messuages, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, or fome Part or Parcel thereof. Now this Indenture witnesseth, That for and in Confideration of the Sum of 1000 l. of, &c. fecured to be paid by the said T. J. Party to these Presents, to her the faid M. J. and of the like Sum of 10001. of, &c. fecured to be paid by the faid T. J. Party to these Presents, to her the faid A. J. both the faid Sums of 1000 1. to be paid at the End of 5 Years next ensuing the Date of these Presents, with Interest for the Forbearance thereof in the mean time; and for the Sum of, &c. fecured C red to be paid by the said T. J. to him the said J. J. within one Month next after the Expiration by Effluxion of Time of the Term of his Apprenticeship, and his being made a free Burgess of the City of, &c. aforesaid: Which said several Sums are for and in Lieu of several Provisions and Portions of them the said J. J. A. J. and M. J. And in Pursuance of an Agreement made by and between the Parties to these Presents, and every of them, of and concerning the Estate real and personal, late of the said T. J. deceased, and the Division, Distribution, and Settlement thereof, and every Part thereof, and for divers other good Causes and Confiderations, the said J. J. and A. J. and M. J. bave, and every of them hath granted, remised, released, and for ever quit claimed, and by these Presents do, and every of them doth grant, &c. to the said T. J. Party to these Presents, his Heirs and Assigns for ever, All their and every of their Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Claim and Demand whatsoever, of, in, to or out of the said several and respective Messuages, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments before-mentioned, or any Part or Parts thereof; and of, in and to all and fingular other the Mefsuages, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, whereof or wherein he the faid T. J. the Father died seized of any Estate of Inheritance or Freehold; and of, in and to the Rents, Reversions, Remainders and Services thereof; and of all Deeds, Evidences and Writings, of or concerning the fame, or any of them: To bave and to hold all and fingular the aforesaid Messuages, Tenements, Lands, Hereditaments and Premisses, and every Part and Parcel thereof, with their and every of their Appurtenances; and the Rents, Reversions, Remainders and Services thereof, and of 1 of every Part and Parcel thereof, unto the faid T. J. Party to these Presents, his Heirs and Ar signs, To the only use and Behoof of him the faid T. J. Party to these Presents, his Heirs and Afsigns for ever, To be holden of the Chief Lord or Lords of the Fee or Fees of the Premisses by Rents and Services therefore due and of Right accustomed. And the faid J. J. A. J. and M. J. and every of them, for themselves, their and every of their Heirs, Executors and Administra tors, do, and every of them doth covenant and grant to and with the said T. J. Party to these Presents, his Heirs and Assigns, by these Presents, That the faid T. J. his Heirs and Afsigns, and his and their Farmers or Tenants, shall or lawfully may from Time to Time, and at all Times, for ever hereafter peaceably and quietly enter into, have, hold, use, occupy, possess and enjoy the said several and respective Messuages, Lands, Tenements, Hereditaments and Premisses, and every Part and Parcel thereof, with the Appurtenances hereby granted, remised and released, or intended to be granted, &c. in Form aforesaid, and according to the true Meaning hereof, without any manner of Let, Suit, Trouble, Eviction, Ejection, Molestation, Interruption and Disturbance, Challenge, Claim, Denial or Demand, of or by the said J. J. A. J. and M. J. or any of them, their or any of their Heirs or Afsigns, or any of them, or of or by any other Person of Persons whatsoever claiming, or to claim, by, from or under them, or any or either of them, or by their or any or either of their Act or Acts, Estate or Estates, Title, Means, Consent, Privity or Procurement; and that clearly freed and dif charged, or saved harmless, of and from all former and other Bargains and Sales, Gifts, Grants, Leafes, Leases, Estates, Uses, Wills, Intails, Statutes Merchant and of the Staple, Recognizances, Judgments, Executions, Extents, Mortgages, Debts, Annuities, Titles, Troubles, Charges and Incumbrances whatsoever had, made, committed, done, fuffered or consented unto, or to be had, &c. by them the faid J. J. A. J. and M. J. or any or either of them, their or any or either of their Heirs or Afsigns, or any of them; or of or by any other Perfon or Persons claiming, or to claim, by, from or under them, or any of them; or by, from or under their, or any of their Act or Acts, Estate or Estates, Right or Title whatsoever. And further, That they the faid J. J. A. J. and M. J. and fuch Husbands, as the said A. J. and M. J. respectively shall hereafter happen to marry, and every of them, their and every of their Heirs, and all and every other Person and Perfons lawfully having or claiming, or which shall or may lawfully have or claim, any manner of Estate, Right, Title or Interest, of, in or to the faid Messuages, &c. or any Part or Parcel thereof, by, from or under them the faid J. J. &c. or any of them, shall and will from Time to Time, and at all Times hereafter, on the reasonable Request, and at the proper Cofts and Charges in the Law of the faid T. J. Party to these Presents, his Heirs or Afligns, make, do, fuffer, levy, execute and acknowledge, or caufe to be made, &c.. all and every fuch further and other lawful and reasonable Act and Acts, Deed and Deeds, Devise and Devises, Affurance and Afsurances in the Law/whatsoever, be it by Fine or otherwise, for the, further, better, and more perfect granting, fure making, fettling and conveying of the faid. Messuages, &c. with their and every of their Appurtenances, hereby intended to be remised or or released unto the said T. J. his Heirs and Afsigns for ever, in Manner and Form aforesaid, according to the true Intent and Meaning hereof, as by the said T. J. his Heirs or Afsigns, or by his or their Councel learned in the Law shall be in that Behalf reasonably devised, or advised and required. And this Indenture further witnesseth, That the faid T. J. for the Confiderations aforefaid, and in further Pursuance of the faid Agreement, bath fully and absolutely renounced, relinquished and yielded up, and by these Presents doth fully, freely and absolutely renounce, &c. unto the said J. J. A. J. and M.J. not only all his Right and Benefit of having, obtaining, or fuing forth Letters of Administration of the several Goods, Chattels, Rights and Credits, late of his faid Father; but also all the Right, Title, Interest, Claim, Pretence or Demand whatsoever of him the said T.J. of, in or to all or every the Goods, Chattels, and personal Estate, late of his said Father, remaining and being in the House, Oc. (saving and excepting one Silver Tankard, mark'd, &c. which by Agreement of all the said Parties is to be held and enjoyed by him the faid T. J. Party to these Presents, as his own proper Goods and Chattels, and to his own proper Use.) And the faid J. J. A. J. and M. J. for themselves, their Heirs, Executors and Administrators, do, and every of them doth, further jointly and severally grant, covenant, promise and agree to and with the said T. J. Party to these Presents, his Executors and Administrators, by these Presents, That he the faid T. J. his Executors and Administrators, shall and lawfully may peaceably and quietly have, hold, receive and enjoy, to his own proper Use and Behoof, one FeatherBed, &c. and all Furniture and Appurtenances |