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unto the faid W. B. by making a Mortgage to him of the faid Manor and Lands contracted for, and had agreed to accept a Conveyance of the fame Premisses, subject to and chargeable with fuch Mortgage: He the said J J. in Pursuance of fuch Request, and in Confideration of the Sum of &c. to him paid by the faid W. B. by the Consent of the faid J. C. teftified by his joining therein, and fealing and delivery thereof. And the faid N. J. W. E. and T. H. in Pursuance and Part of Performance of the Trust in them reposed by the said J. J. and by the Direction and Appointment, as well of the said J. C. as of the said J. J. teftified as aforesaid, and for 5 s. in Money; Did grant, bargain and sell, unto the faid W. B. All that the Manor of, &c. And also all and every the Messuages, Farms, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, whereof or wherein he the said J. J. or they the said N. J. W. E. and T. H. or either of them, wee or was seized of any Estate of Inheritance, In Trust for the faid J. J. situate, lying and being in the several Parishes, Precincts, Tythings, Villages and Hamlets of, &c. and then or late in the several Tenures or Occupations of, &c. All which faid Manors, Lands and Premisses, were thentofore the Manor and Lands of C. M. Esq; deceased, and afterwards of G. G. Esq; deceased, and fince of Sir R. G. Knt, Son of the said G. G. and were then lately by the said Sir R. G. for valuable Confiderations, granted and conveyed (amongst other Manors and Lands) to the faid N. J. and W. E. and their Heirs, In Trust for the faid J. J. and his Heirs: And also all other the Messuages, &c. whatsoever, whereof or wherein they the said J. J. or the said N. J. W. E. and T. H. or either of them, were or was seized of


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of any Estate of Inheritance, In Trust for the said J. J. situate, &c. And also all and fingular Courts Leet, Courts Baron, &c. Houses, Outhouses, Ways, Waters, &c. And also the Reversion and Reversions, Remainder and Remainders, &c. To hold unto the said W. B. his Executors, Administrators and Afsigns, for and during and unto the full End and Term of foo Years from thence next and immediately ensuing and following, fully to be compleat and ended, without Impeachment of Wafte, At and under the yearly Rent of a Pepper-Corn: Which faid recited Indenture was, by a Proviso or Condition therein contained, made defeasible on Payment by the faid J. C. his Heirs and Affigns, unto the faid W. B. his Executors, Administrators and Affigns, of the Sum of, &c. in and upon, &c. then and now next enfuing: And also of the further full Sum of, &c. of like, &c. in and upon, &c. which would and will be in the Year of our Lord, &c. without any Deduction whatsoever; as in and by the faid recited Indenture may more fully appear. And whereas in Purfuance of the faid Contract in the said recited Indenture mentioned, they the said J. J. N. J. and W. E. have by Indentures of Leafe and Release, bearing Date, &c. of this instant, &c. granted and conveyed the Fee-Simple and Inheritance of the faid Manor and Premisses unto the faid J. C. and his Heirs; but subject to the faid recited Mortgage for fecuring the Repayment of the said Sum of, &c. with Interest as aforesaid, to the faid W. B. Now this Indenture witnesseth, That the faid J. C. for and in Confideration of the said Sum of, &c. so lent and paid to the said J. J. by the said W. B. in Part of his faid Purchase Money, as in the faid first

above recited Indenture is mentioned and expressed. And for the better fecuring and more fure Payment of the faid Sum of, &c. with the Interest thereof, unto the faid W. B. at the Days and Times, and in Manner and Form in the faid recited Indenture limited and appointed. And the faid N. H. and T. L. in Pursuance and Part of Performance of the Truft in them reposed by the faid J. C. and at his Instance and Request, teftified by his joining herein, and sealing and delivery hereof: And in Confideration of the Sum of 5 s. of, &c. to them the faid N. H. and T. L.' now in Hand paid by the faid W. B. Не the faid J. C. and they the faid N. H. and T. L. at his Request, Have, and every and either of them hath granted, bargained and fold, released, ratis fied and confirmed, and by these Presents do, and every and either of them doth grant, &c. unto the faid W. B. All and fingular the Manor of, &c. And also the Reversion and Reversions,

c. And also all the Estate, &c. of them the faid J. C. N. H. and T. L. of, in and to the same Manor and Premisses, and of, in or to every or any Part or Parcel thereof, with the Appurtenances; To have and to hold all and fingular the faid Manor or Lordship, Messuages, Lands, Tenements, Hereditaments and Premisses above mentioned, and every Part and Parcel thereof, with the Appurtenances, unto the faid W. B. his Executors, Administrators and Afligns, for and during all the reft, Residue and Remainder of the said Term of 500 Years above mentioned, which are yet to come and unexpired. Provided always, and upon Condition, That if the faid J. C. his Heirs or Assigns, do and shall well and truly pay or cause to be paid unto the faid W. B. his Executors, Administrators or Affsigns, the faid

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Sum of, &c. in and upon, &c. which will be in the Year of our Lord, &c. without any Deduction or Abatement whatsoever, according to the Proviso or Condition contained in the first recited Indenture: That then, and at any Time hereafter, he the said W. B. his Executors or Adminiftrators, shall and will at the Request, Cofts and Charges of the faid J. C. furrender, assign, or otherwise transfer, All and singular the faid Manor and Premisses, with the Appurtenances, unto the faid J. C. his Heirs and Afsigns, or to whom he or they shall appoint, in such manner as Councel learned in the Law shall reasonably advise; so as the Person or Persons who is or are to make fuch Surrender or Afsignment be not compelled, by Force of these Presents, to travel or go, for the Doing thereof, from the Place or Places of his or their respective Habitation or Abode at the Time of fuch Request; nor to enter into any further or more general Covenants than against him and themselves respectively, and his and their respective Acts; any Thing herein contained to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding. And the faid J. C. for himself, his Heirs and Assigns, doth covenant and grant to and with the said W. B. his Executors, Administrators and Assigns, That he the said J. C. his Heirs and Assigns, shall and will well and truly pay or cause to be paid unto the faid W.B. his Executors, Administrators or Assigns, the said Sum of, &c. in and upon, Oc. next coming: And also the said further full Sum of, &c. which which will be in the said Year of our Lord, &c. without any Deduction as aforesaid, according to the true Intent and Meaning of these Presents. And alfo, That the said Term of 500 Years is still in being and subsisting, not furrendred, difcharged,

charged, or otherwise avoided. And alfo, That he the said W. B. his Executors, Administrators and Assigns, shall and may from Time to Time, and at all Times, after Default shall be made in Performance of the Proviso or Condition aforesaid, for and during all the rest and Refidue of the said 500 Years above recited which shall be then to come and unexpired, peaceably and quietly enter into, have, hold, occupy, poffefs and enjoy, All and fingular the faid Manor and Premisses above mentioned, and every Part and Parcel thereof, with the Appurtenances, without the Let, Trouble, Hindrance, Molestation, Interruption and Denial of him the faid J. C. his Heirs and Assigns, and of all and every other Person or Persons whatsoever. And also, That he the said J. C. and his Heirs, and all and every other Person and Persons, and his and their Heirs, any Thing having or claiming in the said Manor and Premisses above mentioned, or any Part thereof, shall and will from Time to Time, and at all Times, after Default shall be made in Performance of the Proviso or Condition aforesaid, at the Request, Costs and Charges of the faid W. B. his Executors, Administrators or Afsigns, make, do and execute, or cause or procure to be made, &c. All and every such further and other lawful and reasonable Grants, Acts and Afsurances in the Law whatsoever, for the further, better, and more perfect granting, conveying and affuring, of All and singular the said Manor and Premisses above mentioned, with the Appurtenances, unto the said W. B. his Executors, Administrators and Assigns, for and during all the rest and Residue of the said Term of foo Years above mentioned which shall be then to come and unexpired, freed and discharged of

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