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to the said Bed belonging and remaining in, &c. and all, &c. without any Let, Interruption and Denial by them the said J. J. &c. or any of them, or of or by any other Person or Persons whatsoever, from, by or under them, or any of them. And further, That if any Lands, Rents, Reversions or Services, late of the faid T. J. de ceased, be concealed, and not yet known nor discovered to him the said T. J. Party to these Presents, they the said J. J. &c. and every of them, shall and will, as much as in him or them lieth, upon every Request in that Behalf to be made, discover and make known the same, or fo much thereof as they know, to him the said T. J. Party to these Presents, his Heirs or Assigns; and for the clearer Manifestation of the Truth thereof, shall and will, upon reasonable Request to them made by the faid T. J. appear to, and answer gratis, any Bill or Bills of Equity to be exhibited against them, or any of them, for that End and Purpose. In Witness, &c.

A Release and Confirmation of Lands.


His Indenture made, &c. Between F. D. of, &c. of the one Part; and T. E. of, &c. of the other Part. Witnesseth, That the said J. D. for and in Confideration of the Sum of, &c. to * him in Hand paid by the said T. E. the Receipt whereof the faid J. D. doth hereby confefs and acknowledge; and for divers other good Causes and Confiderations him thereunto moving, he the faid J. D. bath granted, bargained and fold, aliened, released and confirmed, and by these Presents doth fully, freely and absolutely, grant, Oc. unto the faid T. E. in his actual Poffeffion now being, of the Close of Ground and Premif

ses herein after mentioned, by Vertue of a Bargain and Sale to him thereof made for one whole Year, by Indenture bearing Date the Day next before the Day of the Date of these Presents; and by Force of the Statute for Transferring of Uses into Poffeffion, and to his Heirs and Afsigns for ever, All that Close, or Piece or Parcel of Ground, &c. situate, &c. and also all Trees, Woods, Underwoods, Ways, Waters, Water-courses, Commons, Profits, Commodities, Emoluments and Hereditaments whatsoever to the said Close of Ground above-mentioned belonging, or in any wise appertaining, or accepted, reputed, taken or known as Part, Parcel, or Member thereof; and also the Reversion and Reversions, Remainder and Remainders, Rents and Services of the said Premisses above-mentioned, and of every Part and Parcel thereof, with the Appurtenances: And also all the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Claim and Demand whatsoever, as well in Equity as in Law of him the said J. D. of, in and to the said Premisses above-mentioned, and of, in and to every Part and Parcel thereof, with the Appurtenances: And also all Deeds, Evidences, and Writings, touching or concerning the faid Premisses above-mentioned only, or only any Part thereof; together with true Copies of all other Deeds, Evidences and Writings, which do concern the said Premisses above-mentioned jointly with any other Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments, now in the Custody or Possession of him the said J. D. or which he can or may get or come by without Suit in Law: The same Copies to be made and written at the Request, Costs and Charges of the said T. E. his Heirs and Assigns; To have and to bold all and fingular the said Premisses above-mentioned, and every Part and Parcel thereof, with the Appurternances, unto the faid T. E. his Heirs and Afssigns, To the only pro-. per Ufe and Behoof of the faid T. E. his Heirs and Afsigns for ever. And the faid J. D. for himself, his Heirs and Assigns, doth covenant and grant to and with the faid T. E. his Heirs and Afsigns, That he the faid J. D. now is true, lawful and rightful Owner of All and fingular the faid Close and Premifles above-mentioned, and of every Part and Parcel thereof, with the Appurtenances: And also, That he the faid J. D. now is lawfully and rightfully feized in his own Right, of a good, sure, perfect, absolute and indefeasible Estate of Inheritance in Fee-Simple, of and in all and fingular the said Premisses abovementioned, with the Appurtenances, without any manner of Condition, Mortgage, Limitation of Use and Ufes, or other Matter, Cause or Thing to alter, change, charge or determine the same. And also, That he the faid J. D. now hath good Right, full Power, and lawful Authority, in his own Right, to grant, bargain, fell and convey, All and fingular the faid Premisses, above-mentioned, with the Appurtenances, unto the faid T. E. his Heirs and Afsigns, To the only proper Ufe and Behoof of the faid T. E. his Heirs and Afsigns for ever, according to the true Intent and Meaning of these Presents. And also, That he the faid T. E. his Heirs and Afsigns, thall and may at all Times for ever hereafter peaceably and quietly have, hold, occupy, poffefs and enjoy, all and fingular the faid Close and Premisses above-mentioned, with the Appurtenances, with out the Let, Trouble, Hindrance, Molestation, İnterruption and Denial of him the said J. D. his Heirs or Afsigns, and of all and every other Perfon or Perfons whatsoever. And that freed and

and discharged, or otherwise well and fufficiently saved and kept harmless and indemnified of and from all former and other Bargains, Sales, Gifts, Grants, Leafes, Mortgages, Jointures, Dowers, Uses, Wills, Entails, Fines, Poft-Fines, Issues, Amerciaments, Seizures, Bonds, Annuities, Writings Obligatory, Statutes Merchant and of the Staple, Recognizances, Extents, Judgments, Executions, Rents, and Arrearages of Rents, and of and from all other Charges, Estates, Rights, Titles, Troubles and Incumbrances whatfoever had, made, committed, done or fuffered, or to be had, &c. by the said J. D. or by, &c. deceased, or any other Person or Persons whatsoever claiming, or to claim, by, from or under them, or any or either of them. And further, That he the said J. D. and his Heirs, and all and every other Person and Persons, and his and their Heirs, any Thing having or claiming in the faid Premisses above-mentioned, or any Part thereof, by, from or under him, or by, from or under the said, &c. deceased, or any or either of them, shall and will at all Times hereafter, upon the reasonable Request, and at the Costs and Charges of him the said T. E. his Heirs or Afsigns, make, do and execute, or cause or procure to be made, &c. all and every such further and other lawful and reasonable Act and Acts, Thing and Things, Devise and Devises, Conveyance and Conveyances in the Law whatfoever, for the further, better, and more perfect granting, conveying and affuring, of All and fingular the faid Premisses above-mentioned, with the Appurtenances, unto the said T. E. his Heirs and Afsigns, To the only proper Use and Behoof of the said T. E. his Heirs and Assigns for ever, as by the faid T. E. his Heirs or Assigns, or his



or their Councel learned in the Law shall be reasonably devised, and advised and required. And lastly, It is covenanted, granted, concluded and agreed upon, by and between the faid Parties to these Presents, and the true Meaning hereof also is, and it is hereby so declared, That all and every Fine and Fines, Recovery and Recoveries, Afsurance and Assurances, Conveyance and Conveyances in the Law whatsoever already had, made, levied, suffered, executed and acknowledged, or at any Time hereafter to be had, &c. of the faid Premisses, by or between the said Parties to these Presents, or either of them, or by or between them, or either of them, and any other Person or Persons, either alone by it self, or jointly, with any other Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments, as for and concerning all and singular the said Premisses above-mentioned, with the Appurtenances, Shall be and enure, and shall be adjudged, esteemed and taken to be and enure, To and for the only proper Use and Behoof of the said T. E. his Heirs and Assigns for ever, according to the true Intent and Meaning of these Presents, and to and for none other Use, Intent or Purpose whatsoever. In Witness, &c.


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