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HE FIRST VOLUME of the Accom


ture and Kinds of Deeds and Instruments used in Conveyancing; and an Abridgment of the LAW relating to all Sorts of Conveyances and Deeds in general, with every Thing belonging to them, proved by many Law-Cafes and Refolutions thereupon. And also all Manner of fmaller Sorts of Precedents used in ConveyanGing, under the Heads of Bargain and Sale, Gifts, Grants, Articles, Special Conditions, Covenants, Exchanges, Deeds of Partition, Partnerships, Special Releases, Letters of Attorney, Licences, Bills of Sale, Charterparties of Affreightment, Leases, Settlements of Leafes; and alfo of Personal Estates, Annuities, Monies in Funds, &c. instead of Jointures of Lands, &c. By Giles Jacob, Gent. Printed for B. Lintott at the Cross-Keys in Fleet-ftreet.

There is now in the Press,

The THIRD and LAST VOLUME, containing Precedents of all Sorts, of large and special Conveyances, Assurances, Settlements, Uses, Wills, &c. under the Heads of, Special Leafe and Release, and Confirmation, Feoffments, Bargain and Sale of Lands, Indentures to lead Ufes of Fines and of Recoveries separate, and alfo of Fines and Recoveries together, Articles of Marriage, Marriage-Settlements by Leafe and Release, and also by Fine and Recovery, &c. Jointures, Covenants to stand seized to Ufes; many other large and Special Settlements, Uses, Wills, &c. By the same Author: And to be fold by B. Lintott aforesaid.




Great Variety of PRECEDENTS of Special Grants, Assignments, Mortgages, and all Sorts of Securities, Oc. under the following HEADS:


(viz.) Kenyon

Special Gifts, Grants, Common Lease and Release, Assignments of Bonds, Statutes, Judgments, Oc. And also of Leafes for Years and for Lives, Afsignments to attend the Fee, and to attend Mortgages: Mortgages of Personal Estates, and also of Leases and Lands for Years, Life, and in Fee, Afsignments of such Mortgages, Collateral Securities, Securities against Incumbrances, Defeasances, Declarations of Trust, Revocations and new Declarations, Appointments, Renunciations, Disclaimers, Surrenders, Releases of Equity of Redemption, Bills in Chancery, to foreclose the Equity on Mortgages, &c.

By Giles Jacob, Gent.

Geo: VOL. II. Kenyon

In the SAVOY:

Printed by . Mutt, Assignee of Edward Sayer Esq; for B. Lintott at the Cross-Keys in Fleet-street. 1715.




Special Gifts and Grants,

A Deed of Gift of a Capital Messuage and Lands, with a Covenant to levy a Fine thereof, &c,


His Indenture made, &c. Between L. M. of, &c. Esquire, of the one Part; and B. M. Son and Heir of the said L. M.

of the other Part. Witnesseth, That the faid L. M. for and in Confideration of the natural Love and Affection which he the faid L. M. hath and beareth unto the faid B. M. and for divers other good Causes and Confiderations him thereunto especially moving, Hath given, granted, aliened, enfeoffed and confirmed, and by these Presents doth give, &c. unto the faid B. M. his Heirs and Assigns, All that Capital Messuage or Dwelling-house, with a Barn, Stable, Garden, Orchard, and several Closes of Meadow and Pasture thereunto adjoining and belonging, commonly called by the Names of, &c. All which faid Premisses are situate, lying and being in, &c. and were formerly in the Tenure or Occupation of, &c. or his Assigns, and now in the Tenure or Occupation of the faid L. M. his Afsigns or Under-Tenants: And also all Out-houses, Edifices, Buildings, Barns, Scables, Court-yards, Gar


Gardens, Orchards, Lands, Tenements, Meadows, Pastures, Leafows, Feedings, Trees, Woods, Underwoods, Commons, Common of Pasture, Ways, Paths, Passages, Waters, Water-courses, Easements, Profits, Commodities, Privileges, Advantages, Hereditaments and Appurtenances whatsoever to the faid Capital Messuage, Closes, Lands, Tenements, Hereditaments and Premisses above-mentioned, or to any Part or Parcel thereof belonging, or in any wife appertaining, or therewith commonly ufed, occupied or enjoyed, or accepted, reputed, taken or known, as Part or Parcel thereof; and all other the Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments of him the said L. M. situate, lying and being in the Parish of, &c. or elsewhere in the faid County of, &c. whereof or wherein he is seized of any Estate of Inheritance; and the Reversion and Reversions, Remainder and Remainders, Rents and Services, of all and fingular the said Premisses; and all the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Benefit, Claim and Demand whatsoever of him the said L. M. of, in and to the same Premisses, and of, in and to every Part and Parcel thereof, with their and every of their Appurtenances; and also all Deeds, Evidences and Writings, touching and concerning the fsaid Premisses only, or only any Part thereof, which he the said L. M. now hath in his Custody, or which he can or may come by without Suit in Law; together with true Copies of all other Deeds, Evidences and Writings, concerning the faid Premiffes only, or any Part thereof, amongst other Lands. The fame Copies to be made and written at the Costs and Charges of the faid B. M. his Heirs or Affigns, To have and to hold the faid Capital Messuage, Lands, Tenements, Hereditaments and Premisses above


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