The Accomplish'd Conveyancer: Containing, the Nature and Kinds of Deeds and Instruments Used in Conveyancing: and an Abridgment of the Law Relating to All Sorts of Conveyances and Deeds in General, with Every Thing Belonging to Them; Proved by Many Law-cases and Resolutions Thereupon. And Also, All Manner of Smaller Sorts of Precedents Used in Conveyancing ...In the Savoy, Printed by J. Nutt for B. Lintott, 1715 |
From inside the book
Results 1-5 of 100
... Mortgages : Mort- gages of Personal Estates , and also of Lea- ses and Lands for Years , Life , and in Fee , Afsignments of such Mortgages , Collateral Securities , Securities against Incumbrances , Defeasances , Declarations of Trust ...
... Mortgages : Mort- gages of Personal Estates , and also of Lea- ses and Lands for Years , Life , and in Fee , Afsignments of such Mortgages , Collateral Securities , Securities against Incumbrances , Defeasances , Declarations of Trust ...
Page 11
... Mortgage , or any other Li- mitation , of any Manner of Ufe or Ufes , to al- ter , change , charge or determine the fame , and without any Reversion or Remainder thereof , or of any Fart thereof , being in our Sovereign La- dy the ...
... Mortgage , or any other Li- mitation , of any Manner of Ufe or Ufes , to al- ter , change , charge or determine the fame , and without any Reversion or Remainder thereof , or of any Fart thereof , being in our Sovereign La- dy the ...
Page 17
... Mortgages , Lea- ses , Estates , Statutes , Judgments , Executions , and of and from all other Charges , Rights ... Mortgage for securing 2000 1. and Interest . And also one other Indenture bearing Date , & c . purporting a Feoff ...
... Mortgages , Lea- ses , Estates , Statutes , Judgments , Executions , and of and from all other Charges , Rights ... Mortgage for securing 2000 1. and Interest . And also one other Indenture bearing Date , & c . purporting a Feoff ...
Page 25
... - ing to the Purport and true Meaning of the faid Will , any Thing herein contained to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithstanding . In Witness , & c . A Release of a Proviso in a Mortgage to Trustees Vol . II . 25 Conveyancer .
... - ing to the Purport and true Meaning of the faid Will , any Thing herein contained to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithstanding . In Witness , & c . A Release of a Proviso in a Mortgage to Trustees Vol . II . 25 Conveyancer .
Page 26
... Mortgage to Trustees , made by Way of Indorsement as a Security for a further Sum due to the Mortgagee for Interest , zc . bereby made Principal Money . T O all People to whom these Presents shall come , Greeting : Whereas the within ...
... Mortgage to Trustees , made by Way of Indorsement as a Security for a further Sum due to the Mortgagee for Interest , zc . bereby made Principal Money . T O all People to whom these Presents shall come , Greeting : Whereas the within ...
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The Accomplish'd Conveyancer. Containing, the Nature and Kinds of Deeds and ... Giles Jacob No preview available - 2018 |
Common terms and phrases
abſolutely Adminiſtrators and Aſſigns Adminiſtrators or Aſſigns aforesaid alſo Appurtenances bearing Date Confideration Conſent covenant and grant Deceaſe Default ſhall demiſe diſcharged doth covenant doth hereby enſuing Equity of Redemption Eſtate Executors and Adminiſtrators Executors or Adminiſtrators faid A. B. faid C. D. faid Manor faid Meſſuage faid Parties faid Premiſſes faid recited Indenture faid Sir faid Sum faid T. E. fame fingular the faid firſt fuch full Sum Hand paid hath Heirs and Aſſigns Hereditaments and Premiſſes himſelf Inden Indenture of Leaſe Indenture witneſſeth Intereſt Meſſuage or Tenement Mortgage paid unto Parcel thereof Parties to theſe pay or cauſe Payment Perſon or Perſons Premiffes Premiſſes above mentioned proper Ufe Proviſo or Condition Purpoſes Releaſe Reſidue reſpective reſt Reverſion ſaid ſeveral ſaid Term ſame ſecond ſet ſhould ſigns ſuch theſe Preſents doth Thing herein contained truly pay unexpired unto the faid Uſe whereas the faid Wife yearly Rent
Popular passages
Page 39 - Possession now being by virtue of a Bargain and Sale to him thereof made for ,one whole Year by Indenture, bearing Date the Day next before the Day of the Date of...
Page 493 - ... from the day next before the day of the date of the same indenture of bargain and sale, and by force of the statute made for transferring uses into possession), ALL THAT [parcels, general words : All the estate clause].
Page 222 - Brook and his heirs and against all and every other person or persons whatsoever lawfully claiming or to claim by, from or under him, them or any of them Shall and Will Warrant and forever Defend by these presents.
Page 355 - TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said tract of land and all and singular other the premises hereby granted and released and every part and parcel thereof with their and every of their appurtenances...
Page 222 - ... all other persons claiming or to claim the premises, or any part thereof by, from or under him, them or any of them. 4. Mortgagor to keep buildings insured. A covenant " that the mortgagor will keep the buildings on the said premises insured against loss by fire, for the benefit of the mortgagee.
Page 316 - And that free and clear and freely and clearly acquitted, exonerated and discharged of and from all arrears of taxes and assessments whatsoever due or payable upon or...
Page 493 - Years, from thence next enfuing, and fully to be compleat and ended, if the faid CDE his Wife, and C.
Page 316 - Afligns, make do and execute, or caufe or procure to be made, done and executed, All and every fuch further and other lawful and reafonable...
Page 220 - Day next before the Day of the Date of thefe Prefents, for and during, and unto the full End and Term of, one whole Year from thence next enfuing and fully to be complete and ended : "JJttiwlig Raldcndnm.
Page 229 - CD (in his actual possession, now being- by virtue of a bargain and sale to him thereof made by the said CD in consideration of 5$. in and by an indenture bearing date the day next before the day of the date of...