| James Barry Bird - 1706 - 394 lehte
...new invention aforefaid ; And that he the faid ^..5. his executors and adminiftrators, fhall and will do and execute, or caufe or procure to be made, done and executed, all and every other adl and afts, thing and things, device and devices, for the further, better, and more perfeft... | |
| Giles Jacob - 1714 - 528 lehte
...will, at the Cofts and Charges in the Law of fuch Party fb requeuing; make, do and execute, or cauft or procure to be made, done and. executed, all and...fuch further and other lawful and reafonable Aft and A&s, Thing and Things, Devife and Devifes, Aflurance and Aflurances in the Law whatfoever, for the... | |
| Giles Jacob - 1716 - 614 lehte
...hereafter, upon the reafonable ..Requeft of the faid CD and EF their Executors, Adminiftrators and Affigns, make, do and execute, or caufe or procure to be made, done arid executed, all and every •i.fuch further and other lawful and reafonable A<A and Ads, Thing and... | |
| 1725 - 396 lehte
...acknowledge, levy, fuffer and execute, or caufe and procure to be made, done, acknowledged, levied, fuffered and executed, all and every fuch further and other lawful and reafonable AcT: and Afts, Thing and Things, Device and Devices, Affurances and Conveyances in the Law whatfoever,... | |
| Giles Jacob - 1740 - 454 lehte
...hereafter, upon the reafonable Requeft, and at the Coits and Charges of the faid GL his Heirs or Affigns, make, do and execute, or caufe or procure to be made,...executed, all and every fuch further and other lawful and reafonabJe Aci and Acts, Thing and Things, Device and Devices, Conveyance and Conveyances in the Law... | |
| Giles Jacob - 1750 - 656 lehte
...upon the reafonable Requeft, and at the proper Cofts and Charges in the Law, of the faid TF his Heirs or Afligns, make, do and execute, or caufe or procure to be made, &c. All and every fuch further and other lawful and reasonable AQ: ^nd Acts, Thing and Things, Deyife... | |
| Giles Jacob - 1750 - 580 lehte
...hereafter, upon the reafonable Requeft of the faid JDWC and LB their Executors, Adminiftrators and Afligns, make, do and execute, or caufe or procure to be made, &c. AH and every fach further and other lawful and reafonable A<a and Adts, Thing and Things, Devifes... | |
| Giles Jacob - 1764 - 576 lehte
...Provifo or Condition herein contained, upon the Reijueft of the faid MW her Executors or Adminiftrat !r<, make, do and execute, or caufe or procure to be made, done and executed, all and every fuch farther aad other lawful and reafonable Grants, Acts, and Affurances in the Law whatfoever, for the... | |
| 1778 - 854 lehte
...will, from time to time and at all times hereafter, at the like requeft, coßsand charges in the law, do, and execute, or caufe, or procure to be made, done, and executed, all and every, or any fuch further and other ans, deeds, affignments, conveyances, andaflurances whatfoever, for the... | |
| Thomas Walter Williams - 1788 - 454 lehte
...enfuing the date of thefe prefents, at the requeft, cofts and charges of the faid George Green, his heirs or afligns, make, do and execute, or caufe or procure...every fuch further and other lawful and reafonable act and acts, thing and things, furrenders and aflurances in the law whatfoever, for the better, more... | |
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