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dered the work? Rehum, Shimshai, and the rest of the Samaritans.

Who married Esther? Ahasuerus, king of Persia Who was greatly promoted by Ahasuerus? Haman, Esth. 3:1.

What revenge did Haman seek? He sought to destroy all the Jews in the kingdom of Ahasuerus, Esth. 3:6.

How were they saved from destruction? By means of Esther's intercession to Ahasuerus.

How was Haman punished? He was hanged upon the gallows, that he had prepared for Mordecai, Esth. 7:10.

Who rebuilt the wall of Jerusalem? Nehemiah. Who greatly assisted him in the work? Artaxerxes, the king of Persia, suppos

own eyes, Neh. 4:16.


Who came into the world to save sinners? Jesus Christ, 1 Tim. 1:15.

Who spake of him before he was born? The prophets and the angel Gabriel.

Who was the mother of Jesus? Mary.

Who was his immediate father? Not man, but God.

Who was Mary's husband and the reputed father of Jesus? Joseph.

Where was Christ born! In a manger or stable at Bethlehem, Luke 2:


Who was sent in the spirit and power of Elias, to prepare the way before Christ? John the Baptist. Why was John called the Baptist? Because he was sent to baptize.

LESSON 34. Who were directed by a star, to find Christ? Wise men from the east. Who sought to slay the infant Jesus? Herod.

How was Jesus delivered from Herod? By being carried into Egypt, and kept there till Herod was dead, Mat. 2:

Where was Jesus brought up? At Nazareth, Luke 4:16. How old was Jesus when he went up to Jerusalem, and conversed with the doctors in the temple? Twelve years, Luke 2:42.

How old was he when he was baptized by John? About 30 years, Luke 3:23.

Who tempted Christ in the wilderness? Satan, Mat. 4: Luke 4:

How long? 40 days. What character did Christ give of John the Baptist? He said he was a burning and a shining light, a prophet and much more than a prophet.

Whom did John reprove for having his brother's wife? Herod, a son of the Herod, who destroyed the infants of Bethlehem, Mat. 14:

How did Herod treat John? He imprisoned him, and afterwards slew him.


Where did Jesus perform his first miracle? In Cana of Galilee, John 2:11.

Where did Jesus make it his home, after he began his public ministry? At Capernaum, Mat. 4:13.

Where did Jesus preach? In all the cities and villages


of Galilee, and in other parts of the land of Israel.

On what occasions did he go to Jerusalem? On occasion of the Passover, and other feasts of the Jews.

What ruler of the Jews Conversed with Jesus by aight? Nicodemus, John 3:

Who said that Jesus told her all things that ever she did? A woman of Samaria, John 4:

How did the people of Nazareth treat Jesus for his faithful preaching? They attempted to kill him, Luke 4:29.

How many disciples did Christ choose to be with him, and ordain to be apostles? Twelve.

Why did Christ denounce woes on the cities, in which most of his mighty works were done? Because they repented not, Mat. 11:20.

What cities in particular

Luke 2:25, 28. did he thus upbraid? Chorazin, Bethsaida, and Capernaum.

Whom did Christ particularly warn of the danger of blasphemy against the Holy Ghost? The Pharisees, who said that that he cast out devils by Beelzebub, the prince of devils.

What did Herod, the te trarch think, when he heard of the fame of Jesus? He thought that Jesus was John the Baptist, risen from the dead.

Who were about to take Jesus by force, and make him king? The 5000 men, whom he fed with 5 loaves and 2 small fishes, John 6:15.

Who did men say that Christ was? Some said he was John the Baptist; some, Elias; others, Jeremias, or one of the prophets, Mat; 16:14.


LESSON 36. Who saw Christ transfigured? Peter, James, and John, Mat. 17:

Who appeared to them on the mount of transfiguration? Moses and Elias. Of what did they speak? Of Christ's death.

What did Jesus say, when little children were brought to him? Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not; for of such is the kingdom of God.

How did he treat the little children that were brought to him? He took them up in his arms, and blessed them, Mark 10:16.

Who went away sorrowful from Jesus? The rich young man, who vainly supposed he had kept all the commandments.

What was said by the officers who were sent to take

Christ? Never man spake like this man.

LESSON 37. Where did Jesus weep? In sight of Jerusalem, and at the grave of Lazarus.

How were the Pharisees affected, when the children cried Hosanna in the temple? They were greatly displeased, Mat. 21:15.

How did Christ spend his time on earth? In doing good, Acts 10:38.

Who were his greatest opposers? The Scribes and Pharisees.

Who denied that there is any resurrection? The Sadducees.

Whom did Jesus raise from the dead? The son of a widow of Nain, the daughter of Jairus, Lazarus, and probably others not particularly mentioned in the Bible.

What other miracles did


he perform? He changed water into wine, stilled tem pests, walked upon the sea, healed the sick, gave sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf, speech to the dumb, cast out devils, &c, &c.

LESSON 38. When did Christ institute his holy supper? The night in which he was betrayed, 1 Cor. 11:23.

What act of great condescension did he perform at that time? He washed his disciples' feet.

Who leaned on Jesus' bosom at supper? John.

Where was Christ in an agony? In the garden of Gethsemane.

What was the effect of his agony? He sweat as it were great drops of blood, Luke 22:44.

Who strengthened him

How? With a kiss.

What was the reward of his iniquity? Thirty pieces of silver.

Who cut off the ear of Malchus? Peter, John 18:

Who healed Malchus? Christ, Luke 22:51.

What was the conduct of the disciples, when Jesus was taken? They forsook him and fled.


To whom was Jesus first led, after he was taken? To Annas.

To whom did Annas send him? To Caiaphas, the high priest.

Which of Christ's disciples denied him? Peter? Mat. 26:70.

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