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The Love of Glory and This Paffion, implanted

OF the End and Efficacy of Satire. Fear of Shame univerfal, Ver. 29. in Man as a Spur to Virtue, is generally perverted, Ver. 41. And thus becomes the Occafion of the greatest Follies, Vices, and Miferies, Ver. 61. It is the Work of Satire to rectify this Paffion, to reduce it to its proper Channel, and to convert it into an Incentive to Wisdom and Virtue, Ver. 89. Hence it appears, that Satire may influence thofe who defy all Laws Human and Divine, Ver. 99. An Objection anfwered, Ver. 131.


Rules for the Conduct of Satire. Justice and Truth its chief and effential Property, Ver. 169. Prudence in the Application of Wit and Ridicule, whose Province is, not to explore unknown, but to enforce known Truths, Ver. 191. Proper Subjects of Satire are the Manners of present Times, Ver. 239. Decency of Expression recommended, Ver. 255. The different Methods in which Folly and Vice ought to be chaftifed, Ver. 269. The Variety of Style and Manner which these two Subjects require, Ver. 277. The Praise of Virtue may be admitted with Propriety, Ver. 315. Caution with regard to Panegyric, Ver. 329. The Dignity of true Satire, Ver. 341.

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