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Lady R. Your answer, child! What anSo, young man, whence came you? What swer can you possibly expect? or how can brings you to town? your romantic father suppose that I am to Charles. If there is any offence in my com-abet him in all his idle and extravagant uning to town, your ladyship is in some de- dertakings? Come, major, let me show you gree reponsible for it, for part of my errand the way into my dressing-room; and let us was to pay my duty here." leave this young adventurer to his meditation.

Lady R. And where is your father, child; and your sister? Are they in town too? Charles. They are.

Lady R. Ridiculous! I don't know people do in London, who have no to spend in it.


O'Fla. I follow you, my lady. Young gentleman, your obedient! Upon my conscience, what as fine a young fellow as I would wish to money clap my eyes on: he might have answered my salute, however-well, let it pass; ForMiss R. Dear madam, speak more kindly tune, perhaps, frowns upon the poor lad; to your nephew; how can you oppress a she's a damn'd slippery lady, and very apt to youth of his sensibility? jilt us poor fellows that wear cockades in our Lady R. Miss Rusport, I insist upon your hats. Fare thee well, honey, whoever thou art. retiring to your apartment; when I want your [Exit. advice, I'll send to you. [Exit Miss Rusport] Charles. So much for the virtues of a puSo you have put on a red coat too, as well ritan-out upon it; her heart is flint; yet as your father; 'tis plain what value you set that woman, that aunt of mine, without one upon the good advice sir Oliver used to give worthy particle in her composition, would, I you: how often has he cautioned you against dare be sworn, as soon set her foot in a pestthe army? house, as in a playhouse.

Charles. Had it pleased my grandfather to enable me to have obeyed his caution, I would have done it; but you well know how destitute I am; and 'tis not to be wondered at if I prefer the service of my king to that of any other master.

Enter Miss RUSPORT. Miss R. Stop, stay a little, Charles; whither are you going in such haste? Charles. Madam; miss Rusport; what are your commands?

Lady R. Well, well, take your own course; 'tis no concern of mine: you never consult-to

ed me.

Miss R. Why so reserved? We had used answer to no other names than those of Charles and Charlotte.

Charles. What ails you? You have been weeping.

Charles. I frequently wrote to your ladyship, but could obtain no answer; and, since my grandfather's death, this is the first oppor- Miss R. No, no; or if I have, your eyes tunity I have had of waiting upon you. are full too; but I have a thousand things to Lady R. I must desire you not to mention say to you: before you go, tell me, I conjure the death of that dear good man in my hear-you, where you are to be found: here, give me ing; my spirits cannot support it. your direction; write it upon the back of this

Charles. I shall obey you: permit me to visiting ticket-Have you a pencil? say, that, as that event has richly supplied Charles. I have: but why should you deyou with the materials of bounty, the distresses sire to find us out? 'tis a poor little inconof my family can furnish you with objects venient place; my sister has no apartment to receive you in.

of it.

Enter Servant.


Serv. Madam, my lady desires your company directly.

Lady R. The distresses of your family, child, are quite out of the question at present. Tell your father and your sister, I totally disapprove of their coming up to town. Charles. Must I tell my father that, before Miss R. I am coming-well, have you wrote your ladyship knows the motive that brought it? Give it me. O, Charles! either you do him hither? Allured by the offer of exchan- not or you will not understand me. ging for a commission on full pay, the veteran, after thirty years service, prepares to encounter the fatal heats of Senegambia; but wants a small supply to equip him for the expedition. Enter Servant.

Sere. Major O'Flaherty, to wait on your ladyship.


[Exeunt severally.

SCENE I-A Room in FULMER'S House. FULMER discovered seated; MRS. FULMER enters to him.


Mrs. F. Why, how you sit, musing Enter MAJOR. moping, sighing and desponding! I'm asham'd O'Fla. Spare your speeches, young man; of you, Mr. Fulmer: is this the country you don't you think her ladyship can take my described to me, a second Eldorado, rivers of word for that? I hope, madam, 'tis evidence gold and rocks of diamonds? You found me enough of my being present, when I have the in a pretty snug retired way of life at Bohonour of telling you so myself. logne, out of the noise and bustle of the world, Lady R. Major O'Flaherty, I am rejoiced and wholly at my ease: but, thank heaven, Lo see you. Nephew Dudley, you perceive our partnership is revocable; I am not your I'm engaged. wedded wife, praised be my stars! for what Charles. I shall not intrude upon your have we got, whom have we gulled but ourladyship's more agreeable engagements. I pre-selves? which of all your trains has taken sume I have my answer? fire? even this poor expedient of your book


seller's shop seems abandoned; for if a chance from about it, and opens every sluice of pity customer drops in, who is there, pray, to help and benevolence. him to what he wants? Ful. Well, sir, I shall not oppose your Ful. Patty, you know it is not upon slight opinion; a favourite author is like a favourite grounds that I despair; there had used to be mistress; and there, you know, captain, a livelihood to be picked up in this country, man likes to have his taste arraigned. both for the honest and dishonest: I have tried Dud. Upon my word, sir, I don't know each walk, and am likely to starve at last: what a man likes in that case; 'tis an expethere is not a point to which the wit and riment I never made. faculty of man can turn, that I have not set mine to, but in vain; I am beat through every quarter of the compass.

Mrs. Ful. Ah! common efforts all: strike me a master-stroke, Mr. Fulmer, if you wish to make any figure in this country.

Ful. Sir!-Are you serious.

Dud. 'Tis of little consequence whether you think so.

Ful. What a formal old prig it is! [Aside] I apprehend you, sir; you speak with caution; you are married?

Dud. I have been..

Ful. And this young lady, which accomyou

Dud. Passes for my daughter.

Ful. But where, how, and what? I have blustered for prerogative; I bave bellow'd for freedom; I have offered to serve my country;panies I have engaged to betray it; a master-stroke, truly! why, I have talked treason, writ trea- Ful. Passes for his daughter! humphson, and, if a man can't live by that, he can [Aside] She is exceedingly beautiful, finely live by nothing. Here I set up as a book-accomplished, of a most enchanting shape seller, why, men leave off reading; and if I and air. was to turn butcher, I believe, o'my conscience, they'd leave off eating.

CAPTAIN DUDLEY crosses de Stage.

Mrs. Ful. Why, there now's your lodger,

Dud. You are much too partial; she has

the greatest defect a woman can have.
Ful. How so, pray?

Dud. She has no fortune.

Ful. Rather say, that you have none; and old captain Dudley, as he calls himself; there's that's a sore defect in one of your years, capno flint without fire; something might be tain Dudley: you have served, no doubt? struck out of him, if you had the wit to find| Dud. Familiar coxcomb! But I'll humour

the way;
Ful. Hang him, an old dry-skinned cur-
.mudgeon; you may as well think to get truth
out of a courtier, or candour out of a critic:
I can make nothing of him; besides, he's
poor, and therefore not for our purpose.


[Aside. Ful. A close old fox! but I'll unkennel him. [Aside. Dud. Above thirty years I have been in the service, Mr. Fulmer.

Ful. I guessed as much; I laid it at no Mrs. Ful. The more fool he! Would any less: why, 'tis a wearisome time; 'tis an apman be poor, that had such a prodigy in his prenticeship to a profession, fit only for a patriarch. But preferment must be closely fol


Ful. His daughter, you mean; she is, in-lowed: you never could have been so far bedeed, uncommonly beautiful. hindhand in the chase, unless you had palpMrs. Ful. Beautiful! Why, she need only ably mistaken your way. You'll pardon me; be seen, to have the first men in the king-but I begin to perceive you have lived in the dom at her feet. What would some of our world, not with it. young nabobs give-?

Dud. It may be so; and you, perhaps, can Ful. Hush! here comes the captain; good give me better counsel. I am now soliciting girl, leave us to ourselves, and let a favour; an exchange to a company on full pay; nothing more; and yet I meet a thousand bars to that; though, without boasting, I should

what I can make of him.

me try
have a

Mrs. Ful. Captain, truly! i'faith I'd regiment, had I such a daughter, before I was think the certificate of services which I sent three months older. [Exit. in might have purchased that indulgence to me. Ful. Who thinks or cares about them? Certificate of services, indeed! Send in a certificate of your fair daughter; carry her in your hand with you.


Ful. Captain Dudley, good morning to you. Dud. Mr. Fulmer, I have borrowed a book from your shop; 'tis the sixth volume of my deceased friend Tristram: he is a flattering writer Lo us poor soldiers: and the divine story of Le Fevre, which makes part of this book, in my opinion of it, does honour, not to its author only, but to human nature.

Ful. He's an author I keep in the way of trade, but one I never relished: he is much too loose and profligate for my taste.

Dud. What! Who! My daughter! Carry my daughter! Well, and what then?

Ful. Why, then your fortune's made, that's all

Dud. I understand you: and this you call knowledge of the world! Despicable knowledge; but, sirrah, I will have you know

[Threatens him.

Ful. Help! Who's within? Would you strike me, sir? would you lift up your hand against a man in his own house?

Dud. I in a church, if he dare insult the poverty of a man of honour.

Dud. That's being too severe: I hold him 19 be a moralist in the noblest sense; he plays, indeed, with the fancy, and sometimes, perhaps, too wantonly; but while he thus Ful. Have a care what you do; remember designedly masks his main attack, he comes there is such a thing in law as an assault and at once upon the heart; refines, amends it, battery; ay, and such trifling forms as warsoftens it; beats down each selfish barrier rants and indictments.

Dud. Go, sir; you are too mean for my Mountains. In the name of all the devils at resentment: 'tis that, and not the law, protects once, why did she run away? If every handyou. Hence! some girl I meet in this town is to lead me Ful. An old, absurd, incorrigible blockhead! such a wildgoose chase, I had better have I'll be revenged of him. [Aside. stay'd in the torrid zone: I shall be wasted to the size of a sugar-cane: what shall I do? give the chase up? hang it, that's cowardly: Sure I shall I, a true-born son of Phœbus, suffer this little nimble-footed Daphne to escape me?

Enter CHARLES Dudley. Charles. What is the matter, sir? heard an outcry as I entered the house. Dud. Not unlikely; our landlord and his "Forbid it, honour, and forbid it, love." Hush! wife are for ever wrangling. Did you find hush! here she comes! Oh! the devil! What your aunt Dudley at home? tawdry thing have we got here?

Charles. I did.

Dud. And what was your reception. Charles. Cold as our poverty and her pride could make it.

Dud. You told her the pressing occasion I had for a small supply to equip me for this exchange; has she granted me the relief I asked?

Charles. Alas, sir, she has peremptorily refused it.

Enter MRS. FULMER. Mrs. Ful. Your humble servant, sir. Bel. Your humble servant, madam. Mrs. Ful. A fine summer's day, sir. Bel. Yes, ma'am; and so cool, that, if the calendar didn't call it July, I should swear it was January.

Mrs. Ful, Sir!
Bel. Madam!

Mrs. Ful. Do you wish to speak to Mr. Fulmer, sir?

Dud. That's hard; that's hard, indeed! My petition was for a small sum; she has refused it, you say: well, be it so; I must not com- Bel. Mr. Fulmer, madam? I hav'n't the hoplain. Did you see the broker, about the in-nour of knowing such a person. surance on iny life? Mrs. Ful. No! I'll be sworn, have you not; Charles. There again I am the messenger thou art much too pretty a fellow, and too of ill news; I can raise no money, so fatal is much of a gentleman, to be an author thyself, the climate: alas! that ever my father should or to have any thing to say to those that are be sent to perish in such a place! so. 'Tis the captain, I suppose, you are waiting for.

LOUISA DUDLEY enters hastily. Dud. Louisa, what's the matter? you seem frighted.

Bel. I rather suspect it is the captain's wife. Mrs. Ful. The captain has no wife, sir. Bel. No wife! I'm heartily sorry for it; for Lou. I am, indeed: coming from miss Rus-then she's his mistress; and that I take to be port's, I met a young gentleman in the streets, the more desperate case of the two. Pray, who has beset me in the strangest manner. madam, wasn't there a lady just now turned Charles. Insufferable! Was he rude to you? into your house? 'Twas with her I wished Lou. I cannot say he was absolutely rude to speak. to me, but he was very importunate to speak to me, and once or twice attempted to lift up my hat; he followed me to the corner of the street, and there I gave him the slip.

Dud. You must walk no more in the streets, child, without me, or your brother.

Lou. O Charles! miss Rusport desires to see you directly; lady Rusport is gone out, and she has something particular to say to you. Charles. Have you any commands for me,


Mrs. Ful. What sort of a lady, pray? Bel. One of the loveliest sort my eyes ever beheld; young, tall, fresh, fair; in short, a goddess.

Mrs. Ful. Nay, but dear, dear sir, now I'm sure you flatter; for 'twas me you followed into the shop door this minute.

Bel. You! No, no, take my word for it, it was not you, madam.

Mrs. Ful. But what is it you laugh at? Bel. Upon my soul, I ask your pardon; Dud. None, my dear; by all means wait but it was not you, believe me; be assured upon miss Rusport. Come, Louisa; I must it wasn't. desire you to go up to your chamber, and Mrs. Ful. Well, sir, I shall not contend compose yourself. [Exeunt for the honour of being noticed by you; I hope you think you wouldn't have been the Enter BELCOUR, after peeping in at the Door first man that noticed me in the streets; howBel. Not a soul, as I'm alive. Why, what ever, this I'm positive of, that no living woan odd sort of a house is this! Confound the man but myself has entered these doors thislittle jilt, she has fairly given me the slip. A morning.

plague upon this London, I shall have no luck Bel. Why, then, I'm mistaken in the house,

in it: such a crowd, and such a hurry, and that's all; for it is not humanly possible I can such a number of shops, and one so like the be so far out in the lady. [Going other, that whether the wench turned into this Mrs. Ful. Coxcomb!-But hold-a thought house or the next, or whether she went up occurs; as sure as can be, he has seen miss stairs or down stairs) (for there's a world Dudley. A word with you, young gentleman: above and a world below, it seems), I declare come back. I know no more than if I was in the Blue

1) The kitchens are all underground in the houses in London, they receive their light by means of an area, or opening, of about 3 feet broad before the house, so that the houses appear to have been sunk one story


Bel. Well, what's your pleasure? Mrs. Ful. You seem greatly captivated with this young lady; are you apt to fall in love thus at first sight?

Bel. Oh, yes: 'tis the only way I can ever

fall in love; any man may tumble into a pit regiment, and has been beating the town over by surprise; none but a fool would walk into to raise a little money for that purpose upon one by choice. This pay; but the climate, I find, where he is Mrs. Ful. You are a hasty lover, it seems; going is so unhealthy, that nobody can be have you spirit to be a generous one? They, found to lend him any. that will please the eye, mustn't spare the


Bel. Why, then your town is a damned good-for-nothing town: and I wish I had Bel. Try me; put me to the proof; bring never come into it. me to an interview with the dear girl that Ful. That's what I say, sir; the hard-hearthas thus captivated me, and see whether I edness of some folks is unaccountable. There's have spirit to be grateful. an old lady Rusport, a near relation of this Mrs. Ful. But how, pray, am I to know gentleman's; she lives hard by here, opposite the_girl you have set your heart on? to Stockwell's, the great merchant; he sent to

Bel. By an undescribable grace, that ac- her a-begging, but to no purpose; though companies every look and action that falls she is as rich as a Jew, she would not furfrom her; there can be but one such woman nish him with a farthing. in the world, and nobody can mistake that one. Mrs. Ful. Well, if I should stumble upon this angel in my walks, where am I to find you? What's your name?

Bel. Is the captain at home?

Ful. He is up stairs, sir.

Bel. Will you take the trouble to desire him to step hither! I want to speak to him. Ful. I'll send him to you directly. I don't know what to make of this young man; but,

Bel. Upon my soul I can't tell you my name. Mrs. Ful. Not tell me! Why so? Bel. Because I don't know what it is my-if I live, I will find him out, or know the self; as yet I have no name.

Mrs. Ful. No name!


Mrs. Ful. But where is your place of abode? Bel. I have none; I never slept a night in England in my life.

Mrs. Ful. Hey day!

reason why. [Exit. Bel. I've lost the girl, it seems, that's clear: Bel. None; a friend, indeed, lent me his; she was the first object of my pursuit; but but he forbade me to use it on any unworthy the case of this poor officer touches me; and, after all, there may be as much true delight in rescuing a fellow creature from distress, as there would be in plunging one into it. -But let me see; it's a point that must be managed with some delicacy-A propos! there's pen and ink-I've struck upon a method that will do. [Writes] Ay, ay, this is the very thing: 'twas devilish lucky I happened to have these bills about me. There, there, fare you well! I'm glad to be rid of you; you stood Mrs. Ful. Who has assaulted you, my dear? a chance of being worse applied, I can tell Ful. Who! why this captain Drawcansir, 1) you. this old Dudley, my lodger; but I'll unlodge bim: I'll unbarbour bim, I warrant,

Enter FULMer.

Ful. A fine case, truly, in a free country; a pretty pass things are come to, if a man is

to be assaulted in his own house.

Mrs. Ful. Hush! hush! Hold your tongue, man; pocket the affront, and be quiet; I've a scheme on foot will pay you a hundred beatings. Why you surprise me, Mr. Fulmer; captain Dudley assault you! Impossible.

Ful. Nay, I can't call it an absolute assault; but he threatened me.

[Encloses and seals the Paper. FULMER brings in DUDLEY. Ful. That's the gentleman, sir. I shall make bold, however, to lend an ear. [Exit. Dud. Have you any commands for me, sir? Bel. Your name is Dudley, sir?Dud. It is.

Bel. You command a company, I think, captain Dudley?

Dud. I did: I am now upon half-pay.
Bel. You have served some time?

Mrs. Ful. Oh, was that all? I thought how it would turn out-A likely thing, truly, for a person of his obliging, compassionate turn: Dud. A pretty many years; long enough no, no, poor captain Dudley, he has sorrows to see some people of more merit, and better and distresses enough of his own to employ interest than myself, made general officers. his spirits, without setting them against other Bel. Their merit I may have some doubt people. Make it up as fast as you can: of; their interest I can readily give credit to; watch this gentleman out; follow him wher- there is little promotion to be looked for in ever be goes, and bring me word who and your profession, I believe, without friends, what he is; be sure you don't lose sight of captain? him; Pre other business in hand. Exit. Dud. I believe so too: have you any other Bel. Pray, sir, what sorrows and distresses business with me, may I ask? have befallen this old gentleman you speak of? Bel. Your patience for a moment. I was Ful. Poverty, dissappointment, and all the informed you was about to join your regidistresses attendant thereupon: sorrow enough ment in distant quarters abroad. of all conscience: I soon found how it was Dud. I have been soliciting an exchange to with him, by his way of living, low enough a company on full pay, quartered at James' of all reason; but what I overheard this Fort, in Senegambia; but, I'm afraid, I must morning put it out of all doubt. drop the undertaking.

Bel. What did you overhear this morning?
Ful Why, it seems he wants to join his

1) The title given to a boasting cowardly soldier. There
is a character of this sort and of this name in an old

Bel. Why so, pray?

Dud. Why so, sir? 'Tis a home question, for a perfect stranger to put; there is something very particular in all this.

Bel. If it is not impertinent, sir, allow me

to ask you what reason you have for despair- and I'll have a word with you after you have ing of success.

Dud. Why, really, sir, mine is an obvious reason, for a soldier to have- Want of money; simply that.

Bel. May I beg to know the sum you have occasion for?

Dud. Truly, sir, I cannot exactly tell you on a sudden; nor is it, I suppose, of any great consequence to you to be informed: but I should guess, in the gross, that two hundred pounds would serve.


Dud. More miracles on foot! So, so, from lady Rusport.

O'Fla. You're right; it's from her ladyship. Dud. Well, sir, I have cast my eye over it; 'tis short and peremptory; are you acquainted with the contents?

O'Fla. Not at all, my dear; not at all. Dud. Have you any message from lady Rusport?

O'Fla. Not a syllable, honey: only when you've digested the letter, I've a little bit of a message to deliver you from myself.

Dud. And may I beg to know who yourself is?
O'Fla. Dennis O'Flaherty, at your service;

Bel. And do you find a difficulty in raising that sum upon your pay? 'Tis done every day. Dud. The nature of the climate makes it difficult: I can get no one to insure my life. Bel. Oh! that's a circumstance may make a poor major of grenadiers; nothing better. for you, as well as against: in short, captain Dud. So much for your name and title, Dudley, it so happens, that I can command sir; now be so good to favour me with your the sum of two hundred pounds: seek no message.

further; I'll accommodate you with it upon O'Fla. Why then, captain, I must tell you easy terms. I have promised lady Rusport you shall do Dud. Sir! do I understand you rightly?— whatever it is she bids you to do in that letI beg your pardon; but am I to believe that ter there. you are in earnest?

Bet. What is your surprise? Is it an uncommon thing for a gentleman to speak truth? Or is it incredible that one fellow-creature should assist another?

Dud. I ask your pardon-May I beg to know to whom?-Do you propose this in the way of business?

Bel. Entirely: I have no other business on earth.

Dud. Indeed! you are not a broker, I'm persuaded.

Bel. I am not.

Dud. Ay, indeed; have you undertaken so much, major, without knowing either what she commands, or what I can perform?

O'Fla. That's your concern, my dear, not mine; I must keep my word, you know. Dud. Or else, I suppose, you and I must measure swords.

O'Fla. Upon my soul you've hit it.

Dud. That would hardly answer to either of us; you and I have, probably, had enough of fighting in our time before now.

O'Fla. Faith and troth, master Dudley, you may say that; 'tis thirty years, come the time, that I have followed the trade, and in a pretty

Dud. Nor an army agent, I think? Bel. I hope you will not think the worse many countries. Let me see-In the war beof me for being neither; in short, sir, if you fore last I served in the Irish brigade, d'ye will peruse this paper, it will explain to you see; there, after bringing off the French mowho I am, and upon what terms I act; while narch, I left his service, with a British bullet you read it, I will step home, and fetch the in my body, and this riband in my buttonmoney and we will conclude the bargain hole. Last war I followed the fortunes of the without loss of time. In the mean while, German eagle, in the corps of grenadiers; good day to you. [Exit hastily, there I had my bellyful of fighting, and a Dud. Humph! there's something very odd plentiful scarcity of every thing else. After in all this-let me see what we've got here- six-and-twenty engagements, great and small, This paper is to tell me who he is, and what I went off with this gash on my skull, and a are his terms: in the name of wonder, why kiss of the empress queen's sweet hand, (heahas he sealed it? Hey-day! what's here? Two ven bless it!) for my pains. Since the peace, Bank notes, of a hundred each! I can't com- my dear, I took a little turn with the confeprehend what this means. Hold; here's a derates there in Poland-but such another set writing; perhaps that will show me. Accept of madcaps!—by the lord Harry, I never knew this trifle; pursue your fortune, and pros- what it was they were scuffling about. per. Am I in a dream? Is this a reality?


Dud. Well, major, I won't add another action to the list; you shall keep your promise with lady Rusport: she requires me to leave O'Fla. 'Save you, my dear! Is it you now London; I shall go in a few days, and you that are captain Dudley, I would ask? [Exit may take what credit you please from my Dudley-Whuh!1) What's the hurry the compliance.

man's in? If 'tis the lad that run out of the O'Fla. Give me your hand, my dear boy! shop you would overtake, you might as well this will make her my own; when that's the stay where you are; by my soul he's as nim-case, we shall be brothers, you know, and ble as a Croat; you are a full hour's march we'll share her fortune between us. in his rear-Ay faith, you may as well turn back, and give over the pursuit.

Re-enter Dudley.

Well, captain Dudley, if that's your name, there's a letter for you. Read, man; read it; 1) Whistling.

Dud. Not so, major; the man, who marries lady Rusport, will have a fair title to her fortune without division. But, I hope, your expectations of prevailing are founded upon good reasons.

O'Fla. Upon the best grounds in the world; first, I think she will comply, because she is

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