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style, and we shall take an early occasion to transfer some of its designs to the pages of our magazine.

the thousands-(it is, at the present time, impossible to calculate any thing approaching the number)—the thousands of devoted foreign socialists, sworn to the regeneration of the race, by some means formed themselves into an ubiquitous body, and-all acting in concert-when the fog cleared itself away, every policeman found himself a prisoner! Every soldier considered himself disarmed and incapable, and, without the loss of a single life, or the sacrifice of the meanest number, the monarchy of England fell to the ground; and in its place rose, like an exhalation, the magic Tabric of the new social edifice! Property was at the moment annihilated; and every body became in a twinkling the owner of every thing!

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Her late Majesty, the late Prince, and the late royal children returned to Buckingham House in an omnibus. The Duke of Wellington, the Marquis of Anglesea, and other late military noblemen, gave their parole to return to their homes to await further

Punch is full, as usual, of his quaint conceits, and points a laugh or two at the meagreness of the American show in the Exposition. We extract a single jeu d'esprit, which Punch calls "May-Day in London :" "[Expressly made for the New York Herald.] "Our worst hopes are verified; the Glass Palace has opened and shut. The contributions obtained-pillaged is the word-by the selfishness of the Britisher from all the ends of the confiding earth, are scattered amongst the great social family of man, collected in London-(as has already been trumpeted through the eternal columns of the Herald) -for that express and determined purpose. But I hasten, with my coat off and my shirtsleeves tucked up for the glorifying occasion, to chronicle and arrange the scattered reports brought to me by my faithful liners. I did not myself descend to the pavement, until late on the night of the 1st, but re-orders: the late Lord Chancellor emptied mained in my back drawing-room, No. the purse, sharing the contents among whatever brethren held their hands to receive them; and all ranks, and all dignities, being there and then abolished, the great family man (of all nations) entered the Crystal Store without tickets, every brother and sister taking to themselves whatever suited their taste and their strength to choose and to carry. The Turkish shawls and slippers found ready customers; whilst the silks from Lyons were, by four in the afternoon, gleaming and glittering in Bethnal Green and Shoreditch. It was feared, at one time, that the great Mountain-of-Light diamond-the Koh-i-noor--would be the sudden means of overturning the social republic before it was well set up, there being so many claimants for its glory. It was, however, subsequently arranged, that the Mountain-of-Light should be broken up into little Molehills-of-Lustre, and divided-as far as they would goamong the brothers and sisters of the human family, to be worn in rotation on Sundays and holidays

Street, with three revolvers on the table and two pokers in the fire, receiving copy, brought from every artery of the metropolis, where the immortal struggle was going on. That copy I have rolled out into the columns before you :


"The morning of the 1st of May broke gloomily. There was muttering thunder about 6 A. M., with heavy rain at 9; but about a quarter-past 10 the sun just smiled enough to disarm the aristocracy of their top-coats and umbrellas; and the crowd poured from Spitalfields and Bethnal Green, mixing with the tide of human life that rolled and gurgled from St. James's, Piccadilly, and May Fair, finally emptying itself in multitudinous waves that surged and beat against the doors of the Crystal Palace. But the aristocrats, like water, found their level, and after awhile flowed into the building. Up to half past 10 A. M., the arrogant Britishers had it all their own way; but at 12 wasn't Rule Britannia' rather changed to Yankee Doodle's come to town?


"At midday precisely, the Queen and Prince and children arrived at the door of the Glass House, when the trumpets sounded, and the slavish musicians played-but for the last time in this liberated country-' God save the Queen. At thesame moment, a fog-a truly national fog-gathered over the building, and filled every part of it. The vapor was so dense, that for a time it was impossible even to make out a single beef-eater. Taking advantage of this auspicious event,

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"The Glass Store being entirely cleared of its contents, by an early hour in the evening, it was resolved by the new government that Joseph Paxton be empowered to procure a banyan-tree with the least possible delay; that the tree might be solemnly planted! as a type of universal bread (and meat, and drink, and clothing,) to universal man!

"I could write much more, but end, that I may save the packet.

"Your own Correspondent and Brother. "JONATHAN BOWIE. "P.S.-The brass band of the 2d Dragoons are just beginning to tune under my window Star of Columbia.

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ly to the beauty of the English Baronial Halls.

We give in this number specimens of the | England, and which has contributed greatwood-carving exhibited at the London Fair. They are interesting, as evidencing the revival of an art which was once famous in VOL. II.-16

The engravings are copied from the beau

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From "Punch."


I REMARKED that the scene I witnessed was the grandest and most cheerful, the brightest and most splendid show that eyes had ever looked on since the creation of the world; but as every body remarked the same thing, this remark is not of much value.

I remarked, and with a feeling of shame, that I had long hesitated about paying three guineas-pooh-poohed-said I had seen the QUEEN and PRINCE before, and so forth, and felt now that to behold this spectacle, three guineas, or five guineas, or any sum of money (for I am a man of enormous wealth) would have been cheap and I remarked how few of us know really what is good for us-have the courage of our situations, and what a number of chances in life we throw away. I would not part with the mere recollection of this scene for a small annuity and calculate that after paying my three guineas, I

have the Exhibition before me, besides being largely and actually in pocket.

I remarked that a heavy packet of sandwiches which JONES begged me to carry, and which I pocketed in rather a supercilious and grumbling manner, became most pleasant friends and useful companions after we had been in our places two or three hours: and I thought to myself, that were I a lyric poet with a moral turn, I would remark how often in the hour of our need our humble friends are welcome and useful to us, like those dear sandwiches, which we poohpoohed when we did not need them.

I remarked that when the QUEEN bowed and curtsied, all the women about began to cry.

I remarked how eagerly the young Prince talked with his sister-how charmed every body was to see those pretty young persons walking hand in hand with their father and mother, and how, in the midst of any magnificence you will, what touches us most is nature and human kindness, and what we love to witness most is love.

I remarked three Roman Catholic clergymen in the midst of the crowd, amusing themselves with an opera-glass.

I remarked to myself that it was remarkable that a priest should have an opera-glass. I remarked that when the ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY was saying his prayer, the Roman Catholic clergymen seemed no more to care than I should if Mr. LONGEARS was speaking in the House of Commons-and that they looked, stared, peered over people's shoulders, and used the opera-glass during the prayer.

I remarked that it would have been more decorous if, during that part of the day's proceedings, the reverend gentlemen had not used the opera-glass.

I remarked that I couldn't be paying much attention myself, else how should I have seen the reverend gentlemen ?

I remarked my LORD IVORYSTICK and my LORD EBONYSTICK backing all the way round the immense building before the QUEEN; and I wondered to myself how long is that sort of business going to last? how long will free-born men forsake the natural manner of walking, with which God endowed them, and continue to execute this strange and barbarous pas. I remarked that a royal Chamberlain was no more made to walk backwards, than a royal Coachman to sit on the box and drive backwards. And having just been laughing at the kotoos of honest LORD CHOPSTICK, (the Chinese ambassador with the pantomime face,) most of us in our gallery remarked that the performance of LORD IVORYSTICK and LORD EBONYSTICK was not more reasonable than that of his Excellency CHOPSTICK, and wished that part of the ceremony had been left out.

I remarked in the gold cage, to which the ladies would go the first thing, and in which the Koh-i-noor reposes, a shining thing like a lambent oyster, which I admired greatly, and took to be the famous jewel. But on a second visit I was told that that was not the jewel that was only the case, and the real stone was that above, which I had taken to be an imitation in crystal.

I remarked on this, that there are many sham diamonds in this life which pass for real, and, vice versa, many real diamonds which go unvalued. This accounts for the non-success of those real mountains of light, my "Sonnets on Various Occasions."

I remarked that, if I were QUEEN of England, I would have a piece of this crystal set into my crown, and wear it as the most splendid jewel of the whole diadem-that I would.

And in fact I remarked altogether-GOD SAVE THE QUEEN.


PRINCE Frederic Schwarzenberg, the son of the celebrated Field-Marshal Schwarzenberg, used often to relate his encounter with the notorious robber Haburak. The prince once accompanied a lady from Hungary to Vienna. They journeyed on the mountainroads between the counties of Gomor and Torma. Heavy showers had greatly damaged the roads; evening approached; the tired horses had reached the ridge of the woody height, but could not be urged on further; and the travellers were thus compelled to seek shelter for the night in the inn of Aggtelek, a hiding-place of ill note for robbers. The carriage halted before the house, and the servant inquired whether room could be afforded. The publican replied that there was one room for the lady, but that the gentleman could not be accommodated, the large guest-room being overfilled. After some visible reluctance, he owned that the gang of Haburak was drinking there. The lady became terrified, and entreated the prince not to remain; but it had grown dark, the rain was pouring down, the horses were worn out, and the steep ascent of the road was so dangerous, that it was most hazardous to proceed. The prince tried to reassure the lady; so she locked herself up in the room assigned to her. Her companion, wrapped in his white officer's cloak, under which he kept his pistols in readiness, stepped into the apartment where the robbers were assembled, and sat down at the table, facing the window, whilst his servant, likewise armed, kept watch outside the house, close to the window, in case his master should want any aid. The company consisted of about ten or twelve men. rifles leaned against the wall; their axes lay upon the board, on which stood the winejugs. They drank, sang, and talked over their adventures, and did not take any no


tice of the newly-arrived guest. The prince | oak leaves is by no means comfortable. Faremixed in their conversation, took wine with well! friends, let us go," he called to his them, and listened to their conversation un- men. They took up their arms and went. til it had grown late. Suddenly he rose, The prince was greatly struck by the whole called the publican, threw a gold coin on the proceeding. He did not entirely trust the table, and said: "This is for the wine these robber's words; and relieving his servant, good folks have drunk; they are my guests. they paced up and down, thus keeping But now," he continued, addressing the rob- watch the whole night. On the morrow the bers, "it is time to sleep. In the adjoining lady continued her journey. After they had room is a sick lady: the entertainment has ridden about an hour, they suddenly heard lasted long enough: I cannot allow any one the discharge of a rifle close to them in the longer to occupy this room, or disturb the woods. Haburak stepped forth from the lady's rest by noise." At this imperative bushes, and bid the coachman “halt.” The command one of the robbers jumped from horses stopped; the prince drew forth his his seat, and contemptuously laughing, cried pistols. But Haburak, without heeding his out, "Does the gentleman fancy that because threatening mien, rode close up to the carhe has a carriage and four, and plenty of riage-door, and said: "We yesterday sacrimoney in his pocket, he has the right to ficed our comfort that the rest of this lady command us?" An uproar ensued. The should not be disturbed. Now I will see men vociferated: "We are poor lads, and whether it was worth the trouble." With therefore we are masters here."- -"We are these words he lifted the veil, which hung no timorous peasants, who take off our hats down from the lady's bonnet, and looked for to every gentleman."- "We have yet money an instant into her face. The lady blushed, and credit enough to swallow a draught and the robber said: "She is really very when we are thirsty."-" We do not accept pretty." He turned round, plucked a wild any gifts from people who fancy themselves rose from a bush close at hand, and offered better than we."- "We will not be ruled." it to the lady with these words: "Accept All this was almost simultaneously uttered, this rose kindly as a keepsake from the poor with a loud tumult, from all sides. All the robber Haburak; and if you some time hear robbers had got up. The prince mechani- that he has been hanged, pray an ave maria cally caught hold of his pistols, and threw for his soul." The lady took the rose, and off his cloak. "I am a master of the craft the robber vanished. Two years later, in which you are but apprentices," he ex- newspapers related that the robber Habuclaimed with dignity. "You are robbers; Irak had been caught; that he had been am a soldier and fear neither the mouth of tried at the assizes in Torna, convicted of a rifle nor the edge of an axe." During this desertion and highway robbery, and hanged." uproar, a man of middling height and strong.—Pulszkys' Traditions. ·ly marked features had risen from the bench beside the stove, where he had quietly sat during the whole time, without partaking of the wine. He now said, in a commanding tone: "Silence!" The robbers grew speechless at this order, and again sat down to the table. "Mr. Officer," continued the man, "don't think that you frighten us. I too have been a soldier, and have most probably smelt more powder than you ever did. I am Haburak. If I desired to do you any harm, a single whistle would suffice. We never will disturb a lady's rest; we war with men, not with women. For the present we shall leave this shelter; yet remember, sir, that it is the first time for a fortnight that these men have been under a roof, and that the couch there below on the damp


MORNING in India, when the mango-showers
Steep May in healthful coolness. Lo! the skies
Are cloudless as the depths of woman's eyes,
Ere love and all its cares have fill'd the hours
With hope and fear. From snow-bloom'd citron

Green parrots-hatch'd mid fragrance-chatter-
ing rise;

Crouch'd on its sunbeam-bed the serpent lies,
Sipping light dews from the redundant flowers
Of blue Ruellias-studding o'er the sod
With bell-shaped buds. The bee now quits its

Questing for honey-while, from yon Minar,
The gray Muezzin's call is heard afar:-
"Come ye to prayer! There is no God but God!
Mohammed is the Prophet of the Lord !"

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