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The Department of Superintendence of the National Educational Association met in annual session at Jacksonville, Fla., in the new city hall, at 9:30 o'clock. The President, Supt. L. H. Jones of Cleveland, Ohio, presided.

After an invocation by Rev. T. W. Veale, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, the address of welcome on behalf of the City of Jacksonville was delivered by Hon. D. U. Fletcher, ex-mayor of the city.

Hon. W. N. Sheats, Superintendent of Public Instruction of Florida, followed with an address of welcome in behalf of the State Teachers' Association.

President Jones responded to the addresses in behalf of the department. A paper on the subject, "What Is the True Function or Essence of Supervision?" was read by C. A. Babcock, Superintendent of Schools, Oil City, Pa.

Then followed a discussion of the paper by Supt. F. Treudley of Youngstown, Ohio, and by Supt. J. H. Phillips of Birmingham, Ala.

Asst. Supt. Edward C. Delano of Chicago, Ill., presented a paper on "What Is the Best Use that Can Be Made of the Grade Meeting?" This paper was discussed by Supt. H. E. Kratz of Sioux City, Iowa.

The department then adjourned.


The session had under consideration the general topic, "How Shall the Best Schools Be Brought to the People in the Rural Districts?"

Dr. B. A. Hinsdale of the University of Michigan presented the first paper, "Some Sociological Factors in Rural Education in the United States."

Supt. Lawton B. Evans of Augusta, Ga., followed with a paper on the same subject. The interest awakened by these papers made it necessary to limit the speakers to three minutes each. Among those taking part in the discussion were W. W. Pendergast, State Superintendent of Public Instruction of Minnesota; E. B. Prettyman, State Superintendent of Schools, Maryland; Nathan C. Schaeffer, State Superintendent of Public Instruction of Pennsylvania; Supt. H. G. Weimer

of Allegheny County, Maryland; Supt. A. D. Worthington of Hartford County, Maryland; Superintendent Whitcomb of Lowell, Mass.; Henry Sabin, State Superintendent of Public Instruction of Iowa; Superintendent Bouton of Pittsfield, Mass.

The discussion was very animated. The lateness of the hour prevented all from taking part.


At 8 o'clock p. m. President Jones called the department to order. After announcing that at the morning session of Wednesday the Committees on Nominations and Resolutions would be made known, he introduced Dr. J. G. Schurman, President of Cornell University, who delivered an address on "The Vocation of the Teacher."

Prof. Edwin A. Alderman of the University of North Carolina followed with an address upon "The University and the State in the South."



The department was called to order by President Jones at 9:30 o'clock.
The president then announced the following committees:


President C. C. Rounds, Plymouth, N. H.
State Supt. J. M. Carlisle, Texas.

Prof. D. L. Kiehle, Minneapolis, Minn.
Supt. E. H. Mark, Louisville, Ky.

Supt. H. P. Emerson, Buffalo, N. Y.


Supt. F. Louis Soldan, St. Louis, Mo.
State Supt. E. B. Prettyman, Maryland.

President Geo. H. Cliff, Philadelphia, Pa. Supt. A. S. Whitney, East Saginaw, Mich. Supt. A. K. Whitcomb, Lowell, Mass.

The selection of place for holding the next meeting of the department was then taken up. Prior to receiving invitations, the following resolution was offered by

Supt. C. B. Gilbert of St. Paul, and carried:

Resolved, That the vote about to be taken, for a place for the meeting of this department in 1897, be merely a vote of preference, and that the final selection be left with a committee consisting of the officers of this department and the Secretary of the National Educational Association; provided, that this committee shall be guided by the vote of this body in case the city receiving a majority of the votes offers as favorable accommodations and rates as any other.

Supt. W. E. Robinson of Detroit, Mich., then extended an invitation to the department to hold its next meeting in Detroit. This was followed by an invitation from Supt. A. T. Barrett of Chattanooga, Tenn., to hold the next meeting at Chattanooga. Supt. D. K. Goss of Indianapolis, Ind., next invited the department to Indianapolis. His invitation was vigorously seconded by the Secretary of the Commercial Club of Indianapolis. The balloting gave the following results:






The President then declared Indianapolis the choice of the department according to the terms of the resolution previously adopted.

A paper on "The Necessity for Five Coördinate Groups of Studies in the Schools" was read by Dr. W. T. Harris, United States Commissioner of Education.

Then followed a discussion of the paper by Dr. Herman T. Lukens of Clark University, Massachusetts.

Next, a paper on "What Correlation of Studies Seems Advisable and Possible in the Present State of Advancement in Teaching," was read by C. B. Gilbert, Superintendent of Schools, St. Paul, Minn.

In the absence of Supt. W. P. Burris of Bluffton, Ind., the discussion of the papers was taken up by President J. G. Schurman of Cornell University; Supt. F. L. Soldan of St. Louis; Dr. C. A. McMurry of Normal, Ill.; Dr. B. A. Hinsdale of the University of Michigan; Prof. Walter L. Hervey of the New York College of Teachers; Superintendent Gilbert, and Dr. W. T. Harris.

The last paper of the session, on "Concentration of Studies as a Means of Developing Character," was read by President Charles De Garmo of Swarthmore College, Pennsylvania.


The session opened by the reading of a paper on "Isolation and Unification as Bases of Courses of Study," by Dr. E. E. White, ex-Superintendent of Schools of Cincinnati, Ohio.

In the absence of State Superintendent Inglis, the discussion upon this paper was opened by President Frank McMurry of Buffalo, N. Y., and Prof. Chas. McMurry of Normal, Ill.

Dr. White closed the discussion.

Then followed a paper on "Organic Relations of Studies in Human Learning,"
by Dr. W. N. Hailmann, Superintendent of Indian Schools, Washington, D. C.
A paper was then read by Prof. J. M. Guilliams, Principal of Normal School
of Jasper, Fla.

Supt. W. S. Sutton of Houston, Tex., read a paper on "Courses of Pedagogical
Study as Related to Professional Improvement in a Corps of City Teachers."
The session then adjourned.


Hon. J. L. M. Curry, agent of the Peabody Fund, addressed the department on "Some Educational Questions Pertaining to the New South."



The department was called to order by the President at 9:30 o'clock. Miss N. Cropsey, Assistant Superintendent of Schools, Indianapolis, Ind., read a paper on "What Should the Elementary Schools Accomplish for the Child?" The paper was discussed by Supt. F. Treudley of Youngstown, Ohio; Supt. Aaron Gove of Denver, Colo., and Superintendent Carroll of Worcester, Mass. Then followed a paper on "What Should the High School Do for the Graduate of the Elementary Schools?" by Supt. F. Louis Soldan of St. Louis, Mo.

The same topic was discussed by President Joseph Swain of the Indiana University.

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