ORTGAGES on LANDED ESTATES.first-class securities considered: any large amount."T. B." (No. 3604). "Law Times "Office, Windsor House, Bream's-buildings, E.C. то UNARTICLED CLERKS. LA THE LAW CLERKS' CERTIFICATE awarded by the LONDON SCHOOL OF LAW after Examination is the ONLY DIPLOMA open to For interesting and useful guide to the Certificate W. H. SANDERS, Solicitor, London School of Law, Practices, Wanted and for Sale. LA Lake District, for SALE; County Court, Estate Management, Conveyancing, Commissioner for Oaths; private means necessary; three years' purchase; Furniture at valuation.-HAWES and Co., 7, Great Winchesterstreet, E.C. cillor's son, six and a half years' general experience, at LA " AW.-Young SOLICITOR (Public School L Experienced Conveyancing, Pro bate, and Trust CLERK (aged 36; unarticled) AW. Experienced CLERK (29) DESIRES tion, Bankruptcy, High Court, Magisterial, Probate. E.C. LAW " CASHIER BOOK-KEEPER REQUIRES CHANGE: eight years present firm, large Conveyancing. Admiralty, Bankruptcy Practice; sea port town; excellent experience and references; aged 25; reasonable salary.-"J." (No. 3604), "Law Times" Office, Windsor House, Bream's-buildings. E.C. AW.-A young SOLICITOR (Roman General Practice, DESIRES POSITION in Municipal or other Local Government Legal Department: highest references; small salary for experience.-" A. H." (No. 3604), Law Times" Office, Windsor House, Bream's-buildings, E.C. AW. AW.-SOLICITOR, twenty years' experi Practice, DESIRES ENGAGEMENT: willing to assist LA (Honours, served articles well-known firms) DESIRES CLERKSHIP: Conveyancing and good general experience, including High Court, Police and County Court: experience since articles: excellent testimonials; salary moderate.Budley " (No. 3605). "Law Times" Office, Bream's buildings. E.C. L (Honours; LL.B.), five years' provincial, three years' London experi ence in General Practice, DESIRES CLERKSHIP, town or country; competent to act without supervision in Conveyancing and Probate work; reliable; moderate salary.Optimus "(No. 3605), Law Times" Office, Bream's buildings, E.O. LAW SCAS CHANGE, Kain's system or otherwise: AW.-CASHIER and BOOK-KEEPER experienced and reliable: Shorthand: excellent references; permanency and fair salary.-"C. O. W." (No. 3602), "Law Times Office, Bream's-buildings, EC. AW.-WANTED, at once, in Solicitor's office in eastern suburb, a young CLERK having a good knowledge of County Court Practice and Procedure, and able to Engross and write Shorthand.-Apply, stating age, experience, and salary required, to "Ilford" (No. 3605), "Law Times " Office, Bream's-buildings, E.C. LAW. WANTED, SOLICITOR CLERK (not under 30), with good all-round experience, especially in Conveyancing and Trust Estates, and competent, if required, to act and advise without supervision; sound Lawyer and Advocate.-Apply, stating age. experiences, and salary, to KINNEIR and Co., Solicitors Swindon, OFFERS for the following Duplicate Sets of LAW TIMES REPORTS? 18711894, 46 Vols., calf bound: 1881-1893, 23 Vols., calf bound: 1902-1911, 19 Vols., cloth.-LONG and LAVINGTON, Solicitors, Bath. LITERARY.-Well qualified LEGAL MAN REQUIRED to act as EDITOR for bright Legal Monthly appealing to Law Students and also as Tutor for old-established Coaching Institution, or Partnership to suitable man with capital.-Address, in confidence, with full particulars, ·་ Trovato (No. 3605), "Law Times' Office, Bream's-buildings, E.C. AW.-SOLICITOR (252; Final 1908; or Conveyancing CLERKSHIP; good experience in Con- LA tion preferred.-Address "M." (No. 3605), "Law Times " PARTNERSHIP. PARTNER REQUIRED, with Succession to Solicitor's Practice: old established, in best position in one of the Inns of Court; preference to young man of social standing with some business connection.-Write "F. E. B." (No. 3605), "Law Times Office, Bream's buildings, E.C. L " Situations, Wanted and Vacant. MANAGER AW. Admitted AW. JUNIOR Conveyancing and General CLERK (23) DESIRES CHANGE (pernianency); knowledge Probate work; seven and a half years' experience; south-west preferred.-" Jap" (No. 3605). "Law Times Office, Bream's-buildings, E.C. LAWinty WANTED our SITUATION as (Shorthand and Typewriting).-Apply "M." (No. 3605), Common Law, well up Probate: Chancery, Bankruptcy, LAW A good COSTS CLERK, in every Minors. - - City of London. -FREEHOLD GROUND RENT of £15 per annum, secured upon substantial premises, No. 2, Johnson's-court, Fleet-street: reversion in twenty-one years to rack rent, £120 per annum; for SALE by private contract.-Particulars of Messrs. GREEN and SON, Auctioneers and Surveyors, 17, St. Swithin's-lane, E.C. SUNBEAM CYCLES WITH SUN BE These are the Bicycles which have really Weatherproof Gear Cases with a proper System of Automatic Lubrication inside them. They belong to a class of their own, for their Chain and Driving Bearings run under ideal conditions in all Weathers. The new All Black Sunbeam has no Plated Parts to Rust or Tarnish, and, being fitted as above, is always ready and can be cleaned any time in a few minutes with a damp Sponge. Illustrated Catalogue, with an Embossed Coloured Illustration of the All Black Sunbeam, is sent free on application to J. MARSTON Ltd-20, Sunbeamland-Wolverhampton 57, Holborn Viaduct, E.C. 157-158, Sloane St. (close to Sloane Sq.), S.W. NOTICE. Solicitors, Town Clerks, and the Legal Profession generally are invited t save unnecessary time and expense by sending their advertising business through P.O. Telephone: 1657 CITY. Legal and Tuition Notices. R. CHARLES THWAITES (Indermaur Mand Thwaites). Solicitor, Editor of the "Law Students' Journal," &c., 22, Chancery-lane, London, W.C., continues to read with Students for the Solicitors' Final and Intermediate Examinations, Bar, and other Legal Examinations. Fees on application. .Telegrams: MESSRS. Danensis, London." Tel.: 12,027 Central. GIBSON and WELDON, Proprietors of "Law Notes," &c., IREPARE in Class and by POST, STUDENTS for the INTERMEDIATE and FINAL EXAMINATIONS of the Law Society, Bar, and other Legal Examinations.-Address Lonsdale Chambers, 27, Chancery-lane, W.C. EASTER HONOURS, 1912. Four of the five in the Honours List were pupils of BAR EXAMINATIONS. MR.. R. F. F. MONTAGUE, LL.B., continues to PREPARE for the SOLICITORS' FINAL and INTERMEDIATE and for no other EXAMINATIONS.-Particulars on application, personally or by letter, at 2, Hare-court, Temple, E.C. W NEMBHARD HIBBERT, LL.D. SPECIALITY-Legal Notices. PRELIMINARY LAW, London Matricula tion, LL.B., Bar, Preliminary Medical, and all Sales by Auction. SALES BY AUCTION FOR THE YEAR 1913 DE EBENHAM, TEWSON, RICHARDSON, Tuesday, July 2 Tuesday, July 30 Tuesday, Oct. 8 Tuesday, Oct. 15 Thursday, July 11 Tuesday, Oct. 2 Tuesday, July 16 Tuesday, Oct. 19 Thursday, July 18 Tuesday, Nov. 5 Tuesday, July 23 Tuesday, Nov. 19 Tuesday, Deo. 3. ALL LEGAL EXAMS. be held on other days. Messrs ORAL and POSTAL COACHING by By arrangement, Auctions in Town or Country can also Messrs. Debenham, Tewson, Richardson, and Co. undertake Bales and Valuations for Probate and other Purposes of Furniture, Pictures, Farming Stock, Timber, &o. Detailed Lists of Investments, Estates, Sporting Quarters, Residences, Shops, and Business Premises to be Let or Sold by Private Contract can be obtained of Messrs. Debenham, Tewson, Richardson, and Co., No. 8. Cheapside, London. Telephone, Nos, 503 and 504 Bank. Lond. Honours and Prizeman at Bar and The LONDON SCHOOL of LAW, VALUABLE LAW BOOKS, including the Professional LL.B., Barrister, continues to PREPARE STUDENTS, LE J. E. ALDOUS, Barrister-at-Law, late Editor of the "Commercial Cases," Fifteenth Wrangler, &c., COACHES for Bar, University, and all Legal EXAMINATIONS.11, King's Bench-walk, Temple, London. Library of the late Dr. Tristram, K.C., D.C.L. (sold by order of the Executor). MESSRS, HODGSON and CO. will SELL by AUCTION, at their Rooms, 115, Chancery-lane. W.C., on Friday, May 10, at One o'clock, the above LIBRARY and other Properties, including a COMPLETE SET of the LAW REPORTS from the commencement in 1865 to 1912, 386 vols., calf and morocco; the Law Journal Reports from 1835 to 1898, in 162 vols.; Law Times Reports from 1897 to 1908; Swabey and Tristram's Reports of Cases in the Probate and Divorce Courts: Reports in the Ecclesiastical Courts: Campbell's Ruling Cases, 27 vols.; Modern Text Books; also a HANDSOME MAHOGANY WINGED BOOKCASE, Framed Engravings, &c. LAW AW ASSOCIATION for the BENEFIT of Metropolis and vicinity. Instituted 1817. Supported by Life and Annual Subscriptions, and by Donations. This Association consists of solicitors residing and practising in the Metropolis or within the Bills of Mortality, and its objects are (amongst others) to grant relief to the widow and children of any deceased member, or if none, then to other relatives dependent on him for support. The relief afforded last year amounted to £1643. A subscription of one guinea per annum constitutes a member, and a payment of ten guineas membership for life.-Applica tions to be made to the Secretary, E, EVELYN BARRON, 3, Gray's-inn-place, Gray's-inn. athen ESTABLISHED 1750. SHAW & SONS, REGISTRATIONS AGENTS for COMPANIES PUBLIC and PRIVATE. SPECIALISTS FOR PRINTING MEMORANDUMS AND ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION. SHARE CERTIFICATES AND DEBENTURES, &c., CE SKETCHES FOR SEALS SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL. DESIGNED AND ENGRAVED. COMPANY REGISTERS, FORMS, AND BOOKS KEPT IN STOCK. DEED PRINTING, LAW AGENCY, STATIONERY. LAW STATIONERS, PRINTERS, LITHOGRAPHERS, &c. her SALD Subur Building "SHAW SONS, LONDON." 6,7 8, & 9, FETTER LANE, FLEET STREET, JUST PUBLISHED. LONDON, E.C. National Telephone Nos.: Holborn, 5320, 5321, & 5160. Fifth Edition. Xxxii and 552 pages. Royal Svo. Price 25s.; Cash 20s.; Postage 6d. THE FINANCE ACTS 1894, 1896, 1898, 1900, and 1907 AND THE FINANCE (1909-10) ACT 1910 (57 & 58 Vict. c. 30; 59 & 60 Vict. c. 28; 61 & 62 Vict. c. 10; 63 Vict. c. 7; 7 Edw. 7, c. 13; 10 Edw. 7, c. 8), So far as they relate to the ESTATE DUTY and other DEATH DUTIES in England, with Notes, Rules, and Table of Forms. BY JAMES AUSTEN-CARTMELL, M.A., Of Lincoln's-inn, Barrister-at-Law, Author of "An Abstract of Reported Cases relating to Trade-Marks, &c." Lincoln's By FREDERICK MCMULLAN, M.A., LL.M., Catalogues of New and Second-hand Law Books (just issued) Post Free. Inn Archway, Carey Street, London, W.c. THE DEPENDABLE 1: L' THE NOTE THE "LADDER" FEED. SW AN SW/AN MR. J. NICOL DUNN, Edi tor of the "Johannesburg Star," formerly Editor of "Black and White," "Morning Post," "The 'Swan Safety' is The most striking feature of the "Swan" Safety Fount pen is DEPENDABILITY. It's a long word, but it means a lot. It means you just take your "Swan" out of your pocket and write at once, and on, on, without thinking about the pen that's doing the work-just concentrating your mind on the subject matter without a break in the train of thought, your hand and your "Swan" automatically recording the workings of your mind. When not in use the "Swan Safety" may be carried in any position without the least fear of leakage. IT PAYS TO PAY 12/6 (or more) SOLD BY ALL STATIONERS AND JEWELLERS MISINTERPRETATION of words in legal documents (owing to illegibility of writing) has often led to serious disputes and complications. THERE IS NO RISK of misinterpretation of wills, mortgages, agreements, indentures, &c., &c., if everything is TYPED with a YÖST Typewriter MODEL NO. 16 "BRIEF" (TAKES PAPER 14 INCHES WIDE AND Full Information with descriptive booklet (illustrated) will be forwarded immediately on application to Branches Everywhere.: |