MESSRS. H. E. FOSTER & CRANFIELD'S LIST. OFFICES: 6, POULTRY, E.C. PERIODICAL SALES. ESTABLISHED 1843. MESSRS. H. E. FOSTER & CRANFIELD PERIODICAL SALES of REVERSIONS (Absolute and Contingent), Shares and Debentures, Mortgage Debts and Bonds, and Kindred Interests, THURSDAY NEXT.-Periodical Sale No. 960.-Reversion. THURSDAY NEXT.-Periodical Sale No. 96).-Reversion. ESSRS. H. E. FOSTER & CRANFIELD MESSE SELL by AUCTION, од THURSDAY. MESSRS. on THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, at TWO: The ABSOLUTE REVERSION, on decease of lady THURSDAY NEXT.-Periodical Sale No. 960.-Reversion. MESSRS. H. E. FOSTER & CRANFIELD will SELL by AUCTION. од THURSDAY. AUGUST 1, at TWO: The ABSOLUTE REVERSION, receivable on the decease of a lady aged 46, to One-third of 2074 £10 fullypaid Ordinary Shares in J. N. Devenish and Co. (Ltd.).Particulars of Messrs. Pearce-Jones and Co., Solicitors, 33. John-street, Bedford-row, W.C.; of J. H. Ashton, Esq.. Solicitor, 17, Whithy-grove, Manchester; and of Auctioneers. the AUGUST 1, at TWO: The ABSOLUTE REVERSION, receivable on the decease of a lady aged 65, to One-third of £3000 Consols. -Particulars of James Turner, Esq., Solicitor. Dunedin House, Basinghall-avenue, E.C.; and of the Auctioneers THURSDAY NEXT.-Periodical Sale No. 960.-Shares. MESSRS. H. E. FOSTER & CRANFIELD will SELL by AUCTION. on THURSDAY. AUGUST 1, at TWO, in Lots: 20 5% per Cent. PREFERENCE SHARES of £100 each, fully paid, in the Grand Opera Syndicate (Ltd.). 10,000 fully-paid ORDINARY SHARES of £1 each in the "V. V." Bread Company (Ltd.). Particulars of Messrs. Woodhouse and Davidson, Solicitors, 10 and 11, Limestreet, E.C.; and of the Auctioneers, 6, Poultry, London, E.C. PERIODICAL PROPERTY AUCTIONS. MESSRS. H. E. FOSTER & CRANFIELD beg to announce that their PROPERTY AUCTIONS are held at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on the FIRST and THIRD WEDNESDAYS in every month. The dates fixed for 1912 are as follows:Wednesday, Aug. 7 Wednesday, Aug. 21 Wednesday, Sept. 4 Wednesday, Sept. 18 Wednesday, Oct. 2 Wednesday, Oct. 16 Wednesday, Nov. 6 Wednesday, Dec. 4 Wednesday, Dec. 18. Vendors, Solicitors, and Trustees having Properties for Sale are respectfully invited to communicate with the Auctioneers, at their Offices, 6, Poultry, London, EC. Telegrams, "Invariably, London." Tel. Nos. 999 and 1000 Bank, and 8539 Central. Giving a SKETCH of the LIVES of the GREATEST of MODERN ENGLISH JUDGES in an Interesting and Anecdotal Form. LAW Fire. FIRE Personal Accident and Disease. Burglary. Fidelity Guarantee. Property Owners' Indemnity. Workmen's Compensation, including Domestic Servants. Third Party. Plate Glass. BONDS. The Directors desire to specially draw attention to the fact that the Fidelity Guarantee Bonds of this Society are accepted by His Majesty's Government and in the High Court of Justice. DIRECTORS CHARLES PLUMPTRE JOHNSON, Esq., J.P., CHAIRMAN (formerly of Johnson, Raymond-Barker, & Co., Lincoln's Inn). GEORGE FRANCIS BERNEY, Esq. (Corsellis & Berney), Lincoln's Inn Fields. L. C. CHOLMELEY, Esq. (Frere, Cholmeley, & Co.), Lincoln's Inn Fields. F. E. E. FAREBROTHER, Esq. (Fladgate & Co.), Craig's Court, Charing Cross. E. S. FREELAND, Esq. (Nicholson, Patterson, & Freeland), Queen Anne's Gate, C. W. GRAHAM, Esq. (Lawrence, Graham, & Co.), Lincoln's Inn. W. A. T. HALLOWES, Esq. (Hallowes & Carter), Bedford Row. E. CARLETON HOLMES, Esq. (formerly of E. Carleton Holmes, Son, & Fell), FRANCIS REGINALD JAMES, Esq. (Gwynne James & Son', Hereford. SECRETARY-H. T. OWEN LEGGATT. FREDERICK STUART MORGAN, Esq. (Saxton & Morgan), Somerset Street. WILLIAM NOCTON, Esq., D.L., J.P. (Nocton & Sons), Great Marlborough Street R. W. TWEEDIE, Esq. (A. F. & R. W. Tweedie), Lincoln's Inn Fields. Sir HENRY ARTHUR WHITE, C.V.O. (A. & H. White), Great Marlborough Street, ASSISTANT SECRETARY-ARTHUR E. C. WHITE. This Society, consequent on its close connection with, and exceptional experience of the requirements of, the Legal Profession, INVITES APPLICATIONS FOR AGENCIES FROM SOLICITORS, TO WHOM IT IS ABLE TO OFFER SPECIAL FACILITIES for the transaction of Insurance Business on the most favourable terms. It enjoys the highest reputation for prompt and liberal settlement of claims. Prospectuses and Froposal Forms, and full information, may be had at the Society's Office. The business of the Society is confined to the United Kingdcm, and the security offered to the Policy Holders is unsurpassed by any of the leading Insurance Companies. Newmains Retreat, Newmains, Lanarkshire. Lloensed under the Inebriates Acts. The House is devoted to the Oare of LADIES of the upper classes only, who can be treated either under the Acts or as Voluntary Patients. The playe stands high and the estate is extensive, with bracing air and in good shelter. It is very retired and beautiful, well suited for the treatment of inebriety, narcoman:e. and other perversions, neurasthenia, hysteria, and minor mental ailments. No patients under certificate of insanity can be received. Highest medical and legal references. Terms and particulars on application to "Superintendent, The Retreat. Newmains, N.B.” Nearest station, Hartwood, Cal. Rly. New and Sixth Edition. Price 10s. 6d. net. ESTATE MANAGEMENT: A PRACTICAL HANDBOOK FOR LANDLORDS, AGENTS, and PUPILS. BY CHARLES E. CURTIS, F.S.I., Professor of Forest Economy, Field Engineering, and THE ARCHER'S REGISTER for 1911-12. EDITED BY Col. H. WALROND, Author of "Archery for Beginners," &c. The Scores and Prize Lists of the Public Meetings of Numerous Illustrations and Photographs. HORAGE COX. "Field" Office, Windsor House, Bream's SOCIETY LIMITED INTEREST PURCHASE REVERSIONARY INTERESTS in Real and Personal Property, and Life Interest and Life Policies, and advance money upon these securities. Authorised Capital, One Million. Subscribed Capital, £643,200. Paid-up Capital, £564,825.-The Society has moved from 17, King's Arm ward, to 30, Coleman-street, EⱭ. EQUITABLE REVERSIONARY INTEREST SOCIETY Limited, 10. LANCASTER-PLACE, STRAND. w.a Reversions and Life Interests in Landed or Funded LAW C. H. CLAYTON, F. H. CLAYTON, REVERSIONARY INTEREST BOCIETY LIMITED THANET HOUSE, 231-232 STRAND, LONDON, W.O Eemoved from No. 24 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, W.C REVERSIONS PURCHASED. ADVANCES MADE THEREON. W. OSCAR NASH, F.I.A., Actuary and Secretary. STEVENS & SONS LTD., BUTTERWORTH & CO., SUBSCRIBE NOW and Law Publishers, Booksellers, & Exporters, Largest Dealers in Second-hand Law Reports and Text-Books. LAW LIBRARIES PURCHASED. Licensed Valuers for Probate, Partnership, &c. PRIVATE ACTS OF PARLIAMENT FROM AN EARLY DATE. THE LAW LENDING LIBRARY (Particulars on Application), 119 & 120, Chancery Lane, London. Telegrams, "Rhodrons." Telephone, 1386 Holborn. Just Published. Eleventh Edition. Cloth, £2; for cash, £1 128.; postage 9d. PALMER'S COMPANY PRECEDENTS. Part I.-GENERAL FORMS. Promoters, Prospectuses, Underwriting, Agreements, Memoranda and Articles of Association, Private Companies, Employees' Benefits, Notices, Resolutions, Certificates, Powers of Attorney, Banking and Advance Securities, Petitions, Writs, Pleadings, Judgments and Orders, Appeals to House of Lords, Reconstruction, Amalgamation, Arrangements. With Copious Notes, and an Appendix containing the Companies (Consoli dation) Act 1908 and other Acts and Rules. Eleventh Edition. By Sir FRANCIS BEAUFORT PALMER, Bencher of the Inner Temple. Assisted by the Hon. CHARLES MAONAGHTEN, K.O., and EDWARD MANSON, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. *** PARTS II. and III. in the Press. "Despite his many competitors, Palmer holds solely Sovereign sway and masterdom, and he does so by reason of his thoroughness, his practical good sense, and his familiarity with the business, as well as the legal side of his subject.'-Law Quarterly Review. 1911. Sixth Edition. Cloth, el 128.; for cash, £1 68.; postage 8d. LEAKE ON CONTRACTS. ACTS OF PARLIAMENT. Public and Local Acts from an early date on sale. Also the largest collection of PRIVATE ACTS relating to Estates. Inclosures. Railways, &c. Catalogues already issued: I. Northumberland. II. Lanca shire. III. Cheshire and Derbyshire. IV. Yorkshire. STEVENS & SONS LTD., 119 & 120, Chancery-lane, London. SOME CHEAP LAW BOOKS. ENCYCLOPÆDIA OF THE LAWS OF ENGLAND, by the most eminent legal authorities. 13 Vols. 1897-1903. £3 10s. Second Edition, including FORMS AND PRECEDENTS. 15 vols. 1906-1909. £12. LAW PUBLISHERS. SAVE £2. LAWYER'S ANNUAL LIBRARY. 1. The Annual Practice, 1913. Thirty-first Edition. Price 25s, ne 2. The A B C Guide to the Practice of Price the Supreme Court, 1913. 3. The Annual and Digests, 1912. Quarterly Price 17s. net. THE LAW REPORTS for 1907-8-9-10-11-12. THE KELLY LAW-BOOK COMPANY LTD., 57, CAREY STREET, CHANCERY LANE, W.C. Third Edition contains the Model Rules, Regulations, and Forms. National Insurance Br A. S. COMYNS CARR, W. H. STUART CARNETT, J. H. TAYLOR, M.A., M.B., With a Preface by the Rt. Hon. D. Lloyd George, M.P. 8vo., 7s. 6d. net. DAILY TELEGRAPH.-" National Insurance' is an elaborate treatise upon the Act, as well as an elaborately annotated edition of the Act itself a book into which the three authors have put an immense amount of conscientious and laborious work." The SUPREME COURT and the CONSTITUTION. By CHARLES A. BEARD, Associate Professor of Politics in Columbia University. Crown 8vo., 43. 6d. net. THE DECLARATION OF LONDON MACMILLAN & CO. Ltd., London. With an Introduction and Notes and Appendices. London; ErTINGHAM WILSON, 54, Threadneedle Street OUNTY COURTS, EQUITY, and BANK post free. HORACE Cox, "County Courts Chronicle Office. Windsor House, Bream's-buildings, E.C. Intended not only for the Legal Profession, but for LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANIES. THE LAW AND PRACTICE. With Cases, Precedents, and Forms, Brought down to 1st July, 1912. By J. ASHTON CROSS, Barrister. Series A, comprising Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 Series B, comprising Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 Price 20s. £2 18 £28. £2 5 Series D, comprising Nos. 3, 4, and 6 £15 JUST PUBLISHED. Price 2s. 6d. net. HOW to BECOME a BARRISTER. By GIBSON and WELDON, Law Tutors. With an APPENDIX containing the QUESTIONS with the ANSWERS set at the Examinations. JUST PUBLISHED. Price 1s. net. BAR EXAMINATIONS. Answers to to the the Questions set at the Trinity Bar Examination. "LAW NOTES" PUBLISHING OFFICES, 25 & 26, CHANCERY LANE, W.C. "LAW NOTES" Library, 25-26, Chancery Lane, W.C. The Seventh Thousand of the Third Edition of this work having been for some time exhausted, the publisher feels that he need offer no apology for issuing the Eighth. The great favour which former editions have received at the hands of the public generally, and schools in particular, proves that the utility of the work is now fully recognised. Though all previous editions were published at 7s. 6d., this new issue is 3s. 6d. net only, in order to keep pace with the present custom of cheaper prices for standard works. LONDON: HORACE COX, "LAW TIMES" OFFICE, BREAM'S BUILDINGS, EC. Printed and published Weekly by the Registered Proprietor, HORACE COX, Bream's Buildings, London, E.O., in the County of Middlesex.-Saturday, July 27, 1912 |