STEVENS & SONS LTD., BUTTERWORTH & CO.. SWEET & MAXWELL LTD. 119 & 120, Chancery Lane, London. Telegrams, Rhodrons, Fleet. London. Now READY. Seventh Edition. SETON'S FORMS Forms of Judgments and Orders in the High Court of One of the equity lawyer's working tools, we are inclined to say the most useful of them. If judges and officials were to confess their indebtedness to the books which are most helpful, Seton would receive as high praise as any."-The Times. PALMER'S COMPANY Part I.-GENERAL FORMS. Eleventh Edition. By Sir FRANCIS BEAUFORT PALMER, Bencher of the Inner Temple, assisted by the Hon. CHARLES MACNAGHTEN, K.C.. and EDWARD MANSON, Barrister-at-Law. 1912. Cloth, £2. (For cash, £1 128.) Part II-WINDING-UP FORMS AND PRAC- Compulsory Winding-up. Voluntary Winding-up, Part III. DEBENTURES AND DEBENTURE "Palmer's works on company law are all beyond criticism. He knows more of the subject than, perhaps, any other member of the Legal Profession. His books have for many practical purposes been treated as being, in fact, the very law itself."-Law Journal. NOTES: Company Cases of 1912: In re Bonacina in the Court of Appeal; Enforcement of possessory title on unwilling purchaser: Is a cat a dangerous animal?; Recovery rack of money paid to infant on trading con. tract; Liability of purchaser for fees of vendor's surveyor for approving plans; Effect of alteration of aate of lease after execution; Getting in satisfied mortgage term: Liability of executors to be made bankrupt as partners. PRIVATE INTERNATIONAL LAW. By A. V. DICEY, K.C. MERGER OF CHARGES. By A. E. RANDAI L. A HISTORICAL STUDY OF MOHAMMEDAN LAW THE EXEMPTION OF THE CROWN FROM LEGAL PROCEDURE IN ANGLO-GERMAN CASES. By JULIUS HIRSCHFELD. THE RESCISSION OF EXECUTORY CONTRACTS A FOR PARTIAL FAILURE IN PERFORMANCE. By C. B. MORISON. SHORT HISTORY COURTNEY KENNY. BOOK REVIEWS. OF ENGLISH LAW. By STEVENS & SONS LIMITED, 119 & 120, Chancery Lane, London. STEVENS & SONS Ltd. THE 31st EDITION IS NOW READY. THE In One Volume, price £1 5s, net. ANNUAL PRACTICE (THE WHITE BOOK), General Editors: J. B. MATTHEWS, Barrister-at-Law IN ONE VOLUME ON OPAQUE PAPER WITH LEAVES EASY TO TURN OVER EDITED THROUGHOUT BY SPECIALISTS COMPLETE IN EVERY RESPECT CONTAINING ALL THE PRACTICE WITH ALL THE LATEST RULES AND ALL THE LATEST CASES JUST PUBLISHED. Price 58. net. THE A.B.C. GUIDE TO PRAC TICE OF THE SUPREME VENDOR AND PURCHASER OF COURT, 1913. REAL ESTATE. By EDGAR A. SWAN, Barrister-at-Law. The author has endeavoured to produce a concise treatise that would be useful for ready reference upon questions of everyday practical uti ity. JUST ISSUED. STATUTES. WORKMEN'S Containing the Acts, fully annotated, on Mines and Quarries. Moneylenders. Monuments. Navy. Newspapers. Notaries. Oaths. Offices. Parliament. Partition. Designs, Trade Marks. Paupers Suing. Pawnbrokers. Penal Actions. Pensions. Petroleum. Price Ss. 6d. net. COMPENSATION and APPEALS The New Edition of CHITTY'S STATUTES is being published at the rate of a volume a month, and when completed will contain a 1 the Acts of practical utility from Magna Charta to the end of 1910. It is by far the most convenient edition of the Statutes. Prospectus on application. JUST READY. 14th Edition. Price E2 2s. CHITTY'S KING'S By THOMAS WILLES OHITTY, Master of the Supreme Oourt: EDWARD HENRY CHAPMAN, Barrister- PRACTICE BEFORE THE COMPTROLLER OF PATENTS. at-Law; and PBILIP OLARK, of the Central Omice of the Supreme Court. "Every possible form of proceeding is set forth, accompanied by useful suggestions which come from long experience of one of the ablest pleaders at the Bar. It is a volume as indispensable to every lawyer as the Annual Practice."-law Times JUST READY. 19 h Edition. Price 38s. WOODFALL'S LAW OF With PRECEDENTS AND FORMS OF PROCEDURE IMPORTANT NOTICE. Finance (1909-10) Act 1910. Finance Act 1912. New Clauses in the Finance Act 1912, dealing with the Valuation of TIMBER FOR ESTATE DUTY PURPOSES, and also with the extension of the benefit known as SUBSTITUTED SITE VALUE, have been recently obtained by the Land Union. For full particulars of these new Clauses, together with notes thereon, apply to the SECRETARY of the LAND UNION, ST. STEPHEN'S HOUSE, WESTMINSTER, S.W. For Report of Cases before Referees, &c., sco the "LAND UNION JOURNAL," published. monthly. Price to members of the Land Union, 2s. 6d. per annum; non-members, 48. The Land Union's HANDBOOK ON PROVISIONAL VALUA TIONS-price to members, 1s. 6d; non-members, 38. Forms for objecting to Provisional Valuations, 9d. per dozen. Price 1s. net. Post free, 1s. 1d. Answers to the Questions set at the Michaelmas Bar Examination. a Barrister. How to By GIBSON and WELDON, Law Tutors. Gives full information as to the method of obtaining Call, the Fees payable, the Examinations to be taken, and the Reading to be done therefor With an APPENDIX containing the actual QUESTIONS set at the Examinations, Trinity, 1912, with ANSWERS. "LAW NOTES" PUBLISHING OFFICES, 25 & 26, CHANCERY LANE, W.C. "LAW NOTES LENDING LIBRARY, 25 & 26, CHANCERY LANE. The Library covers ALL LAW TEXT BOOKS (published in England) required for the Messrs. Hooper and Son will be glad to hear from Solicitors inclined to take a Partner, or who wish to dispose of their Practices, as they have a large number of eligible candidates with varied experience and capital at their command who are seeking favourable openings. DEEDS STAMPED. LAY AGENCY. SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO THE ACCURACY OF DUTIES. Residuary Accounts Passed, Bills of Sale and Deeds of Assignment Filed, Companies Registered, &c. LAW COPYING, ENGROSSING, & TYPEWRITING. Maps, Plans, etc., Reduced, Enlarged, and Lithographed. ADDRESSES, VOTES of THANKS, &c., RICHLY ILLUMINATED. MEMORANDA AND ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION PRINTED. COMPANIES' SHARE CERTIFICATES and SEALS ENGRAVED. Telegrams: "HOOPER, LONDON.' Telephone: 7855 CENTRAL. 69, LUDGATE HILL, E.C. Printed and published Weekly by the Registered P pr etor, HORACE Cox, Bream's Buildings London, E.C., in the County of Middlesex.-Saturday, Oct. 10, 1913. MI THE JOURNAL OF THE LAW AND THE LAWYERS. [Registered at G.P.O. Postage within United Kingdom, One Halfpenny; and to Canada at Canadian Magazine Rate.] SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1912. HOOPER AND SON, Price (with Reports), 1s.. Without Reports, 9d. THE LAW STATIONERS, LITHOGRAPHERS, PRINTERS, BRITISH LAW FIRE INSURANCE ACCOUNT BOOK MAKERS, &C. HOOPER and SON'S "WOVE OF THE WORLD" and their Hand-made NOTE and TYPE-WRITING OFFICIAL PAPERS have an extensive reputation, and are invaluable for strength and durability. 69, LUDGATE HILL, E.C. Telephone: 7855 Central. Telegrams: "Hooper, London.” Tel. 6273 Gerrard. Telegrams "Next. London." GENERAL REVERSIONARY AND PERMANENT Contracts are granted renewable at the ORIGINAL SOCIETY. option of the Assured up to a selected age not exceeding 65. insuring against Loss of Income or Appointment. SPECIAL FEATURES. Capital SumSickness, Accident, or Death Capital Sum Sickness and Accident Policy. Perfected Sickness and Accident Policies. FOUNDED 1840. THE OHAS. WINDETT, Actuary and Secretary. General Manager: DAVID M. LINLEY. Gentlemen in a position to introduce Business are invited SIM HENRY SIMMONDS, MANAGER, 29 & 30, KING STREET, CHEAPSIDE, EO. The only system by which secrecy can be assured.Vide Press. ORK. DETECTIVE WO Divorce and Confidential Inquiries Undertaken by With SECRECY, ABILITY, and DESPATCH PIERREPONT, 27, CHANCERY-LANE, LONDON, W.C. T.A.: "Bullseye, London." TN.: 10,972 Central & 491 Holborn. REFERENCES TO LEADING LONDON SOLICITORS KATE EASTON, "THE LADY DETECTIVE," LONDON'S LEADING WOMAN in every branch of Detective Work DIVORCE, COMMERCIAL NEGOTIATIONS, &c. OPEN DAY and NIGHT. MALE and FEMALE STAFF. 10, WARWICK COURT, GRAY'S INN, W.O. Telegrams: INQUIRENDO HOLB, LONDON, Telephone: 1541 HOLBORN. PRIVATE BIVATE INQUIRIES. JOHN WALSH, 41, THORNVILLE-ROAD, LEEDS. PROCESSES SERVED. References: Leading Solicitors in the North. WRI RIGHT'S DETECTIVE AGENCY, 23, MOORGATE STREET, LONDON, E.C. For PRIVATE INQUIRIES and SECRET WATCH. INGS this Agency stands facile princeps for ability in conducting to a successful issue intricate matters. requiring the greatest amount of discretion and skill. Lowest terms compatible with efficiency. CONSULTATIONS FREE. Telegrams: "Detailed, London." "Phone: London Wall 8977 EDGAR WRIGHT, Manager, 23, MOORGATE STREET, E.C. (near Bank of England). KAIN'S SYSTEM OF SOLICITORS' BOOK-KEEPING and COSTS. Twelfth Edition Explanatory Treatise by HENRY BROWN, F.C.A. (formerly Partner with, and afterwards. Successor to, the late G. J. KAIN) gives full explanations and specimen entries of all Books of Account. This treatise brings Solicitors' Book-keeping up to date, particular attention being paid to separating office and clients' moneys, and the advantage of drawing only on realised profits. Price 3s. net. All Account and Costs Books on Kain's Copyright System (first and second quality), also special books with extra columns, &c. (made to order), may be obtained of us (carriage paid on first quality only). Our 24 Cash Journal, Double Bank Cols., now reduced to £1 11s. 6d. by arrangement with our publishers. SPECIAL NOTICE.-We have no connection whatever with any firm or firms who purport to sell our books, and adopters of "Kain's System "should be careful to deal direct with us or our publishers, Waterlow Brothers and Layton, and see that the name of "Kain" as well as our name appear on the title page of every book. Price list, specimen sheets, and every information relating to the books are supplied by us free of charge. We have on our Register gentlemen with capital desirous of purchasing practices or partnerships. KAIN, BROWN, & CO., 59, CHANCERY LANE, LONDON. Money, Wanted and to Lend. Situations, Wanted and Vacant. AW.-Solicitors REQUIRING MANAG UTUAL LOAN FUND ASSOCIATION ING CLERKSHIPS or positions in Solicitor's Office Waterloo Bridge, Strand, W.C.; 38, Ship-street, Brighton; 199, Queen's-road, Hastings; and 23, Bucklersbury, E.C.; ADVANCES MONEY upon personal security. shares, deeds, &c., repayable by instalments. should apply to be placed on the Registers at Messrs ATHERTONS Ltd., 63 and 64, Chancery Lane, W.C. (35; Public School) AW. SOLICITOR Bills promptly DESIRES MANAGING CLERKSHIP or Charge of discounted. Forms free.-C. R. WRIGHT, Secretary. £2000 AND £2500 (or in smaller sums) ready for Mortgages on Freeholds at 44 per cent.-Apply to WILLIAM JONES and SON, Solicitors, Cardiff. MESSRS. COLLINS and Branch, preferably with view to Partnership; all-round experience in Conveyancing, Trust, Probate, High and County Court work, and General Practice; accustomed to act without supervision; salary £200.-J. T." (No. 3628), "Law Times" Office, Bream's-buildings, E.C. AW. SOLICITOR (23; admitted) COLLINS, SEEKS CLERKSHIP, town or country; experience Surveyors, 37, South Audley-street, Grosvenorsquare, W., beg to intimate that they have a large FUND available for ADVANCE on first-class approved Mortgage Securities, Reversions, and Life Interests in Landed or Funded Estates at low rates of interest, and in amounts of not less than £5000. Conveyancing, Probate, County Court work, and in Chancery and Common Law departments of well-known London Firm; salary £90.-Apply "A. O." (No. 3628), Law Times Office, Bream's-buildings, E.C. ORTGAGES, Ground Rents, Reversions, LAW SOLICITOR, M° for Debentures, &c.-Large Funds available investment at low interest; Solicitors or principals invited to send propositions.-MONELLES LTD., 27-28. King William-street, E.C. (Estd. 1882.) Commissioner, twenty-four years' experience, owing to dissolution of Partnership, DESIRES MANAGING CLERKSHIP or Assistant Solicitorship in country office; experienced Conveyancer, Probate, and usual work of country office; excellent references; salary £250.-" Alpha" (No. 3629), " Times" Office, Bream's-buildings, EC. LA AW.-SOLICITOR (admitted; 24; Public School man) SEEKS POST, temporary or otherwise, in town or country: well experienced in all branches of Conveyancing (Mellersh prize for Conveyancing) and in Probate and General Practice; good Draftsman; knowledge of High Court and County Court Practice: salary (as at present) £150; disengaged shortly.-" W." (No. 3628), Law Times" Office, Bream's-buildings, E.C. SOLICITOR wishes to RE LAWMAND SOLUCIVEVANOWIS CLERIA (FORU Honoursman); excellent Draftsman; hard worker; good Lawyer: willing to undertake Advocacy; moderate salary. -Apply "A. W. S.," 133, St. Owen-street, Hereford. AW.-Good all-round GENERAL CLERK DESIRES CHANGE; Engrossing, Shorthand. knowledge of Conveyancing, and Costs: salary 35s."E. B." (No. 3630), "Law Times Office, Bream'sbuildings, E.C. LA To avail themselves of the advantages of their Register. ARREARS They have Shares of Practices and Successions in London, the West of England, Wales, and Yorkshire, and in Cape Colony. HOOPER and SON. 69, LUDGATE-HILL, LONDON, E.C. LAW SUCCESSIONS, AMALGAMATIONS. Solicitors desiring Partners, or who are open to negotiate for the Sale of their Practices, should communicate with MESSRS. ARNOLD AND CO., 76, Cannon-street, E.C. (Telephone: 5755 Bank), who have always a large number of gentlemen on their books, with capital and connection, requiring openings. AW PARTNERSHIP.-Messrs. ATHERinvite Solicitors in London or provinces desirous of disposing of their Practices or requiring Partners to enter into correspondence with them in strict confidence. -Telephone, 2482 Holborn. Telegrams, Alacrious, London," of COSTS.-DRAFTSMAN open to ENGAGEMENT, temporary or not; heavy or difficult bills from any material; good at Accounts. Shorthand." Nomini (No. 3630), Law Times Office, Bream's-buildings, E.C. LA AW. SOLICITOR (40; admitted) of ability and experience, holding position of responsibility, and accustomed to entire control, DESIRES a CHANGE; a sound and reliable all-round Lawyer; thoroughly experienced in Chancery and General Commercial Practice, and the business of large Liverpool, London, and provincial offices of the highest standing." M. S." (No. 3630), "Law Times" Office, Bream's-buildings, E.C. LAWndon experience) AW.-GENERAL CLERK (sixteen years' SEEKS ENGAGEMENT: Shorthand, Engrossing, knowledge of the Courts, Costs, and Conveyancing, collection of Rents and Mortgage Interests: salary about 30s.: excellent references. Address C. H. B." (No. 3630), "Law Times Office, Bream's-buildings, E.C. " LAWhite, TruExperienced Conveyancing RE-ENGAGEMENT; town and country experience; excellent references.--Address "R.,' 21, James-street, Rochester, Kent. ORPORATION of HUDDERSFIELD. The CORPORATION are prepared to receive APPLICATIONS from admitted Solicitors under 33 years of age for the APPOINTMENT of ASSISTANT SOLICI TOR in the Office of their Town Clerk. Candidates must have had a sound training and experience in Conveyancing, and be prepared to assist generally as required in the work of the office. Salary £150, rising by three annual increments to £200. Applications on the approved forms-copies of which may be obtained from the undersigned-accompanied by copies of not more than three testimonials (which will not be returned), indorsed "Solicitor," must reach me not later than the 4th November 1912. Canvassing the members of the Council will disqualify. By order, J. HENRY FIELD, Town Clerk. Town Hall, Huddersfield, 17th October 1912. COUNTY OF ESSEX. STANDING JOINT COMMITTEE THE STAR invite applications from duly qualified Solicitors of not more than 32 years of age for an APPOINTMENT of ASSISTANT SOLICITOR in the OFFICE of the CLERK of the PEACE and COUNTY COUNCIL for the County. The salary will be £300 per annum, rising by annual instalments of £20 to £400 per annum, and the gentleman appointed will be required to devote his whole time to the duties of his office, and not to engage in any other occupation for profit without the sanction of the Standing Joint Committee. The appointment will be terminable by three months' notice on either side. 1912. Applicants should state their age and experience (if any) in Conveyancing, Advocacy, and County Government Practice, and applications, with copies of not more than three testimonials (which will not be returned), must reach me in a packet, indorsed " Assistant Solicitor," not later than 10 a.m, on Saturday, the 9th November JOHN H. GOOLD, Olerk of the Standing Joint Committee. Shire Hall, Chelmsford, 25th October 1912. AW. To -If you require to fill any Vacancy on your staff (admitted men or otherwise), apply ATHERTONS LTD., 63 and 64 Chancery-lane, W.C. Telephone, 2482 Holborn. Telegrams, No fees. Alacrious, London." AW.-WANTED, COPYING CLERK, Shorthand Writer, Typist; must be abstainer and non-smoker; knowledge of Law work.-Apply, stating age and salary required, X. X." (No. 3630), Law Times Office, Bream's-buildings, E.C. Office. Bream' AW.-SOLICITOR (aged 25; M.A. Oxon.) Solicitors; would interview, or write all particulars."C. T.' (No. 3630), "Law Times buildings, E.C. AW PARTNERSHIP. A SOLICITOR, LA district in the West of England, wishes to MEET with a PARTNER who is in a position to introduce capital for temporary Loans, &c., and could influence Trust or other Moneys for investment on Mortgage; the Practice is an old-established one; probable return to applicant would be about £500 per year.-Address "Z." (No. 3626)," Law Times Office, Bream's-buildings, E.C. AW. WANTED. JUNIOR CLERKSHIP: Shorthand, Typewriting, Engrossing, and general work: excellent references: town and country experience: 21s. per week.-" Junior (No. 3630), "Law Times" Office, Bream's-buildings, E.C. La AW.-Young SOLICITOR (Public School man) DESIRES MANAGING CLERKSHIP: good general experience: salary moderate.-Apply Zip (No. 3630), Law Times" Office, Bream's-buildings, E.C. AW.-SOLICITOR and Public Notary Firm, DESTRES POST, town or country; good Conveyanging and general Litigious experience, including Advocacy.-T. W." (No. 3630), "Law Times" Office, Bream's-buildings, E.C. be held on TUESDAY. the 29th day of OCTOBER 1912, THE ESSEX INSURANCE COMMITTEE. at the Guildhall, Burton-street, in the said City, at Eleven o'clock in the Forenoon, when and where all persons bound by recognisances to appear, or who have any business to transact, at the said Sessions, are required to attend. Instructions for Indictments to be given to the Clerk of the Peace not later than the Tuesday preceding. FRANK B. HARRIS, Clerk of the Peace. Clerk of the Peace's Office, Guildhall, Nottingham. T SOLICITORS and EXECUTORS. One interested in Old Books, Drama, &c., (sixteenth-eighteenth century), Fine Bindings, Prints, Sporting Scenes, Colour Prints, Autographs, Illuminated Manuscripts, will be pleased to hear of any COLLECTIONS or fine Single Items which are to be disposed of: no dealers.-H. W." (No. 3627), 64 Law Times" Bream's-buildings, E.C. Office, LOOK through your Old Correspondence. WANTED to PURCHASE, Old English, Foreign, and Colonial STAMPS on their original envelopes, dating from 1840 to 1900.-MELLORS, 21, Beck-st., Nottingham. The invite APPLICATIONS for the Office of CLERK of the COMMITTEE, at a commencing salary of £350 per annum, rising at the discretion of the Committee to a maximum of £500 per annum. Applicants must be between the ages of 25 years and 45 years, and, other things being equal, preference will be given to a candidate with experience of public work. The gentleman appointed will be required to enter upon the duties of his office not later than the 1st January 1913, and to devote the whole of his time to those duties. appointment will be subject to three months' notice on either side, and carries with it no superannuation or pension. Particulars and forms of application will be supplied by me on receipt of a stamped addressed envelope (foolsoap size), and applications, on the form to be obtained from me, accompanied by copies of not more than three testimonials (which will not be returned), in envelopes marked on the outside Clerkship,' must be received at my office not later than noon on Saturday, the 2nd of November proximo. Canvassing in any form will be deemed a disqualification. " JOHN H. GOOLD, Clerk of the Committee. Tindal-square, Chelmsford, 17th October 1912. A FIRM of LAW PRINTERS REQUIRE the services of an energetic CLERK with good general knowledge of the work of a Solicitor's office; must be of good appearance and address; quick and accurate Shorthand and Typewriting indispensable; good salary and prospects to a capable man willing to work hard.Full particulars, stating experience, capabilities, age, and salary asked, with photo if possible," W. S." (No. 3629). Law Times" Office, Bream's-buildings, E.C. PURCHASE REVERSIONARY INTERESTS in Real and Personal Property, and Life Interest and Life Policies, and advance money upon these securities. Authorised Capital, One Million. Subscribed Capital, £643,200. Paid-up Capital, £564,825.-The Society has moved from 17, King's Arms-vard, to 30. Coleman-street. EC EQUITABLE REVERSIONARY INTEREST SOCIETY Limited, 10, LANCASTER-PLACE, STRAND, W.C. Established 1835. Capital £500,000.Reversions and Life Interests in Landed or Funded Property or other Securities and Annuities PURCHASED or LOANS granted thereon. Interest on Loans may be Capitalised. C. H. CLAYTON, Joint F. H. CLAYTON. Secretaries. LAW CASES: In COX'S CRIMINAL Appeal, the Superior Courts the Central Criminal Court, at the Assizes, and in Ireland. Edited by W, DE BRACY HERBERT, MA LL.M., Barrister-at-Law. Published Quarterly. Price 58. 6d HORACE Cox, "Law Times" Office, Windsor House, Bream's-buildings, E.C. Fourth Edition. Crown 8vo. Price 38. 6d. net, post free. for ROUGHTON'S REMINDERS CONVEYANCERS.-With references to some of BE the best Precedents. HORACE COX, "Law Times" Office, Windsor House, Bream's-buildings, E.C. |