W. NEMBHARD HIBBERT, LL.D. • Lond., Honours and Prizeman at Bar and LL.B., Barrister, continues to PREPARE STUDENTS, Orally and by Post, for Legal Examinations at 1, Garden. court, Temple, E.C. Successes 1910-11: LL.B., 16 passed, A1 with Honours. Bar and Solicitors, 134 passed. LEGAL EXAMINATIONS. Mr. J. E. ALDOUS, Barrister-at-Law, late Editor of the "Commercial Cases," Fifteenth Wrangler, &c., COACHES for Bar, University, and all Legal EXAMINATIONS.11. King's Bench-walk, Temple, London. PRELIMINARY Lreliminary Medical, and all LAW, London Matricula PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS. Special Preparation for Consular Service (most important for Solicitors), by JOHN GIBSON, M.A. (First Class Camb.). Resident Pupils received at Upper Norwood, and 27, Queensboroughterrace, W. N.B.-Consular Service, July. 1911: ALL 44) Appointments taken. July 1909: First THREE Places out of four). July 1910: First TWO Places out of "THREE, also the FIFTH (extra post), and 8 in first 12 on list. Bar Examinations result, 1910: 45 out of 51 passed, 13 in HONOURS. London LL.B., September 1909: THREE out of FOUR (ono in Double Honours). London B.A. (Final) October 1908: THREE up, all passed. Honours. All at FIRST TRIAL SPECIAL.-LAW STUDENTSHIPS, £40 for THREE Years: The only TWO awarded in Class A, June 1910, were BOTH taken by two pupils, Messrs. Davis and Brown. The well-known Law Preliminary are published soon after Guides each examination.-Address, 24, Chancery-lane, London, w.C. Second Sheet 1 BAR AR CORRESPONDENCE COLLEGE; devoted solely to PREPARING STUDENTS for BAR EXAMINATIONS; Postal Tuition only; individual attention; success guaranteed.-Prospectus from Secretary, BAR CORRESPONDENCE COLLEGE, 55, Chancerylane, W.C. Telephone, 602, HOLBORN. Ede, Son and Ravenscroft Founded in the Reign of William and Mary, 1689. Robe Oourt Makers Tallors To H.M. the King and H.M. the Queen. ROBES AND WIGS. Telegrams: "Estates, Everything, London." "Harrods, W. Byfleet." Sales by Auction. SALES BY AUCTION FOR THE YEAR 1912. Messrs. DEBENHAM, TEWSON, RICHARDSON, 1912 of ESTATES, Investments, Town, Suburban, and Country Houses, Business Premises, Building Land, Ground Rente, Advowsons, Reversions, Stocks, Shares, and other Properties will be held at the Auction Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, near the Bank of England, in the City of London, as follows: Tuesday, Oct. 29 Tuesday, Nov. 5 Tuesday, Dec. 3. Tuesday, Nov. 12. By arrangement, Auctions in Town or Country can also be held on other days. Messrs. Debenham, Tewson, Richardson, and Co. undertake Sales and Valuations for Farming Stock. Timber, &c. Probate and other Purposes of Furniture, Pictures, Sporting Detailed Lista of Investments, Estates, Quarters, Residences, Shops, and Business Premises to be Let or Sold by Private Contract can be obtained of Messrs. Debenham, Tewson, Richardson, and Co., No. 89, Cheapside, London. Telephone, Nos. 503 and 504 Bank. Solicitors' Gowns. BBOTSWOOD, ABBOTSWOOD, LEVEE SUITS IN CLOTH AND VELVET. WIGS FOR REGISTRARS & TOWN CLERKS UNIVERSITY AND CORPORATION ROBES. 93 & 94, CHANCERY LANE, LONDON RESTORE THE EVANS' PASTILLES Invaluable for Throat & Voice Send penny for Sample Evans Sons, Lescher & Webb, Ltd. (Name this paper.) charmingly situated, 5, Crescent-road (within two minutes Crouch End Station). Superior BOARD-RESIDENCE; every comfort: thirty rooms; bandsomely furnished; large sunny bed rooms, drawing, dining, smoking rooms; separate tables; electric light; baths; terms moderate; no extras. 'Phone, 1178 Hornsey. FFICES, handsome and commodious, to of the LAW UNION and ROCK INSURANCE CO. (Ltd.), OLD SERJEANTS'-INN, CHANCERY-LANE: light and quiet, and fitted with every modern improvement; suitable for either Professional or Business purposes. Inquire of Caretaker, on the premises, or of the Law Union and Rock Insurance Company, Chancery-lane. A Distinctive Type. Have you seen the YOST "IMPERIAL" TYPE? It is different from anything else in the typewriter world. It cannot be imitated for one very good reasononly the "YOST" will reproduce it. The "Imperial" character is splendidly bold and readable. Its gradations of line are beautifully brought out by the YOST direct-writing method, and a very pleasing impression is conveyed of distinction and tone. When this type is contrasted with the flat, characterless ordinary typewriter type its power will be fully recognised. The YOST Visible Typewriter is worthy of your careful consideration on this point alone. Send for a specimen of "Imperial" Typewriting. THE YOST TYPEWRITER CO., Ltd. Head Office: 50, HOLBORN VIADUCT, LONDON, E.C. Branches Everywhere. A GENERAL INDEX to Vols. XXI. to XXX. (1869 to 1874) of the LAW TIMES REPORTS. It comprises: I. Index to Plaintiffs; II. Index to Defendants; III. Index to Decisions Reversed; IV. Index to Subjects of Cases. Price 78. 6d. cloth: 108. half calf. A GENERAL INDEX to Vols. XXXI. to XL. (1874 to 1879) of the LAW TIMES REPORTS. comprising: I. Index to Plaintiffs; II. Index to Defendants; III. Index to Decisions Reversed; IV. Index to Subjects of Cases. Price 78. 6d. cloth; 10s. half calf. AG GENERAL INDEX to Vols. LI. to LX. (1884 to 1889) of the LAW TIMES REPORTS. It contains: I. Index to Plaintiffs; II. Index to Defendants; III. Index to Decisions Reversed; IV. Index to Subjects of Cases. Price 78. 6d. cloth; 10s. half calf. A GENERAL INDEX to Vols. LXI. to LXX. (1889 to 1894) of the LAW TIMES REPORTS. It comprises: I. Index to Plaintiffs; II. Index to Defendants; III. Index to Decisions Reversed; IV: Index to Subjects of Cases; Price 78, 6d, cloth; 108. half calf. A GENERAL INDEX to Vols. LXXI. t8 LXXX. (1894 to 1899) of the LAW TIMES REPORTS. It comprises: I. Index to Plaintiffs; II. Index to Defendants; III. Index to Decisions Reversed; IV. Index to Subjects of Cases. Price 78. 6d. cloth 108. half calf. A GENERAL INDEX to Vols. LXXXI, to XO. (1899 to 1904) of the LAW TIMES REPORTS. It comprises: I. Index to Plaintiffs; II. Index to Defendants; III. Index to Decisions Reversed; IV. Index to Subjects of Cases. Price 78: 6d. cloth: 108. half calf; A GENERAL INDEX to Vols. XCI. to C. (1904 to 1909) of the LAW TIMES REPORTS. It comprises: I. Index to Plaintiffs; II. Index to Defend ants: III. Index to Decisions Reversed; IV. Index to Subjects of Cases. Price 78. 6d. cloth; 108. half calf. London: HORACE COX, "Law Times" Office, Windsor The Official Record of the National Coursing Club THE GREYHOUND STUD BOOK (VOL. XXXI.) Price Five Shillings and Sixpence (Including Postage). CONTENTS. Frontispiece Portrait of Waterloo Cup Winner, 1912Particulars of 5073 Greyhounds and 1269 Litters of within five minutes of L. and S.W.R. station (main line) and thirty-five minutes from town, and close to St. George's Hills Golf Links. Notice of SALE by AUCTION of the FREEHOLD RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY, Occupying a naturally beautiful position on the summit of a knoll, well screened on the north and SOUTHERN ASPECT. Puppies registered, with Addresses of their Owners of the whole of the surrounding country, having the full advantages of a HORACE COX, "Field" Office, Windsor House, Demy 4to, Profusely and Beautifully Illustrated. The residence stands away from the main road from Weybridge to Byfleet, is approached by two picturesque drives, and contains FIVE ENTERTAINING ROOMS AND OAK PANELLED HALL, EIGHTEEN BEDROOMS AND THREE BATH ROOMS, exceptionally well-planned cupboard accommodation and domestic offices; excellent STABLING (with living rooms), MOTOR GARAGES, four-roomed GARDENER'S COTTAGE, and other outbuildings. THE BEAUTIFUL AND WELL-TIMBERED GROUNDS comprise tastefully laid-out lawns with flower borders, TENNIS and CROQUET COURTS, kitchen HUNTING TRIPS in NORTHERN gardens, orchard, paddock, and shady walks, the whole embracing an area of about TWENTY-TWO ACRES. The Mansion is of pleasing elevation, and built of artistically chosen brickwork, with stone slate roof, thoroughly substantial, being designed and erected for the present owner's own occupation, without regard to cost, under the supervision of the well-known architect, Reginald Fry, Esq. Electric light throughout, main drainage, company's water. By Messrs. REAL HAMBURG GROUND RAZOR NEVER REQUIRES CRINDING DO NOT BE PUT OFF WITH SUBSTITUTES. Pair, Ivory Handles, In Russia Leather Case 5/6 7/6 21/ Kropp Duplex Strop 7/6 Kropp Strop Paste Kropp Badger Hair Shaving Brush, 5/6, 7,6, & 10/6 A copy of this Special Issue will be sent to every Solicitor in the Law List. Including the usual numerous Subscribers to the ordinary weekly issue who are not members of the Legal Profession, the readers of each of the Special Numbers may be moderately estimated at 30,000. JUST PUBLISHED. Cloth Boards. Price 5. Cox's County Who's Who NORFOLK, SUFFOLK, and HORACE COX, "Field" Office. Windsor House, JUST PUBLISHED. Demy 8vo, Cloth Boards, Profasely Illustrated. Price 68. net. INDIAN SMALL GAME SHOOTING for NOVICES. By C. A. G. RIVAZ. This book should supply a long-felt want, as it deals for the first time with Indian small-game shooting as & whole, and contains information in every branch of the sport which is likely to prove useful not only to beginners, but also to those whose experience is restricted by various circumstances. HORACE COX, "Field" Office, Windsor House, The Seventh Thousand of the Third Edition of this work having been for some time exhausted, the publisher feels that he need offer no apology for issuing the Eighth. The great favour which former editions have received at the hands of the public generally, and schools in particular, proves that the utility of the work is now fully recognised. Though all previous editions were published at 7s. 6d., this new issue is 3s. 6d. net only, in order to keep pace with the present custom of cheaper prices for standard works. LONDON: HORACE COX, "LAW TIMES" OFFICE, BREAM'S BUILDINGS, E.C. WATERLOW BROS. & LAYTON Selected List of LIMITED. READY 31st OCTOBER. THE LEGAL DIARY ALMANAC, AND COMPLETE LEGAL FOR 1913. Recognised everywhere as the Diary for Solicitors and Barristers. Prices: 88. 6d., 5s., 6s., and 8s. 6d., LONDON: READY OCTOBER 31st. 69th YEAR OF PUBLICATION. THE PITMAN'S BOOKS THE LAW OF REPAIRS AND DILAPI- By T. CATO WORSFOLD, M.A., LL.D. Crown 8vo, "The work is a really first-class little treatise. The THE LAW OF EVIDENCE By W. NEMBHARD HIBBERT, LL.D. (Lond.), Barrister-at-Law of the Middle Temple; sometime Dean of the Faculty of Laws, University of London; Lecturer on Evidence, Jurisprudence, and Private International Law at King's College, University of London. Crown 8vo, cloth gilt, 3s. 6d. net. "The gentleman responsible for it has considered, from PITMAN'S GUIDE TO THE LAW OF By J. WELLS THATCHER, Barrister-at-Law: Demy "Like all the works dealing with Law published by this DIARY, ALMANAC, LEGAL DIGEST, & DIRECTORY FOR 1913. This old-established and important Annual is now universally recognised as the MOST USEFUL Legal & Comprehensive Diary ever published. PRICES: 3s. 6d., 5s., 6s., & 8s. 6d. WATERLOW BROS. & LAYTON COMPANIES AND COMPANY LAW WATERLOW AND SONS BANKRUPTCY AND BILLS OF SALE B.O.; SWEET & MAXWELL, LIMITED, 3, Chancery-lane, W.O By W. VALENTINE BALL, M.A., Barrister-at-Law. THE LAW OF CARRIAGE By J. E. R. STEPHENS. Of the Middle Temple, INCOME TAX AND INHABITED In demy 8vo, cloth gilt 278 pp., 5s. net. By W. E. In the Press and will be ready shortly. BUNYON'S LAW OF FIRE 6th Edition. By R. J. QUIN, B.A, LL.B. C. & E. LAYTON, Publishers, 56, Farringdon Street, E.C. Woodfall's Landlord & Tenant. 19th Edition, 1912. 38/-; for cash, 30/6. LOCAL GOVERNMENT CASE LAW, 7/6 allowed for 18th Ediuon in part payment (post 1910 AND 1911. In two volumes. Vol. L (1910), 176 pp., large crown FARM LAW In demy 8vo, cloth gilt, 160 pp., 3s. 6d. net. By LONDON: SIR ISAAC PITMAN AND SONS Limited, 1, AMEN CORNER, E.C. Write for Pitman's Catalogue G (post free) which con- paid) by THE KELLY LAW-BOOK COMPANY Ltd. Just Published. SIX LECTURES on the INNS of Third Edition (Eighth Thousand). Price 3s. 6d. net, post free. HE ARTS of WRITING, READING, THE ARTS OF Serjeant-at-Law and Recorder of Portsmouth. HORACE COX, "Law Times" Office, Windsor House, Bream's-buildings, EC. |