THE JOURNAL OF THE LAW AND THE LAWYERS. [Registered at G.P.O. Postage within United Kingdom, One Halfpenny; and to Canada at Canadian Magazine Rate.] Price (with Reports), 1s. Without Reports, 9d. ENERAL LIFE ASSURANCE and SON GE Oan in cases of Emergency WRITE, LITHOGRAPH, or PRINT Any number of COPIES of DOCUMENTS, However lengthy, in the shortest possible space of time. TO COUNTRY CORRESPONDENTS.-A telegram advising the coming parcel and its contente is desirable. 69, LUDGATE HILL. Telephone: 7855 Central, Telegrams: "Hooper, London.' E.C. Tel. 6273 Gerrard. Telegrama Next, London." ENERAL REVERSIONARY GE AND INVESTMENT COMPANY LIMITED, 26, PALL MALL, LONDON, S.W. Estab. 1836, and Empowered by Special Act of Parliament. CAPITAL (PAID UP) £500,000 HELMORE on KAIN'S SYSTEM of REVERSIONS, LIFE INTERESTS, & LIFE SOLICITORS' BOOK-KEEPING. All Account and Costs Books, with Short and Concise POLICIES PURCHASED. LOANS ON REVERSIONS GRANTED Either at Annual Interest or for Deferred Explanatory Treatise on the system, can be obtained of Charges payable when the Reversion falls in HELMORE & HELMORE, 88, CHANCERY LANE, LONDON, W.C. Telephone: 994 Holborn, and free of Interest in the meantime. Prospectuses and Forms of Proposal may be obtained from ROBERT R. TILT, F.I.A., Actuary and Secretary. ORIGINAL SOCIETY. MORTGAGES.] FUNDS exceed 103, CANNON-STREET, LONDON, E.C. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. H. J. BRACEY, Esq. ALFRED JAMES SHEPHEARD, Esq.. Chairman. Lord ARTHUR CECIL, Deputy Chairman. ROBERT HENRY SCOTT, H. E. DUKE, Esq., K.C.. Esq., F.R.S., D.Sc. M.P. Sir JOHN JARDINE, Hon. R. C. GROSVENOR. K.C.I.E., M.P. C. E. VERNON RUTTER, Esq. Right Hon. Viscount VALENTIA, C.B., M.V.O., M.P. Double advantage policies issued securing Two PAYMENTS of the amount assured-one payment on the attainment of a specified age, and a second payment at death thereafter. Advances made on Reversions, vested or contingent, and Life Interests, and on Personal Security in connection with a Life Policy. JOHN ROBERT FREEMAN, Manager and Secretary. RIGHT'S DETECTIVE AGENCY, 23, MOORGATE STREET, LONDON, E.C. WRI For PRIVATE INQUIRIES and SECRET WATCHINGS this Agency stands facile princeps for ability in conducting to a successful issue intricate matters requiring the greatest amount of discretion and skill. Lowest terms compatible with efficiency. CONSULTATIONS FREE. Telegrams: "Detailed, London." EDGAR WRIGHT, Manager, 23, MOORGATE STREET, E.C. (near Bank of England). IMMONDS' FOUNDED 1840. SI GUARDIANS.-Two Ladies, living in T in & CHILD of gentle birth: nice garden.-A." (No. 3611). Law 'Times Office. Bream's-buildings, E.C. KAIN'S SYSTEM OF SOLICITORS' BOOK-KEEPING and COSTS. Twelfth Edition Explanatory Treatise by HENRY BROWN, F.C.A. (formerly Partner with, and afterwards Successor to, the late G. J. KAIN) gives full explanations and specimen entries of all Books of Account. This treatise brings Solicitors' Book-keeping up to date, particular attention being paid to separating office and clients' moneys, and the advantage of drawing only on realised profits. Price 3s. net. All Account and Costs Books on Kain's Copyright System (first and second quality), also special books with extra columns, &c. (made to order), may be obtained of us (carriage paid on first quality only). Our 2A Čash Journal, Double Bank Cols., now reduced to £1 11s. 6d. by arrangement with our publishers. SPECIAL NOTICE.-We have no connection whatever with any firm or firms who purport to sell our books, and should be careful to deal adopters of "Kain's System direct with us or our publishers, Waterlow Brothers and Layton, and see that the name of "Kain" as well as our name appear on the title page of every book. Price list, specimen sheets, and every information relating to the books are supplied by us free of charge. We have on our Register gentlemen with capital desirous of purchasing practices or partnerships. KAIN, BROWN, & CO., 59. CHANCERY LANE, LONDON. Office: 114, CHANCERY LANE, LONDON, W.C. "OSEA HE SEA ISLAND is the place LONDON GAZETTE (published by authority) and LONDON and COUNTRY ADVERTISEMENT OFFICE, No. 120, CHANCERY-LANE, FLEET STREET, W.C. ENRY GREEN, Advertisement Agent, begs to direct the attention of the Legal Profession to the advantages of his long experience of upwards of fifty years in the special insertion of all pro forma notices, &c., and hereby solicits their continued support. N.B.Forms Gratis of Statutory Notices to Creditors and Dissolution of Partnership and Declaration. File of London Gazette kept for free reference. By Appointment. DETECTIVES. HENRY SIMMONDS, MANAGER, 29 & 30, KING STREET, CHEAPSIDE, EC. The only system by which secrecy can be assured.Vide Press. DETECTIVE WORK. Divorce and Confidential Luquiries Undertaken by WM. PIERREPONT, With SECRECY, ABILITY, and DESPATCH. Go to him if Blackmailed, Troubled, or in Difficulties. Special experience also in Will Cases. T.A.: WM. PIERREPONT, 27, CHANCERY-LANE, LONDON, W.C. "Bullseye, London." TN.: 10,972 Central & 491 Holborn. REFERENCES TO LEADING LONDON SOLICITORS, "THE KATE EASTON, LADY DETECTIVE," LONDON'S LEADING WOMAN in every branch of Detective Work. DIVORCE, COMMERCIAL NEGOTIATIONS, &c. W OPEN DAY and NIGHT. 10, WARWICK COURT, GRAY'S INN, W.C. ANTED, INFORMATION as to any WILL of Mrs. EMMA CAVE (widow of Frederio George Cave), who in 1886 joined the Community of the New and Latter House of Israel.-SEAGROVE, WOODS, and MITCHELL, 22, Chancery-lane, W.C., Solicitors to next of kin. ENGINEER (late Chief Municipal), now and many years London, can ASSIST SOLICETORS in all matters relating to Property. - Address Expert (No. 3608), "Law Times " Office, Bream'sbuildings, E.C. LAW Money, Wanted and to Lend. UTUAL LOAN FUND ASSOCIATION MUTUAL Waterloo Bridge, Strand, W.C.; 38. Ship-street, Brighton; 199., Queen's-road, Hastings; and 23, Bucklersbury, E.C.; ADVANCES MONEY upon personal security, shares, deeds, &c., repayable by instalments. Bills promptly discounted. Forms free.-C. R. WRIGHT, Secretary. FOR70,00PERMANENT two, MORTGAGE on English Family Landed Estates; interest 4; no other class considered; procuration 1 per cent.-Address "H. H." (No. 3613). "Law Times" Office, Bream's-buildings, E.C. £60,000. WANTED, the above SUM cn Mortgage of a valuable Freehold Estate; state lowest rate of interest."L." (No. 3613), Law Times Office, Bream's-buildings. E.C. £9300 TRUST MONEY, in one or more sums, at 4 per cent.; Freehold Agricultural Property, Shropshire, Cheshire, or Midland Counties preferred.-Apply "D. S. G." (No. 3613), Times Office, Bream's buildings, E.C. Partnerships, Wanted and Vacant. LAW Law Legal and Tuition Notices. CHARLES THWAITES (Indermaur MR. CHAiles, Solicitor, Editor of the "Lav Students' Journal," &c., 22, Chancery-lane, London, W.C., continues to read with Students for the Solicitors Final and Intermediate Examinations, Bar, and other Legal Examinations. Fees on application. Telegrams: Danensis, London." Tel.: 12,027 Central. ESSRS. GIBSON and WELDON, X." (No. 3613), "Law Times Office, Bream's-buildings. Proprietors of "Law Notes," &c., FREPARE in E.C. LA AW.-SOLICITOR (232; LL.B. London; admitted February 1912) DESIRES CLERKSHIP; considerable experience in Conveyancing, Litigation, Chancery, Criminal, Municipal, and general work; undertake Advocacy; excellent references; small salary accepted." F. P." (No. 3613), Law Times Office, Bream's-buildings, E.C. AW. SOLICITOR (36; Honoursman), Probate, Divorce, Commercial, Conveyancing, and Trust Matters, DESIRES ENGAGEMENT by another Solicitor or Firm requiring experienced assistance as salaried Partner or Managing Clerk, Advertiser retaining an interest in his own Practice: highest credentials."A. Z." (No. 3612), "Law Times" Office, Bream'sbuildings, E.C. AW.-SOLICITOR (33; Public PARTNERSHIPS. Lallround Lawyer, capital, and mall cochection, Messrs. HOOPER and SON INVITE SOLICITORS DESIRING PARTNERS, or WISHING to ACQUIRE or DISPOSE of a PRACTICE, To avail themselves of the advantages of their Register. They have Shares of Practices and Successions in London, the West of England, Wales, and Yorkshire, and in Cape Colony. HOOPER and SON, 69, LUDGATE-HILL, LONDON, E.C. Telegrams: Hooper, London.' Telephone: 7855 Central. PARTNERSHIPS, LAW SUCCESSIONS. to DESIRES to ASSIST older Man or Firm with view Partnership or Succession.-" C. D." (No. 3613), "Law Times " Office, Bream's-buildings, E.C. "C AMALGAMATIONS. who are open Solicitors desiring Partners, or negotiate for the Sale of their Practices, should communicate with MESSRS, ARNOLD AND CO., 76, Cannon-street, E.C. (Telephone: 5755 Bank) who have always a large number of gentlemen on their books, with capital and connection, requiring openings. PARTNER AW PARTNERSHIP. LA REQUIRED in an old-established Practice in the West Riding: Succession can be arranged; all-round man: Public School man preferred.-Address, with particulars, to "X. Z." (No. 3611). "Law Times Bream's-buildings, E.C. Office. SOLICITOR AW (34), of wide experience, gained in first-class offices (with Public Appointments), DESIRES PARTNERSHIP or Succession; an able all-round Lawyer in Conveyancing. Common Law, Trusts, and General Practice; accustomed to carrying all matters through without any supervision; the last five years become first-class Advocate.-" A. (No. 3613), "Law Times Office, Bream's-buildings, E.C. AW.-CASHIER and BOOK-KEEPER (34) DESIRES CHANGE (Kain's system); Trust Accounts, Estate Agency, Tax Work; desirous of improving position.-"N. G." (No. 3612), "Law Times" Office, Bream's-buildings, E.C. LAW. Young SOLICITOR (23; admitted) SEEKS ENGAGEMENT in Magistrate's Clerk's office; six years' continuous experience Magisterial work, large Midland city; competent advise Justices in Court; good references-Apply "J L. C." (No. 3612), Times Office, Bream's-buildings. E.C. WORKING ARTICLES QUIRED for eighteen months by Managing Clerk (aged 29); fourteen years' experience with leading London firms competent worker in most departments.-" K." (No. 3613)Law Times Office, Bream's-buildings, E.C. AW. SOLICITOR Young admitted (Public School man), six and a half years' Conveyancing, Municipal, and general experience, owing to principal's prospective Partnership, DESIRES RE-ENGAGEMENT or other Appointment: excellent testimonials London preferred: commencing salary £120.Apply E. R. R." (No. 3609), "Law Times Office, Bream's-buildings, E.C. L " THE LAW CLERK," monthly, 2d., is the Clerks. Special features: Chats with Counsel, Prize Competitions, Notes on Cases, Legal Queries and Answers, copy, 22d.. from Publisher. 55. Chancery-lane. HIBBERT, LL.D. Lond., Honours and Prizeman at Bar and LL.B., Barrister, continues to PREPARE STUDENTS, Orally and by Post, for Legal Examinations at 1, Garden court, Temple, E.C. Successes 1910-11: LL.B., 16 passed, 11 with Honours. Bar and Solicitors, 134 passed. BAR PREPARING STUDENTS IN CORRESPONDENCE COLLEGE; BAR EXAMINATIONS; Postal Tuition only: individual attention; success guaranteed.-Prospectus from Secre tary. BAR CORRESPONDENCE COLLEGE, 134, Salisbury. square, Fleet-street, E.C. LEGAL EXAMINATIONS. Mr. J. E ALDOUS, Barrister-at-Law, late Editor of the Commercial Cases," Fifteenth Wrangler, &c., COACHES for Bar, University, and all Legal EXAMINATIONS.11, King's Bench-walk, Temple, London. BARRISTER ARRISTER (Clement's-inn and Clabon Bar) willing to TAKE Postal or Oral PUPILS for Success" (No. 3609), Solicitors' and Bar Finals.-Apply "Law Times" Office, Bream's-buildings, E.C. &c., &c. Annual subscription. 28. 6d., post free. Specimen PREI L AW.--WANTED, at once, in Solicitor's office, competent BOOK-KEEPER and COSTS CLERK; temporary: state references and salary required. --" X. A." (No. 3613). Law Times Office, Bream'sbuildings, E.C. AW.-WANTED, immediately, in SoliciShorthand and Typewrite well; knowledge of Commercial and Shipping Work an advantage.-Apply, stating age, experience, and salary required, "B. B., and C. (No. 3613), Law Times" Office, Bream's-buildings, E.C. AW.-HOLIDAYS.-WANTED, about RELIMINARY LAW, London Matricula tion, LL.B., Bar, Preliminary Medical, and al PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS. Special Preparation i Consular Service (most important for Solicitors), by JOH GIBSON, M.A. (First Class Camb.). Resident Pupil received at Upper Norwood, and 27, Queensborood terrace, W. N.B.-Consular Service, July 1911: ALL (4) Appointments taken. July 1909: First THREE Place (out of Four). July 1910: First TWO Places outd THREE, also the FIFTH (extra post), and 8 in first! on list. Bar Examinations result, 1910: 45 out of 5 passed, 13 in HONOURS. London LL.B., September 1909: THREE out of FOUR (one in Double Honours! London B.A. (Final) October 1908: THREE up, all passed Honours. All at FIRST TRIAL SPECIAL-LAW STUDENTSHIPS, £40 for THREE Years: The only TWO awarded in Class A, June 1910, were BOTH taken by two pupils, Messrs. Davis and Brown. The well-known Law Preliminary "Guides" are published soon after each examination.-Address, 24, Chancery-lane, Londa W.C. SUCCESSFUL By arrangement, Auctions in Town or Country can also be held on other days. Messrs. Debenham, Terson, Richardson, and Co. undertake Sales and Valuations for Probate and other Purposes of Furniture, Pictures, Farming Stock, Timber, &c. Detailed Lists of Investments, Estates, Sporting Quarters. Residences, Shops, and Business Premises to be Let or Sold by Private Contract can be obtained of Messrs. Debenham, Tewson, Richardson, and Co., No. Cheapside, London. Telephone, Nos. 503 and 504 Bank. Solicitors' Gowns. OFFICE, Hughenden House, Park-road, LEVEE SUITS IN CLOTH AND VELVET. Teddington in occupation of firm of Solicitors for past eight years; Auctioneers and Tax Collector occupy other part of building: moderate rental-Apply POWELL and Co., Auctioneers, Teddington. LONDON SOLICITORS.-Very success WIGS FOR REGISTRARS & TOWN CLERKS THE PROPON SOLICITAN DESTRES INSTRUC UNIVERSITY AND CORPORATION ROBES. 93 & 94, CHANCERY LANE, LONDON. TIONS to SELL Weekly or Villa PROPERTY of good class by Private Treaty: Auctions may have proved abortive; forty-two Houses sold this year: Sole Agency for one month.-Please write "Business Vickers and Co. Ltd., 5, Nicholas-lane, E.C. care of J. W. 7 The place The House is devoted to the Care of LADIES of the upper classes only, who can be treated either under the Acts or as Voluntary Patients. stands high and the estate is extensive, with bracing air and in good shelter. It is very retired and beautiful, well suited for the treatment of inebriety, narcomanis, and other perversions, neurasthenia, hysteria, and minor mental ailments. No patients under certificate of insanity can be received. Highest medical and legal references. Terms and particulars on application to "Superintendent, The Retreat. Newmains, N.B." Nearest station, Hartwood, Cal. Rly. EQUITABLE REVERSIONARY LAW REVERSIONARY INTEREST REVERSIONS PURCHASED. ADVANCES MADE THEREON. Forms of Proposal and full information can be obtained No W. OSCAR NASH, F.I.A., Actuary and Secretary. REEVES AND TURNER, 14, Bell Yard, Temple Bar. Second-hand Text Books and Law Reports. The LAW REPORTS for 1908-9-10-11; Please state style of binding and price required, to: Mortgages, Bonds, Debentures, Deposit Receipts, THE KELLY LAW-BOOK COMPANY LTD., either solely or jointly. Dealers in all Descriptions of Law Books, STEVENS & HAYNES, Law Publishers, Booksellers, and Exporters, A Book on the leading question of International Policy and THE DECLARATION OF LONDON, With an Introduction and Notes and Appendices. RACING AT HENLEY. From Reports printed in the "Field" from 1903 onwards. Edited, with a Preface, by THEODORE A. COOK. Price 3s. 6d. net. HORACE COX, Windsor House, Bream's Buildings, MESSRS. H. E. FOSTER & CRANFIELD'S LIST. OFFICES: 6, POULTRY, E.C. THURSDAY NEXT.-Periodical Sale No. 958.-Reversion. MESSRS. H. E. FOSTER & CRANFIELD will SELL by AUCTION, at the MART, E.C., on THURSDAY, JULY 4: The ABSOLUTE REVERSION, receivable on the decease of a gentleman aged 58, to the whole of a Trust Fund of the estimated value of £3700.-Particulars of Messrs, C. Urquhart Fisher and Co., Solicitors, 19 and 20. Holborn-viaduct, E.O.; and of the Auctioneers. THURSDAY NEXT.-Periodical Sale No. 958.-Reversion. ESSRS. H. E. FOSTER & CRANFIELD will SELL by AUCTION, on THURSDAY, ME JULY 4: Oarsman's Companion for 1912. FIFTY-SECOND YEAR OF ISSUE. Review of the Season 1911; Records of Races, 1911, in which are given the results of all the important as well as some of the minor races; Calendar, High-water ESSRS. H. E. FOSTER & CRANFIELD MESSRS. H. E. FOSTER & CRANFIELD MES will SELL by AUCTION, on THURSDAY, JULY 4: The ABSOLUTE REVERSION to One-third Share of a Fund estimated at £5000, subject to annuities of £170. Particulars of a Dennus, q.. Solicitor, 8. George street, Hanover-square, W.; and of the Auctioneers. THURSDAY NEXT.-Periodical Sale No. 958.-Reversion ESSRS. H. E. FOSTER & CRANFIELD JULY 4:- The ABSOLUTE REVERSION, receivable on the decease of a lady aged 58, to One-half of £782 Madras and Southern and Mahratta Railway Stock.-Particulars of Messrs. Lawrence Graham and Co., Solicitors, 6. Newsquare, Lincoln's-inn, W.C.; and of the Auctioneers. GENERAL INDEXES TO LAW TIMES REPORTS. A GENERAL INDEX to the SECOND TEN VOLUMES of the LAW TIMES REPORTS (Vols. XI. to XX.) 1864 to 1869. Price 78. 6d. cloth; 108. half calf. It comprises: I. Index to Plaintiffs; II. Index to Defendants; III. Index to Subjects of Cases. Tab'es, and Fixtures for 1912: A.R.A. Constitution, A GENERAL INDEX to Vols. XXI. to Rules for Regattas, Laws of Boatracing, Proceedings in 1911, &c.: Henley Regatta Constitution, Rules, tc; Bules and Regulations for the Wingfield Sculls; Length of Racing Courses: Rowing Directory; Distances XXX. (1869 to 1874) of the LAW TIMES REPORTS. It comprises: I. Index to Plaintiffs; II. Index to Defend. ants; III. Index to Decisions Reversed; IV. Index to Subjects of Cases. Price 78. 6d. cloth: 108. half calf. On Thames, &c; The Thames Trip-Oxford to London; A GENERAL INDEX to Vols. XXXI. to An exhaustive Table of Winners is given as Appendix. It comprises the names and weights of the Oxford and Cambridge crews since 1829; the winners of the chief events of O.U.B.C. and C.U.B.O. from 1827 onwards; competitors fcr the Wingfield Sculls since 1830; winners at Henley Regatta from its institution in 1839, and at the Metropolitan Amateur Regatta; the holders of the Championship of the World and of England, also of the Amateur and Professional Punting Championships; a list of the winners of Doggett's Coat XL. (1874 to 1879) of the LAW TIMES REPORTS, comprising: I. Index to Plaintiffs; II. Index to Defendants; III. Index to Decisions Reversed; IV. Index to Subjects of Cases. Price 78. 6d. cloth: 108. half calf. A GENERAL INDEX to Vols. XLI. to L. (1879 to 1884) of the LAW TIMES REPORTS It comprises: I. Index to Plaintiffs; II. Index to Defend. ants; III. Index to Decisions Reversed; IV. Index to Subjects of Cases. Price 78. 6d. cloth; 108. half calf. A GENERAL INDEX to Vols. LI. to LX (1884 to 1889) of the LAW TIMES REPORTS. It contains: I. Index to Plaintiffs; II. Index to Defendants; III. Index to Decisions Reversed; IV. Index to Subjects of Cases. Price 78. 6d. cloth: 10s. half calf. SELL by AUCTION, on THURSDAY, JULY 4:POLICIES £3000, £1000, OF ASSURANCE for effected with the NCE SOCIETY,ENERAL premiums £80 17s. 3d. effected with the SUN LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY; life 65; premium £41 45. Particulars of the Auctioneers. THURSDAY NEXT.-Periodical Sale No. 958.-Shares. By order of the Executors. ESSRS. H. E. FOSTER & CRANFIELD on THURSDAY, JULY 4: MESSI SELL BY AUCTION, 82 SHARES of £10 each (£4 paid) in the Provident Clerks' and General Guarantee and Accident Co. Ltd.Particulars of Messrs. Woodcock, Ryland and Parker, Solicitors, 15. Bloomsbury-square, W.C.; and of the Auctioneers, 6, Poultry, E.C. PERIODICAL PROPERTY AUCTIONS. MESSRS. H. E. FOSTER & CRANFIELD beg to announce that their PROPERTY AUCTIONS are held at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, EC., on the FIRST and THIRD WEDNESDAYS in every month. The dates fixed for 1912 are as follows:- Wednesday, July 17 Wednesday, Aug. 7 Wednesday, Aug. 21 Wednesday, Sept. 4 Wednesday, Sept. 18 Vendors, Solicitors, and Trustees having Properties fr Sale are respectfully invited to communicate with the Auctioneers, at their Offices, 6, Poultry, London, EC Telegrama, "Invariably, London." Tel. Nos, 999 and 1000 Bank, and 8539 Central. The "FIELD" Lawn Tennis Score Book for Matches. Designed by W. WILLIAMS, Price SIXPENCE HORACE COX, Windsor House, Bream's Buildings, London, E C. Price 2s. 6d. net. How to Increase a Stock of Partridges. BEING A DETAILED ACCOUNT OF HOW By J. WORMALD. Every keeper, and all those interested in Partridge rear. ing, should possess one of these books. The systems as recommended are dealt with in a manner that no writers have previously done, and the very latest tips in partridge and Badge from 1716 to the present time; Record Times, A GENERAL INDEX to Vols. LXI. to culture are here explained in a manner that no one can GENERAL INDEX to Vols, LXXXI. to A GENERAL INDEX to Vols. XCI. tc C. (1904 to 1909) of the LAW TIMES REPORTS. London: HORACE Cox, "Law Times" Office, Windsor House, Bream's-buildings, E.C. Third Edition. WH Price 5s., post free. HARTON'S LEGAL MAXIMS.-With Observations and Cases. HORACE Cox, "Law Times Office, Windsor House. Bream's-buildings, E.O. ¶ An Important Departure from an Old Custom. Typewritten documents are now accepted by the Royal Courts of Justice, the Houses of ¶ A Great Objection has been overcome by the introduction of the YOST Typewriter, with a pad carrying INDELIBLE INK, which ensures ¶ Indelibility of Writing, and valuable records are now being typewritten in this manner, instead of the old, laborious and unsatisfactory method of hand-writing. ¶ Full Particulars of the Special Model ("No. 16 Brief") of the YÖST TYPEWRITER, adapted particularly for the use of Solicitors, Lawyers, &c., will be sent post free on application to LAW Fire. FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY LTD., No. 114, Chancery Lane, London, W.C. Personal Accident and Disease. Burglary. Fidelity Guarantee. Property Owners' Indemnity. BONDS. The Directors desire to specially draw attention to the fact that the Fidelity Guarantee Bonds of this Society are accepted by His Majesty's Government and in the High Court of Justice. DIRECTORS CHARLES PLUMPTRE JOHNSON, Esq., J.P., CHAIRMAN (formerly of Johnson, Raymond-Barker, & Co., Lincoln's Inn). GEORGE FRANCIS BERNEY, Esq. (Corsellis & Berney), Lincoln's Inn Fields. L. C. CHOLMELEY, Esq. (Frere, Cholmeley, & C.), Lincoln's Inn Fields. F. E. E. FAREBROTHER, Esq. (Fladgate & Co.), Craig's Court, Charing Cross. E. S. FREELAND, Esq. (Nicholson, Patterson, & Freeland), Queen Anne's Gate, C. W. GRAHAM, Esq. (Lawrence, Graham, & Co.), Lincoln's Inn. W. A. T. HALLOWES, Esq. (Hallowes & Carter), Bedford Row. E. CARLETON HOLMES, Esq. (formerly of E. Carleton Holmes, Son, & Fell), FRANCIS REGINALD JAMES, Esq. (Gwynne James & Son), Hereford. SECRETARY-H. T. OWEN LEGGATT. FREDERICK STUART MORGAN, Esq. (Saxton & Morgan), Somerset Street. R. W. TWEEDIE, Esq. (A. F. & R. W. Tweedie), Lincoln's Inn Fields. W. MELMOTH WALTERS, Esq. (Walters & Co.), Lincoln's Inn. Sir HENRY ARTHUR WHITE, C.V.O. (A. & H. White), Great Marlborough Street. ASSISTANT SECRETARY-ARTHUR E. C. WHITE. This Society, consequent on its close connection with, and exceptional experience of the requirements of, the Legal Profession, INVITES APPLICATIONS FOR AGENCIES FROM SOLICITORS, TO WHOM IT IS ABLE TO OFFER SPECIAL FACILITIES for the transaction of Insurance Business on the most favourable terms. It enjoys the highest reputation for prompt and liberal settlement of claims. Prospectuses and Proposal Forms, and full information, may be had at the Society's Office. The business of the Society is confined to the United Kingdom, and the security offered to the Policy Holders is unsurpassed by any of the leading Insurance Companies. |