STEVENS & SONS LTD., BUTTERWORTH & CO., SWEET & MAXWELL LTD. Law Publishers and Booksellers, 119 & 120, CHANCERY LANE, LONDON. Telegrams," Rhodrons, London." Telephone, 1386 Holborn. Just Published. Eleventh Edition. PALMER'S Part I.-GENERAL FORMS.-Arranged as follows:Promoters, Prospectuses, Underwriting, Agreements, Memoranda and Articles of Association, Private Companies, Employees' Benefits, Notices, Resolutions, Certificates, Powers of Attorney, Banking and Advance Securities, Petitions, Writs, Pleadings, Judgments and Orders, Appeals to House of Lords, Reconstruction, Amalgamation, Arrangements. With Copious Notes and an Appendix containing the Companies (Consoli dation) Act 1908 and other Acts and Rules. Eleventh Edition. By Sir FRANCIS BEAUFORT PALMER, ** PARTS II. and III. In the Press. "It would be difficult to name any law book which has been more successful-and deservedly successful-than Palmer's Company Precedents. It is by the care which he has bestowed upon every edition, and by his ready adaptation of his forms to the growing wants of the com mercial world, that he has maintained and maintains his prestige as a company lawyer."-Law Quarterly Review. Just Published. Fifth Edition. Cloth, £1 158. ; for cash, £1 88.; postage 8d. ODGERS ON LIBEL. A Digest of the Law of Libel and Slander, with the Evidence, Procedure, Practice, and Precedents of Pleadings. By W. BLAKE ODGERS, LL.D., K.C., Bencher of the Middle Temple. Fifth Edition. By the Author, J. BROMLEY EAMES and WALTER BLAKE ODGERS, Barristers-at-Law. It has earned for itself the right to be in every law library, and should be in the chambers of every busy practitioner."-Law Journal. Just Published. Seventh Edition, Cloth, 12s. 6d. ; for cash, 10s. ; postage 6d. ODGERS ON PLEADING. The Principles of Pleading and Practice in Civil Actions in the High Court of Justice. Seventh Edition. By W. BLAKE ODGERS, LL.D., K.C. "It is the safest possible guide in all matters affecting pleading and practice."-Law Journal. Just Published. Second Edition. ASSINDER'S TRADE UNIONS. The Legal Position of Trade Unions. Second Edition. Just Published. Vol. II. Part 6. REGISTRATION CASES. Reports of Cases argued and determined in the King's STEVENS & SONS LIMITED, 119 & 120, Chancery Lane, London. 8, CHANCERY LANE, LONDON, W.C. LAW PUBLISHERS & BOOKSELLERS. Dealers in Second-Hand LAW REPORTS and TEXT-BOOKS and LEGAL PORTRAITS. LAW LIBRARIES PURCHASED. (LICENSED VALUERS.) Books Supplied on the Instalment System. Published TO-DAY. Second Edition. Price 7s. 6d. THE LAW OF NATIONAL INSURANCE. With Introduction and Notes by H. KINGSLEY WOOD, Solicitor of the Supreme Court. Containing a Short Summary of the Act, the Text elaborately annotated, Cross References, a copious Index, Model Rules for Approved Societies, and the Latest Regulations under the Act. NO "We have no hesitation in saying that the text-book has yet been issued."-Municipal Journal. MAGISTRATES' CASES.-Cox's Reports prepared by Messrs. Browne and Wood is the best that of all Cases decided by the Superior Courts relat ing to Magistrates, Municipal, and Parochial Law. In parts, 56, 6d. HORACE Cox, "Law Times Office Windsor House, Bream's-buildings, E.C. SWEET & MAXWELL LTD., 3, Chancery-lane, London, W.C. LEGAL & GENERAL LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY. ESTABLISHED 1836 TOTAL ASSETS CHARLES P. JOHNSON, Esq., J.P. The Hon, Mr. Justice DEANE. ROMER WILLIAMS, Esq., D.L., J.P. ROBERT YOUNGER, Esq., K.O 66 Another Record for the Hill." Best Performance of the Day on Formula. First in its Class against 18 Cars of all makes. The 12 h.p. Talbot at Aston Hill Climb. Fastest Time of the Day. The 25 h.p. Talbot at Handpost Hill Climb. Such were the brilliant performances of the Invincible Talbots on Saturday, 8th June, demonstrating the wonderful hill-climbing powers of "the car of a thousand triumphs." But Hill-climbing is only one of the many features INVINCIBLE TALBOI Catalogues and Specifications from CLEMENT TALBOT, LTD. SWAN" EASY-FILL SWAN EASY FILL FILLER WITH SWAN INK KARE TOOD LONDON IMPORTANT to BARRISTERS. A great many gentlemen in the Legal Profession have no time to give to the The Equitable Life Assurance Society of the U.S. They will get not only the benefit of Life Assurance, but a substantial return The EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY of the UNITED STATES. NOW READY. Head Office for Great Britain and Ireland : 346, STRAND, LONDON, W.C. Price El Is. Od.; post free for cash, 17s. 6d. A New (SEVENTH) Edition of the STUDENT'S PROBATE, DIVORCE, AND ADMIRALTY. By ALBERT GIBSON and ARTHUR WELDON, and H. GIBSON RIVINGTON, M.A., and A. C. FOUNTAINE. In preparing this Edition great care has been taken to introduce all New Statutory Enactments and all Decisions of the Court down to the time of going to press. "The arrangement of this book seems to leave nothing to be desired, and students will probably find that it contains all that is necessary to equip them for examination purposes, and in many points it will serve as a useful guide to the practitioner."-Solicitors' Journal. "LAW NOTES" LIBRARY, 25 & 26, CHANCERY Telephone, No. 780 HOLBORN. LANE. Telegraphic Address: "LAW NOTES, LONDON." A SUBSCRIPTION LENDING LIBRARY OF ENGLISH LAW TEXT-BOOKS Printed and published Weekly by the Registered Proprietor, HORACE Cox, Bream's Buildings, London, E.O., in the County of Middlesex.-Saturday, June 9, 1911. US THE JOURNAL OF THE LAW AND THE [Registered at G.P.O. Postage within United Kingdom, One Halfpenny; and to Canada at Canadian Magazine Rate.] STATE PRICES, &C., ON APPLICATION. INERAL WNERS GREAT BRITAIN. (SOLICITORS ARE PROTECTED.) A NON-POLITICAL ALLIANCE FOR THE PROTECTION AND BENEFIT OF PERSONS RECEIVING MINERAL RENTS. F. President: THE EARL FITZWILLIAM. Print of Constitution and details from the Secretary, PAWSEY, 8, Regent-street, Barnsley, and 8, Great James-street, Bedford-row, London, W.C. SCOTTISH EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY, HEAD OFFICE-28, ST. ANDREW SQUARE, EDINBURGH. ACCUMULATED FUNDS.. THE £5,725,700 Society transacts every description of LIFE INSURANCE BUSINESS, and is conducted on the MUTUAL principle, whereby the WHOLE PROFITS belong to the Assured. INSURANCES AGAINST ISSUE are effected at moderate rates of premium. REVERSIONS. The attention of Solicitors and others is directed to this Society's improved method of dealing with REVERSIONS. Its leading feature is that a power of repurchase (whether the tenant for life be alive or dead) is reserved to the Roversioner for a fixed term of years. Before the expiry of such term the Society is open to arrange for its extension on payment of a sum to be agreed upon. Full particulars may be obtained on application. Loans are Granted on LIFE INTERESTS. LONDON OFFICE-13, CORNHILL, E.C. LONDON SECRETARY-P. W. PURVES. Telephone No. 492 Bank, Telegrams "Life," London, SATURDAY, JULY 6, 1912. TRANSLATIONS of NOTARIAL WORK DONE ON PREMISES BY PERMANENT STAFF. 14. BELL YARD, TEMPLE BAR. City Offices: 11, POULTRY, and SALISBURY HOUSE, E.C. Tel., Holborn 900, &c. Telegrams, "Flowerdew, London." GE All Account and Costs Books, with Short and Concise 88, CHANCERY LANE, LONDON, W.C. IMMONDS' DETECTIVES. SIMI HENRY SIMMONDS, MANAGER, 29 & 30, KING STREET, CHEAPSIDE, EO. Telephone: 230 Bank. The only system by which secrecy can be assured.Vide Press. DETECTIVE WORK. Divorce and Confidential Inquiries Undertaken by WM. PIERREPONT, With SEORECY. ABILITY. and DESPATCH. Go to him if Blackmailed, Troubled, or in Difficulties. Special experience also in Will Cases. WM. PIERREPONT, 27, CHANCERY-LANE, LONDON, W.C. T.A.: "Bullseye. London." TN.: 10,972 Central & 491 Holborn. REFERENCES TO LEADING LONDON SOLICITORS. "THE KATE EASTON, LADY DETECTIVE," LONDON'S LEADING WOMAN in every branch of Detective Work. DIVORCE, COMMERCIAL, NEGOTIATIONS, &c. OPEN DAY and NIGHT. WRIGHT'S DETECTIVE AGENCY, 23, MOORGATE STREET, LONDON, E.C. For PRIVATE INQUIRIES and SECRET WATCHINGS this Agency stands facile princeps for ability in conducting to a successful issue intricate matters requiring the greatest amount of discretion and skill. Lowest terms compatible with efficiency. CONSULTATIONS FREE. Telegrams: "Detailed, London." EDGAR WRIGHT, Manager, 23, MOORGATE STREET, E.C. (near Bank of England). SEA ISLAND is the place "OSEA If drink, or drugs, you would escape. Apply to F. N. CHARRINGTON," KAIN'S SYSTEM OF SOLICITORS' BOOK-KEEPING and COSTS. Twelfth Edition Explanatory Treatise by HENRY BROWN, F.C.A. (formerly Partner with, and afterwards Successor to, the late G. J. KAIN) gives full explanations and specimen entries of all Books of Account. This treatise brings Solicitors' Book-keeping up to date, particular attention being paid to separating office and clients' moneys, and the advantage of drawing only on realised profits. Price 3s. net. All Account and Costs Books on Kain's Copyright System (first and second quality), also special books with extra columns, &c. (made to order), may be obtained of us (carriage paid on first quality only). Our 2A Cash Journal, Double Bank Cols., now reduced to £1 11s. 6d. by arrangement with our publishers. SPECIAL NOTICE.-We have no connection whatever with any firm or firms who purport to sell our books, and adopters of "Kain's System" should be careful to deal direct with us or our publishers, Waterlow Brothers and Office: 114, CHANCERY LANE, LONDON, W.C. Layton, and see that the name of "Kain as well as our HARCOURT SMITH and Co., OOSTS DRAFTSMEN AND PARTNERSHIP AGENTS, 18, FLAXMAN-ROAD, CAMBERWELL, S.E. "We have no hesitation in recommending him to other members of our Profession "(vide testimonial to Harcourt Smith). Established in 1873 (Chancery-lane). name appear on the title page of every book. Price list, specimen sheets, and every information relating to the books are supplied by us free of charge. We have on our Register gentlemen with capital desirous of purchasing practices or partnerships. KAIN, BROWN, & CO., 59, CHANCERY LANE, LONDON. M Money, Wanted and to Lend. UTUAL LOAN FUND ASSOCIATION LIMITED (incorporated 1850), 5, Lancaster-place, Waterloo Bridge, Strand, W.C.; 38. Ship-street, Brighton; 199, Queen's-road, Hastings; and 23, Bucklersbury, E.C.; ADVANCES MONEY upon personal security, shares, deeds, &c., repayable by instalments. Bills promptly discounted. Forms freo.-C. R. WRIGHT, Secretary. PROVINCIAL PRINTING and PUBLISHING HOUSE can use £8000, on DEBENTURES, at reasonable interest; good security; commis sion paid to Solicitors introducing investor." B. N." (No. 3614); Law Times" Office, Bream's-buildings, E.C. £5000 BUILDING FINANCE RE QUIRED; Leaseholders will guarantee repayment: Estate three miles from Marble Arch: £280 required on £500 Houses.-BROTCHIE, 154, Finchley-road, Hampstead, N.W. Practices, Wanted and for Sale. UN NARTICLED CLERKS who desire to improve their position should write for useful and interesting "Guide to the Law Clerks' Certificate," to the Secretary, London School of Law, 55 and 56, Chancery. lane, W.C., enclosing stamp for postage. AW. WANTED, good GENERAL CLERK: Shorthand and Typewriting essential, and to take charge of Insurance Books; salary about 30s.HUNT and HUNT, Solicitors, Romford. LA AW. SOLICITOR (25; Public School; A MODERATE AMOUNT of CAPITAL Final June 1910; admitted) DESIRES CLERKSHIP: Conveyancing, Probate, and good general experience in town and country; nearly two years Managing Clerk with London firm; salary by arrangement.-Apply "X." (No. 3613), Law Times Office, Bream's-buildings, E.C. LA Young admitted SOLICITOR AW. (Public School man), six and a half years' Conveyancing, Municipal, and general experience, owing to DESIRES principal's prospective partnership, REENGAGEMENT or other Appointment: excellent testimonials; London preferred: commencing salary £120.Apply E. R. R." (No. 3614), "Law Times Office, Bream's-buildings, E.C. Experienced CLERK LAWIRES CHART out August or September, (27) for purpose of obtaining Working Articles with small salary; eleven years' experience; Conveyancing, Shorthand, Typewriting, and general work.-G." (No. 3614), "Law Times Office, Bream's-buildings, E.C. AW.-SOLICITOR (27; admitted 1906) DESIRES CLERKSHIP; experienced in Police, County Court, Workmen's Compensation, General Prac tice, Advocacy; accustomed to advise clients; excellent references." G. M." (No. 3610), "Law Times" Office, Bream's-buildings, E.C. L JUNIOR CLERK'S POST in Derby, Burton, or Lichfield neighbourhood; moderate salary, with possibility of premium articles subsequently.-A. J. C." (No. 3614), Law Times Office, Bream'e-buildings, E.C. LA AW.-MANAGING COSTS CLERK, London and country experience, PREPARES BILLS from any available material: town or country; highly recommended; terms moderate.-MARTIN, 107, Stowhill, Newport, Mon. LA AW. ADVERTISER (30) SEEKS GENERAL CLERKSHIP; Conveyancing, Death Papers, Costs; Shorthand-Typist: £120 p.a.-B. B. R." (No. 3614),Law Times" Office, Bream's-buildings, E.C. AW.-Competent BOOK-KEEPER (36, Kain's system or otherwise) SEEKS CHANGE, country office: Shorthand; excellent references; permanency.-X. A. M." (No. 3611), "Law Times Office, Bream's-buildings, E.C. LA LAW, Young SO INGATOREN (admitted; AW.-Young SOLICITOR preferably Midlands; Conveyancing, Probate, Trust, and good General experience; salary by arrangement.-" L. L." (No. 3614), "Law Times Office, Bream's-buildings, E.C. " CASHIER and BOOK-KEEPER; thorough ASHIER and BOOK-KEEPER; thorough Writer; highest references; salary required £2 per week for permanency in country office; photo.-M. P. (No. 3614). "Law Times Office, Bream's-buildings, E.C. THE only Journal devoted to the interests of Law Clerks, July contents include: Law Clerks and National Insurance, Master and Servant, &c., and the following regular features: Chats with Counsel, Prize Competitions, Notes on Cases, Legal Queries and Answers, &c., &c. Annal subscription, 2s. 6d., post free.-Specimen copy, 212d., from Manager, "Law Clerk," 55, Chancery-lane. BOROU OROUGH of LUTON. APPOINT- The LUTON CORPORATION INVITE APPLICATIONS from Solicitors experienced in Local Government Work and Practice for the APPOINTMENT of TOWN CLERK and Clerk to the Local Education Authority at a commencing salary of £450 per annum. The gentleman appointed will be required to devote the whole of his time to the duties of the office. Conditions of appointment may be obtained on application to the undersigned. Applications, on the prescribed form, must be sent in not later than Monday, the 22nd July 1912. Printed copies of the application and testimonials are not required, and canvassing is prohibited. BRUCE PENNY, Town Clerk. Town Hall, Luton. Four of the five in the Honours List were pupils of Messra. Gibson and Weldon, including the only Priseman At the Intermediate the only candidate placed in the First Division was also a pupil. BAR EXAMINATIONS. Answers to the May questions are now ready, price l post free 1s, ld. THWAITES (Inderman MR. CHARLES Solicitor, Editor of the "I Students' Journal," &c., 22, Chancery-lane, London, W.C continues to read with Students for the Solicitors' Final and Intermediate Examinations, Bar, and other Legal Examinations. Fees on application. (Oral and Postal) FOR ALL LEGAL EXAMINATIONS is provided by the LONDON SCHOOL OF LAW, 55-56, CHANCERY LANE, W.C. LAW SOCIETY'S, BAR, and UNIVERSITY EXAMS rospectus and full particulars from W. H. SANDERS, Solicitor, Secretary to he School for the City and County of the City of Nottingham wi be held on MONDAY, the 29th day of JULY 1912, at the Guildhall, Burton-street, in the said City, et 11.30 o'clock m the Forenoon, when and where all persons bound br recognisances to appear, or who have any business wo transact, at the said Sessions, are required to attend. Instructions for Indictments to be given to the Clerk of the Peace not later than the Monday preceding. FRANK B. HARRIS, Clerk of the Peace. Clerk of the Peace's Office, Guildhall, Nottingham. OODWIN.-Re FREDRICK B. GOODWIN, deceased, late of 33, Tredawn-road, Sydenham. -To SOLICITORS and Others.-INFORMATION is DESIRED regarding above deceased which may lead to discovery of a WILL spoken of by him as made in recent years; suitable reward given.-Replies to Messrs street, E.C. |