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c. 31.

any place out of England, every such off. 9 G. 4.
whether comm. in respect of any such case,
it shall amount to murder or manslaughter,
or of being an accessory before the fact of
murder or after the fact of manslaughter,
may be tried and pun. in the co. or place in
England in which the death, stroke, &c. shall
happen, in the same manner in all respects,
as if the offence had been comm. in that co.
or place. 9 Geo. 4. c. 8. s. 31.

Venue in offences on the borders of counties.
When a fel. or misd. is comm. on the bound. or

bounds. of 2 or more cos. or within 500 yds.
thereof, or shall be given in one co. and be
completed in another, every such fel. or misd.
may he tried and pun. in either co. 7 Geo. 4.
c. 64. s. 12.

As to offences comm. on persons or property on
coaches, &c. or inland navigation.

7 G. 4.

c. 64.

Where a fel. or misd. is comm. on any per- s. 13. son or property in or upon any stage coach, waggon, cart, or other carriage whatever, employed in any journey, or on any person or property on board any vessel whatever employed in any voyage or journey on any navigable river, canal, or inland navigation, such fel. or misd. may be tried and pun. in any co. through any part of which such

7 G. 4. c. 64.

6 G. 4. c. 108.

c. 53.


coach or vessel shall have passed in the course of the journey or voyage, during which the fel. or misd. shall have been


And in all cases where the side, centre, or other part of any highway, or the side, bank, centre, or other part of any such river, canal, or navigation, shall constitute the bound. of any two cos. the fel. or misd. may be tried and pun, in either co. 7 Geo. 4. c. 64. s. 13. In offences relative to the customs or excise any indict. or inf. found or prosecuted for any offence against any of the acts relating to the customs, may be tried and determined in any co. in England. 6 G. 4. c. 108. s. 77.

7 & 8 G. 4. Offences relative to the excise may be tried and determined in any co. in England, if the offence is comm. in England or the islands thereof, or in any co. in Scotland. if the offence is comm. in Scotland, or any of the islands thereof, or in any co. in Ireland, if the same is comm. in Ireland, or in any the islands thereof, and whenever any person shall be conv. of resisting officers of the excise, the Ct. may pass sentence of Impr. with H. L. not ex. 3 yrs. either in add. to or in lieu of any other pun. or pen. which may by law be inflicted or imposed, and he shall



suffer the sentence in such place as the Ct. 7 & 8 G. 4, direct. 7 & 8 Geo. 4. c. 53. s. 43.

As to offences comm. in a co. of a town.

Exclusive Jurisdictions, p. 49, ante. Respecting the want of a perfect Venue.


c. 53.

c. 64.

No judgment upon an indict. or inf. (a) for fel. or 7 G. 4. misd. whatever, after verdict or outlawry, or by confes. default or otherwise shall be stayed or reversed (b) for want of averment of any matter unnecessary to be proved, nor for the words" as appears by the record," or with force and arms," or "against the peace," nor for not inserting the words "against the form of the statute," instead of the words


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against the form of the statutes," or vice versa, nor for not designating any person or persons by name of office or descriptive appellation, instead of his, her, or their proper name or names, or for omittng to state the time at which the off. was comm. where time is not of the essence of the off., nor for stating the time imperfectly, or for stating the

(a) This provision does not extend to informations in the crown office, other than for misdemeanors, or to inquisitions before coroners.

(b) In preparing an indictment or information, it may still be advisable not to leave out any of the usual technicalities; for advantage may be taken of the want of them, on de


7 G. 4. c. 64.

7 & 8 G. 4.

c. 29.


off. to have been comm. on a day subsequent to the finding of the indict. or exhibiting the inf., or on an impossible day, or on a day that never happened, nor for the want of a proper or perfect venue, where the Ct. shall appear by the indict. or inf. to have had ju

risd. over the off. 7 Geo. 4. c. 64. s. 20. As to accessaries before and after the fact, see Accessaries, p. 2 & 3, ante.

The like, receivers, see Accessaries, Receivers, p. 6.


Where the property is found in some other part of the U. K.

The act of 7 & 8 Geo. 4. c. 29. does not extend to Scotland or Ireland, except in the following cases.

Where a person having stolen or otherwise feloniously taken any chattel, money, valuable security or other property whatever, in any part of the U. K. shall afterwards have the same in his possession in any other part of the U. K. he may be ind. tried and pun. for larceny or theft, in that part of the U. K. where he shall have the property. 7 & 8 G. 4. c. 29. s. 76.

Receivers of such stolen property are to be dealt with as last aforesaid. Id.

INDICTMENT—continued. ~

Offences at sea.

Where a fel. or misd. pun. under this act, 7 & 8 G. 4. shall be committed within the jurisd. of the c. 29. Admiralty of England, the same may be dealt with, tried and determined as any other fel. or misd. within that jurisd. Id. s. 77.

Of the name and addition, see Addition, p. 7,


Of laying the property, whether real or personal,

c. 64.

where it is vested in partners, joint-tenants, &c. In all ind. or inf. for fel. or misd. it is sufficient 7 G. 4. to lay the possession or property of partners in trade, joint-tenants, parceners or tenants in common, in one of them and another or others, and also when it is necessary for any purpose whatever to mention those parties, in any ind. or inf. as joint-stock companies and trustees, they are to be described in the same manner, 7 Geo. 4. c. 64. s. 14.

In a county or division.

The property of co. or divisions may be laid in s. 15.
the inh. without mentioning the names of
any. Id. s. 15.

In a parish, township or place.

Property of a parish, with respect to a work- s. 16. house or poorhouse provided for the use of the poor, or to be used in a workhouse or poorhouse, or by the master thereof, or by

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