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color will most frequently appear. Now, there is little doubt that the external changes of animals and plants in adaptation to the environment are much more numerous than the internal changes, as seen in the varied character of the integuments and appendages of animals (hair, horns, scales, feathers, etc.) and in plants (the leaves, bark, flowers, and fruit), with their various appendages, compared with the comparative uniformity of the texture and composition of their internal tissues; and this accords with the uniformity of the tints of blood, muscle, nerve, and bone, throughout extensive groups, as compared with the great diversity of color of their external organs. It seems a fair conclusion that color per se may be considered to be normal, and to need no special accounting for, while the absence of color (that is, either white or black), or the prevalence of certain colors to the constant exclusion of others, must be traced, like other modifications in the economy of living things, to the needs of the species. Or, looking at it in another aspect, we may say that amid the constant variations of animals and plants color is ever tending to vary and to appear where it is absent, and that natural selection is constantly eliminating such tints as are injurious to the species, or preserving and intensifying such as are useful. This view is in accordance with the well-known fact of colors which rarely or never appear in the species in a state of nature, continually occurring among domesticated animals and cultivated plants, showing us that the capacity to develop color is ever present, so that almost any required tint can be produced which may, under changed conditions, be useful, in however small a degree.

Let us now see how these principles will enable us to understand and explain the varied phenomena of color in nature, taking them in the order of our functional classification of colors (page 650).

Theory of Protective Colors.-We have seen that obscure or protective tints in their infinitely varied degrees are present in every part of the animal kingdom, whole families or genera being often thus colored. Now, the various brown, earthy, ashy, and other neutral tints are those which would be most readily produced, because they are due to an irregular mixture of many kinds of rays; while pure tints require either rays of one kind only, or definite mixtures in proper proportions of two or more kinds of rays. This is well exemplified by the comparative difficulty of producing definite pure tints by the mixture of two or

more pigments, while a hap-hazard mixture of a number of these will be almost sure to produce browns, olives, or other neutral or dirty colors. An indefinite or irregular absorption of some rays and reflection of others would, therefore, produce obscure tints; while pure and vivid colors would require a perfectly definite absorption of one portion of the colored rays, leaving the remainder to produce the true complementary color. This being the case, we may expect these brown tints to occur when the need of protection is very slight, or even when it does not exist at all, always supposing that bright colors are not in any way useful to the species. But whenever a pure color is protective, as green in tropical forests or white among arctic snows, there is no difficulty in producing it, by natural selection acting on the innumerable slight variations of tint which are ever occurring. Such variations may, as we have seen, be produced in a great variety of ways, either by chemical changes in the secretions or by molecular changes in surface structure, and may be brought about by change of food, by the photographic action of light, or by the normal process of generative variation. Protective colors, therefore, however curious and complex they may be in certain cases, offer no real difficulties.

Theory of Warning Colors.-These differ greatly from the last class, inasmuch as they present us with a variety of brilliant hues, often of the greatest purity, and combined in striking contrasts and conspicuous patterns. Their use depends upon their boldness and visibility, not on the presence of any one color; hence we find among these groups some of the most exquisitely colored objects in nature. Many of the uneatable caterpillars are strikingly beautiful; while the Danaidæ, Heliconidæ, and protected groups of Papilionidæ comprise a series of butterflies of the most brilliant and contrasted colors. The bright colors of many of the sea-anemones and sea-slugs will probably be found to be in this sense protective, serving as a warning of their uneatableness. On our theory none of these colors offer any difficulty. ̧ Conspicuousness being useful, every variation tending to brighter and purer colors was selected, the result being the beautiful variety and contrast we find.

But when we come to those groups which gain protection solely by being mistaken for some of these brilliantly colored but uneatable creatures, a difficulty really exists, and to many minds is so great as to be insuperable. It will be well, therefore, to endeavor to explain how the resemblance in question may have

been brought about. The most difficult case, which may be taken as a type of the whole, is that of the genus Leptalis (a group of South American butterflies allied to our common white and yellow kinds), many of the larger species of which are still white or yellow, and which are all eatable by birds and other insectivorous creatures. But there are also a number of species of Leptalis which are brilliantly red, yellow, and black, and which, band for band and spot for spot, resemble some one of the Danaidæ or Heliconidæ which inhabit the same district, and which are nauseous and uneatable. Now, the common objection is that a slight approach to one of these protected butterflies would be of no use, while a greater sudden variation is not admissible on the theory of gradual change by indefinite slight variations. This objection depends almost wholly on the supposition that when the first steps toward mimicry occurred, the South American Danaidæ were what they are now, while the ancestors of the Leptalides were like the ordinary white or yellow Pieridae to which they are allied. But the danaioid butterflies of South America are so immensely numerous and so greatly varied, not only in color but in structure, that we may be sure they are of vast antiquity and have undergone great modification. A large number of them, however, are still of comparatively plain colors, often rendered extremely elegant by the delicate transparency of the wing membrane, but otherwise not at all conspicuous. Many have only dusky or purplish bands or spots, others have patches of reddish or yellowish brown, perhaps the commonest color among butterflies, -while a considerable number are tinged or spotted with yellow, also a very common color, and one especially characteristic of the Pieridæ, the family to which Leptalis belongs. We may therefore reasonably suppose that in the early stages of the development of the Danaida, when they first began to acquire those nauseous secretions which are now their protection, their colors were somewhat plain, either dusky with paler bands and spots, or yellowish with dark borders, and sometimes with reddish bands or spots. At this time they had probably shorter wings and a more rapid flight, just like the other unprotected families. of butterflies. But as soon as they became decidedly unpalatable to any of their enemies, it would be an advantage to them to be readily distinguished from all the eatable kinds; and as butterflies were no doubt already very varied in color, while all probably had wings adapted for pretty rapid or jerking flight, the best distinction might have been found in outline and habits ;

whence would arise the preservation of those varieties whose longer wings, bodies, and antennæ, and slower flight, rendered them noticeable, characters which now distinguish the whole group in every part of the world. Now, it would be at this stage that some of the weaker-flying Pierida which happened to resemble some of the Danaidæ around them in their yellow and dusky tints, and in the general outline of their wings, would be sometimes mistaken for them by the common enemy, and would thus gain an advantage in the struggle for existence. Admitting this one step to be made, and all the rest must inevitably follow from simple variation and survival of the fittest. So soon as the nauseous butterfly varied in form or color to such an extent that the corresponding eatable butterfly no longer closely resembled it, the latter would be exposed to attacks, and only those variations would be preserved which kept up the resemblance. At the same time we may well suppose, the enemies to become more acute and able to detect smaller differences than at first. This would lead to the destruction of all adverse variations, and thus keep up in continually increasing complexity the outward mimicry which now so amazes us. During the long ages in which this process has been going on, many a Leptalis may have become extinct from not varying sufficiently in the right direction and at the right time to keep up a protective resemblance to its neighbor; and this will accord with the comparatively small number of cases of true mimicry as compared with the frequency of those protective resemblances to vegetable or inorganic objects whose forms are less definite and colors less changeable. About a dozen other genera of butterflies and moths mimic the Danaidæ in various parts of the world, and exactly the same explanation will apply to all of them. They represent those species of each group which, at the time when the Danaidæ first acquired their protective secretions, happened outwardly to resemble some of them, and have by concurrent variation, aided by a rigid selection, been able to keep up that resemblance to the present day.1 (To be concluded.)

1 For fuller information on this subject the reader should consult Mr. Bates's original paper, Contributions to an Insect-Fauna of the Amazon Valley, in Transactions of the Linnean Society, vol. xxiii., p. 495; Mr. Trimen's paper in vol. xxvi., p. 497; the author's essay on Mimicry, etc., already referred to; and, in the absence of collections of butterflies, the plates of Heliconidæ and Leptalidæ, in Hewitson's Exotic Butterflies, and Felder's Voyage of the Novara may be examined.



THE HE subject which you have assigned to me is entitled The Rocky Mountain Locust and the Army Worm. Both these insects are extremely injurious to the agriculture of the United States, and as it would be difficult to do justice to both in the compass of a brief address I shall confine my remarks at the present time to the first named. So much has been written and said, by myself and others, upon this Rocky Mountain locust during the past two or three years that it would seem difficult indeed to say anything about it that is new or of value. Yet I may safely assert that most of the definite and accurate knowledge regarding its habits and life history was first given to the world during the present year.

Though popularly known as the "grasshopper," yet the term "Rocky Mountain locust," proposed by myself, has been very generally adopted as most appropriate. The insect belongs to the same family as the locusts of Scripture. The term grasshopper is very loosely applied to many insects that hop about in grass, but strictly belongs to the long-legged, long-feelered species. Locusts have short and stout legs, short and stout feelers, and are mute, or, if they stridulate at all, do so by rubbing the hind thighs against the sides of the folded front wings; their prevailing color is brown; they are gregarious, and they oviposit in the ground by means of short, drilling valves. True grasshoppers have long and slender legs and feelers, and stridulate by vibrating the front wings, which in the males are furnished, generally near the base, with talc-like plates crossed by enlarged and hollow veins; their prevailing color is green; they are solitary, and they mostly oviposit in different parts of plants, by means either of a sword- or scimeter-shaped ovipositor. It is the grasshoppers, the katydids (which are a tree-inhabiting section of them), and the crickets which make field and wood resound with shrill orchestry at the present season; but the locusts take no part in the concert. While our insect belongs, therefore, to the same family as the locusts of Scripture, those people are greatly at sea who imagine it to be specifically identical with any of the Asiatic or European species. It is known to entomologists as

1 An address delivered at the Chicago session of the American Agricultural Congress, in September, 1877. Some portions are omitted for want of space. — ED.

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