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which escaped to produce the next generation were those which would produce the more highly colored butterflies, it is difficult to perceive how the slight preponderance of color sometimes selected by the females should not be wholly neutralized by the extremely rigid selection for other qualities to which the offspring in every stage are exposed. The only way in which we can account for the observed facts is by the supposition that color and ornament are strictly correlated with health, vigor, and general fitness to survive. We have shown that there is reason to believe that this is the case, and, if so, voluntary sexual selection becomes as unnecessary as it would certainly be ineffective.

There is one other very curious case of sexual coloring among birds: that, namely, in which the female is decidedly brighter or more strongly marked than the male, as in the fighting quails (Turnix), painted snipe (Rhynchoa), two species of phalarope (Phalaropus), and the common cassowary (Casuarius galeatus). In all these cases, it is known that the males take charge of and incubate the eggs, while the females are almost always larger and more pugnacious. In my Theory of Birds' Nests 1 I imputed this difference of color to the greater need for protection by the male bird while incubating, to which Mr. Darwin has objected that the difference is not sufficient, and is not always so distributed as to be most effective for this purpose; and he believes that it is due to reversed sexual selection, that is, to the female taking the usual rôle of the male, and being chosen for her brighter tints. We have already seen reason for rejecting this latter theory in every case, and I also admit that my theory of protection is, in this case, only partially, if at all, applicable. But the general theory of intensity of color being due to general vital energy is quite applicable; and the fact that the superiority of the female in this respect is quite exceptional, and is therefore probably not of very ancient date in any one case, will account for the difference of color thus produced being always comparatively slight.

Theory of Typical Colors. The remaining kinds of animal colors those which can neither be classed as protective, warning, nor sexual are for the most part readily explained on the general principles of the development of color which we have now laid down. It is a most suggestive fact that, in cases where color is required only as a warning, as among the uneatable caterpillars, we find, not one or two glaring tints only, but every kind of color disposed in elegant patterns, and exhibiting almost

1 Natural Selection, page 251.

as much variety and beauty as among insects and birds. Yet here, not only is sexual selection out of the question, but the need for recognition and identification by others of the same species seems equally unnecessary. We can then only impute this variety to the normal production of color in organic forms, when fully exposed to light and air and undergoing great and rapid developmental modification. Among more perfect animals, where the need for recognition has been added, we find intensity and variety of color at its highest pitch among the South American butterflies of the families Heliconida and Danaide, as well as among the Nymphalidae and Erycinidae, many of which obtain the necessary protection in other ways. Among birds, also, wherever the habits are such that no special protection is needed for the females, and where the species frequent the depths of tropical forests, and are thus naturally protected from the swoop of birds of prey, we find almost equally intense coloration, as in the trogons, barbets, and gapers.

Of the mode of action of the general principles of color development among animals, we have an excellent example in the humming-birds. Of all birds these are at once the smallest, the most active, and the fullest of vital energy. When poised in the air, their wings are invisible, owing to the rapidity of their motion, and when startled they dart away with the rapidity of a flash of light. Such active creatures would not be an easy prey to any rapacious bird; and if one at length was captured, the morsel obtained would hardly repay the labor. We may be sure, therefore, that they are practically unmolested. The immense variety they exhibit in structure, plumage, and color indicates a high antiquity for the race, while their general abundance in individuals shows that they are a dominant group, well adapted to all the conditions of their existence. Here we find everything necessary for the development of color and accessory plumes. The surplus vital energy shown in their combats and excessive activity has expended itself in ever-increasing developments of plumage and greater and greater intensity of color, regulated only by the need for specific identification, which would be especially required in such small and mobile creatures. Thus may be explained those remarkable differences of color between closely-allied species, one having a crest like the topaz, while in another it resembles the sapphire. The more vivid colors and more developed plumage of the males, I am now inclined to think, may be wholly due to their greater vital energy and to

those general laws which lead to such superior developments even in domestic breeds; but in some cases the need of protection by the female while incubating, to which I formerly imputed the whole phenomenon, may have suppressed a portion of the ornament which she would otherwise have attained.

Another real though as yet inexplicable cause of diversity of color is to be found in the influence of locality. It is observed that species of totally distinct groups are colored alike in one district, while in another district the allied species all undergo the same change of color. Cases of this kind have been adduced by Mr. Bates, by Mr. Darwin, and by myself, and I have collected all the more curious and important examples in my Address to the Biological Section of the British Association at Glasgow in 1876. The most probable cause for these simultaneous variations would seem to be the presence of peculiar elements or chemical compounds in the soil, the water, or the atmosphere, or of special organic substances in the vegetation; and a wide field is thus offered for chemical investigation in connection with this interesting subject. Yet, however we may explain it, the fact remains of the same vivid colors in definite patterns being produced in quite unrelated groups, which only agree, so far as we yet know, in inhabiting the same locality.

Let us now sum up the conclusion at which we have arrived as to the various modes in which color is produced or modified in the animal kingdom.

The various causes of color in the animal world are molecular and chemical change of the substance of their integuments, or the action on it of heat, light, or moisture. It is also produced by interference of light in superposed transparent lamellæ, or by excessively fine surface striæ. These elementary conditions for the production of color are found everywhere in the surface structures of animals, so that its presence must be looked upon as normal, its absence as exceptional.

Colors are fixed or modified in animals by natural selection for various purposes: obscure or imitative colors for concealment; gaudy colors as a warning; and special markings either for easy recognition by strayed individuals, females, or young, or to direct attack from a vital part, as in the large, brilliantly-marked wings of some butterflies and moths.

Colors are produced or intensified by processes of development, — either where the integument or its appendages undergo great extension or modification, or where there is a surplus of

vital energy, as in male animals generally, and more especially at the breeding-season.

Colors are also more or less influenced by a variety of causes, such as the nature of the food, the photographic action of light, and also by some unknown local action probably dependent on chemical peculiarities in the soil or vegetation.

These various causes have acted and reacted in a variety of ways, and have been modified by conditions dependent on age or on sex, on competition with new forms or on geographical or climatic changes. In so complex a subject, for which experiment and systematic inquiry have done so little, we cannot expect to explain every individual case, or solve every difficulty; but it is believed that all the great features of animal coloration and many of the details become explicable on the principles we have endeavored to lay down.

It will perhaps be considered presumptuous to put forth this sketch of the subject of color in animals as a substitute for one of Mr. Darwin's most highly elaborated theories, that of voluntary or perceptive sexual selection, — yet I venture to think that it is more in accordance with the whole of the facts, and with the theory of natural selection itself; and I would ask such of my readers as may be sufficiently interested in the subject to read again chapters xi. to xvi. of the Descent of Man, and consider the whole theory from the point of view here laid down.

The explanation of almost all the ornaments and colors of birds and insects as having been produced by the perceptions and choice of the females has, I believe, staggered many evolutionists, but has been provisionally accepted, because it was the only theory that even attempted to explain the facts. It may perhaps be a relief to some of them, as it has been to myself, to find that the phenomena can be shown to depend on the general laws of development and on the action of "natural selection," which theory will, I venture to think, be relieved from an abnormal excrescence, and gain additional vitality by the adoption of my view of the subject.

Although we have arrived at the conclusion that tropical light and heat can in no sense be considered the cause of color, there remains to be explained the undoubted fact that all the more intense and gorgeous tints are manifested by the animal life of the tropics, while in some groups, such as butterflies and birds, there is a marked preponderance of highly colored species. This is probably due to a variety of causes, some of which we can indi

cate, while others remain to be discovered. The luxuriant vegetation of the tropics throughout the entire year affords so much concealment that color may there be safely developed to a much greater extent than in climates where the trees are bare in winter, during which season the struggle for existence is most severe, and even the slightest disadvantage may prove fatal. Equally important, probably, has been the permanence of favorable conditions in the tropics, allowing certain groups to continue dominant for long periods, and thus to carry out in one unbroken line whatever development of plumage or color may once have acquired an ascendency. Changes of climatal conditions, and preeminently the Glacial epoch, probably led to the extinction of a host of highly developed and finely colored insects and birds in temperate zones, just as we know that it led to the extinction of the larger and more powerful mammalia which formerly characterized the temperate zone in both hemispheres. This view is supported by the fact that it is among those groups only which are now exclusively tropical that all the more extraordinary developments of ornament and color are found. The local causes of color will also have acted best in regions where the climatal conditions remained constant, and where migration was unnecessary; while whatever direct effect may be produced by light or heat will necessarily have acted more powerfully within the tropics. And, lastly, all these causes have been in action over an actually greater area in tropical than in temperate zones, while estimated potentially, in proportion to its life-sustaining power, the lands which enjoy a practically tropical climate (extending as they do considerably beyond the geographical tropics) are very much larger then the temperate regions of the earth. Combining the effects of all these various causes we are quite able to understand the superiority of the tropical parts of the globe, not only in the abundance and variety of their forms of life, but also as regards the ornamental appendages and vivid coloration which these forms present.



AS early as the year 1540, Don Pedro de Tobar, one of the

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first Spanish adventurers, was dispatched by Coronado to the "province of Tusayan' (the modern Moqui, situated in Arizona, in longitude 110° to 111° west, and latitude 35° to 36°

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