The undersigned Plenipotentiaries have agreed, in conformity with the Thirteenth Article of the Treaty, signed by them on this Day, the Thirteenth of July One thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine, that the preceding Regulations, consisting of Thirty-three Articles, shall be 'annexed to the said Treaty, and be considered an integral Part thereof. 6 'Done at Monte Video, the Thirteenth Day of July 'One thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine. J. H. Mandeville. Jose Ellauri. (L.S.) ARTICLES additional to the Treaty concluded this Thirteenth of July One thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine between Her Britannic Majesty and the Republic of the Uruguay, for the Suppression of the Slave Trade. 6 6 'ARTICLE 1.—In consequence of the Oriental Govern'ment of the Uruguay not possessing at the present Period more Ships of War than are sufficient for the Protection of the Coasts of the Republic, it is agreed that the Republic of the Uruguay shall be relieved from the Obligation for Ten Years from the Date of the Exchange of the Ratifications of the present Treaty of employing any Cruisers for the Suppression of the Slave Trade, unless it should think fit to do so. • ARTICLE II.—It is agreed and understood, that if there 'should be any Delay in appointing the Judge and Arbitrator to be nominated on the Part of the Republic of the Uruguay to act in each of the Mixed Courts of Justice to be established under this Treaty, or if those Officers, ' after having been appointed, should at any Time be absent, then and in either of such Cases the Judge and Arbi'trator who shall have been appointed on the Part of Her 'Britannic Majesty, and who shall be present in the said • Courts, shall, in the Absence of the Oriental Judge and Arbitrator, proceed to open the said Courts, and to adjudge such Cases as may be brought before them under the Treaty; and the Sentence pronounced upon such Cases by the said British Judge and Arbitrator shall have the same Force and Validity as if the Judge and the Arbitrator on the Part of the Oriental Republic had been appointed, and had been present and acting in the Mixed Courts in the Cases in question. ARTICLE III.-It is also agreed, notwithstanding the Provisions of the Second Article of the Annex (B.), that so long as no Oriental Judge and Arbitrator shall have • been 'been nominated it will be unnecessary for the Oriental • Republic to nominate the Secretary or Actuary mentioned in the said Article; that in the meanwhile the Secretary or Actuary of that Court which may exist within the Territory of the Oriental Republic shall be named and paid by the Government of Her Britannic Majesty, and that the entire Expence of both the Courts to be estab'lished under this Treaty shall be borne by the Govern'ment of Her Britannic Majesty. ARTICLE IV.-If, in the Translation of the present Treaty into the Spanish Language any Mistake or Error ⚫ should be committed, the English Text is to be adhered to. The present additional Articles shall form an integral Part of the Treaty for the Suppression of the Slave Trade signed this Day, and shall have the same Force and Validity as if they were inserted Word for Word in that Treaty, and shall be ratified, and the Ratifications thereof shall be exchanged at Monte Video, as soon as possible, within the Space of Eight Months from this • Date. 6 • Done at Monte Video this Thirteenth Day of July in 'the Year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred • and thirty-nine. And whereas the said Treaty was ratified by and between • Her Majesty and the Oriental Republic of the Uruguay respectively, and such Ratifications were exchanged at Monte Video, on the Twenty-first Day of January in the Year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and forty-two: And whereas it is expedient and necessary that effectual Provision should be made for carrying into execution the Provisions of the Treaty aforesaid, and the Articles additional thereto:' Be it therefore enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the AuCommanders of thority of the same, That it shall be lawful for any Officer comShips of War manding any Ship of War of Her Majesty or of the Oriental to exercise Republic of the Uruguay, who shall be duly instructed and authorized according to the several Provisions of the said Treaty, to to visit and search any Merchant Vessel of either of the said Two Nations which shall upon reasonable Grounds be suspected of being engaged in the Traffic in Slaves, or of having been engaged in such Traffic during the Voyage in which such Vessel is met, and to detain and send or carry away such Vessel, with its Master, Crew, Passengers, Slaves, and Cargo, for the Purpose of such Vessel being brought to Adjudication before One of the Right of searching Merchant Vessels liable Suspicion, and suspected of being engaged in the Slave Trade. Mixed Courts of Justice to be established in virtue of the said Treaty and the Articles additional thereto; and all such Commanders and other Officers of Her said Majesty's Ships, in the Exercise of such Rights of visiting, searching, detaining, sending, carrying_in, and delivering as aforesaid, shall comply with the several Provisions and Instructions of the said Treaty and Articles which apply thereto respectively. fitted out for II. And be it enacted, That all Ships and Vessels belong- Ships suspected ing wholly or in part to Her Majesty's Subjects, which shall of having been be suspected upon reasonable Grounds of being engaged in the Purposes of the Traffic in Slaves, or of having been fitted out for that Traffic in Slaves Purpose, or of having been engaged in such Traffic during liable to Search. the Voyage in which such Vessel is met, or of having been fitted out for the Purposes of such Traffic, and all Boats, Apparel, and Cargoes therein, shall be subject to Search and Detention by any Ship or Vessel of War of Her Majesty or of the Oriental Republic of the Uruguay duly authorized for that Purpose according to the Stipulations of the said Treaty and Articles, and shall be subject to the Adjudication of and to Condemnation or other Judgment by the Judges and Arbitrators of the Mixed Courts to be appointed according to the Provisions of the said Treaty and Articles. III. And be it enacted, That it shall be lawful for Her Her Majesty Majesty, by any Warrant under Her Royal Sign Manual, may appoint Judges and countersigned by One of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries Arbitrators to of State for the Time being, to appoint such Judges and Arbi- decide Cases of trators as are in the said Treaty and Articles mentioned to be Detention. appointed by Her Majesty, and from Time to Time to supply any Vacancies which may arise in such Offices by appointing other Persons thereto, and to grant Salaries to such Judges and Arbitrators as aforesaid, not exceeding such annual Sums as the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland shall from Time to Time direct; and such Judges and Arbitrators shall be empowered to examine and decide all such Cases of Detention, Captures, and Seizures of Vessels and their Cargoes as aforesaid, detained, seized, or captured under the said Treaty, as are by the said Treaty and by this Act made subject to their Jurisdiction, and to proceed therein, and give such Judgments and make such Orders therein, and do all other Things appertaining thereto, agreeably to the Provisions of the said Treaty and Articles, as fully as if special Authorities for that Purpose were given in relation thereto in this Act. a Secretary or IV. And be it enacted, That it shall be lawful for Her Ma- Her Majesty jesty, by any Warrant under Her Royal Sign Manual, coun- may appoint tersigned by One of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of Registrar to the State for the Time being, to appoint any Secretary or Registrar Mixed Court. to the Mixed Court or Courts which shall be established in virtue of the said Treaty and Articles, and from Time to Time to supply by other Appointments any Vacancy which may thereafter In case of the British Judge or of the British Arbitrator. 6 VICT thereafter occur in such Courts, and to grant a Salary to any such Secretary or Registrar, not exceeding such annual Sum as the said Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury shall from Time to Time direct; and any such Secretary or Registrar shall perform all the Duties of such Office set forth by the said Treaty and Articles, and do all such Things as may be necessary for the due Discharge of the Duties of his said Office. V. And be it enacted, That in case of the Death, Sickness, Absence on Leave, or any other legal Impediment of any such British Judge of either of the said Courts established by virtue of the said Treaty, the British Arbitrator of such Court shall fill the Office of such Judge ad interim until the Office shall be thereafter filled by some Person appointed by Her Majesty, or until such Judge shall resume the Duties of his said Office; and that in case of such Vacancy of the Office of British Arbitrator of the Court established by virtue of the said Treaty, or in case of the Death, Sickness, Absence on Leave, or other Impediment of the said Arbitrator of the said Court, the Office of such Arbitrator shall be filled ad interim successively by the Governor or Lieutenant Governor resident in such Possession, by the principal Magistrate of the same, and by the Secretary of the Government, until the said Office shall be filled by some Person appointed by Her Majesty, or until such Arbitrator shall resume the Duties of his said Office; and that in case of the Death, Sickness, Absence on Leave, or other legal Impediment of the British Arbitrator in the Court established by virtue of the said Treaty within the Possessions of the Oriental Republic of the Uruguay, or of his assuming ad interim the Duties of a Judge of the said Court as aforesaid, the Office of such British Arbitrator shall be filled ad interim successively by the British Consul and British Vice Consul resident in such Possession; and in case of such Vacancy of the Offices both of such British Judge and British Arbitrator, then that such Office of Judge shall be filled ad interim by the British Consul, and such Office of British Arbitrator by the British Vice Consul; and in case there shall be no British Consul or Vice Consul at such Place, then that it shall be lawful for the Arbitrator on behalf of the Oriental Republic of the Uruguay to act in all those Cases in which a British Arbitrator, if there were any, would be required to act; and in case of such Vacancy in the Offices both of British Judge and British Arbitrator, and there should be neither a British Consul nor British Vice Consul resident at such Place, then that it shall be lawful for the Judge and Arbitrator appointed by the Oriental Republic of the Uruguay of such Court to sit alone in such Court; and in all Cases brought before them for Adjudication to adjudge the same, and pass Sentence accordingly, until the said Offices shall respectively be thereafter filled by some Person or Persons appointed by Her Majesty, or until the said British Judge and British Arbitrator shall resume the Duties of their said Offices respectively. VI. And take an Oath. VI. And be it enacted, That every such Judge and Arbi- Judges and trator so appointed by Her Majesty shall, before he shall Arbitrators to enter upon the Execution of any of the Duties of such his Office, take an Oath in the Presence of the principal Magistrate then residing and acting in the Colony, Settlement, or Place, whether belonging to Her Britannic Majesty or to the Oriental Republic of the Uruguay in which the Court shall be established; which Oath any such Magistrate shall have Authority to administer in the Form following; (that is to say,) 6 IA.B. do solemnly swear, That I will, according to the best Form of Oath. of my Skill and Knowledge, act in the Execution of my • Office as faithfully, impartially, fairly, and without Preference or Favour, either for Claimants or Cap'tors or any other Persons; and that I will, to the best of my Judgment and Power, act in pursuance of and according to the Stipulations, Regulations, and Instructions contained in the Treaty and Articles additional thereto, between Her Majesty and the Oriental Republic of the Uruguay, signed at Monte Video on the Thirteenth Day of July One thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine.' take Oath. And every Secretary or Registrar appointed by Her Majesty Secretary or under the Provisions of the said Treaty and Articles, and of Registrar to this Act, shall, before he enters on the Duties of his said Office, take an Oath before One of the Judges of the said Court, who shall have Authority to administer the same, in the Form following; (that is to say,) 6 'IA.B. do solemnly swear, That I will, according to the best Oaths. VII. And be it enacted, That it shall be lawful for the Judges and said Judges or Arbitrators, or either of them, or for any such Arbitrators may Secretary or Registrar, to administer Oaths to and take the administer Depositions of all Parties, Witnesses, and other Persons who may come or be brought before them to be examined, or for the Purpose of deposing in the Course of any Proceeding before the said Judges or Arbitrators under the said Treaty and Articles, and this Act; and it shall also be lawful for the said Judges and Arbitrators to summon before them all Persons whom they may deem it proper to examine in relation to any Proceeding under their Cognizance, and to send for and issue Precepts for the producing all such Papers as may relate to the Matters in question before them, and to enforce all such Summonses, Orders, and Precepts by such and the like Means and Authorities as any Court of Vice Admiralty may do. VIII. And |