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Lord Chief
Justice, &c. to

make Rules, &c.
for Care and
Custody of
Records and is-

6 VICT. last-mentioned Proceedings without Payment of any Fee whatsoever in respect thereof.

XVI. And be it enacted, That it shall and may be lawful for the said Lord Chief Justice and the Judges of the said Court, or any Three or more of them, to make such Rules, Orders, and Regulations from Time to Time for the Care and suing Writs, &c. Custody of the Records and other Proceedings on the Crown Side of the said Court, and the Enrolment thereof, and the issuing, returning, and filing of Writs and other Proceedings, and all other Matters and Things relating to the Practice and the general Business to be transacted on the Crown Side of the said Court, as to them shall seem fit and proper.

The Queen's
Coroner and At-

torney, Master

and Assistant

of the Officers abolished.

XVII. And be it enacted, That from and after the said First Day of January One thousand eight hundred and forty-four all Acts, Duties, and Services now done, performed, and rendered Master, to per- by the said Officers abolished by this Act, or any of them, in form the Duties their respective Offices on the Crown Side of the said Court, except so far as the same may be altered or regulated in pursuance of this Act, shall continue to be done, performed, and rendered by the said Queen's Coroner and Attorney, and Master and Assistant Master, or their Successors, or by One of them; and such Acts, Duties, and Services, when so done, performed, and rendered by the said Officers or their Successors, or One of them, shall be good and valid in Law to all Intents and Purposes: Provided always, that the several Acts, Duties, and Services now and heretofore done, performed, and rendered by the Clerks in Court on the Crown Side of the said Court shall, from and after the said First Day of January One thousand eight hundred and forty-four, be done, performed, and rendered by the Solicitors for the several public Boards and by the Attornies of the said Court in like Manner as the Business of the like Descriptions is now transacted on the Civil Side of the said Court: Provided also, that all Monies paid into the said Court for Her Majesty's Use shall continue to be received as heretofore by the said Queen's Coroner and Attorney; and the several Accounts of Fines, Issues, Amerciaments, Penalties, and Recognizances set, lost, imposed, or forfeited to or for the Use of Her Majesty in the said Court, required by any Act now in force to be rendered and made by the said Coroner and Attorney, and all other Acts, Duties, and Services now done, performed, and rendered by the said Coroner and Attorney touching the Receipt and Payment of Monies to or for the Use of Her Majesty, and the Accounts to be rendered thereof, shall continue to be done, performed, and rendered as heretofore by the said Queen's Coroner and Attorney.

The Queen's
Coroner to

receive Monies
and account for

Fines, &c. as heretofore.

John Oliver

Jones entitled to Compensation for Loss of his Reversionary Interest in re

XVIII. And whereas William Samuel Jones and John Oliver Jones have been admitted as Clerks in Court in the said Office jointly and severally, and have been jointly com'pensated under and by virtue of an Act passed in the First Year of the Reign of His late Majesty King William the 6 Fourth,


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in Court.

Fourth, but, by an Agreement entered into at the Time of spect to the the Admission of the said John Oliver Jones between the said Office of Clerk • William Samuel Jones and John Oliver Jones, it was agreed that 'the said William Samuel Jones should receive and take to his own Use and Benefit the whole of such Compensation during his natural Life, and should perform and execute all the • Duties incident to the said Office of a Clerk in Court, and that the said John Oliver Jones should not interfere therewith, and that the said John Oliver Jones should, after the Decease of the said William Samuel Jones, receive and take to his own Use during his natural Life such Compensation as aforesaid, and should perform all the Duties of the said Office: And whereas by virtue and in pursuance of this Act the said John Oliver Jones will be One of those Officers whose Office and Duty will be abolished, and he will be thereby entitled to Compensation by virtue of the said Act of Parliament of the First Year of King William the Fourth;' now therefore be it enacted, That the said John Oliver Jones shall be entitled to receive such Compensation for the Loss of his Reversionary Interest in the said Office immediately after the passing of this Act as the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury for the Time being may adjudge to him, not being less than Three Fourths of the Value of such Reversion, or he may receive such Compensation at the Time of the Decease of the said William Samuel Jones as he would be entitled to receive by virtue of the said Act of the First Year of King William the Fourth if the said Office had not been abolished.

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XIX. And be it enacted, That this Act may be amended Act may be or repealed by any Act to be passed in the present Session of amended, &c.



An Act to continue until the Thirty-first Day of July
One thousand eight hundred and forty-four, and to
the End of the then Session of Parliament, the
several Acts for regulating Turnpike Roads in
[31st May 1843.]

WE HEREAS the several Acts for making, amending, and repairing the Turnpike Roads in Ireland were, by an Act passed in the Session of Parliament holden in the Fourth • and Fifth Years of the Reign of Her present Majesty, 'amended and continued for a Time therein limited: And whereas, under the Provisions of an Act passed in the Session ' of Parliament holden in the Fifth Year of Her Majesty's Reign, the said Acts were further continued for a Time therein limited: And whereas, under the Provisions of an Act of the last Session of Parliament, the said Acts are further continued, and will remain in force until the Thirty'first Day of July in the present Year, or if Parliament be then sitting, until the End of the then Session of Parliament:

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R 4

• And

And whereas it is expedient that the said several Acts for making, amending, or repairing Turnpike Roads in Ireland 'shall be further continued:' Be it therefore enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of Acts for making the same, That any Act for making, amending, or repairing or repairing Turnpike Roads any Turnpike Road or Roads in Ireland, which will expire on in Ireland fur- the said Thirty-first Day of July in the present Year, or ther continued. during or with the present or next ensuing Session of Parliament, shall be and the same is hereby continued, as amended by the said recited Act of the Fourth and Fifth Years of Her Majesty's Reign, until the Thirty-first Day of July One thousand eight hundred and forty-four, or if Parliament be then sitting, until the End of the then Session of Parliament.

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An Act to authorize the Legislatures of certain of Her Majesty's Colonies to pass Laws for the Admission, in certain Cases, of unsworn Testimony in Civil and Criminal Proceedings. [$1st May 1843.] WHEREAS there are resident within the Limits of or in Countries adjacent to divers of the British Colonies and Plantations abroad various Tribes of barbarous and ' uncivilized People, who, being destitute of the Knowledge of God and of any religious Belief, are incapable of giving Evidence on Oath in any Court of Justice within such 'Colonies or Plantations: And whereas Doubts have arisen whether any Laws which have been or which might be made by the Legislatures of such Colonies respectively to provide ' for the Admissibility in such Courts of the Evidence of such Persons are not or would not be repugnant to the Law of England, and therefore null and void; and it is expedient that such Doubts should be removed:' Be it therefore enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by Laws or Ordi- the Authority of the same, That no Law or Ordinance made nances made by or to be made by the Legislature of any British Colony for the Legislatures the Admission of the Evidence of any such Persons as aforenies for Admis said in any Court or before any Magistrate within any such Colony shall be or be deemed to have been null and void or invalid by reason of any Repugnancy or supposed Repugnancy of any such Enactment to the Law of England, but that every Law or Ordinance made or to be made by any such Colonial Laws. Legislature as aforesaid, for the Admission before any such Court or Magistrate of the Evidence of any such Persons as aforesaid on any Conditions thereby imposed, shall have such and the same Effect, and shall be subject to the Confirmation or Disallowance of Her Majesty in such and the same Manner,

of British Colo

sion of the Evidence of certain Persons residing therein shall

have the same Effect as other


as any other Law or Ordinance enacted for any other Purpose

by any such Colonial Legislature.

II. And be it enacted, That this Act may be amended or Act may be repealed by any Act to be passed in the present Session of amended, &c.



An Act to amend and explain an Act for the Com-74855 mutation of certain Manorial Rights in respect of Lands of Copyhold and Customary Tenure, and in respect of other Lands subject to such Rights, and for facilitating the Enfranchisement of such Lands, and for the Improvement of such Tenure. [27th June 1843.]

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ment may be
made in con.

HEREAS an Act was passed in the Fifth Year of the Reign of Her present Majesty Queen Victoria, intituled 'An Act for the Commutation of certain Manorial Rights in 4&5 Vict. c. 35. ' respect of Lands of Copyhold and Customary Tenure, and in respect of other Lands subject to such Rights, and for facilitating the Enfranchisement of such Lands, and for the Improvement of 'such Tenure; and it is expedient to amend and explain the said Act in certain respects:' Be it enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, That, in addition and subject to the Provisions contained in the said Act, any Enfranchisement made under the same may be made, either wholly or in part, for the Consideration of a Grant of an annual Rent in Fee to be thenceforth charged on and issuing out of the Lands enfranchised, such annual Rent to be valued in like Manner and be subject to the like Variation as the Commutation Rent-charge under the Pro- sideration of the Conveyance of visions of the said Act; and that, in addition and subject to Lands subject the Provisions contained in the said Act, any Commutation or to the same Enfranchisement made under the same may be made, either Uses as those wholly or in part, for the Consideration of a Conveyance of commuted, or any Right to Lands Parcel of the same Manor as the Lands commuted or Mines or Minenfranchised, and subject to the same Uses and Trusts as the erals. Lands commuted or enfranchised shall be subject to at the Time of such Commutation or Enfranchisement, or any Right to Mines or Minerals in or under such Lands, or any Right to Waste in Lands belonging to such Manor.

sideration of an annual Rent, and Commutation may be made in con

Power to the

Person obtaining the Enfran

chisement of Lands to grant an annual Rent

II. And be it enacted, That if the Consideration for the Enfranchisement under the said Act shall be either wholly or in part the Grant of an annual Rent, then it shall be lawful for the Person empowered by the said Act to obtain the Enfranchisement of such Lands to grant such annual Rent to the Person enfranchising such Lands, and his Heirs, to the Uses of such Enfranand upon and for the Trusts, Intents, and Purposes to, upon, chisement. and for which the Manor of which such Lands are l'arcel shall


in consideration

Power to the

Person obtain ing the Com mutation or Enfranchisement of Lands to convey Lands

in consideration

of such Com


be subject and held at the Time of such Enfranchisement, and to charge such annual Rent on all or such of the Lands enfranchised as shall be fixed on, and to make the same payable by equal half-yearly Payments; and the annual Rent so granted shall be a Rent Service, and thenceforth Parcel of and appendant and appurtenant to the same Manor as the Lands enfranchised; and such annual Rent may be granted either by Deed or by a Schedule of Appointment, to be made and signed pursuant to the Directions of the said Act and of this Act.

III. And be it enacted, That if the Consideration for the Commutation or Enfranchisement under the said Act shall be either wholly or in part the Conveyance of Lands, or a Right to Mines or Minerals, or a Right to Waste in Lands belonging to such Manor as aforesaid, then it shall be lawful for the Person empowered by the said Act to obtain such Commutation or Enfranchisement to convey the Lands, or Rights to mutation or En- Mines or Minerals, or Rights to Waste in Lands belonging to such Manor, fixed on as the Consideration, either wholly or in part, for such Commutation or Enfranchisement, to the Person commuting or enfranchising the Lands proposed to be commuted or enfranchised, and his Heirs, to the Uses and upon and for the Trusts, Intents, and Purposes to, upon, and for which the Manor of which such Lands are Parcel shall be subject and held at the Time of such Commutation or Enfranchisement.

Power to the

Person having

a particular Estate in an

annual Rent to

apportion the


Power to the

IV. And be it enacted, That if, at any Time while an annual Rent shall remain charged on any Lands under this Act, the Person for the Time being seised in Possession of such annual Rent, or entitled to the Receipt thereof, shall be so seised or entitled for a particular Estate, (whether such Estate shall have been subsisting at the Time of the Enfranchisement of such Lands or not,) then it shall be lawful for such Person, whether he shall be so seised or entitled in actual Possession, or in Remainder or Reversion expectant on the Determination of any Estate for a Term of Years, to divide and apportion such annual Rent, and to declare what Part and Proportion thereof shall be thenceforth severally charged upon each of the respective Parcels of such Lands between which such Apportionment is intended to be made; and after such Apportionment such annual Rent shall be chargeable upon and payable out of such Lands only, and in such Parts and Proportions only as shall be so declared: Provided nevertheless, that it shall not be lawful for any Person so seised or entitled as aforesaid in respect of an undivided Share only of such annual Rent to divide and apportion such annual Rent, unless the Person for the Time being enabled either by this Act or otherwise to divide and apportion the same as respects the other undivided Share thereof shall join in dividing and apportioning

such annual Rent.

V. And be it enacted, That if at any Time while an annual Person having Rent shall remain charged on any Lands under this Act the Estate in Lands Person seised of such Lands in Possession, or entitled to the

a particular


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