Debt due to the Exchequer by the City of Cork how to be repaid. Presentment made at last Spring Assizes in Drogheda for Debt due to the Exche quer quashed. 6 & 7 VICT. half-yearly Sums or Instalments of such Sum or Sums presented as aforesaid, in priority and preference to any other Lien, Charge, Demand, or Claim whatsoever upon the Money in his Hands, such Treasurer shall for each such Neglect or Refusal forfeit the Sum of One hundred Pounds, with full Costs of Suit, to any Person who shall sue for the same, by Action of Debt or on the Case, in any of Her Majesty's Courts of Record at Dublin. XXI. And whereas divers Sums of Money have been from Time to Time advanced from Her Majesty's Exchequer to • Boards of Health, for the Support of Constabulary, and for the Repair of Roads, in the County of the City of Cork, on which an Arrear has accrued from the said County to Her Majesty's Exchequer, amounting, on or before the First Day of April of this present Year One thousand eight hundred and forty-three, to Six thousand six hundred and twenty • Pounds Fourteen Shillings and One Penny: Be it therefore enacted, That it shall and may be lawful for the Grand Jury of the said County of the City of Cork, at the next Assizes after the passing of this Act, and they are hereby required, to present to be levied off the said County of the City of Cork the Sum of Six thousand six hundred and twenty Pounds Fourteen Shillings and One Penny as aforesaid, by such and so many half-yearly Instalments as the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury, or any Three or more of them, shall by their Warrant direct; and the Treasurer of the said County of the City of Cork shall and he is hereby required to applot and insert any Sum so directed to be levied in his Warrant for raising or levying the Sums presented at the next Assizes, and in like Manner, without further Presentment or Authority in that Behalf, to applot and insert a like Sum in his Warrant for raising or levying the Sums so presented at each succeeding Assizes, until the whole Sum so advanced as aforesaid shall be so raised and levied off the said County of the City of Cork, and the same shall be raised and levied accordingly; and the said Treasurer shall pay over the said several Instalments, when and as soon as each of them shall be raised and levied, to such Bank or other Person and in such Manner as the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury shall direct: Provided always, that such Presentment and Payments shall be without Prejudice to the Repayment of such other Advances as may have been made or may be made from Her Majesty's Exchequer, and which are not comprehended in the aforesaid Sum. XXII. And whereas by the said recited Act passed in the last Session of Parliament it was, after reciting that divers 'Sums of Money had been from Time to Time advanced from Her Majesty's Exchequer for divers public Purposes in the County of the Town of Drogheda, amongst other things ' enacted, that for the Repayment of such Advances the Grand Jury of the County of the Town of Drogheda, at the next Assizes after the passing of that Act, should present to be ' levied off the said County of the Town of Drogheda such Sum and by such and so many half-yearly Instalments as the Com'missioners of Her Majesty's Treasury, or any Three of them, should direct: And whereas, pursuant to the Directions of the said Act, and to the Directions of the said Commissioners ' of the Treasury, the Grand Jury of the said County of the Town of Drogheda, at the Spring Assizes of this present Year, 'made a Presentment for the Levy off the said County of the Town of Drogheda of the Sum of Eight thousand seven hundred and forty-eight Pounds Twelve Shillings and Eleven'pence Halfpenny, by half-yearly Instalments of Four hundred and thirty-seven Pounds Eight Shillings and Eight-pence ' each: And whereas, by reason of Difficulties in the Applotment of Grand Jury Cess in the said County of the Town of Drogheda, the Money so presented remains uncollected, ⚫ and Doubts have arisen whether a Portion of the Money so 'presented is properly chargeable on the said County of the Town of Drogheda, as now bounded and defined under the • Provisions of the herein-before recited Acts of Her present Majesty's Reign; and the Money so presented includes a large Sum originally repayable by Instalments, extending over a long Period of Time, and it is therefore just and reasonable that the Levy thereof shall not be enforced;' be it therefore enacted, That the said Presentment so made by the Grand Jury of the said County of the Town of Drogheda at the last Spring Assizes, pursuant to the Provisions of the said recited Enactment, and to the Directions of the said Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury, shall be quashed, and the same is hereby declared null and void to all Intents and Purposes whatsoever. 6 6 6 XXIII. ' And whereas certain Advances made to the County of the Town of Drogheda for building a new Gaol are repayable to Her Majesty's Exchequer by half-yearly Instalments of Fifty-seven Pounds Thirteen Shillings and Ten-pence: And whereas other Advances made to the said County of the Town of Drogheda for building a Lunatic Asylum are also repayable to Her Majesty's Exchequer by half-yearly Instalments of Four Pounds Sixteen Shillings and Three-pence: And whereas divers Sums are also due to Her Majesty's Exchequer on account of divers Arrears of the said several half-yearly Instalments heretofore accrued due, and on account of Arrears of Repayments of divers other Advances for public Purposes made from Time to Time to the said County of the Town of Drogheda remaining due and unpaid: And whereas it is expedient to provide for the Payment of the said several Debts within a Period of Twelve Years;' be it therefore enacted, That the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury shall cause an Accouut to be taken of the several Sums so due to Her Majesty's Exchequer for Arrears of the said Instalments heretofore accrued due, and for Arrears of Repayments of the other Advances aforesaid remaining due and unpaid, and shall cause a Computation to be made of the [No. 20. Price 2d.] present U Debts due to the Exchequer by Drogheda, how to be repaid. Grand Jury of the Town to present for Amount of raised. present Value of the several Instalments hereafter accruing payable to the Exchequer as aforesaid, calculating the Interest of Money at the Rate of Four Pounds per Centum per Annum, and shall add the Amount so found due on such Account as aforesaid to the present Value of such Instalments, calculated as aforesaid, and ascertain the Amount of an Annuity for Twelve Years, payable half-yearly in equal Moieties, equivalent, at the Rate of Interest aforesaid, to the gross Amount; and the said Commissioners of the Treasury shall, by Warrant under their Hands, or under the Hands of any Three or more of them, direct the Grand Jury of the County of the Town of Drogheda to present the Amount of such Annuity to be levied off the said County of the Town of Drogheda by Two equal half-yearly Moieties in each of the Years specified in such Warrant, and which the said Commissioners shall specify therein. XXIV. And be it enacted, That it shall and may be lawful for the Grand Jury of the said County of the Town of Drogheda, at the next Assizes after the passing of this Act, and Annuity to be they are hereby required, to present to be levied off the said County of the Town of Drogheda, by equal half-yearly Moieties in each of the Years specified in such Warrant, the Annuity therein specified; and the Treasurer of the said County of the Town of Drogheda shall and he is hereby required to applot and insert a Moiety of the Annuity specified in such Warrant in his Warrant for raising or levying the Sums presented at the said next Assizes; and in like Manner, without further Presentment or Authority in that Behalf, to applot and insert a like Sum in his Warrant for raising or levying the Sums presented at each succeeding Assizes, until the said Annuity shall cease to be payable, and the same shall be raised and levied accordingly; and the said Treasurer shall pay over the said several Moieties of the said Annuity, when and as each of them shall be raised and levied, to such Bank or Person and in such Manner as the said Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury shall direct: Provided always, that such Presentment and Payments shall be without Prejudice to the Repayment of such other Advances as may have been made or may be made from Her Majesty's Exchequer, and which are not comprehended in the herein-before mentioned Sums. Debt due by old Part of County of Drogheda, how to be settled. XXV. And whereas under the said recited Acts certain Parts or Portions of the old County of the Town of Drogheda and of the ancient Liberties thereof, and certain Parts of Parishes or other Denominations, are not included within the Boundaries of the County of the Town of Drogheda as de'fined under the said recited Acts, and have, for the Purpose of Grand Jury Presentments among others, become severally Part of the adjoining Counties of Louth and Meath, and the 'same may be justly liable to contribute to the Payment of the 'said Debts, or some of them;' be it therefore enacted, That it shall and may be lawful for the Chief or Under Secretary of the Lord Lieutenant or other Chief Governor or Governors of Ireland, on the Application of Ten or more Persons liable to to the Payment of Grand Jury Cess in the said County of the Town of Drogheda, or of the Paymaster of Civil Services in Ireland, to appoint, by Writing under his Hand, a Barrister, not having any Interest in the Question, by his Award, to be made in Duplicate, under his Hand and Seal, to assess the Proportion, if any, of the Debt or several Debts so due as aforesaid to Her Majesty's Exchequer, to which any Place or Precinct not now under the Provisions of the said recited Acts, Part of the said County of the Town of Drogheda, for the Purpose of Grand Jury Presentments may be justly liable, and the Proportion of the said half-yearly Instalments which ought to be paid and contributed by such Precinct or Place; and such Arbitrator shall also assess the Costs of such Arbitration, and direct in what Proportion the same shall be paid by such County or any such Precinct or Place, and the same shall be presented accordingly by the respective Grand Juries; and the Proportion, if any, of the said half-yearly Instalments of the said Annuity assessed by such Award on each such Precinct or Place shall, from Time to Time during the Continuance of such Annuity, be applotted, raised, and levied on and off such Precinct or Place as if the same had been duly presented by Warrant of the Treasurer of the County whereunto such Place or Precinct may be now annexed, and be by him paid over, when and as the same shall be raised and levied, to such Bank or Person and in such Manner as the said Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury shall direct; and the half-yearly Instalments of the said Annuity leviable off the said County of the Town of Drogheda as at present defined shall be pro tanto reduced; and such Award to be made as aforesaid shall be conclusive, and shall be sufficient Authority to the respective Treasurers for the Levy of the Sums therein specified. XXVI. And be it enacted, That in the Construction of Interpretation this Act every Word importing the Singular Number only shall of Act. extend and be applied to several Persons or Things as well as one Person or Thing, and every Word importing the Masculine Gender shall be applied to a Female as well as a Male, unless there be something in the Subject or Context repugnant to such Construction respectively. XXVII. And be it enacted, That this Act may be amended Act may be or repealed by any Act to be passed in this present Session of amended, &c. Parliament. 1 G 1. c. 18. CAP. XXXIII. An Act to repeal so much of an Act of the First Year 6 WHEREAS an Act was passed in the First Year of the Reign of His Majesty King George the First, intituled An Act for the better preventing fresh Fish taken by Foreigners being imported into this Kingdom; and for the Preservation of the Fry of Fish; and for giving Leave to import Lobsters in Foreign Bottoms; and for the better Preservation of Salmon • within several Rivers of that Part of this Kingdom called England, in which it is amongst other things recited, that the ⚫ several Acts of Parliament theretofore made for the Preservation of Fishing within the Rivers of this Realm have hitherto proved ineffectual in respect to the Rivers Severn, Dee, Wye, Teame, Were, Tees, Ribble, Mersey, Dun, Air, Ouse, Swaile, Calder, Wharfe, Eure, Derwent, and Trent, for Want of a due Encouragement to be given to such Persons who could discover the many illegal Practices and Abuses done therein, and by reason of the Dilatoriness and Expensiveness of the Suits and Proceedings directed by the said Acts for punishing such Abuses; wherefore, for Remedy whereof, and for the 'better securing the Spawn, Fry, and Breed of Salmon in the said Rivers, it was among other things enacted, that if any Person or Persons whatsoever should at any Time thereafter, between the last Day of July and the Twelfth Day of November, for ever, by or with any Net, Device, Engine, Ways or Means whatsoever, take, kill, destroy, or wilfully hurt any Salmon of any Kind or Size whatsoever in the said Rivers, every Person so offending in any of the said Cases who should be convicted thereof before any Justice or Justices of the Peace of the County wherein the said Offence should be committed, either upon View of such Justice or Justices, by Confession of such Offender, or by One or more credible Witness or Witnesses upon Oath (which Oath every such Justice of the Peace was thereby empowered to administer), should forfeit the Sum of Five Pounds for every such Offence, 'besides the Fish so taken, and the Nets, Engines, and Devices ⚫ used in doing or committing the same; one Moiety of the said Sum to be paid to the Informer or Informers, and the other 'Moiety thereof to the Poor of the Parish where the said Offence should be committed, to be levied by Distress and 'Sale of the Offender's Goods and Chattels by Warrant under the Hand and Seal of the Justice or Justices of the Peace • before |