dule to this Act annexed, before the Justice at the Time of his Attestation, and shall obtain any Enlisting Money or Bounty for entering into Her Majesty's Service, or any other Money, shall be deemed guilty of obtaining Money under false Pretences, within the true Intent and Meaning, if in England, of an Act intituled An Act for consolidating and amending the Laws 7&8G. 4. c. 29. in England relative to Larceny and other Offences connected therewith; and if in Ireland, of an Act passed in the Ninth Year of the Reign of His Majesty King George the Fourth, intituled An Act for consolidating and amending the Laws in Ireland re- 9 G. 4. c. 55. lative to Larceny and other Offences connected therewith; and such Recruit, if in Scotland, shall be deemed guilty of Falsehood, Fraud, and wilful Imposition; and the Production of such Certificate, and Proof of the Hand-writing of the Justice giving such Certificate, shall be sufficient Evidence of such Party having represented the several Particulars contained in the Oath sworn by him, and specified in the Certificate of the Justice at the Time of his being attested; and that Proof by the Oath of One or more credible Witnesses, that the Person so prosecuted hath voluntary acknowledged that at the Time of his Enlistment he belonged to the Militia or to any Regiment in Her Majesty's Service, or to Her Majesty's Ordnance, Navy, or Marines, shall be deemed and taken as Evidence of the Fact so by him acknowledged, without Production of any Roll or other Document to prove the same, and such Proof of such Acknowledgment shall be certified to the Secretary at War by the Justice before whom such Proof shall have been given; and any Man having been enrolled to serve in the Militia at the Time of offering to enlist who shall deny that he is a Militia Man then actually enrolled and engaged to serve, or shall deny to the Justice before whom he shall be attested that he belongs to the Militia, shall, on Conviction thereof before any One Justice in the United Kingdom, either upon Oath of One Witness or upon his own Confession, or upon the Production of the Attestation, and the before-mentioned Acknowledgment of such Person, certified by the Secretary at War or Deputy Secretary at War, be committed to the Common Gaol or House of Correction, there to remain without Bail or Mainprize for and during any Time not exceeding Six Calendar Months, over and above any Penalty or Punishment to which such Person so offending may be otherwise liable; and shall, from the Day on which his Engagement to serve in the Militia shall end, and not sooner, belong as a Soldier to the Corps of Her Majesty's Regular Forces, or of the East India Company's Forces, into which he shall have so enlisted; provided that every such Person shall be liable to serve, within the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, in any Regiment, Battalion, or Corps of Her Majesty's Regular Forces, or of the East India Company's Forces, in which he has so enlisted, during all the Time the Militia to which he shall belong shall remain disembodied, or shall not be called out for Training or Exercise, and shall during all such Time be subject Penalty on Enlistment. 6 VICT. subject to all the Provisions of this Act, and liable to be apprehended and dealt with and punished as a Deserter from the Corps in which he shall have so enlisted, if he shall neglect or refuse to join and serve in such Corps as aforesaid. XXXIX. And be it enacted, That every Military Officer, Officers offend- who shall act contrary to the Provisions of this Act in any ing against Laws regarding respect regarding the enlisting and attesting of Recruits of Her Majesty's Service or for the Service of the East India Company, shall, upon Proof thereof upon Oath by Two Witnesses before a General Court-martial, be cashiered, and disabled to hold any Civil or Military Office or Employment in Her Majesty's Service. Enlistment and abroad. Enlistment of Apprentice enlisting to be liable to serve after the Expi ration of his XL. And whereas it is expedient that Provision should be 'made for enlisting and attesting of Soldiers desirous of reenlisting, and others desirous of enlisting, abroad;' be it therefore enacted, That it shall be lawful for any Person duly appointed by Her Majesty by any Warrant signed by the Secretary at War in that Behalf, and not being a General Officer nor holding any Regimental Commission, to enlist and attest, out of Great Britain or Ireland, any Soldiers or Persons desirous of enlisting or re-enlisting into Her Majesty's Service; and any Person so appointed shall have the same Powers in that Behalf as are given to Justices in the United Kingdom for all such Purposes of Enlistment and Attestation; and any Person so enlisted or re-enlisted shall be deemed to be an attested Soldier; and as often as any Corps shall be relieved or disbanded at any Station beyond the Seas, it shall be lawful for any Officers thereunto authorized by the Officer commanding in chief at such Station to enlist as many of the Soldiers belonging to the Corps leaving the Station as shall be willing and fit for Service for any Corps appointed to remain; and every Soldier so enlisted is hereby deemed to be discharged from his former Corps; and an attested Certificate of Transfer shall be delivered to the Soldier. XLI. And be it enacted, That all Negroes purchased by or on account of Her Majesty, and serving in any of Her Majesty's Forces, shall be considered as Soldiers having voluntarily enlisted in Her Majesty's Service; provided that nothing contained in this Act as to enlisting for limited Periods of Service, or in any other Act as to any Rules or Regulations for granting Pensions or Allowances to Soldiers discharged after certain Periods of Service, shall extend to any Negroes so purchased. XLII. And be it enacted, That any Person duly bound as an Apprentice who shall enlist as a Soldier in Her Majesty's or the East India Company's Service, and shall state to the Magistrate before whom he shall be carried and attested that he is Apprenticeship. not an Apprentice, shall be deemed guilty of obtaining Money under false Pretences within the true Intent and Meaning of the before-recited Acts, and shall after the Expiration of his Apprenticeship, whether he shall have been so convicted and punished or not, be liable to serve as a Soldier in any of Her Majesty's Regular Forces, or in the Forces of the East India Company, according to the Terms of the Enlistment; and if on the Expiration of his Apprenticeship he shall not deliver himself up to some Officer authorized to receive Recruits, may be taken as a Deserter from Her Majesty's Forces. tices. XLIII. And be it enacted, That no Master shall be entitled Claims of Masto claim an Apprentice who shall enlist as a Soldier in Her ters to ApprenMajesty's or the East India Company's Service, unless he shall, with One Calendar Month after such Apprentice shall have left his Service, go before some Justice and take the Oath mentioned in the Schedule to this Act annexed, and produce the Certificate of such Justice of his having taken such Oath, which Certificate such Justice is required to give in the Form in the Schedule to this Act annexed; and unless such Apprentice shall have been bound, if in England, for the full Term of Seven Years, not having been above the Age of Fourteen when so bound, and, if in Ireland or in the British Isles, for the full Term of Five Years at the least, not having been above the Age of Sixteen when so bound, and, if in Scotland, for the full Term at least of Four Years, by a regular Contract or Indenture of Apprenticeship, duly extended, signed, and tested, and binding on both Parties by the Law of Scotland, prior to the Period of Enlistment, and unless such Contract or Indenture in Scotland shall within Three Months after the Commencement of the Apprenticeship, and before the Period of Enlistment, have been produced to a Justice of the Peace of the County in Scotland wherein the Parties reside, and there shall have been endorsed thereon by such Justice a Certificate or Declaration signed by him specifying the Date when and the Person by whom such Contract or Indenture shall have been so produced, which Certificate or Declaration such Justice of the Peace is hereby required to endorse and sign; and unless such Apprentice shall, when claimed by such Master, be under Twenty-one Years of Age; provided that any Master of an Apprentice indentured for the Sea Service shall be entitled to claim and recover him in the Form and Manner above directed, notwithstanding such Apprentice may have been bound for a less Term than Seven, Five, or Four Years as aforesaid; and any such Master, who shall give up the Indentures of Apprenticeship within One Month after the enlisting of such Apprentice, shall be entitled to receive, to his own Use, so much of the Bounty payable to such Recruit, after deducting therefrom Two Guineas to provide him with Necessaries, as shall not have been paid to such Recruit before Notice given of his being an Apprentice. XLIV. And be it enacted, That no Apprentice claimed by Punishment of his Master shall be taken from any Corps or Recruiting Party Apprentices but under a Warrant of a Justice residing near and within enlisting. whose Jurisdiction such Apprentice shall then happen to be, before whom he shall be carried, and such Justice shall inquire into the Matter upon Oath, which Oath he is hereby empowered to administer, and shall require the Production and Proof of the Indenture, and that Notice of the said Warrant has been given to Musters, and Musters. to the Commanding Officer, and a Copy thereof left with some Officer or Non-commissioned Officer of the Party, and that such Person so enlisted declared that he was no Apprentice; and such Justice, if required by such Officer or Non-commissioned Officer, shall commit the Offender to the Common Gaol of the said Place, and shall keep the Indenture to be produced when required, and shall bind over such Person as he may think proper to give Evidence against the Offender, who shall be tried at the next or at the Sessions immediately succeeding the next General or Quarter Sessions of the County, Division, or Place, unless the Court shall on just Cause put off the Trial; and the Production of the Indenture, with the Certificate of the Justices that the same was proved, shall be sufficient Evidence of the said Indenture; and every such Offender, in Scotland, may be tried by the Judge Ordinary in the County or Stewartry in such and the like Manner as any Person may be tried in Scotland for any Offence not inferring a Capital Punishment; provided that any Justice not required as aforesaid to commit such Apprentice may deliver him to his Master. XLV. And be it enacted, That Musters shall be taken of Penalty on false every Regiment, Troop, or Company in Her Majesty's Service, twice at least in every Year, at such Times as shall be appointed; and no Soldier shall be absent from such Musters, unless properly certified to be employed on some other Duty of the Regiment, or to be sick, or in Prison, or on Furlough; and every Person who shall give or procure to be given any untrue Certificate, whereby to excuse any Soldier for his Absence from any Muster or any other Service which he ought to attend or perform, or shall make any false or untrue Muster of Man or Horse, or shall wittingly or willingly allow or sign the Muster Roll wherein such false Muster is contained, or any Duplicate thereof, or who shall directly or indirectly take of cause to be taken any Money or Gratuity for mustering any Soldiers, or for signing any Muster Rolls or Duplicates thereof, or shall knowingly muster any Person by a wrong Name, upon Proof thereof upon Oath made by Two Witnesses before a General Court-martial, shall for such Offence be forthwith cashiered, and shall be thereby utterly disabled to have or hold. any Civil or Military Office or Employment within the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, or in Her Majesty's Service; and if the Person giving such untrue Certificate shall not have any Military Commission, he shall forfeit for every such Offence the Sum of Fifty Pounds; and any Person who shall falsely be mustered, or offer himself to be mustered, or lend or furnish any Horse to be falsely mustered, shall, upon Oath made by Two Witnesses before some Justice of the Peace residing near the Place where such Muster shall be made, forfeit the Sum of Twenty Pounds; and the Informer, if he belongs to Her Majesty's Service, shall, if he demand it, be forthwith discharged. Forfeiture of XLVI. And be it enacted, That any Soldier who shall absent himself without Leave, or who shall desert, shall, on Conviction Conviction by a General or other Court-martial, in addition to any Punishment awarded by such Court, forfeit his Pay for the Days on which he has so absented himself without Leave, or on which he has been absent by such Desertion; and that no Soldier shall be entitled to Pay, or to reckon Service towards Pay or Pension, when in Confinement under any Sentence of any Court, or during any Absence from Duty by Commitment under the Civil Power on a Charge of any Offence cognizable by a Civil or a Criminal Court, or by reason of any Arrest for Debt, or as a Prisoner of War, or while in Confinement under any Charge of which he shall afterwards be convicted; and if any Soldier shall absent himself without Leave for any Period not exceeding Five Days, and shall not account for the same to the Satisfaction of the Commanding Officer, it shall be lawful for the said Commanding Officer (if he shall think fit) to order and direct that, in addition to such other Punishment as he has Authority to inflict, such Soldier shall also suffer Forfeiture of his Pay for the Day or Days on which he has so absented himself, and thereupon such Pay shall be forfeited, and such Soldier shall not be liable to be afterwards tried by a Court-martial for the said Offence; provided that any Soldier who shall be so ordered to forfeit his Pay shall have a Right to insist on being tried by a Court-martial for his Offence instead of submitting to such Forfeiture; and provided also, that any Soldier, acquitted of any Offence for which he had been committed, shall, upon Return to his Duty in his Corps, be entitled to receive all Arrears of Pay growing due, and to reckon Service during his Absence or Confinement; and upon rejoining Her Majesty's Service from being a Prisoner of War, due Inquiry shall be made by a Court-martial, and if it shall be proved to the Satisfaction of such Court that the said Soldier was taken Prisoner without wilful Neglect of Duty on his Part, and that he hath not served with or under or in any Manner aided the Enemy, and that he hath returned as soon as possible to Her Majesty's Service, he may thereupon be recommended by such Court to receive either the Whole of such Arrears of Pay, or a Proportion thereof, and to reckon Service during his Absence; provided that it shall be lawful for Her Majesty's Secretary at War to order or withhold the Payment of the Whole or any Part of the Pay of any Officer or Soldier during the Period of Absence by any of the Causes aforesaid. ness. XLVII. And be it enacted, That when there shall not be any Extension of Military Officer of Rank, not inferior to Captain, or any Ad- Furlough in jutant of Regular Militia, within convenient Distance of the case of SickPlace where any Non-commissioned Officer or Soldier on Furlough shall be detained by Sickness or other Casualty rendering necessary any Extension of such Furlough, it shall be lawful for any Justice who shall be satisfied of such Necessity to grant an Extension of Furlough for a Period not exceeding One Month; and the said Justice shall immediately certify such Extension, and the Cause thereof, to the Commanding Officer of the Corps or Detachment to which the Man belongs, if known, and if not, then to the Agent of the Regiment, in [No. 3. Price 2d.] order C |