Tolls. Ferries. Penalties upon Civil Subjects offending against the Laws relating to Billets and Carriages. LXII. And be it enacted, That all Her Majesty's Officers and Soldiers, being in proper Staff or Regimental or Military Uniform, Dress or Undress, and their Horses, (but not when passing in any hired or private Vehicle,) and all Recruits marching by Route, and all Carriages and Horses belonging to Her Majesty or employed in Her Service, under the Provisions of this Act, when conveying Persons or Baggage, or returning therefrom, shall be exempted from Payment of any Duties and Tolls on embarking or disembarking from or upon any Pier, Wharf, Quay, or Landing Place, or passing Turnpike Roads or Bridges, otherwise demandable by virtue of any Act already passed or hereafter to be passed; and any Toll Collector who shall demand and receive Toll from any of Her Majesty's Officers or Soldiers, they being in proper Staff or Regimental or Military Uniform, Dress or Undress, or for their Horses, or from any Recruits marching by Route, or for any Carriages or Horses belonging to Her Majesty or employed in Her Service, when conveying Persons or Baggage under the Provisions of this Act, every such Toll Collector shall forfeit and pay any Sum not exceeding Five Pounds for every such Offence, for which Forfeiture and Penalty he shall be prosecuted before a Justice of the Peace; provided that nothing herein contained shall exempt any Boats, Barges, or other Vessels employed in conveying the said Persons, Horses, Baggage, or Stores along any Canal from Payment of Tolls, in like Manner as other Boats, Barges, and Vessels are liable thereto, except when employed in Cases of Emergency as herein-before enacted. LXIII. And be it enacted, That when any Soldiers on Service have Occasion in their March by Route to pass regular Ferries in Scotland, the Officer commanding may at his Option pass over with his Soldiers as Passengers, and shall pay for himself and each Soldier One Half only of the ordinary Rate payable by single Persons, or may hire the Ferry Boat for himself and his Party, debarring others for that Time, and shall in all such Cases pay only Half the ordinary Rate for such Boat. LXIV. And be it enacted, That if any Constable or other Person, who by virtue of this Act shall be employed in billetting any Officers or Soldiers in any Part of the United Kingdom, shall presume to billet any such Officer or Soldier in any House not within the Meaning of this Act, without the Consent of the Owner or Occupier thereof; or shall neglect or refuse to billet any Officer or Soldier on Duty, when thereunto required, in such Manner as is by this Act directed, provided sufficient Notice be given before the Arrival of such Troops; or shall receive, demand, or agree for any Money or Reward whatsoever, in order to excuse any Person from receiving such Officer or Soldier, or shall quarter any of the Wives, Children, Men or Maid Servants of any Officers or Soldiers in any such Houses, against the Consent of the Occupiers; or shall neglect or or refuse to execute such Warrants of the Justices as shall be directed to him for providing Carriages, Horses, or Vessels, or shall demand more than the legal Rates for the same; or if any Person appointed by such Constable to provide Carriages, Horses, or Vessels shall do any Act or Thing by which the Execution of such Warrants shall be hindered; or if any Constable shall neglect to deliver in to the Justices at Quarter Sessions Lists of Officers and Soldiers of the Foot Guards quartered according to the Provisions of this Act, or shall cause to be delivered defective Lists of the same; or if any Person liable by this Act to have any Officer or Soldier quartered upon him shall refuse to receive and to afford proper Accommodation or Diet in the House in which such Officer or Soldier is quartered, and to furnish the several Things directed to be furnished to Officers and Soldiers, or shall neglect or refuse to furnish good and sufficient Stables, together with good and sufficient Hay and Straw for each Horse, at the Rate established by this Act, and in such Quantities as shall be fixed by Her Majesty's Regulations, not exceeding Eighteen Pounds of Hay and Six Pounds of Straw per Diem for each Horse, or if any Innkeeper or Victualler not having good and sufficient Stables shall refuse to pay over to the Person or Persons who may provide Stabling such Allowance by way of Compensation as shall be directed by any Justice of the Peace, or shall pay any Sum or Sums of Money to any Soldier on the March in lieu of furnishing in Kind the Diet and Small Beer to which such Soldier is entitled; such Constable, Victualler, or other Person respectively shall forfeit for every such Offence, Neglect, or Refusal any Sum not exceeding Five Pounds nor less than Forty Shillings. LXV. And be it enacted, That if any Military Officer shall Penalties upon take upon himself to quarter Soldiers otherwise than is limited the Military so offending. and allowed by this Act, or shall use or offer any Menace or Compulsion to or upon any Mayors, Constables, or other Civil Officers, tending to deter and discourage any of them from performing any Part of their Duty under this Act, or tending to induce any of them to do any thing contrary to their said Duty, such Officer shall for every such Offence (being thereof convicted before any Two or more Justices of the County by the Oath of Two credible Witnesses) be deemed and taken to be ipso facto cashiered, and shall be utterly disabled to hold any Military Employment in Her Majesty's Service; provided that a Certificate thereof shall be transmitted by one of the said Justices to the Judge Advocate in London, who is hereby required to certify the same to the Commander in Chief and Secretary at War, and that the said Conviction be affirmed at some Quarter Sessions of the Peace of the said County held next after the Expiration of Three Months after such Certificate of the Justice shall have been transmitted as aforesaid; and if any Military Officer shall take, or knowingly suffer to be taken, any Money or Reward of any Person for excusing the quartering of Officers or Soldiers, or shall billet any of the Penalty on purchasing Soldiers Necessaries, Stores, &c. 6 VICT. Wives, Children, Men or Maid Servants of any Officer or Soldier in any House, against the Consent of the Occupier, he shall, upon being convicted thereof before a General Court-martial, be cashiered; and if any Officer shall constrain any Carriage to travel beyond the Distance specified in the Justice's Warrant, or shall not discharge the same in due Time for their Return home on the same Day, if it be practicable, except in the Case of Emergency, for which the Justice shall have given Licence, or shall compel the Driver of any Carriage to take up any Soldier or Servant (except such as are sick) or any Woman to ride therein, except in Cases of Emergency as aforesaid, or shall force any Constable, by threatening Words, to provide Saddle Horses for himself or Servants, or shall force Horses from their Owners, or in Ireland shall force the Owner to take any Loading until the same shall be first duly weighed, if the same can be done within reasonable Time, or shall, contrary to the Will of the Owner or his Servant, permit any Person whatsoever to put any greater Load upon any Carriage than is directed by this Act, such Officer shall forfeit for every Offence any Sum not exceeding Five Pounds nor less than Forty Shillings. LXVI. And be it enacted, That any Person who shall unlawfully have in his or her Possession or keeping, or who shall knowingly detain, buy, exchange, or receive from any Soldier or Deserter, or any other Person, on any Pretence whatsoever, or shall solicit or entice any Soldier, or shall be employed by any Soldier, knowing him to be such, to sell, any Arms, Ammunition, Clothes, or Military Furniture, or any Provisions, or any Sheets or other Articles used in Barracks, provided under Barrack Regulations, or Regimental Necessaries, or any Article of Forage provided for any Horses belonging to Her Majesty's Service, or shall change the Colour of any Clothes as aforesaid, shall forfeit for every such Offence any Sum not exceeding Twenty Pounds, together with Treble Value of all or any of the several Articles of which such Offender shall so become possessed; and if any Person having been so convicted shall afterwards be guilty of any such Offence, and shall be convicted thereof by One or more Justices of the Peace, every such Offender shall for every such Offence forfeit any Sum not exceeding Twenty Pounds but not less than Five Pounds, and the Treble Value of all or any of the several Articles of which such Offender shall have so become possessed, and shall, in addition to such Forfeiture, be committed to the Common Gaol or House of Correction, there to be imprisoned only, or to be imprisoned and kept to hard Labour, for such Term not exceeding Six Calendar Months as the convicting Justice or Justices shall think fit; and upon any Information against any Person for a Second or any subsequent Offence, a Copy of the Conviction certified by the proper Officer having the Care or Custody of such Conviction, or any Copy of the same proved to be a true Copy, shall be sufficient Evidence to prove a Conviction of the former Offence; and if any credible Person Person shall prove on Oath before a Justice of the Peace, or Person exercising like Authority, according to the Laws of the Part of Her Majesty's Dominions in which the Offence shall be committed, a reasonable Cause to suspect that any Person has in his or her Possession, or on his or her Premises, any Property of the Description herein-before described, on or with respect to which any such Offence shall have been committed, the Justice may grant a Warrant to search for such Property, as in the Case of stolen Goods; and if upon Search any such Property shall be found, the same shall and may be seized by the Officer charged with the Execution of such Warrant, who shall bring the Öffender in whose Possession the same shall be found before such Justice, to be dealt with according to Law: Provided always, that it shall be lawful for the Legislature of each or of any of Her Majesty's Colonies, on the Recommendation of the Officer for the Time being administering the Government of any such Colony, but not otherwise, to make Provision by Law for reducing such pecuniary Penalty, if not exceeding Twenty Pounds, to such Amount as may to any such Legislature appear to be better adapted to the Ability and pecuniary Means of Her Majesty's Subjects and others inhabiting the same, which reduced Penalty shall be sued for and recovered in such and the same Manner as the full Penalty hereby imposed: Provided always, that it shall be competent to Her Majesty, or to the Person administering the Government of any such Colony on Her Majesty's Behalf, to exercise, in respect of the Laws so to be passed as aforesaid, all such Powers and Authorities as are by Law vested in Her Majesty or in any such Officer as aforesaid in respect of any other Law made or enacted by any such Colonial Legislature. unlawful LXVII. And be it enacted, That all the Persons (except Penalty on such Recruiting Parties as may be stationed under Military recruiting. Command) who shall cause to be advertised, posted, or dispersed Bills for the Purpose of procuring Recruits or Substitutes for the Line, Embodied Militia, or East India Company's Service, or shall open or keep any House, Place of Rendezvous, or Office, or receive any Person therein under such Bill or Advertisement, as connected with the Recruiting Service, or shall directly or indirectly interfere therewith, without Permission in Writing from the Adjutant General, or from the Directors of the East India Company, (as the Case may be,) shall forfeit for every such Offence the Sum of Twenty Pounds. LXVIII. And be it enacted, That every Person, not being Penalty on trafan authorized Army Agent, who shall negociate or act as missions. ficking in ComAgent for and in relation to the Purchase, Sale, or Exchange of any Commission in Her Majesty's Forces, shall forfeit for every such Offence the Sum of One hundred Pounds; and every Person, whether authorized or not as an Army Agent, who shall receive any Money or Reward in respect of any such Purchase, Sale, or Exchange, or shall negociate or receive for any Purpose whatsoever any Money or Consideration where no Price is allowed by Her Majesty's Regulations, or any Money or Consideration Penalty on killing Game. Officers not liable to take Parish Apprentices. Mode of record Settlement. 6 VICT. Consideration exceeding the Amount so allowed, shall forfeit One hundred Pounds, and Treble the Value of the Consideration where the Commission is not allowed to be sold, or Treble the Excess of such Consideration beyond the regular Price. LXIX. And for the better Preservation of Game and Fish in or near such Places where any Officers shall at any Time be quartered, be it enacted, That every Officer who shall, without Leave in Writing from the Persons entitled to grant such Leave, take, kill, or destroy any Game or Fish in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and upon Complaint thereof shall be, upon Oath of One or more credible Witnesses, convicted before any Justice, shall for every such Offence forfeit the Sum of Five Pounds. LXX. And be it enacted, That no Officer of Her Majesty's Forces residing in Barracks or elsewhere under Military Law shall be deemed liable to have any Parish poor Child bound Apprentice to him. LXXI. And be it enacted, That any Justice in the United ing a Soldier's Kingdom, within whose Jurisdiction any Soldier in the Regular Army, or on the permanent Staff of the Militia, having a Wife or Child, shall be billetted, may summon such Soldier before him in the Place where he is billetted, (which Summons he is hereby directed to obey,) and take his Examination in Writing, upon Oath, touching the Place of his last legal Settlement in England, and such Justice shall give an attested Copy of such Examination to the Person examined, to be by him delivered to his Commanding Officer, to be produced when required; which said Examination and such attested Copy shall be at any Time admitted in Evidence as to such last legal Settlement before any Justice or at any General or Quarter Sessions, although such Soldier be dead or absent from the Kingdom; provided that in case any Soldier shall be again summoned to make Oath as aforesaid, then on such Examination or such attested Copy thereof being produced by him or by any other Person on his Behalf, such Soldier shall not be obliged to take any other Oath with regard to his legal Settlement, but shall leave a Copy of such Examination, or a Copy of such attested Copy of Examination, if required. Notification to Parishes of good or bad Conduct of Soldiers. Wages of a Servant enlisting. LXXII. And be it enacted, That the Churchwardens of every Parish in England and Ireland, and the Constables or other Officers of every Parish or Place in Scotland, on receiving a Notification from the Secretary at War of the Names of any Soldiers belonging to the said Parish who have, for meritorious Conduct in the Army, received Her Majesty's special Approbation, or who in consequence of Misconduct have been dismissed Her Majesty's Service with Disgrace, shall affix such Notification on the Outside of the Door of the Church or Chapel belonging to such Parish or Place on the Sunday next succeeding the Receipt of the said Notification. LXXIII. And be it enacted, That it shall be lawful for the Justice before whom any Recruit shall be attested before the Expiration |