6 VICT. Exchequer Bills to be made out at the Receipt of the Exchequer at Westminster for any Sum or Sums of Money not exceeding in the whole the Sum of Two hundred and sixty-two thousand Pounds, in like Manner as is prescribed in an Act passed in the Forty-eighth Year of the Reign of King George the Third, intituled An Act for regulating the issuing and paying off of Exchequer Bills, and in another Act passed in the Fourth 4&5 W. 4. c.15. Year of the Reign of His late Majesty, intituled An Act to regulate the Office of the Receipt of His Majesty's Exchequer at Westminster, and in another Act passed in the last Session of 5&6 Vict. c.66. Parliament, intituled An Act for further regulating the Preparation and Issue of Exchequer Bills. 48 G. 3. c. 1. The Clauses in extended to this Bills to be payable out of Supplies of next Session. Interest on Ex- Bills to be dar Months The Treasury to apply the Money raised. II. And be it enacted, That all the Clauses of the said Acts shall be applied to the Exchequer Bills to be made out in pursuance of this Act as fully as if the said several Clauses had been herein particularly re-enacted. III. And be it enacted, That the Principal Sum or Sums of Money to be contained in such Exchequer Bills shall be charged upon and shall be paid out of any Supplies to be granted in the next Session of Parliament. IV. And be it enacted, That the Exchequer Bills to be made out in pursuance of this Act shall bear Date on the Days on which the same shall be respectively issued, and shall bear an Interest not exceeding the Rate of Three-pence per Centum per Diem in respect of the whole of the Monies respectively contained therein, payable out of any Aids or Supplies in the Bank of England standing to the Credit of the Exchequer. V. And be it enacted, That all the Exchequer Bills to be made out by virtue of this Act, or so many of them as shall from Time to Time remain undischarged and uncancelled, shall after Twelve Calendar Months from their respective Dates be taken and shall pass and be current to all the Receivers and Collectors in Great Britain of the Customs, Excise, or any Revenue, Supply, Aid, or Tax whatsoever, already granted or payable or which shall hereafter be granted or payable to Her Majesty, Her Heirs and Successors, and also at the Bank of England, to the Account of Her Majesty's Exchequer, from the said Receivers or Collectors, or from any other Person or Persons, Bodies Politic or Corporate whatsoever, making any Payment there to Her Majesty, Her Heirs and Successors, upon any Account whatever. VI. And be it enacted, That it shall be lawful for the said Commissioners of the Treasury to issue from Time to Time to the several Persons named in the Schedule marked (A.) annexed to this Act, upon Application of such Persons severally, or of some Person duly authorized in their Behalf, Exchequer Bills to be made out in pursuance of this Act, in Value not exceeding in each Case the Amount set against the Name of each such Person in the said Schedule respectively: Provided always, that every such Applicant shall produce and deliver to the said Commissioners a Certificate under the Hand of the Comptroller of the Exchequer that the several Documents specified specified in the first-mentioned Act of the last Session of Parliament, and set opposite to the Name of such Applicant in the Schedule annexed to this Act, have been deposited in the Office of the Exchequer. VII. And be it enacted, That the Attorney General shall be entitled, in the Name of Her Majesty, to sue for and recover the Amount for which any such forged Exchequer Bill purported to have been issued from any Person who was at any Time possessed thereof, and through whom, mediately or immediately, the Possession thereof came to the Applicant so indemnified; and in such Suit it shall not be necessary to give any Evidence, except for proving that the Party sued was one through whom the Possession of such forged Exchequer Bill came to the Person indemnified as aforesaid: Provided always, that any Person so sued shall be entitled in such Suit to plead any Matters which would have been a valid Defence in case the Suit had been brought against him or her by the Party who immediately received such forged Exchequer Bill from him or her. The Attorney General may Amount from any previous sue for the Holder. VIII. And be it enacted, That all Monies so recovered shall As to Monies be paid into the Bank of England to the Credit of the Con- recovered. solidated Fund of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. IX. And be it enacted, That this Act may be amended or Act may be repealed by any Act to be passed in this Session of Parliament. amended. SCHEDULE (A.) referred to in the foregoing Act. 1 & 2 W. 4. CAP. II. An Act to discontinue certain Actions under the Provisions of an Act of the Second Year of King William the Fourth, for regulating the Vend and Delivery of Coals in the Cities of London and Westminster, and in certain Parts of the adjacent Counties. [3d March 1843.] WHEREAS by an Act passed in the Second Year of the Reign of His late Majesty King William the Fourth, intituled An Act for regulating the Vend and Delivery of Coals in the Cities of London and Westminster, and in certain Parts of the Counties of Middlesex, Surrey, Kent, Essex, Hertfordshire, • Bucking 9 6 • Buckinghamshire, and Berkshire, it was amongst other things ' enacted, that every Fitter or other Person vending or delivering Coals for the Port of London should send, in a Letter directed to the Clerk of the Coal Market, and put into the 'General Post Office on the Day on which the Ship or Vessel containing any Coals should sail on any such Voyage, or 'should give to the Shipmaster of such Ship or Vessel before 'the same should sail on every or any such Voyage, a Certifi'cate, signed by such Fitter, containing the Day of the Month ' and Year of such loading, the Master's and Ship's Names, and the Quantity of Tons, and the usual Names of the several and ' respective Collieries out of which the said Coals were and should be wrought and gotten, and the Price paid by the Master or Masters for each and every Sort of Coals that each and every Fitter or other Person vending or delivering Coals as aforesaid, his or their Agent or Servant, had sold and loaded on board ' each and every Ship or Vessel; and in case any Person or • Persons should omit or refuse to give such Certificate as afore'said, or should give or make any false Certificate, every 'Person so offending should for every such Offence forfeit and pay the Sum of One hundred Pounds: And whereas by the 'said Act the said Penalty and Forfeiture is made recoverable in manner in the said Act directed: And whereas divers Fitters and other Persons have inadvertently omitted to comply with the aforesaid Provision of the said Act, and many Actions, Bills, Plaints, and Informations have been brought and may be commenced against such Fitters and other Persons, or some of them, by Persons who sue, inform, and prosecute, ' as well on their own Behalf as on behalf of Her Majesty, to ⚫ recover various Penalties incurred or alleged to have been incurred under or by virtue of the said Act, by reason of such Neglect; and it is expedient that all further Proceedings in such Actions, Bills, Plaints, and Informations should be prevented:' Be it therefore enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, That Actions and immediately from and after the passing of this Act it shall be Informations to be discontinued, lawful for any Person or Persons against whom any Action, upon AppliBill, Plaint, or Information shall have been or may be sued out, cation to Courts commenced, or prosecuted for the Recovery of any pecuniary of Law. Penalty or Penalties incurred on or before the Day of the passing of this Act, under the aforesaid Provision of the said Act, for not inserting in the Fitter's Certificate the usual Names of the several and respective Collieries out of which the said Coals should be wrought and gotten, to apply to the Court in which such Action, Bill, Plaint, or Information shall have been or may be sued out, commenced, or prosecuted, or to any Judge of any of the Superior Courts at Westminster, for an Order that such Action, Bill, Plaint, or Information shall be discontinued upon Payment of the Costs thereof incurred to the Time of such Application being made, such Costs to be taxed according to the A 4 Form Proviso as to Penalties incurred by Fraud. Public Act. Form of such Court; and every such Court or Judge is hereby authorized and required, upon such Application, to make such Order as aforesaid, and upon the making such Order, and Payment or Tender of such Costs as aforesaid, such Action, Bill, Plaint, or Information shall be forthwith discontinued: Provided always, that if it shall be made to appear to the said Court or Judge, by Affidavit or otherwise, that any Penalty or Penalties sought to be recovered in any such Action, Bill, Plaint, or Information has been incurred by the Fraud of the Defendant or Defendants in such Action, Bill, Plaint, or Information, then and in every such Case it shall be lawful for such Court or Judge to refuse to make such Order as to such Penalty or Penalties, and thereupon to make such other Order as to the said Court or Judge shall seem expedient. II. And be it enacted, That this Act shall be a Public Act, and shall be judicially taken notice of as such. CAP. III. parte An Act for punishing Mutiny and Desertion ; and by cap. 26 post east for the better Payment of the Army and their Quarters. [3d April 1843.] WHEREAS the raising or keeping a Standing Army within the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland in Time of Peace, unless it be with the Consent Number of the 6 ' of Parliament, is against Law: And whereas it is adjudged necessary by Her Majesty, and this present Parliament, that a Body of Forces should be continued, for the Safety of the United Kingdom, the Defence of the Possessions of Her Majesty's Crown, and the Preservation of the Balance of Power in Europe, and that the whole Number of such Forces ⚫ should consist of One hundred thousand eight hundred and forty-six Men, exclusive of the Officers and Men belonging to the Regiments employed in the Territorial Possessions of 'the East India Company, but including the Officers and Men of the Troops and Companies recruiting for those Regiments: And whereas no Man can be forejudged of Life or Limb, or subjected in Time of Peace to any Kind of Punishment within this Realm, by Martial Law, or in any other Manner than by Judgment of his Peers, and according to the known and established Laws of this Realm; yet nevertheless, it being requisite, for the retaining all the 'before-mentioned Forces in their Duty, that an exact Discipline be observed, and that Soldiers who shall mutiny or stir up Sedition, or shall desert Her Majesty's Service, be brought to a more exemplary and speedy Punishment than the usual Forms of the Law will allow;' be it therefore enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and |