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punished as a Deserter from the Marines if he shall neglect or

refuse to join and serve therein.

entitled to a

XLI. And be it enacted, That it shall be lawful for the Yearly Servants Justice before whom any Recruit (being a hired Servant) shall enlisting to be be attested before the Expiration of the Term of Service for Proportion of which he shall have been hired, to adjudge to such Recruit a their Wages. reasonable Proportion of his Wages for the Time he shall have actually served, to be forthwith paid by the Master, upon whom the said Justice shall make an Order accordingly, and if the same be not paid within Four Days shall enforce the Payment thereof by the same Means as pecuniary Penalties may under this Act be recovered before a Justice.

XLII. And be it enacted, That every Marine Officer who Penalty on shall designedly act contrary to the Provisions of this Act, in Officers offending as to Enany respect regarding the enlisting and attesting of Recruits listment. for Her Majesty's Service, shall, upon Proof thereof upon Oath by Two Witnesses before a General Court-martial, be cashiered, and disabled to hold any Civil or Military Office or Employment in Her Majesty's Service.


XLIII. And be it enacted, That no Master shall be entitled Claims of Masto claim an Apprentice who shall enlist as a Marine in Her ters to Appren Majesty's Service unless such Master shall, within One Calendar Month next after such Apprentice shall have left his Service, go before some Justice, and take and subscribe the Oath mentioned in the Schedule to this Act annexed, and at the Time of making his Claim produce to the Officer under whose Command the Recruit shall be the Certificate of such Justice of his having taken such Oath, which Certificate such Justice is required to give in the Form in the Schedule to this Act annexed; nor unless such Apprentice shall have been bound, if in England, for the full Term of Seven Years, (not having been above the Age of Fourteen when so bound,) and, if in Ireland or in the British Isles, for the full Term of Five Years at the least, (not having been above the Age of Sixteen when so bound,) and, if in Scotland, for the full Term at least of Four Years, by a regular Contract of Indenture of Apprenticeship, duly extended, signed, and tested, and binding on both Parties by the Law of Scotland, prior to the Period of Enlistment, and unless such Contract or Indenture in Scotland shall, within Three Months after the Commencement of the Apprenticeship and before the Period of Enlistment, have been produced to a Justice of the Peace of the County in Scotland wherein the Parties reside, and there shall have been indorsed thereon by such Justice a Certificate or Declaration signed by him, specifying the Date when and the Person by whom such Contract or Indenture shall have been so produced, which Certificate or Declaration such Justice of the Peace is hereby required to indorse and sign; nor unless any such Apprentice shall, when claimed by such Master, be under Twenty-one Years of Age; provided that any Master of an Apprentice indentured for the Sea Service shall be entitled to claim and recover him in the Form and Manner above directed, notwith[No. 6. Price 2d.] standing


Musters, and Penalty on false Musters.

Verifying of Muster Rolls.

Extension of
Furlough in

6 VICT. standing such Apprentice may have been bound for a less Term than Seven, Five, or Four Years as aforesaid; and any such Master who shall give up the Indentures of Apprenticeship within One Month after the enlisting of such Apprentice shall be entitled to receive, to his own Use, so much of the Bounty payable to such Recruit, after deducting therefrom Two Guineas to provide him with Necessaries, as shall not have been paid to such Recruit before Notice given of his being an Apprentice.

XLIV. And be it enacted, That Musters, as have been customary, shall be taken of every Division or Company of Royal Marines once in every Calendar Month, as shall be appointed; and no Officer or Marine shall be absent from any such Muster, unless duly certified to be employed on some other Duty of the Corps, or sick, or in Prison, or on Furlough; and every Person belonging to Her Majesty's Service who shall give or procure to be given any untrue Certificate, thereby to excuse any Person from any Muster or other Service which he ought to attend or perform, or shall make any false or untrue Muster of Man or Horse, or shall willingly allow or sign any false Muster or Duplicate thereof, or shall directly or indirectly take or receive any Money or Gratuity for mustering any Person, or for signing any Muster Roll or Duplicate, or shall knowingly muster any Person by a wrong Name, shall, upon Proof by Two Witnesses before a General Courtmartial, for any such Offence be forthwith cashiered, and disabled to have or hold any Civil or Military Office or Employ ment in the Service of Her Majesty; and any Person who shall fraudulently offer or procure himself to be falsely mustered, or lend or furnish any Horse to be falsely mustered, shall, upon Proof thereof by the Oaths of Two Witnesses before some Justice of the Peace residing near to the Place where such Muster shall be made, forfeit the Sum of Twenty Pounds, and the Informer, if he belong to Her Majesty's Service, shall, if he demand it, be forthwith discharged; and if any Person not belonging to Her Majesty's Service shall give or sign any untrue Certificate of Illness or otherwise in order to excuse any Officer or Marine from Appearance at any Muster, or whereby Her Majesty's Service may be defrauded, every Person so offending shall for every such Offence forfeit the Sum of Twenty Pounds.

XLV. And be it enacted, That all Muster Rolls and Pay Lists of Royal Marines required to be verified upon Oath shall be sworn before and attested by any Justice of the Peace, without Fee or Reward to himself or his Clerk.

XLVI. And be it enacted, That when there shall not be case of Sickness, any Officer of Her Majesty's Land or Marine Forces of the Rank of Captain or of a superior Rank, or any Adjutant of Militia, within convenient Distance of the Place where any Non-commissioned Officer or Marine on Furlough shall be detained by Sickness or other Casualty rendering necessary an Extension of such Furlough, it shall be lawful for any Jus

tice, who shall be satisfied of such Necessity, to grant an Extension of Furlough for a Period not exceeding One Month; and the said Justice shall immediately certify such Extension, and the Cause thereof, to the Commanding Officer of the Division or Detachment to which the Man belongs, if known, and if not, then to the Secretary of the Admiralty, in order that the necessary Allowance of Pay and Subsistence may be remitted to the Marine, who shall not during the Period of such Extension of Furlough be liable to be treated as a Deserter: Provided always, that nothing herein contained shall be construed to exempt any Marine from Trial and Punishment according to the Provisions of this Act, for any false Representation made by him in that Behalf to the said Officer or Justice so extending the Furlough, or for any Breach of Discipline committed by him in applying for and obtaining the said Extension of Furlough.


XLVII. And be it enacted, That every Marine upon being Marching discharged from the Service shall be entitled to an Allowance Money on Dis(not exceeding in any Case the Amount of Twenty-one Days Marching Money) to enable him to reach his Home, which Allowance shall be calculated according to the Distance he has to travel: Provided always, that no Person who shall purchase his own Discharge, or be discharged on account of Misbehaviour, or at his own Desire, before the Expiration of his Period of Service, shall be entitled to any such Allowance.

XLVIII. And whereas there is and may be Occasion for Billetting of 'the marching and also for the quartering of the Royal Marine Marines. Forces when on Shore;' be it enacted, That during the Continuance of this Act, upon the Order or Orders in Writing in that Behalf under the Hand of the Lord High Admiral, or the Hands of Two or more of the Commissioners for executing the Office of Lord High Admiral, for the Time being, it shall be lawful for all Constables and other Persons specified in this Act in England and Ireland, and they are hereby required, to billet the Officers and Marines, whether marching or otherwise, and also all Staff and Field Officers Horses, and all Bât and Baggage Horses belonging to the Royal Marine Forces, when on actual Service, (not exceeding for each Officer the Number for which Forage is allowed by Her Majesty's Regulations,) in Victualling Houses and other Houses specified in this Act, taking care in Ireland not to billet less than Two Men in any One House; and they shall be received by the Occupiers of such Houses, and be furnished with proper Accommodation in such Houses, and in England with Diet and Small Beer, and with Stables, Hay, and Straw for such Horses as aforesaid, paying and allowing for the same the several Rates herein after provided; and at no Times when Marines are on a March shall any of them be billetted above One Mile from the Place, mentioned in the Route; and in all Places where Marines shall be billetted in pursuance of this Act the Officers and their Horses shall be billetted in one and the same House, except in case of Necessity; and the Constables are hereby required to billet all Marines on their March in a just and equal Proportion upon

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the Keepers of all Houses within One Mile of the Place mentioned in the Route, although some of such Houses may be in the adjoining County, in like Manner in every respect as if such Houses were therein locally situate: Provided always, that nothing herein contained shall be construed to extend to authorize any Constable to billet Marines out of the County to which such Constable belongs, when the Constable of the adjoining County shall be present, and undertake to billet the due Proportion of Men in such adjoining County; and no more Billets shall at any Time be ordered than there are effective Marines and Horses present to be billetted; all which Billets, when made out by such Constables, shall be delivered into the Hands of the Commanding Officer present; and if any Person shall find himself aggrieved by having an undue Proportion of Marines billetted in his House, and shall prefer his Complaint, if against a Constable or other Person not being a Justice, to One or more Justices, and if against a Justice, then to Two or more Justices within whose Jurisdiction such Marines are billetted, such Justices respectively shall have Power to order such of the Marines to be removed and to be billetted upon other Persons as they shall see Cause; and when any Horses belonging to the Officers of Her Majesty's Royal Marine Forces shall be billetted upon the Occupiers of Houses who shall have no Stables, then, upon a written Requisition of the Officer commanding such Marines, the Constable is hereby required to billet the Horses upon some other Person having Stables by this Act liable to have Officers and Marines billetted upon them, and any Two or more Justices of the Peace may order a proper Allowance to be paid by the Persons relieved to the Persons receiving such Horses, or to be applied in the furnishing the requisite Accommodation; and the Commanding Officer may exchange any Man or Horse billetted in any Place with another Man or Horse billetted in the same Place, for the Convenience or Benefit of the Service, provided the Number of Men and Horses do not exceed the Number at that Time billetted on such Houses; and the Constables are hereby required to billet such Men and Horses so exchanged accordingly; and it shall be lawful for any Justice, at the Request of any Officer or Noncommissioned Officer commanding any Marines requiring Billets, to extend any Route, or enlarge the District within which Billets shall be required, in such Manner as shall appear to be most convenient to Her Majesty's Service: Provided always, that to prevent or punish all Abuses in billetting Marines it shall be lawful for any Justice, within his Jurisdiction, by Warrant or Order under his Hand, to require any Constable to give him an Account in Writing of the Number of Officers and Marines who shall be quartered by such Constable, together with the Names of the Persons upon whom such Officers and Marines are billetted, stating the Street or Place where such Persons dwell, and the Signs, if any, belonging to their Houses; and it shall be lawful to billet Officers and Marines in Scotland according to the Provisions of the Laws in force in Scotland at the Time of its Union with England; and no Officer shall be


obliged to pay for his Lodging where he shall be regularly billetted, except in the Suburbs of Edinburgh: Provided always, that no Justice being an Officer of Royal Marines, shall directly or indirectly be concerned in billetting or appointing Quarters under this Act.

XLIX. And be it enacted, That the Innholder or other Per- Allowance to son on whom any Marine is billetted in England shall, if re- Innkeepers. quired by such Marine, furnish him for every Day on the March, and for a Period not exceeding Two Days when halted at any intermediate Place upon the March, and for the Day of Arrival at the Place of final Destination, with One hot Meal in each Day, the Meal to consist of such Quantities of Diet and Small Beer as may be fixed by Her Majesty's Regulations, not exceeding One Pound and a Quarter of Meat previous to being dressed, One Pound of Bread, One Pound of Potatoes or other Vegetables, and Two Pints of Small Beer, and Vinegar, Salt, and Pepper, and for such Meal the Innholder or other Person furnishing the same shall be paid the Sum of Ten-pence; and all Innholders and other Persons on whom Marines may be billetted in England (except on the March, when they are entitled to be furnished with the hot Meal as aforesaid,) shall furnish such Marines with Candles, Vinegar, and Salt, and shall allow them the Use of Fire and the necessary Utensils for dressing and eating their Meat, and shall be paid in consideration thereof the Sum of a Halfpenny per Diem for each Marine; and the Sum to be paid the Innholder or other Person on whom any of the Horses belonging to Her Majesty's Royal Marine Forces shall be billetted, in England, for Hay and Straw, shall be Nine-pence per Diem for each Horse, and in Ireland the Sum to be paid for Forage to the Innholder or other Person for Horses billetted by virtue of this Act shall be the Rate established by the Lord Lieutenant or other sufficient Authority from Time to Time, the same to be regulated by the average Rate of Contracts for Forage in Ireland; and for the Use of Stables in Ireland, when such Horses are provided with Hay and Straw by Contract, and not by the Occupiers of the Houses in which they are billetted, the Sum of Four-pence per Week for each Horse shall be paid; and every Officer to whom it belongs to receive, or who shall actually receive, the Pay and Subsistence of the said Men shall every Four Days, or before they shall quit their Quarters if they shall not remain so long as Four Days, settle the just Demands of all Victuallers or other Persons on whom such Men are billetted, out of their Pay and Subsistence, before any Part of the said Pay or Subsistence be distributed to them respectively; and if any such Officer shall not pay the same, then, upon Complaint and Oath made thereof by any Two Witnesses at the next Quarter Sessions for the County or City where such Quarters are situate, the Secretary of the Admiralty is hereby required, upon Certificate of the Justices before whom such Oath shall be made of the Sum due to the Complainant, to order Payment of the Amount, which shall be charged against such Officer; and in

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