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Majesty, or in Her Majesty's Colonies or Possessions beyond the Seas, except on the Staff or in Garrison, and that in such excepted Cases, or in Cases of his holding any Military Place or Employment of Profit under another Government, no Officer shall receive any Part of his Half Pay unless with Her Majesty's Approbation, to be signified by the Secretary at War to the Paymaster General, and the Officer claiming the Half Pay in pursuance of such Approbation shall specify in his Declaration the other Military Place or Employment of Profit on the Staff or in Garrison which he may hold or have held under Her Majesty, or in the Colonies or Possessions of Her Majesty beyond the Seas, or under any other Government; that no Person who shall, on or before the Twenty-eighth Day of July One thousand eight hundred and twenty-eight, have held any Civil Place or Employment of Profit under Her Majesty, or in the Colonies or Possessions of Her Majesty beyond the Seas, or under any other Government, shall have or receive any Part of the same for any Time during which he shall hold any such Civil Place or Employment of Profit under Her Majesty, or in the Colonies or Possessions of Her Majesty beyond the Seas, or under any other Government, except in Cases in which the same shall not exceed Three Times the Amount of the highest Rate of Half Pay attached to the Rank in virtue of which he claims to receive Half Pay, or as herein-after mentioned, nor in any such excepted Cases unless Her Majesty's special Approbation be signified as aforesaid, and the Officer claiming the Half Pay in pursuance of such Approbation shall signify in his Declaration the Civil Place or Employment of Profit which he may hold or have held as aforesaid; but if the net annual Emoluments of such Civil Place or Employment shall exceed Three Times the Amount of Half Pay as aforesaid, and shall fall short of Four Times that Amount, then it shall be lawful for the Paymaster General, with Her Majesty's Approbation, signified by the Secretary at War as aforesaid, to issue, on or after the Twenty-fourth Day of December One thousand eight hundred and forty-three, so much of the Half Pay claimed by any such Officer as shall, together with the net annual Emoluments of the Civil Place or Employment, be equal to Four Times the Amount of such Half Pay, and the Officer claiming the Half Pay in pursuance of such Approbation shall specify in his Declaration the Civil Place or Employment of Profit which he may have held as aforesaid, and the actual Amount of the Emoluments thereof, in such Manner and Form, and calculated up to such Period or Periods, as shall be required by the Secretary at War; but no Person who after the Twenty-eighth Day of July One thousand eight hundred and twenty-eight has been appointed to any Civil Place or Employment of Profit (except in Her Majesty's Household) under Her Majesty, or in the Colonies or Possessions of Her Majesty beyond the Seas, or under any other Government, shall have or receive any Part of the same for any Time during which he shall hold any such Civil Place or Employment of Profit (except as aforesaid)


Not to prevent the receiving of Half Pay under any Act relating to the General or Local Militia,


under Her Majesty beyond the Seas, or under any other Government, other than that of a Barrack Master under the Master General and the Board of Ordnance, who shall, under the Restrictions before mentioned, be entitled to receive his Half Pay: Provided always, that nothing in this Act contained shall prevent any Person from receiving his Half Pay who shall be entitled to the same under any Act or Acts relating to the General or Local Militia, or the Yeomanry or Volunteers, but that every such Person shall receive the same according to the Provisions of any such Act or Acts; and also every Surgeon, Serjeant Major, Serjeant, Corporal, and Private serving in the General or Local Militia, or in any Corps of Yeomanry or Volunteers in Great Britain or Ireland, may and shall receive any Half Pay, together with any Pay in the General or Local Militia, or Yeomanry or Volunteers, upon making and subscribing a Declaration in any Case in which an Oath or a Declaration shall be required in and by any Act or Acts, or specified in any Warrant of Her Majesty, as the Case may be, and stating in such Declaration the Commission or Employment which he held in the General or Local Militia, the Yeomanry Paymaster Ge- or Volunteers: Provided always, that from and after the First neral, by PerDay of January One thousand eight hundred and forty-four it mission of the Treasury, may shall be lawful for the Paymaster General to issue the Half Pay or any Portion thereof to any Officers appointed to Civil Office or Employment under Her Majesty, or under any other Government, since the Twenty-eighth Day of July One thousand eight hundred and twenty-eight, if Her Majesty's Pleasure to that Effect be signified by the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury, or any Three or more of them, through the Secretary at War, but such Permission to be granted under the An Account of Restrictions before mentioned: Provided always, that an Ac

issue Half Pay to Officers ap

pointed to Civil Offices since July 1828.

the Number of Officers so

receiving Half Pay to be laid before Parliament.

Treasury may

tary Officers in

count shall be laid before Parliament in Year on or before
the First Day of April, if Parliament shall be then sitting, or if
Parliament shall not then be sitting on the First Day of the
Sitting of Parliament after the First Day of April, of the Num-
ber of Officers who are allowed to receive their Half Pay with
Civil Employments, specifying the Names of such Officers,
with the respective Amounts of their Half Pay and the Emolu-
ments of their respective Civil Employments, and distinguishing
in every such Account the Officers to whom such Half Pay shall
have been allowed subsequent to preceding Accounts.

XXV. Provided always, and be it enacted, That it shall be authorize Mili- lawful for the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury, or Civil Employ- any Three or more of them, for the Time being, to authorize ments to receive the receiving Half Pay by Military Officers with Civil EmHalf Pay in ployments in any Cases in which the said Commissioners shall certain Cases. be of opinion that the Employment of such Military Officers in the Colonies or elsewhere, in Civil Situations of Responsibility, with small Emoluments, will be conducive to Economy, and thereby beneficial to the Public Service; and in every such Case the Officer authorized to receive Half Pay with the Salary or Emolument of any Civil Employment shall signify the same


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suing, paying,

in his Declaration, specifying the Office, and the Authority under which he is so allowed to receive his Half Pay. XXVI. And whereas a considerable Part of the Money Persons con' appropriated on account of Half Pay by an Act passed in the cerned in isFifth and Sixth Years of the Reign of Her present Majesty, and receiving • intituled An Act to apply a Sum out of the Consolidated Fund Money for the and certain other Sums to the Service of the Year One thousand Payment of eight hundred and forty-two, and to appropriate the Supplies out the Oaths Half Pay, with'granted in this Session of Parliament, has been issued without having been requiring, by Persons issuing or paying, and without the taken as required, indemtaking by the Persons receiving Half Pay, the Oaths or nified." Declarations prescribed to be taken by Officers claiming Half 5&6 Vict. c.121. Pay; and Part of the said Monies has been paid to Officers claiming or entitled to Half Pay who at the same Time held and may still hold the Situation of and serve respectively as Surgeons, Serjeant Majors, Serjeants, Corporals, or Privates in the General or Local Militia, or Yeomanry or Volunteer Corps, in Great Britain or Ireland, and it is expedient that all such Persons should be indemnified;' be it therefore enacted, That all Persons concerned in the advising, authorizing, or directing the issuing, or in the issuing of any Half Pay, or any Monies for Half Pay, or in the Application of any Money appropriated by the said Act for that Purpose, or in receiving or being concerned in the receiving any Portion of the Money so appropriated for such Half Pay, without requiring or taking the said Oaths or Declarations, or to or on account of any such Officers or Persons as aforesaid, shall be and are hereby fully exonerated and discharged from all Penalties, Forfeitures, Prosecutions, or Proceedings, in respect of any thing done in relation thereto, in all Cases in which such Half Pay or Payment for or in respect of such Half Pay shall have been or may hereafter be issued or received in conformity with the Provisions of the said recited Act or this Act, and the Usages heretofore established and observed in relation to the issuing, paying, and receiving of Half Pay in all other respects, except so far as relates to the demanding, requiring, or taking the said Oaths or Declarations; and all such Payments and Issues of Half Pay which shall have been or may be issued to any such Person as aforesaid shall be deemed valid and effectual Payments, and the Paymaster General, and all other Persons concerned in the issuing and paying the same, shall be and are hereby fully indemnified, and shall be and are hereby fully discharged and exonerated in respect thereof, in all Accounts relating to such Issues and Payments; any thing in any Act or Acts, or any Laws, Rules, or Regulations, relating to issuing and paying of Half Pay, to the contrary notwithstanding.

XXVII. And whereas the Royal Regiment of Manx Fencibles engaged to serve in the said Corps upon a Stipulation • contained in the Letter of Service under which they were raised, that they should be allowed to receive any Half Pay to which they might be entitled notwithstanding their holding Subaltern Commissions in the said Corps; but no Provision

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• has

Half Pay allowed to the Manx Fencibles.

Officers of the

Half Pay
Allowances to
Chaplains of
Regiments not

has been made by Parliament for Payment of such Half Pay, and it is therefore expedient that Provision should be now 'made for the Arrears of Half Pay to such Officers as afore

said: Be it therefore enacted, That Officers who were entitled to Half Pay, and who accepted or held Subaltern Commissions in the Royal Regiment of Manx Fencibles, shall, notwithstanding their having held the Full Pay of such Commissions, be entitled to receive the Arrears of such Half Pay for any Year or Time in which they shall not have been allowed to receive the same, upon making and subscribing a Declaration before any Person hereby authorized to administer a Declaration to Persons for the Purpose of receiving Half Pay, that they had not, in any Year or Time for which such Arrear is claimed, any Office or Employment of Profit, Civil or Military, under Her Majesty, besides their Allowance of Half Pay, save and except their Pay as such Subaltern Officers of the Royal Regiment of Manx Fencibles; and the making and subscribing the said Declaration shall, without making and subscribing any other Declaration, be sufficient to entitle such Officer to receive his Half Pay.

XXVIII. And whereas Chaplains of Regiments who have been placed upon Half Pay have not been allowed to receive such Half Pay in some Years, in consequence of being in being in posses-possession at the Time of certain Ecclesiastical Benefices or

sion of Eccle

siastical Bene

fices derived

Preferments, though the same were not in the Patronage of the Crown: And whereas it has been judged fair and reasonfrom the Crown. able that they should be allowed to receive such Half Pay though in possession of Ecclesiastical Preferment, provided the same was private Patronage, and not derived from the Crown; and that they should also be entitled to receive the 'Arrears of Half Pay for such former Years as aforesaid:' Be it therefore enacted, That all Chaplains who, after having been placed on Half Pay, shall have been refused or been unable to receive such Half Pay in any Year, in consequence of holding any Ecclesiastical Benefice, not derived from or in the Gift of the Crown, shall be entitled to receive the Arrears of such Half Pay for such Year, upon making and subscribing a Declaration, before the proper Officer for administering Declarations to Persons for entitling them to receive Half Pay, that they held no Ecclesiastical Benefice or Preferment in any Year derived from the Crown, nor any Place or Employment of Profit under Her Majesty; and the making and subscribing the said Declaration shall, without making and subscribing any other Declaration, be sufficieut to entitle such Chaplain to receive his Half Pay.

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XXIX. And whereas by the said recited Act passed in the Fifth and Sixth Years of the Reign of Her present Majesty the several Supplies which had been granted to Her Majesty as therein mentioned were appropriated to the several Uses and Purposes therein expressed, amongst which any Sum or • Sums of Money not exceeding Four hundred and seventy-two thousand Pounds in the whole was appropriated to be paid on

' account

account of Half Pay for the Year One thousand eight hun- as Her Majesty dred and forty-two, subject nevertheless to such Rules to be shall direct. observed in the Application of the said Half Pay as in and by the aforesaid Act were prescribed in that Behalf:' Now it is hereby provided, enacted, and declared, That so much of the said Sum of Four hundred and seventy-two thousand Pounds as is or shall be more than sufficient to satisfy the said Reduced Officers according to the Rules to be observed in the Application thereof, or any Part of such Overplus, shall and may be disposed of to such Officers who are maimed or have lost their Limbs in the late War, or such others as, by reason of their long Service, or otherwise, Her Majesty shall judge to be proper Objects of Charity, or to the Widows or Children of such Officers according to such Warrant or Warrants under Her Majesty's Royal Sign Manual as shall be signed in that Behalf; any thing in this Act or the said Act to the contrary notwithstanding.

Persons claim

XXX. And as to the Sum of One hundred and forty-one Widows and thousand seven hundred and sixty Pounds by this Act appro- ing Pensions priated for defraying the Charge of Pensions to be paid to shall make the the Widows of Officers of Her Majesty's Land Forces as afore- required Declasaid, and as to the Sum of One hundred and eighteen thou- ration. sand Pounds by this Act appropriated for defraying the Charge of Allowances on the Compassionate List, of Allowances as of Her Majesty's Royal Bounty, and of Pensions to Officers for Wounds as aforesaid, it is hereby enacted and declared, That no Widow of an Officer of the Land Forces, and no Person claiming an Allowance on the Compassionate List, or of Allowances as of Her Majesty's Royal Bounty, shall have or receive any Part of the same without making and subscribing a Declaration to such Purport and Effect as shall be required in that Behalf by Her Majesty's Warrant directing the Issue of such Pensions and Allowances so to be received.

to be made as specified in

XXXI. And be it enacted, That every such Declaration Declarations shall and may be made and subscribed before any One or more of Her Majesty's Justices of the Peace, or before the resident 5&6 W.4. c. 62. Minister of the Established Church in any Parish in England, Scotland, or Ireland, or before any of the Persons appointed to examine Vouchers in the Office of the Paymaster General, in the Manner, and under the Pains, Penalties, and Forfeitures, specified in an Act passed in the Fifth and Sixth Years of the Reign of His late Majesty for the Abolition of unnecessary Oaths.

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