INDEX TO THE PUBLIC GENERAL STATUTES, 6 & 7 VICTORIA. Shewing whether they relate to the Whole or to any Part of the United E. signifies that the Act relates to England (and Wales; if the Subject extends so far). W. S. I. E. & I. Wales only. Ireland. ABOLITION. See SLAVE TRADE. A. ACTIONS, to discontinue certain, under the Provisions of AFFIDAVITS, for extending to Scotland and Ireland the Power AFRICA, to enable Her Majesty to provide for the Government - AMERICA (UNITED STATES OF), giving effect to a Treaty with, AMMUNITION. See GUNPowder. ANTIGUA, for granting Relief to the Island of APPEALS and other Matters; to make further Regulations Cap. Relating to 2. E. 82. G.B.&I. 13. U.K. 56. I. }76. U.K. 63. U.K. } for facilitating the hearing thereof by the Judicial Com-38. U.K. APPLICATION of Sums to the Service of 1843 of }; 75. U.K. 76. U.K. - 90. U.K. giving effect to a Convention with the King of giving effect to a Treaty with the United States of APPRENTICES TO PUBLIC NOTARIES, for removing Doubts as to the Service of APPROPRIATION OF SUPPLIES - 99. U.K. ARCHBISHOPS, to provide for the Performance of the Episcopal 62. E. & I. ARMS, to amend and continue for Two Years, &c. the - ARMY; annual Act for punishing Mutiny and Desertion, 74. I. 3. U.K. ASSESSED TAXES, to continue Compositions for, until 5th April 24. G.B. ATTORNIES and SOLICITORS CLERKS, annual Act for the Relief AUGUSTA CAROLINE (Her Royal Highness the Princess), to B. BENEFICES IN SCOTLAND, to remove Doubts respecting the 2 & 3 Vict. c. 37., for exempting certain, from the Opera-45. U.K. - BISHOPS Succeeding to Bishoprics by Operation of 3 & 4 Gul. IV. c. 37., to relieve, from certain Liabilities to provide for the Performance of the Episcopal 62. E. & I. BOLIVIA, for carrying into effect a Treaty between Her Majesty and the Republic of, for the Abolition of the 14. U.K. BOROUGH RATES. See SOCIETIES. BRIDGES; to amend 19 & 20 Geo. III. (I.) for empowering 42. I. C. Cap. Relating to CAMBRIDGE, DUKE OF. See AUGUSTA CAROLINE. CANADA, for reducing the Duty on Wheat and Wheat Flour, the Produce of the Province of, imported thence into the 29. U.K. CATHEDRAL CHURCHES of WALES, for regulating the CHARITABLE LOAN SOCIETIES in Ireland, to consolidate and amend the Laws for the Regulation of - 77. W. ad } 91. - 91. I. CHELSEA HOSPITAL, to enable the Commissioners to purchase }31. E. certain Parcels of Land for the Benefit for rendering more effective the Services of such] Out-Pensioners of, as shall be called out to 95. U.K. CHILE, for carrying into effect the Treaty between Her Majesty Slaves resorting to CHURCH ENDOWMENT. See PARISHES (POPULOUS). CIVIL BILL, for amending 7 Gul. IV. & 1 Vict. c. 43. for the - - - - CLERKS to ATTORNIES and SOLICITORS, for the Relief of, in - COALS, to discontinue certain Actions under the Provisions of 52. U.K. 80. U.K. 81. I. 9. U.K. 90. U.K. 2. E. 22. U.K. COLONIES, to authorize the Legislatures of certain, to pass COMPOSITIONS FOR Assessed TAXES, continuing until April 1845 24. G.B. CONSOLIDATED FUND, to apply Sums out of, to the Service 5. U.K. CONTROVERTED ELECTIONS. See ELECTIONS (CONtroverted). CONVICTS (TRANSPORTED), to amend the Law affecting, with J99. U.K. 7. U.K. Cap. Relating to COPYHOLDS; to amend and explain 4 & 5 Vict. c. 35. for the - COPYRIGHT OF DESIGNS, to amend the Laws relating to the - - - 6.} 65. U.K. 83. E. 89. E. to amend 3 & 4 Vict. c. 108. for the Regulation of 93. I. COTTON MANUFACTURES. See MANUFACTURES. - } 36. G.B.&I. COUNTY RATES, to exempt Land and Buildings occupied by to confess Judgment CROWN OFFICE, for regulating CUSTOMARY TENURE. See COPYHOLds. CUSTOMS, to amend the Laws relating to the 20. E. 84. U.K. D. DEATH (PUNISHMENT OF), for removing Doubts as to the - DEBTS (SMALL), to amend 7 Gul. IV. & 1 Vict. c. 43. for the DECLARATIONS, to alter the Hours within which certain Oaths - 10. E. & I. 81. I. 6. U.K. 56. I. and, are to be made and subscribed in the House of Peers DOCK YARDS, to enable Her Majesty to acquire Lands for the 65. U.K. 58. U.K. 63. U.K. 81. I. |