Q. THE QUEEN; to remove Doubts as to the Exercise of Power Cap. Relating to 94. U.K. 20. E. R. RATES; to empower Justices of the Peace to act in certain to exempt from County, Borough, Parochial, and 8. I. other local Rates, Land and Buildings occupied 36. G.B.&I. to continue until 1st October 1844 the Exemption of Inhabitants of Parishes, Townships, and Vil- lages from Liability to be rated as such, in respect 48. E. Relief of the Poor See also HIGHWAY RATES. REAL PROPERTY, for extending to Ireland the Provisions not RECOGNIZANCES (FORFEITED), for the better Collection of, 156. I. REGISTERING, &c. OF ARMS, to amend and continue for Two - - Years the Laws relative to the REMEMBRANCER of the Court of Exchequer, for the further RESCUE and POUND-BREACH, to amend the Law relating to, 18. E. 78. I. ROMAN CATHOLIC OATH; to abolish it as a Qualification for Voters at Elections ROYAL MARINE FORCES. See MARINE FORCES. RUSSIA. See SLAVE TRADE. S. SAINT KITTS, for granting Relief to the Island of 63. U.K. SAINT MICHAEL, LIMERICK. See LIMERICK. SALMON; to repeal so much of 1 Geo. I. c. 18. as limits the Time for taking and being restrained from taking Salmon in certain Rivers; and to amend and extend the Pro-33. E. tioned SCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES, to exempt Land and Buildings occu- Cap. Relating to pied by, from County, Borough, Parochial, and other 36. G.B.&I. SILK HOSIERY MANUFACTURES. See MANUFACTURES. - 98. U.K. for carrying into effect a Treaty between Her - } 15. U.K. for carrying into effect the Treaty with the Republic to continue, until 1st August 1844, &c. 1 & 2 Vict. for carrying into execution a Treaty signed at 46. U.K. 50. U.K. 51. U.K. for carrying into effect the Treaty with the Mexican - for carrying into effect the Treaty with the Queen of Portugal for the Suppression of the Traffic in 53. U.K. SMALL DEBTS. See DEBTS (SMALL). SOCIETIES, SCIENTIFIC OR LITERARY, to exempt from County, Borough, Parochial, and other local Rates Land and 36. G.B.&I. SOLICITORS, annual Act for the Relief of Clerks to - for consolidating and amending several of the SPIRITS, to reduce the Duty on, in Ireland, and to impose STAGE CARRIAGES in and near London, for regulating STOCK IN TRADE OR OTHER PROPERTY, to continue the 9. U.K. 73. E. 49. G.B.&I. 37. E. :} 72. G.B.&I. 48. E. on a Bill to exclude the Borough of, from sending 11. E. to be} 97. , for appointing Commissioners to inquire into the s, Application and Appropriation of the - 27. U.K. -{ 5. U.K. 99. U.K. T. See ASSESSED TAXES. LAND TAX. PROPERTY TAX. MONY, unsworn; to authorize the Legislatures of certain F Her Majesty's Colonies to pass Laws for its Admis-22. U.K. s, for carrying into effect the Treaty between Her Majesty and the Republic of, for the Suppression of 15. U.K. TCHED HOUSE COURT, in the Parish of Saint James EATRES, for regulating CKETS OF LEAVE, to amend the Law affecting transported LLS. See BRIDGES. RANSPORTED CONVICTS, to amend the Law affecting, with REATIES, giving effect to. SLAVE TRADE. See FISHERIES. 19. E. 68. G.B. "URNPIKE ACTS, to continue certain, until 1st August 1844, &c. - to continue until 1st August 1844, &c. 4 & 5 Vict. U. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, giving effect to a Treaty with, USURY, to continue, until 1st January 1846, 2 & 3 Vict. c. 37. V. VOTING, to amend the Law for the Registration of Persons See also ROMAN CATHOLIC OATH. W. Cap. Relating to WAGES; for further securing the Wages of the Workmen en- WALES, for regulating the Cathedral Churches of WARRANTS OF ATTORNEY to confess Judgment, to enlarge 77. W. the Provisions of 3 Geo. IV. c. 39. for preventing Frauds 66. E. - WEST INDIES, amending 6 & 7 Vict. c. 63. for granting Relief to certain Islands in the the Lords Spiritual and Temporal on a Bill to amending the Law relating to Commissions for the - - WOODS, Commissioners of, empowered to appropriate to Build- WOOLLEN MANUFACTURES. See MANUFACTURES. 87. U.K. 29. U.K. 11. E. 82. G.B.&I. 19. E. 64. S. LONDON: Printed by GEORGE E. EYRE and ANDREW SPOTTISWOode, |