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An Act to apply, out of the General Revenue, the sum of
Nine Hundred Thousand Pounds to the Public
Service for the Year ending the Thirtieth day of
June, nineteen hundred and twenty-two.

[Assented to, August 3rd, 1921.]

E it Enacted by the Governor of the State of South Australia, with the advice and consent of the Parliament thereof, as



of £900,000.

1. Out of the General Revenue of the State there shall be issued Issue and application and applied, from time to time, for the public service of the State for the financial year ending the thirtieth day of June, nineteen hundred and twenty-two, any sums of money not exceeding in the whole the sum of Nine Hundred Thousand Pounds.

2. No payments for any establishment or service shall be made out of the said sum in excess of the rates voted for similar establishments or services on the Estimates for the financial year ended the thirtieth day of June, nineteen hundred and twenty-one, except so far as such rates are affected by regulations made under or continued in force by the Public Service Act, 1916.

In the name and on behalf of His Majesty, I hereby assent to this Bill.

W. E. G. A. WEIGALL, Governor.

Payments not to

exceed last year's


Adelaide: By authority, R. E. E. ROGERS, Government Printer, North Terrace.


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An Act to apply, out of the General Revenue, the sum of
Nine Hundred Thousand Pounds to the Public
Service for the Year ending the Thirtieth day of
June, nineteen hundred and twenty-two.


[Assented to, September 8th, 1921.]

E it Enacted by the Governor of the State of South Australia, with the advice and consent of the Parliament thereof, as


1. Out of the General Revenue of the State there shall be issued and applied, from time to time, for the public service of the State for the financial year ending the thirtieth day of June, nineteen hundred and twenty-two, any sums of money not exceeding in the whole the sum of Nine Hundred Thousand Pounds.

2. No payments for any establishment or service shall be made out of the said sum in excess of the rates voted for similar establishments or services on the Estimates for the financial year ended the thirtieth day of June, nineteen hundred and twenty-one, except so far as such rates are affected by regulations made under or continued in force by the Public Service Act, 1916.

In the name and on behalf of His Majesty, I hereby assent to
this Bill.
W. E. G. A. WEIGALL, Governor.

Issue and application of £900,000.

Payments not to exceed last year's


Adelaide: By authority, R. E. E. ROGERS, Government Printer, North Terrace.

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