Commissioners may obtain surrenders of leases. Public Charities Funds Act Amendment Act.-1921. 4. (1) If, in the opinion of the Commissioners, it is desirable, in order to obtain greater benefit therefrom, that any improvement should be made to any land which is subject to a lease given by the Commissioners, but such improvement cannot be made during the currency of such lease, the Commissioners may agree with the lessee for the surrender of such lease. Any sum which is agreed to be paid by the Commissioners to the lessee as the consideration or part of the consideration for such surrender shall be paid out of any moneys which they are authorised by any Act with which this Act is incorporated to expend in making improvements to such land. (2) The Commissioners shall not enter into any such agreement for the surrender of any lease unless the Minister consents to the proposed agreement and to the terms thereof. In the name and on behalf of His Majesty, I hereby assent to Adelaide: By authority, R. E. E. ROGERS, Government Printer, North Terrace. ANNO DUODECIMO GEORGII V REGIS. A.D. 1921. No. 1466. WHE [Assented to, November 16th, 1921.] HEREAS, by various Acts and Ordinances of the State of Preamble. South Australia, certain moneys are or may be collected, to be paid to the Treasurer on behalf of His Majesty, His heirs and successors, for the public uses of the said State and support of the Government thereof: And whereas certain other moneys are or may become payable to the said State for the like uses, under the provisions of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act, 63 & 64 Vict., ch. 12: Be it therefore Enacted by the Governor, with the advice and consent of the Parliament of South Australia, as follows: 1. Out of the said moneys paid by the Commonwealth of Aus- Further issue. tralia, and the produce of all or any other the General Public Revenues of the said State, not otherwise by law specially appropriated, there shall or may be further issued the sum of Three Million Seven Hundred and Twenty Thousand Seven Hundred and Thirty-one Pounds. General Revenue. 2. Out of the sum of Nine Hundred Thousand Pounds issued Appropriation of under the authority of the Act No. 1454 of 1921, the sum of Nine Hundred Thousand Pounds issued under the authority of the Act No. 1455 of 1921, and the said sum of Three Million Seven Hundred and Twenty Thousand Seven Hundred and Thirty-one Pounds by this Act authorised to be issued, there shall or may be applied in the manner hereinafter mentioned, any sums of money not Estimates, 1921-22. Appropriation Act.-1921. not exceeding in amount respectively the several sums of money hereinafter specified, that is to say For defraying the charge of the State Government for the year ending the thirtieth day of June, nineteen hundred and twenty-two, there shall be paid the sum of Five Million Five Hundred and Twenty Thousand Seven Hundred and Thirty-one Pounds, the said amount being appropriated as follows, viz.:— 3. The issue and payment by the Treasurer, from time to time, of any sum or sums of money for the purposes herein before mentioned, not exceeding in the whole the sums respectively in that behalf herein before specified, to such persons and in such portions as the Governor has heretofore directed by any order or orders in writing signed by him and countersigned by the Chief Secretary, or may hereafter direct by any order or orders so signed and countersigned, is hereby authorised; and the said Treasurer shall, in his accounts, be allowed credit for all sums paid by him in pursuance of such orders accordingly; and the receipts of the persons to whom such sums have been or are so paid shall be to him a full discharge for the sum or sums for which the same receipts shall be or are respectively given, and the amounts thereof shall be passed to his credit in account accordingly. In the name and on behalf of His Majesty, I hereby assent to this Bill. G. J. R. MURRAY, Deputy Governor. Treasurer to pay the and discharge by receipt of party. orders of Governor, Adelaide: By authority, R. E. E. ROGERS, Government Printer, North Terrace. |