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An Act to repeal the Prices Regulation Act, 1919.


[Assented to, October 5th, 1921.]

E it Enacted by the Governor of the State of South Australia, with the advice and consent of the Parliament thereof, as follows:

1. This Act may be cited as the Prices Regulation Act Short title. Amendment Act, 1921."

2. The Prices Regulation Act, 1919, is hereby repealed.

In the name and on behalf of His Majesty, I hereby assent to this Bill.

Repeal of Act
No. 1414 of 1919.

W. E. G. A. WEIGALL, Governor.

Adelaide: By authority, R. E. E. ROGERS,.Government Printer, North Terrace.

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No. 1464.

An Act to amend the Juries Act, 1917.

[Assented to, October 5th, 1921.]

E it Enacted by the Governor of the State of South Australia, with the advice and consent of the Parliament thereof, as


1. (1) This Act may be cited alone as the "Juries Act Amend- Short titles. ment Act, 1921."

(2) The Juries Act, 1917, and this Act may be cited together as No. 1290 of 1917. the "Juries Acts, 1917 and 1921."

(3) The Juries Act, 1917, is hereinafter referred to as "the prin

cipal Act."

2. This Act is incorporated with the principal Act, and that Act Incorporation with and this Act shall be read together as one Act.

3. Subsection (3) of section 136 of the principal Act is amended-
(a) by substituting for the words "Ten Shillings" the words
"Twelve Shillings and Six Pence"; and

(b) by adding at the end thereof the following passage:-
"and also a sum equal to the total of the sums due
to every such juror in respect of mileage for such

4. Subsection (2) of section 137 of the principal Act is amended
(a) by substituting for the words "Ten Shillings" the words
"Twelve Shillings and Six Pence "; and

principal Act.

Amendment of principal Act, s. 136 (3)

Fees payable at time

of application for jury.

Amendment of principal Act, s. 137 (2)

Fees in Matrimonial

(6) by Causes.

Amendment of principal Act, Ninth Schedule

Rates of compen

sation to jurors

Juries Act Amendment Act.-1921.

(b) by adding at the end thereof the following passage:
“and also a sum equal to the total of the sums due
to every such juror in respect of mileage for such

5. The Ninth Schedule to the principal Act is amended—

(a) by substituting for the passage

Fee to each Juror, per diem.

the passage

(b) by substituting for the passage

£ s.


0 10


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[blocks in formation]

In the name and on behalf of His Majesty, I hereby assent to
this Bill.

W. E. G. A. WEIGALL, Governor.

Adelaide: By authority, R. E. E. ROGERS, Government Printer, North Terrace,


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[Assented to, October 26th, 1921.]

E it Enacted by the Governor of the State of South Australia, with the advice and consent of the Parliament thereof, as



1. (1) This Act may be cited alone as the "Public Charities Short titles. Funds Act Amendment Act, 1921."

(2) The Public Charities Funds Acts, 1912 to 1915, and this Act may be cited together as the "Public Charities Funds Acts, 1912 to 1921."

(3) The Public Charities Funds Act, 1912, is hereinafter referred to as "the principal Act."

No. 1078 of 1912.
No. 1160 of 1914.

No. 1209 of 1915.

other Acts.

2. This Act is incorporated with the other Acts mentioned in Incorporation with section 1 of this Act, and those Acts and this Act shall be read together as one Act.

Power to Borrow Money and to Arrange for Surrender of Leases. 3. (1) The Commissioners may borrow money for the purpose of making any improvement to any freehold land vested in them which they are authorised to make by any Act with which this Act is incorporated.

(2) No money shall be so borrowed without the consent of the Minister.

(3) All moneys so borrowed shall be secured by mortgage over such land. 4. (1) If,

Commissioners may improving land and buildings.

borrow money for

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