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Injuries to rafts of tim

(b.) any person in his endeavour to save such vessel. 2. Every one who wilfully prevents or impedes, or endeavours to prevent or impede, the saving of any wreck is guilty of an indictable offence and liable, on conviction on indictment, to two years' imprisonment, and on summary conviction before two justices of the peace, tò a fine of four hundred dollars or six months' imprisonment with or without hard labour. R.S.C., c. 81, ss. 36 (b.) and 37 (c.)

497. Every one is guilty of an indictable offence and liable ber and works to two years' imprisonment who wilfully

used for the

transmission thereof.

Mischief to mines.


(a.) breaks, injures, cuts, loosens, removes or destroys, in whole or in part, any dam, pier, slide, boom or other such work, or any chain or other fastening attached thereto, or any raft, crib of timber or saw-logs; or

(b.) impedes or blocks up any channel or passage intended for the transmission of timber. R.S.C., c. 168, s. 54.

498. Every one is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to seven years' imprisonment who, with intent to injure a mine or oil well, or obstruct the working thereof

(a.) causes any water, earth, rubbish or other substance to be conveyed into the mine or oil well or any subterranean channel communicating with such mine or well; or

(b.) damages any shaft or any passage of the mine or well; or

(c.) damages, with intent to render useless, any apparatus, building, erection, bridge or road belonging to the mine or well, whether the object damaged be complete or not; or

(d.) hinders the working of any such apparatus; or

(e.) damages or unfastens, with intent to render useless, any rope, chain or tackle used in any mine or well or upon any way or work connected therewith. R.S.C., c. 168, ss. 30 and 31.

499. Every one is guilty of the indictable offence of mischief who wilfully destroys or damages any of the property hereinafter mentioned, and is liable to the punishments hereinafter specified :

(A.) To imprisonment for life if the object damaged be

(a.) a dwelling-house, ship or boat, and the damage be caused by an explosion, and any person be in such dwellinghouse, ship or boat; and the damage causes actual danger to life; or

(b.) a bank, dyke or wall of the sea, or of any inland water, natural or artificial, or any work in, on, or belonging to any port, harbour, dock or inland water, natural or artificial, and the damage causes actual danger of inundation; or

(c.) any bridge (whether over any stream of water or not) or any viaduct, or aqueduct, over or under which bridge, viaduct or aqueduct any highway, railway or canal passes, and the damage is done with intent and so as to render


such bridge, viaduct or aqueduct, or the highway, railway or canal passing over or under the same, or any part thereof, dangerous or impassable; or

(d.) a railway damaged with the intent of rendering and so as to render such railway dangerous or impassable. R.S.C., c. 168, ss. 13, 32 and 49; c. 32, s. 213.

(B.) To fourteen years' imprisonment if the object damaged be

(a.) a ship in distress or wrecked, or any goods, merchandise or articles belonging thereto; or

(b.) any cattle or the young thereof, and the damage be caused by killing, maiming, poisoning or wounding.

(C.) To seven years' imprisonment if the object damaged be

(a.) a ship damaged with intent to destroy or render useless such ship; or

(b.) a signal or mark used for purposes of navigation; or (c.) a bank, dyke or wall of the sea or of any inland water or canal, or any materials fixed in the ground for securing the same, or any work belonging to any port, harbour, dock, or inland water or canal; or

(d.) a navigable river or canal damaged by interference with the flood gates or sluices thereof or otherwise, with intent and so as to obstruct the navigation thereof; or

(e.) the flood gate or sluice of any private water with intent to take or destroy, or so as to cause the loss or destruction of, the fish therein; or

(f) a private fishery or salmon river damaged by lime or other noxious material put into the water with intent to destroy fish then being or to be put therein; or

(g.) the flood gate of any mill-pond, reservoir or pool cut through or destroyed; or

(h.) goods in process of manufacture damaged with intent to render them useless; or

(i.) agricultural or manufacturing machines, or manufacturing implements, damaged with intent to render them useless; or

(j) a hop bind growing in a plantation of hops, or a grape vine growing in a vineyard. R.S.C., c. 168, ss. 16, 17, 21, 33, 34, 50 and 52.

(D.) To five years' imprisonment if the object damaged be

(a.) a tree, shrub or underwood growing in a park, pleasure ground or garden, or in any land adjoining or belonging to a dwelling-house, injured to an extent exceeding in value five dollars; or

(b.) a post letter bag or post letter; or

(c.) any street letter box, pillar box or other receptacle established by authority of the Postmaster-General for the deposit of letters or other mailable matter; or

(d.) any parcel sent by parcel post, any packet or package of patterns or samples of merchandise or goods, or of seeds, cuttings,.


Attempting to

cuttings, bulbs, roots, scions or grafts, or any printed vote or proceeding, newspaper, printed paper or book or other mailable matter, not being a post letter, sent by mail; or

(e.) any property, real or personal, corporeal or incorporeal, for damage to which no special punishment is by law prescribed, damaged by night to the value of twenty dollars. R.S.C., c. 168, ss. 22, 23, 38 and 58; c. 35, ss. 79, 91, 96 and 107; 53 V., c. 37, s. 17.

(E.) To two years' imprisonment if the object damaged be

(a.) any property, real or personal, corporeal or incorporeal, for damage to which no special punishment is by law prescribed, damaged to the value of twenty dollars. R.S.C., c. 168, ss. 36, 42 and 58; 53 V., c. 37, s. 17.

500. Every one is guilty of an indictable offence and injure or poi- liable to two years' imprisonment who wilfully—

son cattle.

Injuries to

(a.) attempts to kill, maim, wound, poison or injure any cattle, or the young thereof; or

(b.) places poison in such a position as to be easily partaken of by any such animal. R.S.C., c. 168, s. 44.

501. Every one is guilty of an offence and liable, on sumother animals. mary conviction, to a penalty not exceeding one hundred dollars over and above the amount of injury done, or to three months' imprisonment with or without hard labour, who wilfully kills, maims, wounds, poisons or injures any dog, bird, beast, or other animal, not being cattle, but being either the subject of larceny at common law, or being ordinarily kept in a state of confinement, or kept for any lawful

Threats to


2. Every one who, having been convicted of any such offence, afterwards commits any offence under this section, is guilty of an indictable offence, and liable to a fine or imprisonment, or both, in the discretion of the court. R.S.C., c. 168, s. 45; 53 V., c. 37, s. 16.

502. Every one is guilty of an indictable offence and injure cattle. liable to two years' imprisonment who sends, delivers or utters, or directly or indirectly causes to be received, knowing the contents thereof, any letter or writing threatening to kill. maim, wound. noison or iniuro

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report, or any document, ballot or paper made, prepared or drawn out according to any law in regard to Dominion, provincial, municipal or civic elections. R.S.C., c. 168, s. 55.


504. Every one is guilty of an indictable offence and Injuries to liable to five years' imprisonment who, being possessed of buildings by any dwelling-house or other building, or part of any dwelling-house or other building which is built on lands subject to a mortgage or which is held for any term of years or other less term, or at will, or held over after the termination of any tenancy, wilfully and to the prejudice of the mortgagee

[blocks in formation]

(a.) pulls down or demolishes, or begins to pull down or demolish the same or any part thereof, or removes or begins to remove the same or any part thereof from the premises on which it is erected; or

(b.) pulls down or severs from the freehold any fixture fixed in or to such dwelling-house or building, or part of such dwelling-house or building.

land marks


505. Every one is guilty of an indictable offence and Injuries to liable to seven years' imprisonment who wilfully pulls down, indicating defaces, alters or removes any mound, land mark, post or mo- municipal nument lawfully erected, planted or placed to mark or determine the boundaries of any province, county, city, town, township, parish or other municipal division. R.S.C., c. 168, s. 56.


506. Every one is guilty of an indictable offence and liable Injuries to to five years' imprisonment, who wilfully defaces, alters or other land removes any mound, land mark, post or monument lawfully placed by any land surveyor to mark any limit, boundary or angle of any concession, range, lot or parcel of land.

2. It is not an offence for any land surveyor in his operations to take up such posts or other boundary marks when necessary, if he carefully replaces them as they were before. R.S.C., c. 168, s. 57.

507. Every one is guilty of an offence and liable, on Injuries to summary conviction, to a penalty not exceeding twenty fences, &c. dollars over and above the amount of the injury done, who wilfully destroys or damages any fence, or any wall, stile or gate, or any part thereof respectively, or any post or stake planted or set up on any land, marsh, swamp or land covered by water, on or as the boundary or part of the boundary line thereof, or in lieu of a fence thereto.

2. Every one who, having been convicted of any such offence, afterwards commits any such offence is liable, on summary conviction, to three months' imprisonment with hard labour. R.S.C., c. 168, s. 27; 53 V., c. 38, s. 15.



Injuries to trees, &c., wheresoever growing.

Injuries to vegetable

growing in gardens, &c.

508. Every one is guilty of an offence and liable, on summary conviction, to a penalty not exceeding twenty-five dollars over and above the amount of the injury done, or to two months' imprisonment with or without hard labour, who wilfully destroys or damages the whole or any part of any tree, sapling or shrub, or any underwood, wheresoever the same is growing, the injury done being to the amount of twenty-five cents, at the least.

2. Every one who, having been convicted of any such offence, afterwards commits any such offence is liable, on summary conviction, to a penalty not exceeding fifty dollars over and above the amount of the injury done, or to four months' imprisonment with hard labour.

3. Every one who, having been twice convicted of any such offence, afterwards commits any such offence, is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to two years' imprisonment. R.S.C., c. 168, s. 24.

509. Every one is guilty of an offence and liable, on sumproductions mary conviction, to a penalty not exceeding twenty dollars over and above the amount of the injury done, or to three months' imprisonment with or without hard labour, who wilfully destroys, or damages with intent to destroy, any vegetable production growing in any garden, orchard, nursery ground, house, hot-house, green-house or conservatory. 2. Every one who, having been convicted of any such offence, afterwards commits any such offence is guilty of an indictable offence, and liable to two years' imprisonment. R.S.C., c. 168, s. 25.

Injuries to cultivated roots and

plants grow

510. Every one is guilty of an offence and liable, on summary conviction, to a penalty not exceeding five dollars over and above the amount of the injury done, or to one ing elsewhere. month's imprisonment with or without hard labour, who wilfully destroys, or damages with intent to destroy, any cultivated root or plant used for the food of man or beast, or for medicine, or for distilling, or for dyeing, or for or in the course of any manufacture, and growing in any land, open or inclosed, not being a garden, orchard or nursery ground.

Injuries not otherwise provided for.

2. Every one who, having been convicted of any such offence, afterwards commits any such offence is liable, on summary conviction, to three months' imprisonment with hard labour. R.S.C., c. 168, s. 26.

511. Every one who wilfully commits any damage, injury or spoil to or upon any real or personal property either corporeal or incorporeal, and either of a public or private nature, for which no punishment is herein before provided, is guilty of an offence and liable, on summary conviction, to a penalty not exceeding twenty dollars, and such further sum, not exceeding twenty dollars, as appears to the justice to be a


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