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If Church people will try to gather up all that at present is not being utilised, (particularly if a register of one year's "gettings and savings" is kept,) they will indeed not only be surprised, but "exceeding sad," that earlier in the day of this life they had not sought by all means within their power to assist Mission work both at home and abroad.

Then why should we not set ourselves seriously to "consider our ways," and induce others to do so now? Now it is but summer; soon winter will come, hearts that yet beat warm, and would help us in a little, may have dried up and hardened, or be still and cold, beyond our reach. We all know numbers of persons die every day. How many have gone to their "last long sleep" without working for the Church of CHRIST because we have not been brave enough, earnest enough, to get them to do so. And who shall say the omission of this direct duty, i.e. pointing out to others that to-day should they be at work in the great Master's vineyard, this not telling those around us "The Master has come, and calleth for thee," is not a darker blot upon YOUR SOUL than sins over which you are grieving?


"Forgetting those things that are behind," only remembering them inasmuch as they may make you more forbearing with others, rise up quickly-go gather up the remaining fragments of the year. It may be that you cannot undertake any fresh work just now, nor can you think any one whom you may hope hereafter to influence. Never mind"Courage"-set yourself earnestly to prepare for future action; if it may be to give and do more yourself; but, over and above this, yes, over and above the oblation of yourself, seek out others-men, and women, and little children; there is work and wages (of love) for all. Oh, seek them out; for as our Mission field widens abroad, so should, so must it widen at home. We want more love, more sympathy, more workers, more money from FRESH SOURCES, and we ask you to be the means of obtaining these for us, to set yourself to the holy, albeit difficult task, and to do so NOW.


"Mercifully grant, that as Thy Holy Angels always do Thee service in Heaven, so by Thy appointment they may succour and defend us on earth."-The Collect. "Are they not all ministering Spirits, sent forth to minister for those who shall be heirs of salvation?"-Heb. i. 14.

LEGIONS Countless-glorious Angels

Watch and wait on the Will Divine,

Pure emanations from the Source

Of Love Eterne-the One and Trine; Amidst unutterable Light,

Of aspect luminous they throng, While blissful Hallelujahs roll,

In mighty echoes, song on song.

Foremost of the golden-crowned,

That circling stand before the LORD,

Of "laurel-girt battalions" chief,

Great Prince Michael wields the sword;
To succour all who nobly strive,

In battle with a righteous aim,
The prayer of battle being for peace,
Nor war pursued in search of fame.

As meteors dart through Sapphire space,
Swifter than thought when " caused to fly,"
Missioned Gabriel-gracious Angel—

Forth came down from realms on high,
To speak with Daniel "greatly loved,"
And understanding to impart ;

For O-true wisdom is the gift,

Of GOD Who claims to fill the heart.

Holy Raphael-Guide benign,

Leads pilgrims up the ascent steep, Who falter wearily, but ne'er

Stop on enchanted ground to sleep;

The Blessed Angel walks beside,

'Mid weeping mists in wintry years,

And pointing upwards to the end,

Supports the weak and soothes their fears.

King of Angels-Love Supernal,

Whom the Hosts of Heaven adore

Thine Attribute is Mercy sweet,

Thy Fold hath ever open door, Where straying sheep may enter in, Invited by the Tender Voice,

Which sayeth-o'er one sinner saved,

The Holy Angels all rejoice.

C. A. M. W.

Reviews and Notices.

Hymns for Little Children, by Mrs. C. F. Alexander, Fifty-sixth Edition, (Masters.) This well-known collection has certainly never before appeared in so attractive a form as in the beautiful little book before us. The poems

need no words at this day to enhance the value they have so long possessed alike for the little ones to whom they belong by right, and the parents and teachers who find them so great an assistance in the work of religious training, but the volume in which they are now embodied is really a work of art, from the exquisite photographs with which it is adorned, and the perfect taste with which the whole is arranged. There could not be a more charming gift for any young person.

Our Work for Christ among His suffering people, a book for Hospital Nurses, by M. A. Morrell, (Rivingtons,) is a Manual that can be strongly recommended as both devout and sensible. We fear from the date on its title-page that it has been overlooked by us for some time. The author, we should suppose, is a Sister of Mercy.


[The Editor is not responsible for the opinions of the Correspondents.]


To the Editor of the Churchman's Companion.




SIR,-It is no more correct to associate the tenets held by those who believe in the restoration of the Apostolic Office with the name of Mr. Edward Irving as though he invented them, than it is to associate the name of Dr. Pusey with the doctrines taught by that holy man, as though he invented them. Both were at one time the faith of the Church, dropped, or forgotten, or rejected at different times. Mr. Irving happened to be a great preacher, and after he became convinced that the teaching in question was true, he boldly proclaimed it, and suffered in consequence, whence those who also believed with him were illogically termed "Irvingites." Similarly

those who believe with Dr. Pusey, are called "Puseyites."

In this, and in every country, either for statistical or police purposes, the Government asks of every assembly for Church worship, "Of what Church are you members ?" Those of whom we speak give but one reply to the question, that by which the Church has designated herself in one of her Creeds, "We are members of the one Catholic and Apostolic Church." It has been erroneously imagined that they have appropriated this name as if they had an exclusive right to it. This is not so. They believe that such passages of Holy Scripture for instance as Eph. iv. 8-17, and 1 Cor. xii., xiii., xiv., should have as real and living meaning for the nineteenth century as for the first,-in short, that they con

template an ecclesiastical condition meant to be continuous from the Day of Pentecost till the return of our LORD. They assert that it is nowhere found in the Bible that it was meant to start the infant Church and then to collapse, that God's gifts and calling are without repentance, and that their long collapse is not chargeable to Him.

A little volume called "The Restoration of Apostles and Prophets," and a larger one, "Creation and Redemption," published by Bosworth, 198, High Holborn, would throw further light on the subject.-Yours, &c., C. E. F. N.

[The comparison drawn by our correspondent between Dr. Pusey and Mr. Irving is not just. Those whom Dr. Pusey influenced formed no new society, but simply became more intelligent and devoted Churchmen; the followers of Mr. Irving definitely set up altar against altar,-as witness their church in Gordon Square, London, and others in different parts of the country.-ED. C. C.]


SIR,-In reply to your correspondent A. M. D., on the doctrines of the Catholic Apostolic Church in the July number of the Churchman's Companion, I beg to say the information required can be obtained by reading a book entitled, "Creation and Redemption,' published by Thomas Laurie, 30, New Bridge Street, London, price 5s.

I should be happy to lend it if preferred, on condition (of course) it shall be taken care of.

"The Elias Mission" is their peculiar correct name-Catholic Apostolic Church being a name we all profess to believe in, and claim, in our Creeds.-Address, Miss M. A. Moss, 1, Laurie Square, Romford, Essex.



SIR,-Will you kindly tell me whether it was not at one time considered

illegal in our own Church for those who had stood sponsors at a baptism to intermarry? Also will you kindly give the reference to some book in which this may be found?—Yours, &c., ERE



Any one wishing to join an Improvement Society for Reading, Music, Languages, Drawing, or Essays, may obtain Rules, price 2d., from the Hon. Sec., 3, Heathfield Place, Villa Road, Handsworth, Birmingham.


SIR,-Would you kindly inform me in your next number who are the authors of hymns numbered in the new edition of Ancient and Modern 9, 10, 11, and 254? I should also be glad to know who are the respective authors of 31 and 213, for the former hymn both Bridges and Ellerton have been named to me, and for the latter I believed Mason to have been its author until in your August number I see it is attributed to Keble. I shall be much obliged for answers to these queries, as I am attempting to find the correct authors for all the Hymns Ancient and Modern. -Yours, &c., MARY M.


SIR,-I would suggest to OMBRA that "Simple Teachings" might suit her little girl of six. With OMBRA I should like to know of a book with a short account of the Saints of our Calendar. We need one to accompany the "Day Hours," for many know next to nothing of those therein commemorated.-Yours, &c., C. L.


H. F. COCHRANE acknowledges with many thanks for the above object, from Ombra, 2s. 6d. ; Mrs. Nevill, 2s.; An Orphan, 18.; Windermere, ls.; An Of fice Boy, 6d.; A. M. B., 18.


Miss MILLNER is very much obliged for the insertion of her appeal in the July number for the Library at the Cancer Hospital, Fulham. May she ask for another notice to request parcels to be paid for? She has had to pay very considerably for parcels scarcely worth the money. She does not care to receive any unpaid for. It is a poor institution, not able to pay for luxuries.


SIR,-Will you allow me to thank very sincerely those numerous kind friends who have sent me such a large collection, and to say that no more are required?-Yours, &c., R.



SIR,-Why will Commentators and other writers continue to employ the term "synoptical" as descriptive of the first three Gospels? Few understand the meaning of the term, and fewer still can see any suitableness in it. The term "historical," on the other hand, rightly defines the character of the writings of S. Matthew, S. Mark, and S. Luke-while the Gospel of S. John, disregarding the historical sequence of events, selects such of our LORD'S Discourses as are calculated to develope Doctrine, and is justly called the "Doctrinal" Gospel. Even the Bishop of Gloucester's Commentary admits much-maintaining that the Teaching of the 3rd and 6th chapters are essentially "Sacramental." - Yours, &c., C. M. A.



SIR,-I am trying to rearrange our Village Lending Library, and as I find that some of the books have been in it for so long that they must have been read over and over again, I am anxious to know whether any of your readers who have the management of a similar Library will be willing to exchange any books with me. Those I have to ex

change are in very fair condition. Lists of the titles must of course be exchanged. Any gifts of books would be most acceptable, as our parish is a very poor


I should like to take this opportunity of asking whether it is a good plan to make members of the Library pay a small sum, say 1d. per month.-Yours, &c., FRANCES, Landscore Vicarage, Ashburton, S. Devon.


SIR, I am about to start an Essay Society-the subjects to be Theological -and shall be glad to receive the names of any readers of this Magazine who wish to become members. Rules, &c., may be had by addressing the Secretary, K. E. S., care of Mr. Von Homrigh, Stationer, 221, Ebury Street, London, S. W.


Members wanted to join a Fancy Work Society. Rules will be sent on the receipt of a stamped envelope addressed to Miss EDITH ROOPER, Ouseley Lodge, Old Windsor.


SIR,-A reader of the Churchman's Companion is anxious to hear of books or tracts suitable for young servants upon such subjects as Holy Communion, Truth, especially in daily trifles, cheerfulness, &c., which would not be considered dry or uninteresting.-Yours, &c., MARY HETT.

MR. CAFFIN'S CHURCH. SIR,-Will you kindly insert in your Notices to Correspondents the following acknowledgment ?-Received with thanks of Miss Belcombe 5s. for the Sanctuary of S. Mary's, Ripple.

I am afraid I have caused you through inserting my appeal to be deluged with letters. I have ordered the tiles from Messrs. Maw and Co., Broseley, Shropshire, and they are being made. I am going to set about it immediately the

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