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will, it is feared, prevail so long as diftilled spirits of any kind are allowed, the character of Englishmen in general, being that of Brutus, Quicquid vult, valde vult. But why fhould fuch a canker be tolerated in the vitals of a state, under any pretence or in any shape whatsoever? Better by far, the whole present fet of diftillers were penfioners of the public, and their trade abolished by law; fince all the benefit thereof put together would not balance the hundredth part of its mischief.

108. To prove the deftructive effects of fuch fpirits with regard both to the humane species and individuals, we need not go fo far as our colonies, or the favage natives of America. Plain proof may be had nearer home. For, albeit there is in every town or district throughout England, fome tough dram-driuker, fet up as the Devil's decoy, to draw in profelytes; yet the ruined health and morals, and the beggary of fuch numbers evidently fhew that we need no other enemy to compleat our destruction, than this cheap luxury at the lower end of the ftate, and that a nation lighted up at both ends must foon be confumed.

109. It is much to be lamented that our Infulars, who act and think fo much for themfelves, fhould yet, from groffness of air and diet, grow stupid or doat sooner than other people, who, by virtue of elaftic air, water-drinking, and light food, preferve their faculties to extreme old age; an advantage which may perhaps be approached, if not equalled, even in thefe regions, by tarwater, temperance, and early hours; the laft is a fure addition to life, not only in regard .of time, which, being taken from deep, the image of death, is added to the waking hours, but also in regard of longevity and duration in the vulgar fenfe.

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fenfe. I may say too, in regard of fpirit and vivacity, which, within the fame compass of duration, may truly and properly be affirmed to add to man's life it being manifeft, that one man, by a brisker motion of his fpirits and fucceffion of his ideas, fhall live more in one hour, than another in two; and that the quantity of life is to be estimated, not merely from the duration, but also from the intensenefs of living. Which intense living, or, if I may fo fay, lively life, is not more promoted by early hours as a regimen, than by tar-water as a cordial; which acts, not only as a flow medicine, but hath alfo an immediate and cheerful (a) effect on the fpirits.

110. It must be owned, that light attracted, fecreted, and detained in tar (b), and afterwards drawn off in its fineft balfamic particles, by the gentle menftruum of cold water, is not a violent and fudden medicine, always to produce its effect at once, (fuch, by irritating, often do more mischief than good) but a fafe and mild alterative, which penetrates the whole fyftem, opens, heals, and ftrengthens the remote veffels, alters and propels their contents, and enters the minuteft capillaries, and cannot therefore, otherwife than by degrees and in time, work a radical cure of chronic diftempers. It gives nevertheless speedy relief in moft cafes, as I have found by my felf and many others. I have been furprized to fee perfons fallen away and languishing under a bad digeftion, after a few weeks recover a good stomach, and with it flesh and ftrength, so as to feem renewed, by the drinking of tar-water. The ftrength and quantity of this water to be taken by each individual perfon is beft determined from experience. And as for the time (b) 8, 29, 40.

(a) 66.


of taking, I never knew any evil enfue from its being continued ever fo long; but, on the contrary, many and great advantages, which fometimes would not perhaps begin to fhew themselves till it had been taken two or three months.

111. We learn from Pliny, that in the firft ferment of new wine or muftum, the ancients were wont to sprinkle it with powdered rofin, which gave it a certain sprightlinefs, quædam faporis acumina. This was efteemed a great improver of its odour and taste, and was, I doubt not, of its falubrity alfo. The brown old rofin, that is to fay harden'd tar, as being more eafily pulverized and fifted, was moft in request for this purpose. They used likewise to season their wine-veffels with pitch or rofin. And I make no doubt, that if our vintners would contrive to medicate their wines with the fame ingredients, they might improve and preferve them, with lefs trouble and expence to themselves, and lefs danger to others. He that would know more particulars of this matter may confult Pliny and Columella. I shall only add, that I doubt not a fimilar improvement may be made of malt liquor.

112. The pntívn of Theophraftus and refina of Pliny are fometimes used in a general fenfe, to fignify all forts of oily vifcid exfudations from plants or trees. The crude watery juice, that rifeth early in the fpring, is gradually ripened and infpiffated by the folar heat, becoming in orderly fucceffion with the seasons an oil, a balfam, and at last a refin. And it is obferved by chemifts, that turpentine diffolved over a gentle fire, is, by the conftant operation of heat, fucceffively transformed into oil, balfam, pitch, and hard friable refin, which will incorporate with oil or rectified fpirit, but not with water.

113. Sir

113. Sir John Floyer remarks, that we want a method for the use of turpentine, and again, he who fhall hit, faith he, on the pleasanteft method of giving turpentine, will do great cures in the gout, ftone, catarrhs, dropfies and cold fcurvies, rheumatifms, ulcers, and obstructions of the glands. Lastly, he fubjoins, that for the ufe of altering and amending the juices and fibres, it must be given frequently, and in fuch fmall quantities at a time, and in fo commodious a manner, as will agree best with the ftomach (a), stay longest in the body, and not purge itself off; for large dofes (faith he) go through too quick, and befides offend the head. Now the infufion of tar or turpentine in cold water feems to fupply the very method that was wanted, as it leaves the more unctuous, and grofs parts behind (b), which might offend the ftomach, inteftines and head; and as it may be eafily taken, and as often, and in fuch quantity, and fuch degree of ftrength, as fuits the cafe of the patient. Nor should it seem, that the fine spirit and volatile oil, obtained by infufion of tar (c) is inferior to that of turpentine, to which it fuperadds the virtue of wood foot, which is known to be very great with refpect to the head and nerves; and this appears evident from the manner of obtaining tar (d). And as the fine volatile parts of tar or turpentine are drawn off by infufion in cold water and eafily conveyed throughout the whole fyftem of the human body; fo it should seem the fame method may be used with all forts of balfams or refins whatsoever, as the readieft, easiest, and most inoffenfive, as well as in many cases the most effectual way of obtaining and imparting their virtues.

(a) 9. (b) 47. (c) 7, 42, 58.

(d) iz.

114. After

114. After having faid fo much of the ufes of tar, I must farther add, that being rubb'd on them it is an excellent prefervative of the teeth and gums; that it sweetens the breath, and that it clears and ftrengthens the voice. And, as its effects are various and useful, fo there is nothing to be feared from the operation of an alterative fo mild and friendly to nature. It was a wife maxim of certain ancient philofophers, that diseases ought not to be irritated by medicines. But no medicine difturbs the animal economy lefs than this (a), which, if I may truft my own experience, never produces any diforder in a patient when rightly taken.

115. I knew indeed a perfon who took a large glafs of tar-water just before breakfast, which gave him an invincible naufea and difguft, although he had before received the greatest benefit from it. But if the tar water be taken and made in the manner prescribed at the beginning of this effay, it will, if I mistake not, have enough of the falt to be useful, and little enough of the oil to be inoffenfive. I mean my own manner of making it, and not the American; that fometimes makes it too ftrong, and fometimes too weak; which tar-water, however it might ferve as there used, merely for a preparative against the small-pox, yet I queftion whether it may be fitly used in all thofe various cafes wherein I have found tar-water fo fuccefsful. Perfons more delicate than ordinary may render it palatable, by mixing a drop of the chemical oil of nutmegs, or a fpoonful of mountain wine in each glafs. It may not be amifs to obferve, that I have known fome, whofe nice stomachs could not bear it in the morning, take it at night going to bed without any inconvenience; and that with fome it agrees beft warm, with others cold. It may be (a) 133.


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