A letter to ... Peter Elsmley ... in answer to the appeal made to professor Sandford, as umpire between the University of Oxford & the Edinburgh review |
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A Letter to ... Peter Elsmley ... in Answer to the Appeal Made to Professor ... Daniel Keyte Sandford (sir ) No preview available - 2020 |
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accusations amusing applied Aristotle assertion attack authority Boileau Bolingbroke Burke candidate canvass Cave ceived cern Cham charge Charles the Bald Christ Church classic elements classical close and open close Colleges close Fellow close fellowships common-room conceive consider Copleston D. K. SANDFORD Edinburgh Review Education elections Electors elegant Elmsley Erigena esteem examination favour fear feelings foolish Greek Historia Literaria holders impute insinuate intends to prove judgment justice language Latin least Letter literary ment merely nominal merits mode moral character MUNDAY AND SLATTER name does Oriel never notion observe off-hand render open Colleges open Fellows open fellowships opinion Oxonian pamphlet particular passage pion pronounced prove ridiculously silly quote rary reasoning Reviewer's satire says the Champion sentence sentiment shew Sorites spirit style suppose talent things tions translate truth University honours University of Oxford versity Vide whole wish words writer
Popular passages
Page 36 - Never, never more shall we behold that generous loyalty to rank and sex, that proud submission, that dignified obedience, that subordination of the heart, which kept alive, even in servitude itself, the spirit of an exalted freedom. The unbought grace of life, the cheap defence of nations, the nurse of manly sentiment and heroic enterprise, is gone!
Page 18 - ... private partiality, or extravagant good-nature. You and I, however, who are better acquainted with the real state of things, are not to be so blinded to the merits of the case, nor deterred from declaring our concurrence in the statement, uncompromising as it is, of the Reviewer. That his statement is uncompromising and severe to the last degree we need not seek to deny. The Champion, indeed has entered into a minute comparison between the open Colleges and the close, or rather between the open...
Page 40 - Boileau, there is no plagiarism in either one case or the other. Great writers give a currency to sentences as well as words, and make them pass as freely in the republic of letters. It seems, however, that there may...
Page 40 - Now, to improve by examples is to improve by imitation. We must catch the spirit, if we can, and conform ourselves to the reason of them; but we must not affect to translate servilely into our conduct, if your lordship will allow me the expression, the particular conduct of those good and great men, whose images history sets before us.
Page 62 - ... ascertained to be in esse."} The third, while it bears, in some degree, upon, the interests of the State, will cast, I grieve to add, no small reflection upon the southern Universities, viz. " That the gentlemen of the House of Commons, who form the Education Committee, are, to a man, ignorant of Greek."1 As far as the distinguished Chairman of that Committee is concerned, I fear I must, upon the best possible authority, contradict the truth of this discovery ; but, of course, this need not affect...
Page 15 - Reviewer speaks of a person having deserved to be eligible to a place of some power and profit, he includes in his notion of desert the most distinguished intellectual abilities, the maintenance of high and independent principles, scholarship that has not been confined to the bare routine of University.reading, and that classic spirit and
Page 64 - There are still, however, two or three little riders tacked on to the main accusations, which we must consider, in order that none may have to say that we left a single point unexamined. In these, as in more important particulars, it will be our fate, because our duty, to support the assertions made by the Review. " I understand not," says the Champion, how the University can have taken away from Locke, what it can neither give nor take from any one — a studentship of Christ Church.
Page 63 - Commons to be conversant with particles and metres, no public man would be the worse of a little Homer and Demosthenes, nor do I know how the Tutors of the English Colleges, through whose hands so many of the gentlemen in question must have passed, will answer to their consciences for having neglected to instruct their pupils in the primary elements of a liberal education. Thus have we considered, one by one, the portentous charges of the Oxford Pamphleteer against the Edinburgh Review. I should...
Page 25 - There is nothing to titillate in these legal " genuflections," nothing to awaken or encourage partiality, or to overcome the far more probable effect of countless irritations, and petty animosities, that usually arise from the connection of pye-regulating pedagogues with pye-eating undergraduates. So much for the co-existent diagnostics (I love to quote his pretty phraseology) which the Champion would establish as principles of reasoning. But *1 let us look to the facts,
Page 66 - Commemoration, upon foreign counts, foolish baronets, and country squires i this was and is too much the spirit of the University of Oxford. It is a part of the same spirit that still maintains those awkward and absurd distinctions— awkward to the young men who must endure, and absurd to all who may contemplate them — that are fopperies so utterly unworthy of an ancient, and venerable, and — long may we have to add — a prospering establishment. Mere title, and mere wealth, have no business...