MISCELLANIES. The Basset-table. An Eclogue......... Verbatim from Boileau......... Page 139 142 Answer to a Question of Mrs. Howe........... 143 Occasioned by some Verses of his Grace the Duke of Buckingham........ Prologue to a Play for Mr. Dennis's Benefit, in 1733, when he was old, blind, and in 143 great Distress, a little before his Death 141 Macer. A Character.. 145 Song, by a Person of Quality. 1733...... 146 On a certain Lady at Court...... 147 On his Grotto at Twickenham.. AN ESSAY ON CRITICISM. WRITTEN IN THE YEAR 1709. PART I. Introduction.-That it is as great a fault to judge ill as to write ill, and a more dangerous one to the public.-That a true taste is as rare to be found as a true genius.-That most men are born with some taste, but spoiled by false education.The multitude of critics, and causes of them.-That we are to study our own taste, and know the limits of it.Nature the best guide of judgment.-Improved by art and rules, which are but methodized Nature.-Rules derived from the practice of the ancient poets.-That therefore the ancients are necessary to be studied by a critic, parti cularly Homer and Virgil.-Of licences, and the use of them by the ancients.-Reverence due to the ancients, and praise of them. "TIs hard to say if greater want of skill |