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for kind and friendly Intentions which you were prevented from fulfilling.Thefe accumulated Services and Civilities, I can only repay with a lasting grateful sense of them, and my conftant unfeigned prayers for your happiness and profperity.

Before I conclude, I could wish to addrefs myself more particularly to you all; but Time will not permit.-To you, my young Friends, I have lately been frequent in my exhortations; being perfuaded that, to reform mankind, "we must begin at the beginning." Those duties which I have endeavoured to inculcate, I hope you will practice to the day of your death. One more let me now particularize, which (if you perform it properly) will enfure a performance of all the reft:-I mean THE FREQUENT RECEPTION OF THE HOLY SACRAMENT. Be virtuous, and you will at all times" be meet partakers."- "Fear GOD, and keep his Commandments," and be not afraid to approach His facred Altar be not afraid there to acknowledge His redeeming Love, His bound


lefs Mercy.- -Oh! that your hearts, and the hearts of all who hear me, were unanimous in embracing the opportunity which the prefent Day affords you! Then should we take our leave of each other, like true followers of Jesus CHRIST. Then fhould I indeed anticipate the joy of meeting you again in that heavenly Communion, where we fhall behold that immaculate LAMB which was flain for the Redemption of the world: fhall behold Him, as He is, furrounded with Grandeur and Glory ineffable!

When I think of this, a divine Pleafure rifes in my foul," and turns my tears to rapture." I feem tranfported to thofe Manfions of Bleffednefs, "where all tears shall be wiped from all eyes:" where we shall enjoy all the fweets of mutual Friendship, never more to weep; never more to be divided! I feem to have passed that awful Day, when all the Minifters of CHRIST fhall come before him, at the head of their respective multitudes! when they that have been "wife fhall fhine as the brightness of


"the firmament, and they that have "turned many to righteousness, as the "ftars for ever and ever."

Then, with humble hope, may I approach the throne of JESUS, and be acknowledged His "faithful Servant !”— Then, with Joy unutterable, may we ALL receive that bleffing which he will pronounce to them that love and fear him, faying "Come, ye bleffed of my Father! inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the beginning of the world.”

-Grant this, I befeech Thee, O merciful Father through Jefus Christ, our Mediator and Redeemer,





Preached at the Spring Affize, in St. Mary's Church, Warwick, 1792.

DEUT. iv. 7, 8, 9.

What Nation is there fo great, who hath God So nigh unto them, as the Lord our God is in all things that we call upon him for? And what Nation is there fo great, that hath Statutes and Judgments fo righteous ?---Only take heed to thyself, and keep thy Soul diligently, left thou forget the things which thine eyes have feen, and left they depart from thy Heart all the days of thy life :but teach them thy Sons, and thy Sons' Sons.

THE doctrine of God's univerfal Providence is so pleasing and confolatory to the mind of man, that all enlightened Nations, however they might

differ on other Subjects, have united in expreffing a religious Gratitude for national Bleffings.

Indeed fo congenial is this kind of homage to the human breast, that even among thofe nations who were not favoured with a Revelation, its facred Warmth was frequently experienced; and where experienced, uniformly expreffed in fuch a manner, as to evince their reliance on fome Sovereign Power.

Amid the dark and complicated Syftems of Grecian and Roman Mythology, -as alfo amid the fimpler modes of Savage Worship,-we behold fome, whose Understandings burst through the darknefs which furrounded them, and whose hearts glowed with Gratitude to our common Creator. But if we turn from the benighted Countries of Heathenism, to thofe Climes where Divine Revelation beamed upon mankind; we shall find a grateful fenfe of national Bleffings expreffed and enforced with peculiar energy. In the infpired Writings of Mofes, more especially, it is displayed with all the Feeling of a man impressed


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