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The children of our brave soldiers, whom the war has made homeless, with strong claims upon human sympathy. Victims of the riots, hunted from street to street, fleeing from outrage and death to this refuge of the friendless.

During the year the Home has furnished the background for life-sketches such as these, suggesting themes for pen-painting full of most impressive lessons.

Another sketch, equally truthful, might portray the changed aspects wrought within the Home by its sundry appliances. Children so improved by baths, combs and neat apparel as scarcely to be recognized as their former selves. Worthy mothers relieved the exposed protected and placed in safer paths. The schoolrooms, the Chapel, the hour of daily prayer, instilling the precepts of truth and righteousness upon minds plastic as the wax-friends of the friendless, ever coming and going, some of whom, from time to time, bear away from the flock children of early sorrow to pleasant rural homes.

The reception of supplies for Dorcas and store rooms, gifts for Bazaar, Thanksgiving offerings, the sunny faces of rescued wanderers, in training for a better life-all these are phases for the pencil, giving relief to the dark background of the picture, making the Home work, as a whole, one of surpassing interest.

REPORT OF CHILDREN'S SECRETARY. As we enter upon this Thirtieth Anniversary, and review the history of our special department, we cannot but rejoice in all the leadings of Divine Providence; and we are forcibly reminded of the first poor, solitary child who was sheltered at the Society's rooms and can almost hear the echo of her plaintive song, in her own simple words,

"No place like home,

But I'se got no home,

Poor 'ittle, lonely Josephine." But God opened the heart of a Christian mother to receive this first protege, and she soon learned to sing another song; and thousands of other children that came afterward to the guardianship of this Society, are to-day rejoicing in the same tender care vouchsafed to that lone, sorrowing one.

Letters have been received from several foster-parents, whose children have been for years a source of anxiety-who now give good evidence of a thorough change in heart and life, and esteem the people of God among their choicest friends; thus rewarding the fidelity of those who had undertaken the almost hopeless task of saving them from impending evils. Quite a number, during the past year, more than in any one year before, have professed their faith in Christ, and seem to be walking in the light; and others are earnestly inquiring after the truth. During the year just closed, twenty-eight of our children have become of age, and seven have married respectably and are doing well.

These, of course, are no longer the special care of the Society, but they can never cease to be the objects of our deepest interest, and with maternal love we shall still bear them on our hearts in earnest prayer; and some of these, we hopefully trust, that God is fitting to labor in His own vineyard. One of our former children is now laboring among the freedmen of South Carolina, and who can tell but many of them will yet be the instruments of saving other homeless ones. One of our girls, who has been married twice, and having no children, came the past year and adopted a sickly babe of ten months from our nursery. She writes:

"I suppose you think me very negligent in not writing before, but I have been waiting for R.'s improvement. She is as fine a child as can be. She has grown fat and pretty, and walks all over. My husband loves her dearly, and she calls him papa. Enclosed is her likeness, so that you may see how she looks." As she left us, with the wee baby, she remarked, "I shall always teach her to remember the Home, for I am indebted to it for my present prosperity, and why should she ever forget It is not the poor, always, that receive its fostering care; some from the families of wealth and fashion, have gone through this channel to good Christian homes, where they have been restored to the position their parents once occupied.

the Home?"

Three of the foster-parents and four of the adopted children have died since our last report, among whom was Ella Wilson, whose happy death was noticed in a late number of the Advocate; also, our former Children's Secretary, Mrs. M. E. Douglas Osborn, whose pleasant face will be long remembered by many friends of the Home, and doubtless by many of the children. Hers was a useful life and a triumphant death. These wear the crown, while we bear the cross and labor on.

Seventy-two of our boys are now in the army, and two in the navy. Several, after serving their full term, have re-enlisted and now belong to the veteran corps. All, as far as we can learn, are doing good service in this conflict for universal freedom to all. Three only have fallen in death, as far as we can learn, making seventy-seven stout young men, former recipients of the Home charity, who have enlisted in their country's service, ready to do or die for their country's good. Just now a letter comes to hand from D. W. P., of Tennessee, containing a fragrant flower from the sunny South. He writes:

"Dear friend, it is quite warm here, everything looks fine and there is a good prospect of heavy crops of peaches, figs, oranges and other fruits. Our regiment will march between this and the first of May, I dare not say where, for if this does not reach you, it may fall into rebel hands."

Only a few of the children have been visited the last year, but a large number of letters have been received, showing the improvement

of the children and expressive of increasing affection on the part of parents and children. One little fellow says, "I have the nicest father and mother in the world;" and so these loving parents write of the dear ones committed to them: "They are all we could desire them to be; we could not part with them," &c.

During the war, our doors have been opened to the soldier's children, and many of them are gratuitously cared for at the Home, until the father returns from the war, or other arrangements can be made for them, thus making it possible to keep the family together and give comfort to the poor soldier's heart. As after a rousing letter from home," so those the soldier says, "I can always fight better who labor for the best good of the Home flock reading the annual report of the absent ones, can work better for other homeless ones, after and we would here express our grateful thanks to the kind guardians and foster-parents for the numerous encouraging letters received during the year just closed.

Thirteen children have been visited during the year, and thirty-five have visited the Home. Five hundred and forty-nine have been favorably reported, and thirty-eight unfavorably.

One hundred and ten letters have been received from the absent children.

The minutiae of labor in the department requires the personal attention of the Secretary to all that pertains to the past, present and future interests of the children, such as admitting and dismissing each child, calls from their friends and of applicants for children, as well as correspondence with all applicants for children, their guardians and foster-parents; also the children who have left us for their new homes. The execution of all papers, such as surrenders, apprenticeship and adoption papers, &c. In connection with these duties, there have been written nine hundred and ninetythree letters, making 1,732 pages; also a new Guardian's Register of nearly 500 pages, and a new Index for Children's History, not yet completed, besides a large number of notes not recorded. A record of each child's history is kept till they arrive at the age of maturity; also a record of temporary cases separate from the regular history.

STATISTICS from the records of the Children's Department.

Children remaining in the Home, May 1, 1863, .


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HOME AND HOME INDUSTRIAL SCHOOLS. THESE six schools, in charge of the Home Managers, render stated reports through their respective committees, at each monthly meeting of the Board, which are read and placed on file for reference. These reports have embraced more items of special interest during the past than in any previous year. The influence of frequent visits by the respective committees and other Christian friends, has been apparent.

The Thanksgiving and Christmas festivals provided for the children during the holidays have seemed to win gratitude and increase confidence, in many instances proving a means of good beyond the present enjoyment imparted to those whose daily walks are mostly "dark and sunless, beset with many snares."

THE HOME SCHOOL-always first on the list, because of its more immediate relations to the Instituton, has been efficiently sustained, and the mental and moral improvement perceptible has been eminently satisfactory to the Com. and Managers.

During the year it has enrolled 232 different pupils, whose united voices and sweet songs have often lingered on the ear of visitors from every section of our country. Some of these now make melody in childless homes, a few have gone hence to learn the song of angels, and near a hundred remain with their teachers, to be trained for that higher service.

The five Home Industrial Schools, in charge of the Society, occupy home missionary ground, as truly as any in heathen lands; and in some respects may be regarded as agencies of equal promise to the church and the world. They have been kept open through out the year, with the exception of the brief interruption occasioned by the July riots, and one of the five was not closed even then, although within sight and hearing of the booming of cannon, skies lurid with conflagration, and scenes of anarchy and blood. The developments of that week of carnage were a more impressive commentary upon the necessity and wisdom of these school and Home influences than the most eloquent arguments.

The location of the several schools remains much the same as in 1863, viz. :

H. I. School No. 1, Home Chapel, 29 E. 29th St. 2, W. 40th St. near 9th Av.

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3, Cor. 34th St. & 2d Av.

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The attendance during the winter has been somewhat diminished in consequence of the prevalence of measles, scarlatina, etc., in their immediate neighborhood. Some of the little ones who have been called to die, have dwelt almost with their latest breath upon the precious truths learned in the schools.

One of the reports, just sent in, has the following, among many other items of interest:

แ Thirty-one of our pupils have left the school for places, two to learn trades—one of whom, previous to leaving, always attended the mothers' prayer-meeting. Several of the poor mothers who attend this meeting have requested special prayer for themselves and their

children. Ten of these mothers are enrolled in a class who are learning to read, and come as regularly as their circumstances permit. Seventy-six of our pupils have gone to the public school, four to a parochial school, thirty-one to German schools, two to the Catholic schools, four to Ward's Island, three to Mr. Pease's farm, one to Juvenile Asylum, four to Half Orphan Asylum, Pa., one to the army, two to the Home for the Friendless, and four have died. Present number on register 365.

Several hundred visits have been made among the pupils during the year. One of our dear boys went to be with Jesus the past week. Almost the last expression he made was, 'Jesus loves me.' Several in the school seem to be trying very earnestly to serve the Lord by obeying His precepts."

An excellent visitor, employed for some weeks in missionary labors, chiefly connected with the schools, mentions that among three hundred and fifty needy families recently visited, some fifty of the number were soldiers' families. About one hundred had been left fatherless, depending solely for support upon the pittance that the widowed mothers were able to earn.

We quote from this report the following incident.

"Climbing a narrow, dark staircase in an obscure building in an unfrequented street, a poorly-clad woman was found one morning alone. She sat by an old table on which lay the sewing by which she earned her daily bread, for the time being neglected, as she bent over a small piece of paper. She had evidently been reading and weeping. Rising with the paper in her hand, she began an explanation immediately, in broken English, for she was a German by birth. Taking her little boy to school one day some time previous, she had been asked while there, if she had a Bible at home, or ever read one. "Yes," she replied, "but I must work too hard, I have no time for reading." "But cannot you spare five minutes every morning?" asked the teacher, handing her a tract. For days after, as she bent over her sewing, the words came back again and again, till she listened to the still small voice; took down her Bible, and read. The interest, thus awakened, daily increased.

She began to attend church, and the result was a new heart and a new purpose of life. She says, "Now there is no more trouble for me, I have Jesus." The little paper, over which her tears had been flowing, was the story of the wanderer from his father's home, but made happy by returning-once lost, found. But more abundant fruits had this seed, sown in good ground, brought forth. Her husband had been intemperate. She persuaded him to attend church with her. There his own heart softened, he resolved to give up his evil habits, and so far had kept his resolutions."

A Library of good books, the gift of charity, has-through the untiring efforts of Mrs. Starr -been placed in each school; the books are loaned as a reward of merit, and are much prized. Of the two thousand and eighty-nine pupils enrolled the past year, many have been partially and some almost wholly clothed, and

four of the schools have been furnished with daily bread.

The teachers, each and all, seem devoted to their work, and those who have been longest in the service, feel that they have been called to this field to labor not only for time, but for eternity. While giving to physical and mental culture due attention, they regard the duty of caring for the soul as paramount to all others.


TO AUXILIARIES and friends abroad, who cooperate in this work, the Board cherish an increased sense of obligation. They have not only done their part in meeting the pressing claims of Sanitary Fairs, and Soldiers' Aid Societies, etc., but have generously contributed 645 packages of supplies to the Home Dorcas and Sales rooms, aided largely to make our Bazaar a success, and given their voluntary efforts to continue and extend the circulation of the Advocate, also to find suitable homes for our children.

At the Semi-Annual Meeting of the Society, held in Binghamton in Oct., they were well represented—evincing an enlarged and united spirit of Christian charity, leading the parent Society in the fullness of their hearts to thank God and take courage.

In all the labors of the Society for the past thirty years, its auxiliaries and life members have nobly shared, and, far down the ages they will as surely share in the recompense of reward.

Among these valued friends, we are reminded that two vice-presidents of the Society, -Mrs. M. H. Mahan and Miss M. Simonsonalso, several prominent officers and members of auxiliaries, have, within the past year, entered upon the rest that remains. There are broken circles, sorrowing hearts, bereaved companions, motherless children, where these bereavements have left a void that can be filled only by the Infinite Comforter. While we weep with those that weep, faith assures us, that

***"Death hath made no breach

In love and sympathy, in hope and trust;
No outward sign or sound our ears can reach,
But there's an inward spiritual speech
That greets us still, though mortal tongues be dust.
It bids us do the work that they laid down,

Take up the song where they broke off the strain;
So journeying till we reach the heavenly town,
Where are laid up our treasures and our crown,
And our lost loved ones will be found again.

DORCAS AND VISITING COMMITTEES. Our friends, absent in body but present in spirit, have again and again replenished the shelves of the Dorcas room, with stores that have relieved much suffering from cold and hunger, in the homes of invalids who shrink from the crowded hospital, or mothers left alone to provide for young children, or the aged and infirm who are patiently waiting till God shall call them to their rest.

The supplies received have been less than formerly, owing, doubtless, to the pressing demands in other directions for cotton fabrics of every description, and the war prices that everywhere prevail. Still, it is apparent that the greater sacrifices and self-denial required of the donors, indicate no lack of interest in, or withdrawal of sympathy from the work.

The Committee report the distribution of 48 bedquilts and 3,215 garments among the children of the several schools, soldiers' widows and orphans, and other sick, needy and destitute, visited and believed to be worthy. In connection with this work, over two thousand families have been visited, and relief afforded as far as practicable.

ENDOWMENT FUND, BEQUESTS, &c. The noble proposal of Mr. Hathaway to donate $1,000, or its equivalent, toward an endowment fund, provided $9,000 should be subscribed to the same object, has received a few generous responses, which, with the sum named in our report of '63, has been safely invested. In view of the existing war, only unsolicited free-will offerings have been anticipated for this fund, unless, in answer to prayer some, who may realize the great obligations of their stewardship, and decide to become their own executors, shall be led specially to remember it.

Meantime, the munificent gift of Chauncey Rose, Esq., has relieved the managers of the Society of great anxiety by providing against present pecuniary embarrassment, and furnishing facilities, both for meeting existing claims and extending the work, as Providence shall point the way.

Proposals are under consideration for such use of this fund as shall make provision for the more permanent care and instruction of a much-exposed class of the young and friendless, whose moral wants require a season of probation and training, specially suited to their respective cases, and such as shall also enlarge our accommodations for the most needy class of soldiers' children, who, from the beginning

of the war, have ever found the Home open for their reception.

Several smaller bequests have also been received as pleasant reminders that the Institution is remembered by the Father of the fatherless and God of the widow.

The Home has been largely indebted during the past, as in former years, for the gratuitous professional services of Dr. Egbert Guernsey and Drs. Jackson and Hitchcock, also to our legal adviser, A. P. Man. The Managers remember gratefully these favors, also the aid rendered by their respected Auditors and Board of Counselors.

To the pastors of churches in city and country who have given words of encouragement in their pulpit services and elsewhere, they would tender due acknowledgments. Thanks are especially due to the press, secular and religious, for favors received by way of advertisements and otherwise, also to the stated and occasional contributors to the Advocate. Its correspondent, "V."-a true woman of the best New England type-has furnished many valuable articles, a most acceptable and generous donation to the Advocate, well worthy to be held in remembrance. To the faithful teachers and assistants in our schools and publishing department, and to every Home helper within and without, who "have done what they could," thanks are cordially tendered.


In reviewing the past year we see cause for the profoundest gratitude to Him, who in the darkest days has ever given us the clearest tokens of His providential care and tender love.

We have cause for gratitude that, through three years of civil conflict, with their untold sorrows, and sacrifices, and bereavements, the work of this Society has not been seriously retarded-that its friends have been enabled so fully to sustain it in furnishing food and raiment for the destitute, care for the neglected, and a home for the homeless, proving to some extent a safeguard, both to its beneficiaries and to society.

We have cause for gratitude as we are reminded of the week of terror, when many of our citizens were appalled and half paralyzed by the development of barbarism and crime, once supposed impossible in our so-called Christian country-that, while our Institution was threatened with destruction, it was not only shielded and spared, but became a refuge from danger and death to the flying fugitive. Also that it is now apparent that this fearful outburst, from the depths of human depravity, has helped to open the eyes of many to the imperitive necessity of doing, here and now, all that may be possible toward educating, Christianizing, and saving the ignorant masses of children within our reach, who, though now but "the infants," or wee bits of things,"

are what mobs are made of, when street-training, with no counteracting saving influence shall have done its legitimate work. Let them be rightly trained, and they may become an element of safety instead of peril, an agency closely interwoven with the future welfare of our social fabric, for good instead of evil.

We have cause for gratitude that from the ranks of the 40,000 children in this city, of the class above-named, several thousand, both of children and youth, have been shielded by the Home and its schools from the entire exposure to moral wrong which had otherwise been their lot, and that many have been savingly benefitted.

With this brief summary the Managers now close their third decade, in this work of faith and labor of love. They trust that the wide and still enlarging field open to woman, in her appropriate sphere, inviting to ministries that might well fill angel hands, will ever find willing hearts ready to inquire, "Lord, what wilt Thou have me to do?"

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in fact he is ours, and we love and do for him as such. He is not four years old yet, and of course has never been to school, but he knows his letters, name, age, and residence, answers a good many Bible questions, prays very reverently, and is a good child, though sometimes quick-tempered, but soon over it. One night he brought in the wood. I said to him I was glad I had such a good boy, he said, "I prayed. to the Lord this morning, to make me a good boy all day, and mind ma and bring in wood." He is petted by every one, too much for his own good, I sometimes think.

It will prove a pleasure to you to learn that our dear Gracie is well and happy. It appears to us that she improves every day. We discover nothing as yet in her character which gives promise of any other than the most gratifying, most delightful fruits. Her attachment to us is the most cordial and ours to her increases in strength constantly. She is a child of unusual brightness and activity, and we feel assured that little Gracie will prove all that we can desire.

My little Home birdling is well, a sunbeam in my family, all joyous and bright. She attends school and Sabbath-school and learns easily.

I am happy to say that little Etta has proved a flood of sunshine in our house. We are very much pleased to have her, and I think we could not have selected a child that would have appeared more like a daughter to us. Her two little brothers also love her, and altogether our family circle is now as complete as we could wish under the circumstances. (I refer to having lost a little one of our own.)

If any of the "Home" friends should visit this vicinity, please call on us, and I think we can show you as nice and bright a little girl as our state can produce.

Our little Ella enjoys good health, attends school regularly, and makes considerable proficiency in her studies, in addition to which she receives instruction from me during the evening, attends church and Sabbath-school regularly, and always goes prepared with her lessons. She is a favorite with her teachers. She is naturally sedate, though fond of play like other children, and we think she is a remarkable child for one of her years. She is free from bad traits of character, so conimon to children of her age, and has given us no cause to regret our choice in regard to our selection.

I write to inform you of the death of one who was once a member of your "Home" family. Melissa was always well while with us, until her last sickness, in which she suffered much. She was one of those busy, active children, always ready to do something for all about the house. She was a favorite among

children, whom she loved dearly; and we trust she has gone to join the angel-choir above, where none know what it is to be an orphan.

Permit me to inform you respecting our "Home" children, J. and K. They are both well at present; they generally enjoy good health. They seem happy and contented, and K. sings like a lark most of the time. They attended singing-school last summer in the village, and learned to sing several pieces quite well. J. learned the rudiments of music better than K., and she learned the tunes more quickly than he, so they can help each other at home. I am very happy to inform you that K. has given her heart to the Saviour; she united with the Cong. church last September. I think she is trying to serve the Lord. She loves to go to church and Sabbath-school, and attend covenant meetings, &c. She maintains daily prayer, also takes her part in our little prayer-meetings at home. J. has not yet given his heart to God. We hope and pray that he will remember his Creator in the days of his youth. Pray for us, that we may have wisdom to train them for God. Pray for them, that they may ever be followers of that which is good. May God prosper you in your work.

The boys are quite useful now, when not in school. We are trying to teach them selfdependence. They take care of the cow, and saw and split the wood for the house. Last summer, during the long vacation, G. earned twenty dollars working in a spoke factory; he is now thirteen years old, and has been with us seven years last May. J., his brother, will be twelve years April, 1864, and has been with us seven years last September. It is now vacation, and G. sends a composition which he wrote and read the last day of school;-"Going Hunting," which was highly approved by his teacher.

Enclosed you will find $1, the result of the continued effort of our little daughter M. She was brought to us five years ago, Jan. 1859, by Miss Douglas. I write her name with emotions which are indescribable, remembering that she is now reaping the reward of the righteous. That she was such, none that knew her will doubt.

It was a cold winter-day that she arrived with little M., then but sixteen months old. She placed the babe in my arms, saying, "May she restore joy and sunshine to your broken family circle;" as she was to fill the place of an only daughter recently deceased, who often said to me as I read to her from the Advocate, "Mamma, if I die, you must go to the Home and get a little daughter."

Our most sanguine hopes have been realized; thus far M. has proved a blessing to us. Joy and sunshine has returned to our family circle, and it affords me great pleasure to say

that she is a child of much promise. She reads rapidly and quite well, often reads with me in family worship, and takes great interest in inquiring into the meaning of what is read. She is strongly attached to the Sabbath-school, and never wishes to stay at home. She likes to read the Advocate, although but six years old. There was a Juvenile Missionary Society formed in her Sabbath-school, and she was appointed collector. It was her custom to give a penny a week. Every few days she would say, "Papa, will you please give me a penny ?" I said to her, "What do you want of it?” “I want it for the missionary and for the Home." "But," said I, "I am afraid you will give all to the missionary cause, and have nothing for the Home." "No, papa, will you please get me a bank, and I will put one penny in that, and one in the missionary-box."

The bank was furnished, and after that the pennies were divided equally. As Christmas drew near she began to talk of sending a dollar to the "Home," (that amount having been donated for her each year since her adoption.) She found by examination there was not a dollar in the bank, and what to do she did not know. I said to her, "Will you send all your money to the Home, and leave none to buy candy?" She said, "Papa, if I could get a dollar for the Home, I will not ask for candy for a year."

On Christmas morning, after rejoicing over a full stocking from Santa Claus, she found that her "Home" bank was stuffed with money enough to make the dollar, and language fails to express the joy that filled her heart. "Now, Papa," said she, "will you please to write to the Home and send this dollar for a Christmas present."

The above incident has suggested to my mind the great good that might be accomplished by keeping the children familiar with the Home, its benefits and its wants. In this way they will be identified with its interests, and in blessing others, they will themselves be blessed.

Our adopted boy was seven years old last August. He has not been sent to school until the present winter, but has been taught at home. He reads in Sanders' Third Reader, and is quite expert at reckoning or adding numbers, having studied mental arithmetic the past year. We did not intend to send him to school thus early, but our teacher has the reputation of being a Christian, and a man of ability both in teaching and governing, so we hope he will be benefitted by the change.

Our boy does not disappoint our earnest expectations respecting him thus far, and we trust that we may in the future, as we have endeavored in the past, look to Him who knoweth our most secret thoughts, for guidance and direction in his training.

That the Institution from which we received our precious charge may be abundantly blessed in the future, is our daily prayer. Enclosed

please find 10 cts. from E., as he wishes to keep his interest in his former home fresh in his memory.

Mary is as good a girl as we could ask, is well and getting along finely with her studies. She was the "Banner" scholar last term, and the prospect is good for another.

The children who were but little ones when I took them from the Home,' are now nearly grown. They enjoy excellent health, both attend school this winter, and are making satisfactory progress in their studies. I assure you they are some company and comfort to us in our old days.

If I was near the Home now, I would visit you, and I think select one or two more of your pets, as I do so love the chatter of little tongues and the patter of little feet around me. I crave an interest in your prayers for the early conversion of these dear children, also that I may have grace and wisdom to train them for usefulness and piety.

Our little A. is perfectly well, and I venture to say there is not a happier child to be found in New England. She has improved very much in all respects. Her will readily yields now, for her affections seem fully given to her papa and mamma, and we are increasingly fond of her.

C. has been to church and Sabbath-school every Sabbath but two since he has been with us. We like C. very much and think that if he has the right training, he will make a smart man. We often feel that we need wisdom

from on high that we may guide the child aright, and bring him up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. C. wishes us to write for him that he has a nice sled and cart, and a pair of new boots, also new coat and cap, and that he likes us "more than a thousand pounds."

With a sad heart I seat myself to address you, "for the hand of the Lord hath touched us," leaving us to weep over the loss of our dear Ella. The blow came so suddenly that we can hardly force ourselves to believe that she is hidden from our sight forever. A sad Christmas it was to us, when we laid her in the cold grave-a day she had anticipated with so much interest, as it would bring a daughter

and son to enjoy it with us, the only ones of six children that we could reasonably expect. They were only to follow her to her burial, they have returned and we are left with none but our little Mary, (another "Home" child.) O how we miss her everywhere, we miss her musical voice, for she was a sweet singer, and had a rare talent for music. She had faults, but we think was less faulty than most children of her age, and though we had no particular evidence before her sickness that she was a child of God, still from her life and from conversations with her then, we are

cheered with the hope that she was prepared
for the rest of the people of God. She was
eleven last July, and had been with us over
eight years. Never for a moment have I re-
gretted taking her, I have ever felt that we
were guided in our choice in answer to prayer,
and that she was the one Providence designed
for us.
It is all right that God has taken her,
and we wish to cheerfully submit to His will.

Our little S. A. is very healthy, except
frequent attacks of croup; there are some in-
dications of it to-night, but hope it will pass
over. She is our earthly all, I can express it
in no other way. She is all we could expect
or wish, were she our own by birth. Never
for a moment have I seen the time that I would
part with her. She does not know that she is
not our own child—and she is ours, for we
know no difference, and look upon her in no
other light. When she sees her father coming,
she says, "There comes my darling papa," and
runs to meet him with open arms. Scarce a
day passes but she talks about "those poor

little chindril down at the Home for the
Friendless," and is as active in filling the box
as I am.

Advocate and Guardian.

NEW YORK, JUNE 1, 1864.


WHILE prayer ascends daily and hourly for our noble army, in its fearful and long protracted struggle, may we not ask our readers in their quiet, rural homes to pray also for New York.

The same elements that produced the July riots are still here, pent up, but not annihilated. The city is full of wrong and guilt, beside the long, dark record of the past, still uncanceled. Here are also good men and

The themes of the week, so vast and allabsorbing to the earnest Christian philan thropist, had their place, and were well and wisely treated on every occasion assigned to their consideration. But vain was the effort to concentrate and hold the laboring thought within a limited scope. None could forget that the foul spirit of rebellion, born of slavery, and that of civil and religious liberty were now met in deadly conflict-that oppos ing legions had grappled, and an hour had come, on which issues of intensest interest were suspended. None could forget that sons and husbands, fathers and brothers, were of fering life on the altar of our country, or fail to remember them in frequent aspirations to the Hearer of prayer. The brief message from the President-which we quote verbatim, that it may stand in our columns for future reference-was most opportune, and met a warm response in every subsequent anniversary gathering.

May 9, 1864.

To the Friends of Union and Liberty:
Enough is known of army operations within the
last five days to claim our especial gratitude to
God. While what remains undone demands our
most sincere prayers to, and reliance upon Him,
(without whom all human effort is vain,) I recom-
mend that all patriots, at their homes, in their
places of public worship, and wherever they may
be, unite in common thanksgiving and prayer to
Almighty God.

The daily intelligence flashed across the wires, increased the deep and universal solicitude, so that during the entire week the post of moral observation held by the masses was unlike that of any former year. No object, dear to the Saviour, could seem less dear from such a stand-point, and at some of the great gatherings, the hearts of His ambassadors were truly touched as by a live coal from His altar; inspired anew to plead the claims of the gospel of peace, and the true, far more in proportion than were in claims of His poor, to whom should be proSodom, when visited with divine retribution. claimed speedily its good tidings—whether Will not Christians pray fervently that the in heathendom, slavedom, or Christendom, power of the adversary may be so broken-far as the rule of sin, wide as shall yet be that no army of protection shall again need the reign of righteousness. to be summoned-but that all may have occasion to be renewedly assured that "The angel of the Lord encampeth about them

that fear Him, and delivereth them."


THE Anniversary week, May, 1864, will be forever memorable in the annals of history. It came as usual, bringing with it cloudless skies, and the balmy breath of spring. Beauty all around, in grove, plain and landscape, met the eye of the sojourner, "whither the tribes go up from year to year, to swell the great convocations.

Our re-union of friends, near and distant, held at the Home Chapel on Wednesday, was pervaded by an excellent spirit. The minutes of the Secretary will convey a just impression of the occasion.



HOME FOR THE FRIENDLESS. THE Thirtieth Anniversary of this Society was held May 8th and 11th. The annual sermon in behalf of the Institution was delivered in the Brick Church-Rev. Dr. Spring's-on Sabbath Evening.

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