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By those who have used it, the Baby Tender is pronounced next to the Sewing Machine, the


of the age for domestic use. It is not only


but may be instantly converted into either of the following articles, viz:




A NURSERY-CHAIR AND OTTOMAN, AN INGENIOUS BABY-WALKER, OR A CHARMING HOBBY-HORSE. It takes almost the entire charge of infants from their birth, saves vastly in washing, affords constant amusement and healthful exercise for children under 5 years, and enables the mother to


The Baby Tender stands on castors-no part being suspended-is safe, strong and durable, occupies very little room, and, having a vertical and noiseless motion, it effectually obviates the acknowledged serious


of the ordinary cradle.

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HE SOLDIER'S NATIONAL MEMORIAL.-This Memorial is one of the finest works of art ever gotton up in this country. It is printed in oil colors, and will be as enduring as a steel plate engraving. It is so arranged as to be adapted to every rank, from a private to a Major-General, both for the living and the lamented dead. Persons wishing copies have only to send or give the following particulars to the principal or local agents who sell it: The Name; the Rank; in what capacity he entered the service; what Regiment and Company; his promotion, if any; the battles he was in, in their regular order; if wounded, in what battle, and date; if he fell, in what battle. and date; if honorably discharged from the service, and date. If still living, and is the service of our country, give all particulars up to the present time, and they will be filled up in the most beautiful style, leaving room to enter the particulars of what may occur to them up to the time they may leave the service. Please be particular in relation to the foregoing instructions, and all orders will be filled with he utmost care and promptness.

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The following is a list of prices for which it will be solda large percentage of which goes to the brave men who have participated in the battles for the preservation of our glorious Union and Constitution:

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NEW YORK. A. Chapman, (Healey's Express, ] Pier 16, N. R. A list of articles, with donors' names and post-office address, should be enclosed in the package, and another similar hist sent by mail, stating when the package was forwarded The only safe way of transmitting funds, is by draft, pay. able to Mrs. Sarah A. Stone, Treasurer,

TO DONORS.-Small Packages, sent to the City by private hand, may be left at either of the following places:


W. H. BEEBE, Sole Agent, 181 BROADWAY, First Floor, Room No. 3,

THE carrier of this paper, Mr. JOHN E. LINE, is authorized to receive subscriptions.

North and Gillette, Buck Gloves, Mittens, Army Gauntlets, Country Knit Wool Hose, Furs, &c.,] 18 Cortland St. Jas. O. Bonnett, Commission Merchant, 30 Whitehall St.

STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS OF "HOME" SCENES. There have been prepared, in order to give our distant friends a more perfect idea of the institution in its details, a series of twelve beautiful pictures, taken with life-like accuracy, by the well-known photographer, E. ANTHONY, embracing the following:






6. HOME CHAPEL, 29 E. 29th St.




10. CHILDREN AT DINNER-Thanksgiving,


12. ADVOCATE & GUARDIAN PRINTING OFFICE Price, plain, 25c: each, the whole set, $2.50; colored. 35c. each, $3.50 the set, sent by mail free of postage. STEREOSCOPES (in which to view them,) from $1 to $5. Profits entirely devoted to the "Home."

Address: Advocate and Guardian,
Care Mrs. Sarah A. Stone
Box 4740. New York,

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Aims of the Am. Female Guardian Soc.
1st. The Society aims to rescue from degradation, physi
cai and moral, the children of want, homelessness and sorrow,
wherever found-who may be committed to the Society in
accordance with its Charter-and after a suitable probation
in their institution, to learn to what they are best adapted,
&c., to secure for them permanent country homes in Chris-
tian families.

2d. To reach as many as possible of this same exposed
class of children, who though prevented by surrounding cir-
cumstances, from becoming Home beneficiaries as inmates,
may, nevertheless, be withdrawn from the education of the
city street, taught habits of industry and propriety of con-
duct, the knowledge of the Bible, &c., and surrounded by
influences that may be protective and saving.

REV. ISAAC FERRIS, D. D., LL. D., President,
A few pupils admitted as boarders.

Important Legacies have been lost to the Home through informality. It is therefore earnestly requested of those who design to benefit the Institution by giving it a place in their last Will and Testament, that they would use the following: FORM OF A BEQUEST.

(Several hundred of this class receive food, raiment, instruction and watch-care through the agency of the Society.) 3d-To afford a place and means of protection for destitute respectable young women, without employment, friends or home, and within the age and circumstances of temptation. 4th. To aid and encourage destitute American widows with small children, to avoid a separation as long as practicable, by furnishing apparel, bedding, etc. at discretion; securing remunerative employment as far as it may be ob tained, and also to admonish the unwary of the moral pit-falls that often abound in the pathway of the lowly.

I give and bequeath to the American Female Guardian Society, incorporated by the Legislature of New York, in the year 1849, the sum of 8. to be applied for the Benefit of the Home for the Friendless, or to other charitable uses of said Society.

5th. To use the Press to enlist the Public mind in behalf of the several classes and objects above named.

Wants.-The Home has been established fourteen years, and has sheltered, fed and clothed, temporarily, over 10,000 children and adults. It has been sustained mainly by chari. table contributions, and at the present time is in special need of funds to meet its current expenses,

The Will should be attested by three witnesses, who should write against their names, their place of residence, and state that they signed the instrument at the request of the testator, and in the presence of the testator and each other, and that the testator declared to them that it was his or her last Will and Testament.


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I delivered the poor that cried, and the fatherless, and him that had none to help him; - the cause that I knew not I searched out."--Job xxix. 12, 16.

Vol. XXX. No. 2.


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For the Advocate and Guardian. THE CHRISTMAS TREE, AND A BRANCH FROM IT.

"MERRY Christmas, a very merry Christmas," resounded in glad tones, throughout the spacious mansion of the millionaire, Mr. Wilmington, on the morning of the long looked for holiday. Every inmate of the house was, on that particular morning, a very early riser, from the grandsire, whose silvery locks told of many a Christmas in the past, to the little three year old prattling Charlie, whose memory of Kriss Kringle's gift day, extended back to as

many months only as would count the years of
his most worthy ancestor. Better than physiolo-
gical rules, better than the advice of physician,
better than the urgings to duty for some, and
the wooings to pleasure and play for others,
were the incentives to early rising, found on a
Christmas tree somewhere within the domicil,
which, though but one had seen, all knew was
laden with gifts for each and all. During
many of the preceding weeks, the little savings
banks which had been receiving deposits
for nearly twelve long months, with an eye
to this particular purpose, had from time to
time, been giving up some of the hoarded treas-
ure, to purchase something, now suspended as
a gift for father, or mother, sister or brother,
or some other dear member of the home band.
Various mysterious expeditions had been made,
sometimes with mamma along as counselor, to
book store and jewelers, toy shop and confec-
tioners, to bring therefrom an offering from
good Kriss Kringle. Even papa once kindly
came home from business at an earlier hour
than was his wont, and strangely found Ella and
Julia, the two eldest daughters, all in readiness
to accompany him, no one knew but the trio,
whither. Nimble fingers kept pace with no
less busy thoughts, in closeted rooms, as deli-
cate little heart expressions were wrought in
tasteful ornamentation, or beautiful, because
useful, pieces of workmanship. Each member
of the family had been self bound to secresy,
divulging to no other only as dire necessity
compelled it. True, papa thought he had seen
a scrap of something that was very suitable for
a dressing gown, once, when the sound of his
footsteps had caused such a hasty retreat, that
the bit was unfortunately left upon the floor.
And mamma caught a glimpse of something
from Ball & Black's, after the return of the
trio from the wondered at errand, which she
had silently appropriated to herself. And
little Carrie was quite sure that the beautiful
waxen doll she had peeped at when it was
half-dressed, when Ella thought it was nicely
hidden, was for her. And pet Charlie had
whispered of mamma one morning, in inquir-

Whole No. 686.

ing "if he did not hear the sound of his Christ-
mas trumpet the evening before?" when all
thought his blue eyes were fast closed in sleep.
Notwithstanding this, however, nothing was
disclosed, and all were now anxiously waiting
for this great revelation. Now the long wished
for morning had come. Bright and beautiful,
and glorious, was the advent. Smiling faces,
and merry voices, and happy hearts welcomed
it, and the very first rays of sunshine revealed
to each the long toiled for and beautiful Christ-
mas tree.

From top to bottom it was covered with
presents. No one had been forgotten-not
one but had contributed. There was grand-
pa's gold-headed staff ready to support his tot-
tering frame, and grandma's gifts for comfort
fitted for each technical use. There was the
dressing-gown, a perfect match to the divulg-
ing piece, a gift from mamma, with slippers
wrought by Ella and Julia, and pockets filled
with tokens from seniors, and lesser gifts from
the infantile members of the family. Mamma's
silver gifts were suspended from the larger
branches, each piece a present from the several
members of the household, all forming a set,
duly prized for intrinsic worth, but valued
more, as a merited offering from loving hearts.
So was Carrie's waxen baby ready for her
arms, and Charlie's trumpet waiting for him,
and Ella and Julia's beautiful gifts, and Bridget
the cook's warm winter shawl, and Dollie, the
housemaid's bright new dress, and Tom, the
coachman's, long coveted new white gloves
and driving coat. All, from the least to the
greatest, had been remembered, all were satis-
fied and happy.

The noble tree of the forest had borne upon its branches heavy burdens before-snow and ice, or thickly clustering green-but never before did it hold such treasures-the precious offerings of human love. Sweet music of nature had ofttimes sounded through its branches, but never before rang through it such joyous strains as the greetings on this Christmas morning. Well might it leave its native soil, well might it give its life even thus to con

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tribute in making happy human hearts, bringing sunshine to human lives.

"Christmas again! Once so merry, SO bright, so longed for. Once its coming was welcomed for the interchange of love gifts and the cementing of hearts that beat for each other. Now, alas, it comes with muffled tread, as but a bitter anniversary of the day when on Southern field, a soldier's grave was made, and beneath it placed the brave husband and father, who ever made our Christmas a merry one. Nothing to give now, no one to bestow, even what are necessaries of life, upon us, poor desolate ones. God help us."

God gave them a whole tree full, perhaps he would give us a branch. You tell us God called papa to serve his country, and then took him from us, all in love, and that he pities and loves us even more tenderly than an earthly father did, and more than we can each other. If, mamma, God loves us so dearly, perhaps if we ask Him, he will give us as papa did when he was with us."

Side by side knelt the mother and her little child, asking of the ever-loving Father and Great Dispenser of all things, for the needs of their daily life, praying that he who had given them "the unspeakable gift" of a Saviour, would through Him, make the widow's and orphans' hearts sing for joy by caring for their bodies and saving their souls. So wrapped were they in devotion, so far above their impoverished home had they been borne on wings of faith, that they heard not a noiseless entrance, that had left a single branch of the evergreen Christmas tree. Pendent therefrom, as if in answer to their prayer, were four little purses, and within them a sufficiency to make the widow's home comfortable, and her little ones happy.

The first grey streaks of dawn looked in upon the poor widow in her home of poverty, and rested cautiously, as if reluctant to waken them to their sad realities. Upon the face of the two little ones who called her mother, fell the morning light. No bright anticipations of filled stockings, or presents from Christmas tree were theirs, to rouse them, and so the little slumberers slept on, dreaming perchance, of a time in their memory when, father was at home, and merry Christmas days and gifts were theirs. There was needed no greater light than the twilight to reveal the poverty of that home. While the father lived, by industry and economy, they had always lived comfortably, and never until he was taken had they known their present bitter experiences. Most of the comforts once theirs, had one by one been sacrificed to supply the absolute needs of life, until, from their once cosy home they had been driven by poverty to the cheerless abode, through whose many openings the keen air of the Christmas morning came, with no merry greetings, no glad tidings, only the bitter knowledge of cold without, and the keener knowledge of nothing with which to make a fire within. A low, stiffled sob from the mother, in memory of past and brighter days, and in realization of present dark ones, opened a pair of blue eyes, and a child face nestled close beside hers, and a whisper came to her ear, "Is it merry Christmas, mamma, to-day? And shall we, as when papa was with us, have beautiful gifts, he giving to you, you to him, and both to little sister and me? We called them presents from Kriss Kringle; shall we have them now, mamma?"

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The morning twilight looked upon sadness and desolation, the evening shades rested upon comfort, and the memory of a happy Christmas day through kind hearts at Mr. Wilmington's, who had sent the single branch of the Christmas tree. The widow's heart was lonely, very lonely still, but above it arose grateful incense to the kind donor of unexpected gifts, and lasting thanksgivings to the Great Giver of all, the "Hearer and Answerer of prayer."

"Mamma, I saw Carrie Wilmington yesterday, and she said they were going to have such a beautiful Christmas tree at their house, quite full of all kinds of choice and elegant presents. She told me, too, that her papa said they only made believe Kriss Kringle gave to them, but it was really God who gave, for He provides the means, and prompts them to kind acts to each other. Mamma, I thought, if

The forest tree was beautiful with its glittering gifts to the rich, but the dissevered branch was far more so, with its mercies to the poor. The rich household band seemed beautiful in their kindness to each other, but the kindness which extended to the children of poverty was a more beautiful sight to God, to angels, and

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and physically when kept entirely away from stimulating drinks of every kind.

Another fruitful source of mischief is the constant prescription of strong drinks for almost every disease. In many cases it is absolutely mischievous; as for instance, because in the sinking, prostrated stage of typhoid fevers, stimulants afford the only means of saving life, ("strong drink unto him that is ready to perish,") therefore ignorance feeds with whiskey the strong man in the first stage of fever, and so adds fuel to the fire. Hundreds of precious lives have been burned out in this way.

It is fashionable, too, to prescribe whiskey, it is easily taken and always at hand, and men love it, so fashion, and convenience, and appetite go hand in hand, and men and women are "broken and snared, and taken." They will have much to answer for who heedlessly advise the use of this poison.

THE Boston Tract Society will have finished shortly the re-publication of Sargent's Temperance Tales, which were once so popular and which are still some of the best tracts we have upon the subject. The Scotch story, "Danesbury House," may be as good in its way. We remember reading these stories of Sargent's long ago, "My Mother's Gold Ring," "Right Opposite,' ," "Johnny Hodges," and the rest. The fiery flood of intemperance is again sweeping over our land, and we are led to inquire with poor Johnny, "Can't something be done to put a stop to this evil ?"


We speak advisedly when we use this word. Alcohol is a poison and should be administered with care, as strychnine, and opium, and arsenic. No matter how pure it may be, it is a poison. But late investigation and earlier experience show that in all spirit distilled from grain or potatoes there is a rank, strong poisou called fusil oil. It exists in almost all our spirits, and is as sure a poison as arsenic. Then as many of our wines are manufactured from whiskey, &c., they also have their full share of this deadly oil, and so it is doing its work of death. If it killed at once, men would take the alarm, but it is not so rapid in its work. Life and health are slowly undermined, thousands of different forms of disease appear, and in many the dreadful appetite is formed and fed, which so slowly and surely carries downward, soul and body together.

A new impulse has been given to the mischief, rum or whiskey must be supplied to the soldiers, though experience has proved that those are the best and most enduring regiments that abstain from alcoholic drinks, and the strong testimony of British officers in India, all goes to show that men are better off morally


To set our faces as a flint against the use of these dangerous things. There are usually, if not always, remedies which will do equally well without the fearful risk, and though children may play with fire-arms without shooting either themselves or each other, the safest course is to let them alone. We may not be in danger, but if we are strong, our brother may be weak, and only such a spirit as Cain's would ask, "Am I my brother's keeper?"

For the Advocate and Guardian.

A LIFE GIVEN FOR FREEDOM. How many precious lives this fearful war has taken. We scarcely realize its terrors unless it comes nigh our own households or lays its hand on some we know or love. Is there a family in our whole country, either North or South, that has not been nearly touched by some sad bereavement? When we know of one cut down in the prime of life by the fate of war, we feel its horrors more than when we read of hundreds of whom we know nothing personally.

My heart has been deeply touched this morning by learning of the death of one of my children's early playmates. He was a young, motherless boy, who, on the breaking out of the war, left school and entered the army. His regiment was ordered South. By his good qualities and his unflinching bravery he won the love of his companions. He did not forget his early friends. To a teacher of his childhood he wrote often, speaking of his schoolmates and of his hopes for the future when the war was over. But for him the war ended earlier than his anticipations. He was wounded by the fragment of a shell and lived only three hours. He lies buried far away from his New England home, but I hope his spirit has been welcomed to one brighter and better than earth could give him.

What can we do to end this war? I know of nothing but to walk humbly before God and to sustain so far as in our power this government, as Aaron stayed up the hands of Moses, We must not think these precious lives wasted. They are the purchase of freedom and of blessings to our race. A fearful sacrifice it is for us to make, but I trust a sacrifice not in vain and not unaccepted by Heaven. May the Lord comfort all that mourn.

A. H.

For the Advocate and Guardian.

THEIR WORKS DO FOLLOW THEM. THE death of many a brave soldier, is chronicled in every paper of our land. It is sad to read of the valuable lives, so freely offered upon our country's altar. But the sacrifices are not of men alone. Many a noble woman has given time, money, and life itself, in her country's service. Are not such as truly martyrs to the cause, as the bravest soldier who dies in battle?

Of this number of self-denying, laborious, and patriotic women, was Mrs. Lucy Pomeroy, wife of Hon. S. C. Pomeroy, U. S. Senator from Kansas, whose recent death has carried a pang to many a heart who knew her worth. In the providence of God, a wide door of usefulness had been opened before her, for many years. Removing from a quiet home in Mass., to Kansas, in the early and exciting days of its settlement, she was a "help-meet" to her husband in his arduous public duties, and a zealous worker in every good cause for promoting

the interest of the State. Her house was first opened for public worship, at Atchison, where she resided. The wayfarer found a restingplace beneath her roof, and the needy were never turned empty from her door. Her active mind, unselfish heart, and willing hands were ever busy devising good to others, and during that dark period when famine assailed the land, she left no stone unturned for the relief of the suffering, and herself, rode miles into the country, seeking out and relieving the suffering and despairing. Following her husband to Washington, a wide field was still open for active labor. Our country's defenders en

listed her untiring services and never-failing sympathies. Her labors for the sick and wounded soldiers, were unremitting. The fortunes of war having thrown many of the colored race upon the sympathies of the public, her large heart set about devising means for their relief. As President of a Board of La

dies, who were active in the establishment of a national Orphan Asylum for colored children, she was efficient beyond her strength, and her frail constitution gave way.

Many weeks of illness and suffering were hers, yet she expected to live, for there was much to be done for her country and suffering humanity. She did not desire to die, but she was willing and ready, if such was God's will. She had long ago given her heart to her Saviour, and she could stay and labor for Him here, or go to His more blissful presence, if her work on earth was done. Miudful of her faithful labors and of her personal worth, a steamer was placed at her service by the Surgeon General, to bear her to her favorite retreat, the Water Cure, at Geneva, N. Y.

Just before reaching Albany, the messenger came, desiring her presence at a greater than an earthly court, and thus she passed away, to receive that glorious welcome, —" Well done, good and faithful servant; enter thou into the joy of thy Lord!"

For the Advocate and Guardian. THE SHUNAMITE.

PERHAPS there is not a story in the Bible more suggestive than that of the Shunamite. Her love and reverence for the Man of God, the confidence which her husband seemed to have in her judgment, and the readiness with which he entered into her plans for the comfort of the prophet; the quiet dignity and self-reliance with which she declines court favor, might each furnish a theme for a Hannah More or a Krummacher. And then And then when sudden and bitter affliction came upon her, her reticence, her tender consideration for the feelings of her husband; her earnest turning toward the Man of God, the anguish of the mother, and the submission of the believer; how rapidly does the sketch pass before the mind, leaving our own hearts to fill up the outlines.

But it is of the prophet and his instrumentality in raising the dead to life, of which we propose now to speak. It has often been a matter of wonder with the writer why Elisha should have sent Gehazi to lay his staff upon the face of the child; and then apparently so suddenly change his mind, and decide to go with the mother.

May we not without irreverence conclude that this reluctance to go in person arose from something akin to self-indulgence on the part of the prophet? He had divided the Jordan with Elijah's mantle, he had healed the spring of waters by casting in a little salt, he had foretold a remarkable victory to the armies of Israel, he had saved from bitter


bondage the sons of a widowed mother, and why might he not offer prayer where he was, and be the means of restoring this child to life by sending his servant and staff without going in person? He probably knew full well what the prayer of faith cost, and hoped that with his present high attainments he might grasp it more easily. But, no. agony of the mother dispelled the illusion, and the Holy Spirit undoubtedly taught him that if he would obtain this blessing, he must throw all the energies of his physical and mental being into the work; he must wrestle with strong crying and tears; then he must put his mouth upon the child's mouth and his eyes upon his eyes and his hands upon his hands, and stretch himself upon him until the flesh of the child waxes warm. He must do this once and again before he could say to the mother, "Take up thy son."

Christian parent, haye you a dear child dead in trespasses and sins, and have you hoped to see him raised to life without the self-denial, the agony of soul, the wrestling in the secret place, the rising while it is yet dark, the days of fasting and prayer, and the pleadings prolonged into the night? If so, I fear the response will be, "There is neither voice nor hearing." The child is not awaked. Let me entreat you to cast off this self-indulgent spirit. There is no truth more plainly taught in God's Word than that He is pleased with the simple, earnest importunity of His children. From Genesis to Revelation, how rich and full are its teachings in this respect. From Jacob, whose "I will not let thee go except thou bless me," brought much honor and blessing to his house, to the importunate widow, whose "Avenge me of mine adversary,' moved even the unjust judge, or rather I should say, from Abraham, pleading for Sodom, to the golden censer, and the golden vials, which John saw in the isle of Patmos, we are constantly receiving lessons on the importance, the duty and the blessing of earnest, fervent prayer. And yet

it is something which, when looked at rather than entered into, our natures often seem almost to shrink from. God is so pure and holy, and we are so weak and sinful; His nature is so far exalted above ours, that in some attitudes, the soul instinctively, though perhaps unconsciously, draws back even as the apostles feared when they entered into the cloud. But when brought into the attitude of wrestling, holy agony, when the Spirit itself helpeth our infirmities, when the whole being is given up to God, and the feet are fairly planted on the promises; when the soul feels its perfect nothingness and vileness, and the glorious fullness of its great Advocate and Redeemer; when it sees how entirely He has paid the ransom, and how the glory of God is concerned in the salvation and sanctification of those for whom it pleads; when it sees itself as but a speck, a mote in God's universe, and Christ and His redemption, and His promises, fill the whole vision, then it does not shrink from this nearness, but rather longs to be more and more filled

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For the Advocate and Guardian.

GENTLE friends, from crowded city,

Or, the healthful country, come;
Hither led by love and pity,

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To behold the children's
Here you see a band of cherubs
Fair as of celestial clime;
Innocents escaped the Herods,

Destitution, Wrong and Crime,
Can't you find, amid this number,

Some sweet bud of opening bloom?
One to watch your latest slumber,
And to weep upon your tomb?
Here are hidden mines of fancy

That may make you rich returns;
Each a Brainerd or Delancy,

Ward, or Howard, or a Burns.
All have latent worth or genius,
Power or patience for their dower ;
This Ignatius, that Ireneus,

Various fruit of various flower.
Mother, with thy spirit mourning
For a gem you could not keep;
you feel that spirit yearniug
O'er this smiling one asleep?

Take it up. and let it fondle

In thy heart so lonely grown;
Bear it with thee, precious bundle,
Make it evermore thine own.
She will be a sunlight radiance

Thrown around thy latest hours;
Gilding life with sweet obedience,

As the rainbow gilds the showers.
Weeping father, that revisits

Oft a little flowery mound,
Take this other babe, and kiss its

Snowy brow, with ringlets crowned.
Back with thee into the mountains
Bear the bright, immortal prize;
Let him drink their crystal fountains,
Learn him spell their starry skies.
Listen to the woodland breezes,
Merry song of brooks and birds,
Till the love of nature seizes

All his being's inmost chords.

Thus through wisdom's shining portal,
Lead his artless, trusting youth:
Up to hopes and joys immortal,
Lighted by the lamp of truth.


Children's Department.


Ar ten in the morning we went to the Industrial School-rooms of one of the Home Schools, bearing with us some good things somebody had kindly added to those already prepared for the children's dinner. It was a beautiful sight to see the six very long tables amply furnished by bountiful hearts and skilful hands, with good nice food for two hundred little ones, and a side table for the poor mothers. A Christmas tree stood in the same room and from its boughs hung gifts for every pupil. A young lady had given seventy-two dressed dolls, one for each girl; and there were books, balls, &c., for all the boys. But before the children saw these things they sang for us, "Some call us the infants," "Jesus loves me,' "Christmas Hymn," and "Thank God for the Bible," and spoke some pieces. Then a gentleman told them Christmas story about two little girls named Selfish and Kindly; they listened eagerly to it, and answered questions very promptly.

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They sang again for us, and then marched out to dinner. The room was so filled with them and their kind friends that we couldn't get a good look at them. But that they were eager to dispose of what was on the plates before them, we judge, for we heard the one who presided on the occasion, say, Children, wait a bit, you know we always give thanks to our heavenly Father, first."

IT is estimated that the loss in the Union armies
in all the fighting during the two and half years of
the war, has been a little over twenty-five thousand
in killed, and one hundred and ten thousand
wounded. Not a fifth of the wounded received in-
to hospitals die, and of the entire number not more
than one-fourth either die or are permanently dis-
abled. It is asserted that the highest figures at
which our losses can be put, is: killed outright,
25,272; died or disablad by wounds, 27,527; total,
52,799 men killed or disabled.
about one hundred thousand have died from disease.
It is probable that
But the augmentation of the able-bodied population
from immigration and youth arriving at maturity
exceeds 400,000 men. Thus the increase of able-
bodied men is nearly three-fold the loss occasioned
by the immense effort to put down the rebellion.
This is a remarkable fact.

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Then they were quiet and attentive, and all joined vocally in their usual form of asking a blessing.

were glad to see her so thoughtful for her little playmate.

About eight o'clock the little waxen candles on the tree burning low, the little folks retired from the room, leaving it strangely quiet. Sure we are, that evening will long be remembered by the children, and wherever they may be next Christmas, they will tell of this pleasant one.

In the evening we went to the Home, for we heard the children there always had a Christmas tree. About seven o'clock the boys and girls came in with their teachers, and the nurses brought in the babies, and everybody that we saw in the chapel looked happy. The little folks because they saw so many pretty things that were soon to be somebody's, and the older folks because they had the means at their disposal to give so much pleasure. You remember Christ, for whose sake Christmas is kept a day of joy, said, "It is more blessed to give than to receive."

While they were thus enjoying the even ing, see what some other children were doing. This letter just received will tell.

"Dear Mrs. Bennett,

Please accept this little gift of three dollars from our Christmas tree, it being the of New Hartford Centre, Conn. While the penny contributions of the Infant S.S. class children were delighted with their own little gifts, the well-filled purse hanging with them on the tree, added much to their delight, and dear children of the Home, amid their heartwas presented by a vote of the class to the felt smiles and cheers. This class is not

large, but they are earnest little workers and full of love. * *

MRS. C. M. H."

Is not this a pleasant letter? We have more of the same sort, but this is all we have room for this time.

These children, too, sang for us with wonderful patience. Then all that could walk filed before the tree, and to each was given some pretty toy or book. A lady before whom they passed on their way to their seats, gave them a paper of candies, raisins, &c. Then the babies were helped to something. For the next half hour the children made it indeed a merry Christmas. It would have done you good to have seen how happy they Kindly-we don't know her real nameOne dear little girl, shall we call her whispered to us about another who was absent, "I'm sorry L- is'nt here, to get a Christmas gift; 'twould please her so." We


C. E. H.



FAR away up the North River, farther up than any steamboat can puff its way, lived a grandfather and grandmother who had some dear little grandchildren in New York. Last summer this grandmother died, she was more than eighty years old. A short time before her death two of her grandchildren visited her. I saw them a few days ago, one of them was sick on the bed. He was rather restless and unwilling to lie there, as his mother thought it was best for him to do, although he was not very ill.

"Be a good boy,' was the last thing your grandmother said to you," said his mother, "and said you you would try." head, and I could see a gentle heaving over Harry pulled up the bed clothes over his his breast; I knew he was crying. In a few moments he uncovered his face. His eyes were red and moist, but he looked as if he remembered his promise, "I will try." His dear grandmother he will never see again on earth, but I hope he will never forget her last words to him and his last promise to her. How many little children are there who will make the same promise to their grandmother?

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