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such in kind, as friends have recently made in Binghamton, (see page 1st,) but the achievement would leave a noble record to the industry and high purpose of woman in war time. Shall it not be done?


THERE are at the present time more than half a million soldiers in the army and navy, in hospitals and prison-houses, many of them the sons of Christian mothers, who bear them ever on their hearts before the Mercyseat. How many prayers, offered with a depth of emotion that mothers only know, have been witnessed by the recording angel. What tearful solicitude has followed these sons in the camp and field, through the weary march, and when sick or wounded, stranger hands must minister to their necessities. And what a test has their experience been of filial love and gratitude!

This train of thought is suggested by a letter before us from a young soldier in a military hospital, written to a strangerfriend, who had sent him a note of inquiry in behalf of a family seeking aid from the Home, and elsewhere, and which it seems has elicited a personal correspondence. As it may comfort some anxious mothers to know how some sons feel when far away, we insert a few paragraphs from this missive. The writer says:

"You cannot imagine my feelings when perusing your letter, for it seemed as though my own dear, good mother was giving me the same good advice, received from her almost three long years ago, when I left parents, home, friends and all, to go forth in defence of our beloved country. Many are the letters I have received from her since, in all of which she counsels me to do the right and shun the evil. I hope, if permitted to return home once more, I may good, pure and true as the day I left the dear spot where I had always lived from a child.

be as

"There are many temptations in the army, and a soldier is beset on all sides by evil influences. I wish you could have seen us few soldiers, here and there, gather around and ask the help of our Heavenly Father, and beseech Him to guide us through the coming storm, and if it were His will that we should fall, that he would take us to the home beyond the skies. You asked about my relatives-I have a good father and mother, brothers and sisters. My father has been a Sabbath-school superintendant over thirty-five years. I hear from

home every week, but of all the letters received those from my mother are the dearest, for she is so good and gives me such good advice. A young man like myself knows not how dear his parents are, till separated from them; then he sees wherein he has erred, and reviews his whole life.

"I thank you for the books sent me, will read them carefully and treasure up their precepts. I have a couple of friends who would be happy to receive a letter from some friend who sympathizes with those in the army. Their names are

"We have a very good chaplain here, who has services on the Sabbath that I am always happy to attend. He has also a fine library that the soldiers take much interest in reading."





We recognized in the names mentioned above that of one of our own Home boys, and the prompting came at once to give to him and his companions-early left motherless-a column in our little sheet, ere long.

The letter from which we copy the foregoing doubtless expresses what thousands of young men feel, who have been blessed with early, faithful training by devoted Christian mothers. To be assured that these dear ones are learning the value of maternal care and counsel, as they might not have learned except by the present fiery ordeal, must take some of the dregs from the cup of paThose conscious of Christian fidelity to their sons may surely be comforted in view of the many saving agencies that a kind Providence has thrown around them, while far from friends and home; and especially in view of the cloud of prayer continually ascending in their behalf.

rental sorrow.

True, many will return no more, many will live the victims of severe sufferings, but not one will be forgotten of God. Not a tear of the bereaved will fall unnoticed by Him who was a man of sorrows and ac

quainted with grief. Mothers have a mission now of infinite moment. They have had a mission in the past which, had all in both sections of the land, discharged wisely and well the Rebellion had not been. They have a mission in the future for which a larger measure of divine wisdom and support is needed, than in the past. The husbands and fathers on whom so many once leaned, where are they? The arm once strong to aid is nerveless, widowed mothers, multiplied as never before in the history of the Republic, must look up for strength to fit them for double duties. The little ones left to their training are to be the fathers and

rulers of the nation ere long, and what the mothers now sow will then be reaped.

"A WONDERFUL thing is a seed

The one thing deathless forever!
The one thing changeless-utterly true-
Forever old, and forever new,

And fickle and faithless never.
Plant blessings, and blessings will bloom;
Plant hate, and hate will grow ;
You can sow to-day-to-morrow shall bring
The blossom that proves what sort of thing
Is the seed, the seed you sow."

THE MEMORY OF THE JUST IS BLESSED. ABOUT three hundred and nine years since there were gathered, far over the sea, a company of sad hearts to witness a scene of painful interest. Those, who in their childhood, were grouped statedly around the domestic hearth, to study and recite "the cate chism," remember well the picture it contained of John Rogers, the martyr, with the "nine small children and their mother, who had followed him to the stake.

Here was a minister of Christ, honored and beloved, like the great apostle, counting not his life dear compared with unswerving allegiance to truth and righteousness. An

hour had come when the tenderest ties earth

knows, must be severed, the keenest sufferings endured, or, he must deny his Lord. Strengthened from on high, he was enabled to stand up for Jesus even amid the flames.

Those who sympathized and those who persecuted, beheld the spectacle with feelings widely opposite. It was one never to be forgotten. The influence of the good man was not to perish with his ashes. His chil dren and children's children were to share a

legacy more precious than rubies. The day of the burning was dark and terrible, and we may suppose that when that company separated, earth looked very dreary to surviving friends.

The stream of time rushes on and on, till more than three hundred years have gone by, and now let us look in upon another gathering. In the town of Cornwall, Ct., a large tent is spread, within which are met 125 of the lineal descendants of this same John Rogers. This scene, too, is impressive. Social cheer, prayer, and praise, reminiscences preserved through the nine generations from the martyr, are rehearsed, relics exhibited

such as a Bible printed in 1575, brought over on the Mayflower by a grandson of the good man, who was more willing to suffer than to sin.

The history of his descendants, so far as traced, bears ample testimony that a blessing rests upon the seed of the righteous to the latest generation, and that the Lord will put

honor upon those who honor Him by obedience to His precepts.

Passing events in our own land are strong reminders of the age of martyrdom, sugges tive of a needs be for the spirit of the martyr, that if weighed in the balances, would not be found wanting. Still to most of us the lines have fallen in pleasant places, and we "have not yet resisted unto blood, striv ing against sin."


A MEMBER of our Board, whose attention has been specially called to the moral wants and exposures of some of the families of soldiers belonging to the "rank and file," gives expression to her views in the following article, more particularly suited to the meridian of cities. The poor and the worthy of this class are certainly entitled to the sympathy and aid of their own sex. And those who may be unworthy, tempted, or exposed, should surely not be overlooked. There is a homefield among these that might employ wisely a "Woman's Christian Commission," and we are not sure that such a link may not still be wanting in the chain of Christian charities woven by the war. While it shall be found lacking, will not the bands of laborers connected with every Home for the Friendless, do what they can to supply its place?


one expression of our desire to offer material
aid to those who are thrown by their hus-
bands' absence, upon their own efforts for
support; but it is not of mere material aid
that we would now write. Is there not here
an opening for woman's peculiar influence and
effort? The more one visits among the
laboring classes, the more, we think, will
they ever feel satisfied that pecuniary assist-
ance, however desirable, is not the only nor
frequently the greatest boon to be conferred.
But in the present case comfort, counsel, the
cheering, elevating influence of womanly
sympathy and advice, are peculiarly needed.
The wives of our soldiers are left, sometimes
with sometimes without children, but de-
prived of the one companion and protector,
in whom their social instincts, as well as their
left, are young, pleasing, alone, unfriended,
wifely affections centre. Many of these, thus
and struggling for their daily living, while
scarce knowing how to procure it. Though
not unused to toil, they have been accustom-
ed chiefly to that common to wives and mo-
thers at home, whose husbands' daily efforts.
boiling. Now, called upon for unusual exer-
supplied the means necessary to keep the pot
tion, they are at the same moment deprived
tion, they are at the same moment deprived
of their husbands' society and influence.
Whatever may be the drawbacks too often
attending the tie, it cannot be doubted that
happiness and purity of home. This influence
its general tendency was to promote the
is now withdrawn, and can it be questioned
whether the influence of Christian women
cannot here find a wide sphere for its most
fitting exercise?

words to the absent husband and father,
surely would be woman's appropriate work,
and perhaps repay her debt to the brave de-
fenders of our country, as fully as though her
feet sought, for his sake, the hospital and the
camp, and her own hands bathed his wounds
or prepared the food for his exhausted frame.
Recent visiting among the poor has led to
this conviction, and I now entreat those of
my own sex who can do so, to give special
interest and personal attention to the claims
of the soldier's wife. If in the Sabbath-school
be seen, more or less frequently, one whose
father has gone to the war, let the home of
that scholar be visited, the mother of that
child be sympathized with; for 'tis not money
alone that is needed, but womanly counsel
and influence; words such as a Christian
woman alone is fitted to speak to the un-
guarded, bereaved and exposed of her own
sex, and in speaking which she may do some-
what toward keeping bright and blessed the
home of the absent soldier even now peril-
ing life for us and our country.

To visit, to counsel, to pray with those of her own sex thus left alone in this great city WHILE our brave soldiers are freely peril-to write for them, if they desire it, loving ing their lives in the field, our hearts yearn for some way of showing our gratitude to them. But most of us are debarred from active, personal service in caring for the sick or wounded, and the labors we can render at home seem very inadequate expressions of the interest we feel. But are those labors necessarily limited to the use of the needle, the arranging of fairs, or even the sending on of varied necessaries or luxuries through the Christian or Sanitary Commissions? Can nothing else be done, perhaps even more grateful to the soldier's heart? Can no influence be exerted in behalf of the beloved ones left behind, to keep his home such as he would wish to behold it on his return? Can nothing more be done for soldiers' wives? I allude now of course to those whose husbands form the rank and file of our army, and who are dependent for life's daily comforts upon the stalwart arm once wielded in their service alone, but now upholding our country's flag upon the bloody battle-field. There these men now suffer and bleed for us, uncheered by the voice of fame, unknown and unnamed, save in the general, oft-repeated record, "The troops did nobly," "Our men all fought most gallantly," etc. We are not forgetful of our obligations nor unwilling to manifest it by deeds. The Relief Fund is

J. W.

AFFLICTION is the only blessing that the Lord gives without requiring us to ask for it. And He gives it as a special token of His love.-Bridges.

IN all our temporal concerns, God decides our successes or disappointments,-Jay.


THESE words of Peter, to the lame man he healed in Jesus' name, should be a lesson to ns all in our daily life. Such as we have, we are to give, and so doing we may give that which is more precious than silver or gold.

Heap up treasures at a poor helpless cripple's feet, and say, "Take these, or take soundness and strength of limbs," which would he choose. Ask some unfortunate one whom you know, and see if he would not choose health and vigor. The well man may think he would be willing to forego health for the treasures, but he knows not of what he affirms. The healed cripple to whom the above words were addressed, was not satisfied to go walking into the temple, he went in leaping also, at the gushed from his lips, as he tried and proved same time words of praise and thanksgiving his new-found powers. Do you think he was found asking alms again? I can but think he was ever after too grateful for the power to earn his daily bread to sit patiently down and ask for charity.

There are cripples all about us, crippled bodies, crippled minds, crippled souls. How shall we best help them? Till we can do something better, we must give them alms. They walk our streets, they hide in tenement houses, they are in our alms-houses, hospitals, prisons, and various reformatory institutions. Now, if while thus sustained by the community, some of Christ's disciples passing by, shall, in the name of Jesus bid them rise up and walk, and give them their right hand to raise them upon their hitherto unused feet, and Christ shall own and accept the effort made to relieve a brother in affliction, because of the faith of his follower, the most priceless gift will have been bestowed upon the lame one, and as he goes on his way it will be with bounding steps and grateful songs.


H. E. C.

It was a chilly evening, and a group of ladies had gathered around the fire in the cabin of one of the palatial steamboats that ply between this city and Albany. "I have a son in the navy," said an old lady addressing the stranger who sat beside her. "My nephew has come home from the army, where he has been three years, but I don't think he'll be content to stay; I'm pretty sure he'll re-enlist," responded the stranger. "I have a son and two brothers in the army," said a younger woman. "My son's time was out yesterday and I expect him home this week. He wanted to re-enlist, but I told him I didn't want him to, I didn't give my consent to his enlisting three years ago, though I didn't forbid it, I'm not sorry now he went, for he has been kept from sickness and wounds all the time. He has written to me every week regular, and after every battle he was sure to as soon as possible." "My brother,"said another, "enlisted after the Bull Run, and I was glad

and proud that he was ready to do so in that day of gloom, when men's hearts seemed failing them for fear, though I regretted keenly that the necessity for such sacrifice seemed laid upon our noblest and dearest ones."

"I have three sons in the army,"added a quiet woman who had been attracted into the circle by the words passing from lip to lip. "The youngest isn't eighteen yet. My second boy was sick in the hospital and I went on to take care of him. The doctors said that saved his life." (6 My brother was killed in battle," said the colored chambermaid. "His was a hard case; he left a wife and seven children."

We have often thought of that pleasant evening since; of the patriotism that flowed from the tongues, and glowed in the eyes, and knit together the hearts of those loyal women, all of whom had had some representative son, brother or relative in the host now battling for the Union.

The colored woman happened to be the only one whose near kindred's life's blood had been shed in the good cause. Two hundred thousand more black men, our President says, are now in the field, periling their lives for its sake. Will the American people vote to thrust them and their race back into involuntary servitude? We do not believe they are capable of such injustice and inhumanity.

"Ladies, what has that man done, that he should be voted for?" was the chambermaid's emphatic inquiry in regard to one of the candidates for the Presidency. Her heart was in her words, for she knew under whose rule only she might hope for the rights common to all humanity; the right to labor for whom she pleased, and to dispose of her earnings as she liked; the right to her own children, and to educate and train them as she thought best.

With the compromising constitution of the United States before their eyes, in time of peace, many said, "We will not meddle with the patriarchal institution;" but when, in violation of the constitution, that institution sought to rend asunder the Union, common-sense dictated and humanity plead, "Let slavery die, that our glorious republic may live forever, one and inseparable, and above reproach." Such, we believe, will be the verdict of this great nation, this autumn.


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A LETTER from Switzerland contains the following:

Perhaps the most touching offering is that given by an Alpine peasant woman; a tiny book of pressed Alpine flowers, together with a simple wooden wine-cup, that formerly belonged to her son, now a soldier in the Union army. On presenting the book and cup, the good old peasant woman took a bottle of Switzer wine from her pocket, and filling the cup, presented it to the Consul, and then drank

herself, saying, "Here's a health and a greeting to America. God bless my boy's new fatherland!" "God bless it," replied the Consul, "and Switzerland too!" The old woman thanked him, with tears in her eyes, and went away, leaving "Hiery's cup" and the Alpine blossoms behind her.

An American lady, residing in ZurichMary H. C. Booth-wrote the following lines, and placed them in the cup:

It isn't much, Herr Consul, that I have brought to-day,
But you're welcome to the little as the flowers of May;
There isn't much upon the Alps except the pines and flowers,
The sunshine and the sparkling dew, and all the singing

But I couldn't catch the sunshine nor bottle up the dew,
And the pine-nuts on the Alpine hills are not for such as you;
And so I've brought the blossoms that bloom upon the hills,
And open on the sunny banks beside the glacier rills.
If you think it worth the sending, I shall indeed be glad;
There may be one who'll buy them-perhaps a Switzer lad
My boy is in America-you may have seen him there;
You'd know him by his mountain tone, and by his golden

His voice is like an Alpine horn, so clear its crystal notes,
'Twas like the music of a song to hear him call his goats;
The boy was gentle as a kid, and yet as full of fire
And dauntless as that royal bird, the Alpine Lammergeir.
It isn't much, Herr Consul, that such as I can bring,
But here is Hiery's wine-cup, a little, simple thing-
A Switzer wine-cup, fragrant still with all the sweet per-
Of violets and forget-me-nots, and choicest Alpine blooms.
So take the cup, Herr Consul, and take the Alpine flowers,
For they may mind some Switzer lad of the happy by gone

Fill up the little Switzer cup with sparkling Switzer wie! *
A high health to America, the country of the free!
Wie-a Swiss peasant's word for wine.

EXTRACTS FROM VISITOR'S REPORT. A POOR widow, with three children, living in St., wished to be visited. Found things as she represented them. She was making canton flannel shirts at six shillings a dozen. Wished to place her youngest child in the Home during the winter.

Visited Mrs. C., the person so severely injured by the rioters last year. Her little boy, who has been for some time at St. Luke's Hospital, under treatment for a white swelling, wanted a pair of crutches. Gave her money to purchase some for him. This is a sad case,

a mother starving her little ones to keep them with her, hoping they may see better days.

Mrs. O. we found needy, wanting baby-linen. Were sorry there was none in the Dorcas-room to give her.

Sought all day for a case which had been given us, and at last found a poor, sad-looking woman, Mrs. M., with four children, half-clad, and all ill with whooping-cough. They had not tasted food that day. We gave her ten cents for a loaf of bread, which she procured and divided among the little ones. Her busband deserted her two years ago, she tries to make a living by sewing furs. Inquired concerning her character in the house, found it good. They said she often sewed till midnight. Poor woman, she suffers much from a bronchial affection. We promised to make exertions for her among our friends.

Our Holland friend, Mrs. P., we found suffering intensely from inflammatory rheumatism. Her boy is in one of the Home schools and

very fond of his teacher, also attends the Sunday-school.

Called to see the poor broken-wristed widow, Mrs. R., and learned from her daughter that she had fallen a victim to diphtheria, and passed away like a babe falling asleep.

Mrs. B., a nice, tidy woman, was anxious to get her youngest child taken care of for the winter, to enable her to go out to work; her eldest children attend school. We promised to bring her case before the committee.

Visited Mrs. S., who has four children in her family, two her own, two her dead sister's. Her husband started, before the war, for Chili, and she has heard nothing from him since he left. Her wants, we regretted to tell her, we could not supply, our Dorcas-room being empty. We shall call again.

Went to look for a returned soldier, who has lost the use of his arm, and lives with his needy, widowed mother. At the outbreak of the rebellion he left a clerkship of $1200 per annum, left all, to defend the glorious stars and stripes, so a trustworthy gentleman told us. But the wrong number had been given us, and our search was in vain. We wait to see our friend, who will rectify his mistake. 1

Some children's clothing having been given us by a lady, for Mrs. M., we went to carry the articles to her. Poor woman, she wept for joy. She was not well, having a terrible cough. Her work in furs is stopped for the present.

A mother and daughter, in great need, desired counsel and aid. Visited them, as directed, and found them in a humble, clean dwelling. Their case is that of many we are meeting weekly; persons in comfortable circumstances and well educated, making changes at the wrong time. The only son, inflamed with a passion for arms, (nine of his mother's family being in the British service,) it is not to be wondered at, determined to come to America, to join the contest for liberty. Instead of quietly letting him come with a "God speed," the family became uprooted and left their home for this country, taking up their residence in Troy. Their acclimation was terribly severe. The father lost his life, the daughter lay ill for months, and at present they do not know whether the son in the army is dead or alive. We saw his carte-de-visite; he is a finelooking man in sergeant's uniform.

They showed us likenesses also of several other friends in the old country, and excellent letters from them, encouraging them to return from exile. The husband of the daughter has found employment in a ship chandlery at a low salary, and should some ladies who have encouraged the mother to hope for a situation as a teacher through their agency, make that hope a reality, their skies will brighten. Such cases as this make us thank our Heavenly Father that there is a Home for the Friendless.

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Pestalozzi, in Switzerland. Later in life she forfeited the favor of her brothers by refusing to marry a rich man whom they approved, but she did not love. Coming to this country, for several years she taught French and music in a well-known female seminary, at a salary of $1500 a year, and board, &c. Then, in 1843, she was married to one to whom she could give heart as well as hand, and for a while Providence smiled upon them. But reverses and death at last visited their home, and she was left a widow, with three children. She has struggled bravely with adversity, and we believe brighter days are soon to dawn upon her, through the agency of Christian friends who have become much interested in her case.

Mrs. P., the mother of seven children, the eldest fifteen years of age, was very glad to accept our proposition to have her daughter, 18 years old, go to live with a good family in the country till she is eighteen. Had been in this country only a year, and having at home always been used to the green fields and freedom of country-life, she and the children find it hard to become accustomed to being confined to one or two rooms, as people are in tenementhouses in the city. She does not like to have the children play in the yard or on the street, they hear such bad language. To the question, "Are you a Protestant?" she replied, "Yes, ma'am, and I hope a Christian, too."

We find that thoughtful mothers, who by straitened circumstances, are compelled to live in tenement-houses, are often desirous of getting their children away from city snares. The prospect of their being in quiet Christian homes, comparatively out of the reach of temptation, is pleasing to them, and though they naturally shrink from placing them with strangers, regard for the children's highest welfare, and necessity, too, constrains them to accept the proposal to find such homes for them. Then, if we hear of families where a pair of young feet are wanted to save many weary steps for older ones; or young hands are wanted to tend some little one; or bright eyes and a smiling face are wanted to light up the house, whence some cherished one has

gone, and are assured kind care and training will be given "heartily as unto the Lord, and not unto men," we are grateful, as well as the mothers, and we think of Lowell's truthful words in his poem of Sir Launfal.

"Who gives himself with his alms, feeds three, Himself, his hungering neighbor and me." There are mothers who dislike to give up their children or to "bind them out," who yet gladly consent to place them in good families until they are eighteen, on condition that they receive board and clothing, and attend school part of the year, in exchange for their services.

The kind people of a quiet village, not many hours' ride from the city, have, during the past few months, received several such children into their families, thus providing themselves with help, and at the same time relieving overburdened mothers.



Friday, 9th. Nothing of special interest occurred to-day. A number of applications for servants, also young women wishing employment. Several visitors went through the building, expressing much gratification at what they saw.

Christian woman, and through the exertion of some friends, have succeeded in procuring her a situation, the duties of which she will enter upon in a few days. She is a well-educated woman and a Protestant.

A number of applicants, both adults and children, have been received when the Com. were absent-one, a child of tender years, rescued from the den of the spoiler-another, a bright little prattler, who had known only neglect and want-another, trained in the Sunday--school, came in her orphanage and homelessness, to this refuge of the friendless, and found here friends and needed care. During the month the institution has been full to

Wednesday, 14th. Found our way to the Home. The first case presented a young English woman who had been in this country four months. She was destitute of friends and means; she was induced to come to this country by things being represented very different from what they really are. She was disap-overflowing. pointed and now wishes to return home; does not ask charity, but is willing to do anything by which she can earn the means to take her home. We succeeded in getting a place for her in a respectable family.

Two ladies, patrons of the institution, visited the Home and distributed cakes and peaches to the children in the nursery. Other items of interest presented themselves to our notice.

A young lady called to give information of a young girl who was living with her step-mother, who was very unkind and had in several instances abused her in a terrible manner. The girl being lame, she could not make herself as useful as she otherwise would have done, and the inhuman mother would beat her most unmercifully. We received her at the Home.

Friday, 16th. A young girl of seventeen was received, who was brought to the Home by a policeman, requesting us to keep her for a few days. She said her father and mother had lived in California, they moved to St. Johnsburg. There her mother died, she has been living several years in Boston, she went back to St. Johnsburg to visit her friends. Her trunks were stolen, her father residing in New York, she concluded to come here. While in the cars her pocket-book was stolen containing all the money she had, also her father's address, and she was left destitute.

Wednesday, 21st. A woman came this morning in a very destitute condition, she had been in the city four months, came, expecting to better her condition; was disappointed in this, had parted with whatever she could spare, and when everything was gone, she applied to the Christian Alliance. Mr. G. had assisted her and finally sent her to us. Your committee listened to her story and assisted her temporarily. We learned she had been in this country some two years, was born in London, had lived in Dublin, had been in comfortable circumstances. Had resided in Albany, and had brought good credentials from persons living there, as to character and honesty; her only crime being poverty. She brought a letter from Rev. Mr. G, of the Christian Alliance. We have conferred with that gentleman in regard to the case and have every reason to believe her a worthy


HAVE spent nearly all the time this week visiting among the people of our mission. Their extreme poverty and surroundings are such that they need encouragement to keep them in the right way. Have secured, through the Home, places in the country for two halt orphans. It is a great relief to me to feel that these little girls are to be shielded from the vices and temptations of this wicked city.

Found Mrs. T. very feeble; fear she is in the last stages of consumption. She has lived in my district about six months. Has never been able to attend our chapel, but has been to our little afternoon prayer-meetings in the neighborhood where she lives. Thinks she has passed from death unto life, and, so far as I can judge from her language, I do hope she has.

Was sent for to visit Mrs. P., a violent skeptic. I met with her some months since when looking for a poor widow. She then said so much against Christianity and Christians generally, that I left her without offering her a tract or attempting to argue with her; (she is an educated woman, and has evidently been in better circumstances) but seeing her two bright-eyed little boys, I could not forbear giving them each a little book, published by the Tract Society. I did it, however, with fear and trembling, lest she should forbid their receiving them. I was quite surprised when sent for to visit her. The Lord has laid His hand heavily upon her; her little boy has had his limb badly mangled by being run over by a rail-car. After telling me her troubles, she said: "That boy asks me some very strange questions, and will insist upon having that book" (pointing to the Bible, which was lying at the head of his bed) "to read; a book that has never been read much by any of our family." As I took my seat by the side of his bed, and looked upon his sweet face, and heard his gentle words, I mentally prayed that he might be her teacher. I gave him a little Testament, as the Bible was too large for him to handle with ease. He seemed much pleased, saying, "This has got about the good Shepherd, has it not?"

A woman came to the prayer-meeting, last evening, bringing with her one of the neighbors, who, she said, had a sick boy that she would like to have me visit and talk with. I called this morning, and found a little boy, about ten years of age, wasting away with a disease that will probably terminate his life before long. Found that he had been to our school a few times, and seemed to have some


idea of a future world, but felt that he was not prepared for death, and looked the picture of despair. I tried to direct him to the Saviour, read and prayed with him. Was about to leave him some little books, but found that neither he nor his mother could read. How dark and cheerless that home must be. The family consists of a mother and three children. father, having left them a year since to go to California, has not been heard from since his departure. They are poor in every sense of the word.


More than a year since, I found a young mother with three children, the youngest an infant of six weeks old. She said she had been married twice. Her oldest daughter was nine years of age, the next seven; neither of them had ever been to school. She professed to be anxious that the children should attend both the day and Sabbath-school. With the help of friends, I procured clothing for the little girls, but they were not sent to school. I called for them again and again, but could not get them into school. They removed from place to place, and I followed them, hoping to rescue the little girls, for I have reason to believe their mother is a vile woman. Last winter, was told that the children were frequently locked up in the basement, without food or fire. I tried to persuade her to let me take the children to the Home, where they would be taken care of, but she would not be persuaded. The babe died during the winter, from sheer neglect. Again I tried to induce her to let the children go to the Home, but it was of no use. At last I succeeded in getting them into one of the Home schools. Oh, how my heart aches for the poor children of this city who are far worse than orphaned.

Called again to see Mrs. T., who is evidently near her end, but seems perfectly calm in view of death. Her husband is in the army; she is anxious to have him come home, that they may make arrangements about their little ones before she dies.


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N. Y.-Clifford and Frankie Skinner, Harmony......
Anna Green, Afton...
Lucy Burnell, Miller's Place..

N. Y. City.-Jemima James......

Ohio.-Nellie Abbey, a birthday offering, Akron..... Elmira M., Sarah E., Walter T., Reuben H., Levi M. and Willie M. Hartley, Priscilla J. and Joseph C. Morris, Eva Wilford, Sammie and Lenese Keese, Thomas Gisell, Willie Sharpless, David Heacock, T. E. Bunker and M. A. Millegan, per Joseph Morris, Cardington.... Mary Disbrow, New London.... Iowa.-Walter and Wallace Forbes and the little brother that died, ea, a birthday dime, Millersburg Lillie Bandey and Flora Cox, a birthday dime for each and 1 20 earned picking hops, also a dime for little Charlie, Davenport..

Oregon.-A Friend 25c, Agnes and Geneva 25€, Peorla......


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For plain and fancy knitting, indispensable and economical. Invaluable to families, stores and charitable institutions. DALTON KNITTING MACHINE CO., Office No. 537 BROADWAY, N. Y.






50 Cash Capital....
Assets, 1st January, 1864



5 00

1 00

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1 00






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Important Legacies have been lost to the Home through informality. It is therefore earnestly requested of those who design to benefit the Institution by giving it a place in their last Will and Testament, that they would use the following: FORM OF A BEQUEST.

I give and bequeath to the American Female Guardian Society, incorporated by the Legislature of New York, in the year 1849, the sum ofs- -, to be applied for the Benefit

of the Home for the Friendless. or to other charitable uses of said Society.

The Will should be attested by three witnesses, who should write against their names, their place of residence, and state that they signed the instrument at the request of the testator. and in the presence of the testator and each other, and that the testator declared to them that it was his or her last Will and Testament.

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Mrs L. and Sarah J. Rugg $1 each, Louisa A. Rugg $2, Thetford...


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[blocks in formation]

WONDERFUL CRADLE! BROWN'S PATENT BABY-TENDER, a vertical, noiseless and delightful SPRING-CRADLE, easily converted into a Baby-jumper, Baby-horse, Baby-walker, High-chair, Springchair, Nursery-chair, Hobby-horse or Ottoman; the whole designed to obviate the evils of the rocking motion and


Ornamental, compact, strong and durable. The wonder and admiration of parents and the delight of children. MR. ANGELL, Gen. Agent of the A. F. G. S., after using it in his family for more than two years, says, If mothers generally knew the great value of the Baby-tender in the care of children they would deny themselves one meal a day (if necessary) to procure it."

Agents wanted in all parts of the North and West. An excellent opportunity for profitable and useful employment. Send for illustrated circular, 699-708..

BROWN & CO., 483 Broadway, N. Y.

FERRIS FEMALE INSTITUTE, 135 MADISON AVENUE, COR. 32d STREÉT, REV. ISAAC FERRIS, D. D., LL. D., President, MRS. M. S. PARKS, MISSES C. BREWSTER & C. E. FERRIS, Principals. A few pupils admitted as boarders.


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