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sion named for the "goadings of conscience," gladness that the gracious promise may ever be made available, "He that confesseth and forsaketh his sin shall find mercy." We were pleasantly reminded, too, of the rich man in the gospel, who said, "Behold, Lord, the half of my goods I give to the poor, and if I have taken anything from any man by false accusation, I restore him four-fold." This case seemed one in point. Zaccheus had acquired wealth by a lucrative occupa tion, presenting, for aught we know, temptations to use "the tricks of the trade" akin to those of modern times; but when his conscience was awakened, and a divine and saving influence came over his mind and heart, then he was at once willing to devote half his wealth to charitable uses, and make four-fold restitution to any whom he had wronged. This truly was doing works meet for repentance. And we are told the Saviour immediately replied to him, "This day is salvation come to thy house." May our unknown friend and patron be blessed with a like experience, and his prayer be granted that "the dear children of the Home may grow up to be honest, upright and virtuous."

"The tricks of the trade "what a mystified expression! From woman's stand-point

we should think it could not mean much, and yet, we suppose that in reality it covers a world of iniquity. Phases of wrong that might well goad the conscience of a large class in every grade of society, from the respectable sinner down to the lowest culprit. We have heard of men who stand high on the roll of fame, heaping up wealth by frauds upon the government-of others watching. for opportunities and using them to rob the poor man and his needy family of the bounty money given for their sustenance during the dark days of peril and calamity. Would that all such might be so goaded by a guilty conscience that they would be constrained to make restitution, and by obedience to the divine commands be classed with those of whom it is written, "Them that honor I me, will honor."

WHY WERE WE NOT CONSUMED. "EXCEPT the Lord keep the city the watchmen waketh but in vain,"

THE recent attempt to burn this city by setting fire simultaneously to several large hotels, and other public buildings so located that the flames, once bursting forth, would probably soon envelop the city, is doubtless known ere this to all our readers. The fact seems most remarkable that with the combustible appliances used, and the great pains taken to kindle and conceal the fires in the


stillness of night, they should in every case have been discovered and extinguished in time to prevent the calamity designed. Had the plot succeeded, the destruction only of property but of life must have been appalling. Why was it so ordered that this great sorrow was averted? Why, when thus menaced, were we not consumed? Is it not manifestly "of the Lord's mercies?" Was the unseen interposition of His hand ever more apparent? Shall not this remarkable deliverance increase the faith of His people, incite to more earnest, importunate, and believing prayer? The developments of this plot show clearly how much was to be understood by the following paragraph that appeared verbatim several weeks since in the Richmond Examiner:

woman, a refugee from Atlanta, by her story of suffering, excited our sympathy. She said she had resided in Atlanta for ten years, her birth-place was New Jersey. She had lost her husband and children before the commencement of the war, and continued to keep a store until the bombardment of that place, that in '62 she went to Richmond to obtain a pass, but was refused one, and since that had made application for one without avail. She had been confined in a stable for two days without food, for assisting our soldiers to writing-paper. She had a neighbor, whose husband was in Baltimore, who had two young children. They determined to effect their escape if possible, and did so through the assistance of a colored man. He guided them, unseen by the Confederate pickets, safely to the lines of our army, where they were received kindly, provided with refreshments, an ambu

"A million of dollars would lay the proud-lance, &c., which the weary, anxious, flying

est city of the enemy in ashes. The men to execute the work are already there. There would be no difficulty in finding there, here, or in Canada, suitable persons to take charge of the enterprise and arrange the details. Twenty men, with plans preconcerted, and means provided, selecting some dry, windy night, might fire New York, Philadelphia, or Boston, in a hundred places, and wrap it in flames from center to suburb."

It is well to look in the face all possible dangers, take all necessary and wise precautions, then go forward in every path of duty with filial faith and confiding trust-"The Lord reigneth, let the earth rejoice." The Prince of darkness can go no farther than the length of his chain.

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The widow of a soldier came to see her children. They were glad to see her, but the eldest preferred staying here to going home, as she enjoyed herself very much. Bread was given to a destitute woman who has before received relief from the Home.

A friend called to say that she had brought three quilts from the country, pieced and sent by a woman of eighty-six years, a reader of the Advocate. Thanks to her warm heart!

20th. On entering the hall, found one of my associates listening to an applicant's tale of sorrow and suffering. The reception-room was filled with girls desiring places, and several women, with children, who wished admittance until places could be obtained.

Two women with children, wished to place them in the Home for a time. A respectable

ones much needed, as each woman had a child and a bag of clothing to carry. Their conductor was paid $100 in Confederate bills. The lady gave $150 for her traveling shoes. She was now staying with the mother-in-law of the friend with whom she escaped, and was accompanied to the Home by the mother. Her desire was to obtain a situation in a store, or as housekeeper or seamstress in a family. She had thus far been disappointed. She had expected to have found friends in the city, but $2,000 in Confederate money. The lady who accompanied her said she was a person who would pay her way wherever she went. We asked how the women in Atlanta felt respecting the war. She said that most of those with whom she was acquainted were opposed to it; said it was the doings of their politicians, not the feelings of the people, that had caused it; that their husbands and sons had entered the army as volunteers believing they would be compelled to do so if they did otherwise. As she had kept a store, aid was promised her in obtaining a situation, through advertisements and personal efforts.

Next, a soldier's widow, with children, called our attention.

One of our Home boys, who had been in the army three years, called to see his old, true friends, on his way to his pleasant home in Massachusetts. He has made up his mind to become an architect.

21st. An aged colored woman in the hall, said she was sent by one of the managers, who knew her, for assistance. Her son, with whom she had lived, had joined the army, and been killed. His family were in a needy condition. She was helped to bread and beans. All the clothing which we could give her, was a pair of stockings. Our Dorcas-room was never so empty.

Dear readers, shall it remain so? Shall the expectant needy, who have given their husbands and sons for our defense and the salvation of our country, when they ask for clothing or bedding, be told that our supply has failed? Remember the prayers and

blessings which have been called forth from worthy recipients upon the unknown donors, and give according to your ability, that they may continue to pray for and bless our Home and its benevolent supporters. The wife of an English artist greatly interested us. Her husband was the son of a clergyman. He was a landscape painter, and after exhibiting his paintings, not meeting with hoped-for success, he became very much depressed, and resolved to come to the United States. His friends and hers opposed it greatly, from dislike to Americans. He sold what he could, and they came to the United States, and had to struggle to support their family. After some time she visited her friends, with several of her children. (She has eleven living, has lost two.) Her relatives promised, if she would remain with them, to assist her in supporting her family. Her children were opposed to remaining in England, and disgusted with the selfish manner of their relatives. "I think they are a selfish people," said the tried woman. She returned to this city; found her husband determined to enter the army, saying it was his country and the home of his children, and it was his duty to do what he could for the preservation of its liberty. He did so, was given some office, and went to Washington, where she visited him, and parted with him forever, as he was killed soon after. She had passed through great sufferings on sea and land, from sickness and poverty, but was blessed, she said, by having lovely, obedient children, who never opposed her will. The physician who attended her, had taken her son, a boy of ten years, whose strong desire was to be an American citizen, and able to vote now for the Union. "He sits at the Doctor's table, and the kind man has given him a silver napkin-ring," said the grateful mother. "I have also a little girl," she continued, "with a gentleman in A- who loves her dearly. After staying in his family a few weeks, he called to see if I would not allow him to adopt her. He said he could not discover any difference in his affection for her and that felt for his daughter, of her age, and he wished to educate them as sisters; that he would send her to the same boarding-school, and give her a like portion with his children. I felt that I could not resign my child forever, but, after he prayed with me, I felt it would be selfish and unjust for me to deprive her of such friends and opportunities; so I resigned her, having his promise that she might visit me." Her visit to the Home was to place three of her children under our care, finding it impossible for her to support them.

A refugee called, with her daughter. She left her husband and son in Richmond for the purpose of obtaining provisions at a lower rate, and was surprised by finding herself within our lines, and her return thus prevented. The daughter was received, the mother conditionally. She was a native of Massachusetts. Said her husband and son were

long distance down the village-street, but Harry had his cap in his hand, and, "I'll go, father," sounded like sweet music to the weary man, who gladly availed himself of the dear boy's feet.

What little boy or girl will not watch the tired steps of others, and themselves run to be feet to the weary?


Union men. The infant, of five days, has been adopted by a bereaved mother, who attired the little one, before leaving the Home, in the garments once worn by her own loved one. 26th. Found the parlor and reception-room crowded with visitors and applicants. Another lady refugee, from Atlanta, with her little daughter, called for assistance. She was a young and intelligent woman, born in Connecticut, she married a Southern gentleman eight or ten years since. He became intemperate, and she had supported herself and children by teaching a select school until the siege of Atlanta. She effected her escape before its surrender, and, after many difficulties, arrived in New York. She was advised by us to apply to the society lately organized for the relief of health, and enable them to bear the confinement of the refugees. The lady from Atlanta, mentioned in last week's report, was present, and the refugees had a long and interesting conversation respecting their sufferings and escape.

Two ladies, connected with the work at the New England rooms, called to see if we would receive the wife and two children of a soldier now in a lunatic asylum. They were received. The artist's widow called with three little children, attractive in looks and manners. The sufferings which that mother has passed through can only be computed by those who love much, as they look upon the little ones, surrendered, through want, to the care of strangers. May her confidence in God and men enrich her soul, and bring to her and hers its recompense.

For the Advocate and Guardian. FEET FOR THE WEARY. "OLD Tim" made an effort to get from his chair to the corner, where his cane had been placed. Little Mary, his granddaughter, saw how feeble he was and how he fell back into his seat without being able to take one step towards what he called his "third foot," and her little feet ran quickly across the floor to the cane and back again to her grandfather's chair.

Baby Susie had learned to "go alone," but a month of illness came, and took the little thing off her feet again, and when she was well enough to want to go from point to point in the room, and her feet would not obey her will, sister Hattie "toted" her round in her arms and made her own feet answer for the little weary, helpless ones.

Mother had been hard at work all day, there had not been one minute's rest, until the sun was setting, and she threw herself into her rocking-chair, to take a "breathing spell," but something was wanting from the very top of the house, and the tired feet were trying to move again, when Sarah ran nimbly up the stairs and saved the weary mother's steps.

Father had been plodding through the toilsome hours, and was seated, for the evening, with his paper, when suddenly he remembered a forgotten duty that would take him a

WORK FOR CHILDREN.-One of the greatest defects in the education of children, is in neglecting to accustom them to work. It is an evil peculiar to large towns and cities. A certain amount of work is necessary to the proper education of children; their future independence and comfort depend on their being accustomed to provide for the thousand constantly recurring wants that nature entails on them. Even if this necessity did not exist, moderate employment of some kind would preserve them from bad habits; promote

school-room; and teach them more than anything else appropriate views respecting their future welfare. It is too often the case that children, after spending six hours of the day in school, are permitted to spend the rest of the day as they please. They do not consider that their success in after life depends upon the improvement of their youthful hours. They grow up in the world without a knowledge of its toils and cares. They cannot appreciate the favors bestowed on them by their parents. as they do not know the toils they cost. Their bodies and minds are enervated, and they are constantly exposed to whatever vicious associations are within their reach. The daughter probably becomes that pitiable object, a fashionable girl. The son, if he surmounts the consequences of his parents' neglect, does it probably after his plans and station for life are fixed, when a knowledge of some of its important objects comes too late. No man or woman is thoroughly educated if not required to labor. Whatever accomplishments they possess, whatever their mental training, in the voyage of life, they require some practical knowledge and experience derived from accustoming themselves to useful labor of some sort.


BY the new law, the postage on single copies of the A. & G. is now six cents a quarter, payable in advance, in all parts of the United States.

A package of four copies, which weighs 4 ounces, sent to *one address. is subject to no more postage than a single copy, according to Instruction 36, which Postmasters will please see.

From 5 to 8 copies, to one address, 12 cents a quarter. From 9 to 12 do do 18 do do and so on, at the rate of 6 cents a quarter for every 4 ounces or fraction thereof.

In order to receive the paper at the lowest rate of postage, it is necessary to take them, not singly, but at least 4 copies; and so of clubs, they should be made up, if possible, of 8, 12, 16, 20 and so on.

As an inducement to those who now receive it singly, to make up a small club of four or eight, the Ex. Com. propose to put the subscription orice for four copies, to one address at 75 cents a year

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Important Legacies have been lost to the Home through informality. It is therefore earnestly requested of those who design to benefit the Institution by giving it a place in their last Will and Testament, that they would use the following:


I give and bequeath to the American Female Guardian Society, incorporated by the Legislature of New York, in the year 1849, the sum of, to be applied for the Benefit of the Home for the Friendless, or to other charitable uses of said Society.

The Will should be attested by three witnesses, who should write against their names, their place of residence, and state that they signed the instrument at the request of the testator. and in the presence of the testator and each other, and that the testator declared to them that it was his or her last Will and Testament.

TO DONORS.-Small Packages, sent to the City by private hand, may be left at either of the following places:

North Bro's and Gillett, Com. Merchants, Domestic Cotton Goods, &c., &c., 12 Murray St.

Jas. O. Bennett, Commission Merchant, 30 Whitehall St.

[blocks in formation]

Mrs Kellogg 3 00, Mrs Wells 2, to complete the L.
M. of Mrs Louisa B. Campbell, Utica..
Ladies' Sewing Society of School District No 11,
Hartwick, to const. in part Mrs Sarah Bradley,
Milford and Mrs Mary A. Perkins of Hartwick
Seminary L. M.'s, per Albert Waldon...
Joseph Sutphen, Sweden, to comp. L. M. of his
niece, Miss E. L. Trull. Brockport...
Mrs A. L. Foote, County Line, a Thanksgiving of
fering to apply on a L. M. for Miss E. J. Conrad,
Fox Lake, Wis..




4.00 5.00

250 00

Mrs Maria Page, Marshall, to complete L. M... N. Y. City.--Mrs E. Wade, on a L. M. for her grandaughter, M. L. White..

5 00 10.00


1 25

5 00


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[blocks in formation]

Mrs R. Williams $5, Mrs G. Potter $2, Steamburg..... M. Roonce, Clark...



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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS of DONATIONS to the Home for the Friendless, from November 10th to November 25th, 1864.

$20 entitles the Donor to a Life-membership, and a copy of the A. & G. for life.)


N. H.-Mrs S. C. Eastinan, J. S. Eastman and Miss N. R. Marston, Hampstead, for Thanksgiving......

III.-A Friend, Mendon.

Mrs S. Miller and daughters, Dallas City.
Mrs E. L. Pickford, Luda.....

Lizzie W. Earhart, Wenona....

Mich.-Mrs S. E. Parker, Pontiac, part freight..
W. G. Talbert, Sand Beach..

Mrs Green, Mrs Drew, Mrs Anderson and Mrs Ket-
cham 1 00 each, Mr Stocking 50c, Tecumseh.....
"Sister and self." for Thanksgiving, Battle Creek...
Mrs W. A. Knowlton 100, Charlie K. 10c, for
Thanksgiving, Coldwater..

Wis.-Mrs E. Merrick, Fairplay.

A Friend, Racine...

Mrs S. Drummond, Stone Bank.


4.00 1.00

1 00



4 50


1 10

1.00 10 00


1 00




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[blocks in formation]

Austin J. Lyman and friends, Easthampton............. Conn.-Ten children under ten years old 1 40, their teacher 100, Easthampton..





Mrs Nathan Cook, Waterbury, a birthday offering. A Friend, Bethlehem.


E. Howard Taylor, a dime for each birthday, New Britain......



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Mrs Welton, Miss Doolittle. Mrs Williams $1 each, Mrs Humphrey, Mr Foote, Mrs Brooks, Mrs Martin 500 each. Mrs Brown. Mrs Paddock, Mrs Grenville, Mrs Jenkins, Mrs Bristol, Mrs Curnow, Mrs Judd, Mrs Hotchkiss, Mrs Fenton, Mrs Ives, Mrs Baldwin, Mrs Hitchcock and Mrs Bradley 250 each, Miss Hitchcock 15c, Mr Pardee 10c, Robbins and Charlie, Sarah and Cyrus, Augusta, Charlie, Emily, Addie, Carrie, Mary, Fannie, Willie, Georgie. Lillie and H. E. Hall 25c each, also for thanksgiving Mrs Spencer and Mrs Hitchcock $1 each, Mrs Hotchkiss 750, Mrs Peck 50c, E. Mumpton 35c, other friends 635, collected by Georgie and Willie Williams, Cheshire...

N. Y.-Friends, Monkton, freight...

Minnie B. Rathburn, Little Falls, for Thanksg'ing. Carrie and Eddie Wood, Eden....

Miss Stearns 25c, George, Jennie, Sarah, Hattie, Eva and Charlie 15 and 10c each, other children 21c, a Friend 08c, scholars in Miss Stearn's school, Perth.....

C. A. Prior, Middletown, for Thanksgiving. Lizzie Dutton aud Charue Rathburn, orphan children, Easthamptor...


1 00

N. Y.-Little boys in Mrs C. T. Tyler's S. S. Class,
one of whom has died, Cochecton...
Penny collection in the Russell Baptist S. S., per
C. C. Gibbons..





CLOTHING, PROVISIONS, &c., received from November 10th to November 25th, 1864.

N. H.-Hollis, a box containing quilts, clothing and basted patchwork from the Ladies' Circle, per Mrs Mary B. Day.

Vt.-McIndoes' Falls, aprons and other articles from Mrs M. M. Bradford.

Swanton, a box of clothing.

Monkton. half bbl. containing clothing, dried fruit, etc., from Mrs P. A. Miles.

Mass-Newton Corners, box containing one quilt, hose, patchwork, &c., from Mrs Frank C. Hastings.

Chicopee, box containing hoods, tippets, cambric and clothing from D. Frank Hale.

Warren, barrel containing clothing and quilts, basted patchwork from a few friends, per Mrs Elizabeta Ramsdell,

Greenfield, quilts, sheets and clothing, basted patchwork and fancy articles from frlends, per Mrs Elizabeth Maxwell.

Stockbridge, needle-book from Mrs J. Crosby, also a needle-book from Belle,

Conn.-Guilford Centre, package of children's clothing from the ladies of Gifford.

Enfield, one collar from Ann E. Allen,

Guilford, box of clothing from friends, per Mrs Dr. Clark. Hartford, box containing dried apples, beans and fancy


Bristol, a quilt from H. B. A.

Vernon Centre, a bbl. from Emily S. Chapman.

East Hampton, onions, carrots and potatoes from Mrs Delia E. Smith.

N. Y.-Croton, package of clothing from Mrs D. Georgie. Croton, package of children's clothing, 2 tidies and dried fruit from Mrs L. Rich, also pair of gold spectacles. Nicholville, box containing quilts and clothing from the Female Benev. Soc., also parcel of clothing from Mrs Peck Smith, per Mrs A. C. Witters.

Syracuse, box of fancy articles for sales-room made by a few little girls, per Mrs P. Waggoner. Deposit, package from Mrs H. Coffiu.

Newark Valley, barrel containing quilts, clothing, dried fruit, beans, etc., from friends, per Mrs J. E. Smith. Moreau, package containing clothing from Mrs M. C. Durkee, Mrs F. Northrup and Mrs Emma Cook. Brockport, box containing clothing from a number of ffiends, per Mrs Sarah W. Hubbell.

Eaton, box containing quilts, clothing and dried fruit, also a few fancy articles from Mrs E. A. Denning. Angelica, box containing clothing, dried frult and beans from Mrs A. B. Heckman.

Big Hollow, barrel containing hose, dried fruit, butter, molasses and yarn from a few friends.

Ballston Spa, 12 dresses from Mrs T. M. Mitchell, 1 bun. dle from Miss Phebe Jones, 1 bundle from Benton, 1 bundle from Miss Tryon, per Mrs Titus Mitchell.

N. Y. City.-Package from Mrs Eastman.

Two baskets of clothing and patchwork from Mrs Benedict, for school No. 3.

Package of clothing from Mrs Wood, Brooklyn. 2 dresses from Mrs G. W. Livingston.

Fancy articles from Mrs Sprague, Old Ladies' Asylum. Package of clothing from a friend.

[blocks in formation]

1 20

22 65

James E. Kelley 200, Annie G. Nun, Nellie Ciark and Julia Townsend 50c each, Brewsters, per Mrs Meginley.

1 57

Mrs Boynton and family 1 25, other Friends, Cortland i 10.....


Miss Gilbert 25c, Ellen Eldridge 10c, Ballston Spa...
M. E. Candee and young friends, Holland Patent.. 13 00
Emily and Libbie Thomas, Union Springs, birth-
day gifts......

3 50 35


[blocks in formation]

7.60 4.00


Mrs J. A. Hardiman, Litchfield...


Mrs N. C. Blish, Stainford..

5 00

Mrs F. M. Crandall and Mrs L. S. Sunith $1. Mrs Miller and Mrs A. Crandall 25c each, Greenbush..

1 50

Mrs E. Brown, Norwich......

50 5.00


1 00

20 00

1 00





[ocr errors]

Mrs Delia Van Hoosen, Hoosick Corners.
Mrs Lydia Gifford, Brockport, per S. W. Hubbell...
H. M. Shufeldt, Chatham 4 Corners, freight.
Mr S. W. Brewster, Hannibal....



Harriet Belcher, Berkshire, a Thanksgiving offer'g
A. P., $2, Charlie & Isabella P. 50c each, Skaneatles.
Miss Melinda Clark, Cranes Factory, Mohawks-
ville, per H. A. Chrisler, a Thanksgiving offering 10 00
Ladies' Society of School Dist. No. 11, Hartwick, frt
Bequest of Joseph Alexander, late of Litchfield, E.
J. and Olive Alexander, Executors..
Mrs T. Brown, Little Genesee, for Thanksgiving.....
A Friend, Binghamton.....

Eliza and Mary Ashley, Canaan 4 Corners..

Miss Lizzie Hoag, Buffalo..

Mrs B. S. Walcott, N. York Mills.

Mrs Howard, La Grange, for Thanksgiving.

S. A. Bull, Downsville, for Thanksgiving..

Mrs M. McKinzie, Mrs Miner, Mrs C. and Mrs F. H. Kelley 50c each, Stephen's Mills..

Ohio.-S. S. Class of Anna M. Wyett, Oberlin....
Little Eddie and Allie, Braceville.
Johnnie, Willie and Austin Wheeler 30c, their
grandma 20c, Toledo...

III.-A. S. Greeley, Clinton, for Thanksgiving.
Horace, Willie and Georgie Reed, Clinton.
Clara. Albert and Rutea Sawtell, Galesburg....
Little Emma's earnings, Henry..

Mich.-Burtis and Freddie 38c, Julia 12c, Tecumseh
A Home boy's first donation, Wacousta...
Wis.-Madeline, Clara and Bertie, Albion.................


Vt.-Mrs Gen. Jonas Clark, Poultney..

100 00










Mrs Scott, Coxsackie.

10 00

A Friend, New Bridge..

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A Friend, Walton..

1 00

Friends, Randolph, a Thanksgiving offering, per T. A. C. Everett..

[blocks in formation]

Mrs Eaton $2. Mrs Sears $1, Mrs Partridge, Mrs Williams, Mrs Hollenbeek, Mrs Aldrich and Mrs Wilson 25e each, Mrs Wicks 19c, Vermont.... Thanksgiving collection in Cong. Ch., Hannibal, per S. W. Brewster...

[blocks in formation]

Priscilla and Panther Tillinghast $2 and Mrs M.
Burnell 50c, for Thanksgiving, Norway
Friends. New Road, of wh. 2 is the children's gift.
C. R. Waugh, Canton...




Mr M. Vandeizer, Schodac..


Conn. Miss Sarah Haynes, Lebanon, to constitute
Miss Maria E. Rose, Bridgehampton. L. I., a L. M 20 00
N. Y.-Caroline B. Wood, on L. M. Brooklyn..
Mrs Elias Hawley, Binghamton, to complete L. M. 10 00

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[blocks in formation]

L. D. and Ida C. Olmsted..


Mrs M. I. Hubbard, on L. M. of her daughter Fannie


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[blocks in formation]
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[blocks in formation]

Ellen Sedgwick.


Louisa, Annie, George. Alfred & Grandma....


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[blocks in formation]
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[blocks in formation]

Miss Phillipena Gallup.

1 00

[blocks in formation]

William and Frank Dunning 10c each.


Anna, Irving, Louisa, Emma, Lavinia and Clara

[blocks in formation]

Bogardus, $1 each.

[blocks in formation]

Their Father and Mother..

5 00

Capt. T. F. Attix, per Mrs S. R. I. Bennett..

5 00

[blocks in formation]

Mrs C. A. Abbatt,

Mrs John Wilson..

10 00

Miss Georgie Hays,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Baby Hays, specie and pennies, and premium on

Mrs C. S. T.

the same


10 00

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
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A Friend (Widows' Fund).

10 00

1 pair chickens from Mrs G. T. I.

[blocks in formation]

[THE following sums were received for a special object, which-thanks to the generous donors-was fully accomplished, and the balance applied as requested.]

Coll. by Josie, Carrie and Sadie Angell, Morrisania. 18 00

James Somerville....

10 00

For Home I. School, No. 2.

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Clothing from Mrs John Rutherford, Burlington, N. Y
Package of clothing from Mrs I. H. White.

Package of clothing from Mrs E F. Hall.

A package of clothing from Mrs E. Mower.


Conn.-Plymouth, 2 turkeys from Mrs Langdon.

N. Y.-Lake Mahopac, 1 barrel apples and 1 pumpkin from Mrs W. H. Beebe.

Brewsters, 4 loaves of cake, 1 loaf of bread, package of oyster crackers, 1 of coffee, box of very fine apples, crullers, nuts and pop-corn, nice fancy articles and children's clothing, from friends, per Mrs Meginley. Ravenswood, 12 pies from a friend.

N. Y. City.-1 turkey, ham and cranberries, from Smith Bros.

1 roast turkey from Mrs Simonson.

1 pair cooked chickens from Mrs Alex. Holland.

2 hams from Park & Tilford, per Mrs J. W. Baker.

Quantity of cakes from Mrs J. W. Baker.

1 pair of chickens and bag of vegetables from Mrs Van Vleck, S. I.

A basket of cake and 2 pies from Mrs J. C. Smith.

3 roast turkeys from Mrs Brouwer.

1 turkey from Mr Joseph Haight, per Mrs Ambler.

Barrel of apples from Harry R. Miller.

Basket of apples from Mrs Meeks.

2 mince pies from Mrs Benedict.

1 turkey from J. W. Pope, beef from W. McGloine, per

Mrs Benedict.

1 turkey from W. A. Taylor.

2 baskets potatoes from Mrs Archer.

30th St., 1 turkey.


Mr Gray, per Miss Stubes.


1 ham from Mr Harris Wilson.

[blocks in formation]

Mr West,


Miss Ann Morss. per Mrs R. M. Buchanan.

15 00

Mrs Halsted, "

[blocks in formation]

1 turkey and 1 pair chickens from Mrs S. R. I. Bennett.

Mrs H. Rice, to comp. L. M.,


[ocr errors]

10 00

Mr Thos. Monahan, per Mrs R. M. Buchanan.

10 00

Mrs Everdell and Mrs Pancost, per Mrs Conger.. Cash from Friends..


4 chickens, cake and parsley from Mrs Bailey.


1 turkey from Mr White, per Mrs Lord.

E. Ketcham,

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F. W. Meyer,

[blocks in formation]

A. W. Colgate,

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

W. E. Dodge, Jr.,



5 00


C. M. Rollinson

1 00

For Home I. School No. 5.

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Freddie and Harry Pickard.


Mr Edmund Penfold..

15 00

1 turkey, pair chickens, mutton and beef from Mrs Wm. Arras.

1 turkey and nine pies from Mrs Crehore.

1 turkey from Mrs Chester.

Leg of mutton from Henry Schober.

Quantity of biscuit from Mrs Pratt.


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1 roast goose from Mrs T. D. Sherwood.

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1 cooked turkey from Miss A. Winslow.

1 00

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A Friend..

A Friend...

5 00

Miss A. A. Hoffman..



Mr S. B. Schieffelin, per Miss N. Herrick..


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Misses Reed.....


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Minnie E. Brooks,

1 00

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Mrs E. L. Bowles, payment on L. M.

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4 chickens from Mrs North.

A Friend....

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2 pair chickens from F. T. Keating, Fourth Avenue,

Dr Perry

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Fairchild & Fanshawe..

25 00

Mrs N. W. Hooker.

[blocks in formation]

Mr D. Cashman..

[ocr errors]

5 00

Mrs John Adriance,.


5 00


Mrs I. C. C. Reynolds.

W. Hall Penfold..
Mrs G. W. Stitt...

Mrs M. L. McCrady.


5 00


5 00


[blocks in formation]

Cakes from Mrs Kettlewell, Madison Av.

N. J.-3 pr. chickens from Mrs Wm. King, Perth Amboy, per Mrs Ambler.

Per Mrs. R. M. Buchanan.

3 turkeys and 6 bunches celery from Mr Wm. H. Smith.

Mrs Blank.

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4 chickens and 2 ducks from Mr Knapp.

Miss E. Alger..

[blocks in formation]

1 sheep from Mr Brown.

Mrs Chester, first pr" nent on L. M.

[blocks in formation]

1 turkey and 2 chickens from Mr Baylis.

Mrs Dr. Bayles ($20. L. M.)..

[blocks in formation]

1 basket sweet potatoes from Mr Holmes.

James Bayles, to co. his wife a L. M..

20 00

Mrs Edward Smith..


Mrs Johu Johnston,

r Mrs Brouwer.

[blocks in formation]

1 large loaf of cake and a quantity of prunes from Mrs H. Rice.

Mrs P. Halsted


10 00

Mrs. S. S. Doughty,


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10 00

Mrs Gillespie..


1 turkey from Mr C. E. Carryl.

[blocks in formation]

1 00

1 turkey from Mrs B. H. Van Auken.


E. Marsh.

1 00

1 turkey from Mr Henry Smith,

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[blocks in formation]

1 00

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1 roast turkey and basket apples from Mrs B. F. Dunning.

Hominy, coffee and rice from Albro & Polhamus.

1 turkey, 4 chickens, a basket of cake and a basket of

biscuit from R. M. Buchanan.


A Costly Offering.-Dear Madam,-Last April my youngest son enlisted in his country's service, making four that were then in the army. After he left home, he wrote to me saying he would send me the money to constitute myself a life-member of your society, but the dear boy did not live to accomplish his design. He died the 28th of July last. But I send this $21 00 as some of his dearly-earned wages, feeling that it is a costly offering, with a fervent desire that it may be accepted of God and blessed to the comforting of some of His needy ones. M. J. H. Lebanon, N. H.

Mrs. S. A. Stone,-Enclosed please find $13 00 from my friends and myself, to be applied for the benefit of the Home. It comes from those who have a deep interest in the little ones there. I feel especially for them, as my parents some years ago brought home a dear little girl from there and I loved her as my sister. But our little Lizzie lived but a few months and is now sleeping in our cemetery. I hope the children may be blessed by this little gift.

M. L. C. P. S. Two dollars of the above is contributed by one of the Home children.

Gift from an Aged Friend.-Enclosed are three dollars, two of them saved by an old lady, seventy-four years old, as a thanksgiving present. She has long felt a deep interest in the Home, and in her lonely hours (for she is a widow) the reading of the Advocate affords her much satisfaction. The one dollar I send as a testimonial of my regard for the children at the Home and to cheer their hearts on Thanksgiving-day.

Mrs. D. H. and Mrs. D. W. H.

La Grange, N. Y.

Juvenile Offering. You will find enclosed one dollar and sixty cents, fifty-six cents of which was collected from the children in our neighborhood by my little boy Austin J. L. The remainder is what he has earned himself for the dear little Home children, in whom he has been interested by reading the Advocate and Guardian, a paper we would not willingly give up taking. Although so small a sum, we hope it will benefit some poor child, and we hope to send more at some future time. A. C. L.

East Hampton, Mass.

Dear Madam,-Enclosed find twenty-five dollars, an humble offering to the Lord, for aid in your Godlike labors of love to His poor and needy ones. Were it not for imperative claims resting upon me to extend a few mites for other noble causes of charity I should have been pleased to have added to the enclos

ed sum. Please apply it in any way that duty points out. Yours, sincerely, Mrs. B. S. W.

N. Y. Mills.

Thanksgiving Donation.-I am happy again to contribute our mite to the worthy object for which you are laboring. Enclosed you will find, as a thanksgiving donation from Miss Mary Mc K. Mrs. E. M. M., Mrs. Catharine K., Mrs. F. H. K., fifty cents each. From Murray and Charlie G., Nettie and Libbie M.. Matie, Jessie and Libbie K., and their little sister Ella (deceased), Scottie K. and his baby sister Libbie, ten cents each.

These little ones are all deprived of the society and care of "dear papa" by the cruel necessities of war, but are taught to feel that while they enjoy comfortable homes, and "dear papa" is spared, they must think of the poor little ones who are without homes and friends. Thus they have cheerfully laid by their pennies till Thanksgiving, and now send them as a thanksgiving offering for God's goodness to them.

That the tokens of the approval and guidance of an all-wise and gracious Providence may still cheer and encourage the hearts of those who thus labor and toil for the needy and suffering, is the earnest prayer of a friend to the noble and glorious work. Mrs. F. H. K. Stephens Mills, N. Y.

Mrs. Bennett,-When at the West last summer, attending some of the State Sabbathschool conventions, I spent a Sabbath in Henry, Illinois, and at a gathering of children, I told them of the contributions that were given by the mission associations, mostly for the West, and mentioned some of the ways and means used to gather in the donations. The next morning a lady called on me, with a letter saying, "Please accept the enclosed from our little "prairie flower" (Emma) for your mission-school. She earned the money by having perfect music-lessons one month, twenty-five cents, and for keeping the door-yard clean one month, twenty-five cents more. May this "little drop of water" be blessed to some thirsty soul." Mrs. E. H.

I know of no more worthy object on which to bestow little Emma's offering, than that in which you are engaged. Please accept the two month's earnings of the dear child, and may many imitate her example.

New York, Nov. 24th, 1864.


From an Incalid.-Dear Friends of the Home,-Please accept a few book-marks for your sales-room from an invalid, who has been confined to the bed, unable to walk or stand on her feet for seven years, but takes a deep interest in the Home and its objects, and would gladly do a great deal if it was in her power. I rejoice that some who are able do feel it in

their hearts to assist you; may such friends multiply. Oh, that the people generally realized the necessity of being more active and earnest in the cause you advocate. I have long felt desirous to let you know my deep interest in it, and how highly I esteem the Advocate, and the comfort it has often been to me. I think it is a paper that ought to be in every family to aid, counsel and direct the parents in training their children aright. May your efforts be blessed to the salvation of many souls from ruin, is the earnest prayer of


E. E. B.

GREAT truths are dearly bought. The common truth,
Such as men give and take from day to day,
Comes in the common walk of easy life,
Blown by the careless wind across our way.
Bought in the market, at the current price,
Bred of the smile, the jest, perchance the bowl;
It tells no tales of daring or of worth,

Nor pierces even the surface of a soul.

Great truths are greatly won. Not found by chance,
Nor wafted on the breath of summer dream;
But grasped in the great struggle of the soul,
Hard-buffeting with adverse wind and stream.
Not in the general mart, 'mid corn and wine;
Not in the merchandise of gold and gems;
Not in the world's gay hall of midnight mirth;
Not 'mid the blaze of regal diadems;

But in the day of conflict, fear and grief,

When the strong hand of God, put forth in might, Ploughs up the subsoil of the stagnant heart,

And brings the imprisoned truth-seed to the light. Wrung from the troubled spirit, in hard hours Of weakness, solitude, perchance of pain, Truth springs, like harvest, from the well-ploughed field And the soul feels it has not wept in vain.


ADVANCE IN CLUB PRICES.-The Publishing Com. had earnestly hoped that the price of paper would be so diminished before the close of the year, that no change in our terms would become necessary. The facts being otherwise, in justice to this department of the work, they are constrained to make a small advance; the price for clubs will be at the rate of 75 cts., instead of 50 cts. per copy per annum. Single subscriptions, as formerly, $1 in advance. We trust, in view of the motive and manifest necessity for this slight addition of 25 cts., it will not be allowed to lessen the subscriptions to the Advocate in any section where a much larger comparative advance has been made upon the fruits of the earth and every useful commodity; and where all, too, understand that 75 cts, now are really worth much less than were 50 cts. four years ago.

For considerations at once apparent, a little extra exertion will be requisite the coming month on the part of the friends of this paper and its mission, in order still to sustain and extend its circulation. Wherever this aid shall be given, it will be most gratefully appreciated.

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