| 1806 - 504 lehte
...that entrusted to you, if an action be brought against you for any act done by you officially, you may plead the general issue, and give the special matter in evidence; and, if a verdict be tbund for you, or the plaintiff be nonsuit, or discontinue, you are entitled to double... | |
 | Patrick Colquhoun - 1803 - 140 lehte
...against a Constable for any act done by virtue of his office, he, and all others acting under him, may plead the general issue, and give the special matter in evidence, and if he recovers he shall have double costs. 21 James I. cap. 5. ESCAPES. A Constable permitting a felon... | |
 | William Graydon - 1803 - 730 lehte
...sued or prosecuted :"• >r any matter, act or thing done under or by virtue of this act, he or they may plead the general issue, and give the special matter in evidence. [ 15 ] ACT of April 29, 1802. (Vol. VI. p. 114.) 8. SECT. I. Every person who shall, from and after... | |
 | Humphrey Prideaux - 1805 - 172 lehte
...case of a verdict, but also in case the plantiff be nonsuited or discontinue his action. They may also plead the general issue, and give the special matter in evidence. And they may be removed for misbehaviour, and. others chosen before the ye^r expires. Lamb. Off. Ch. s.... | |
 | Africa Institution, London - 1807 - 446 lehte
...tection of commenced against any person, for any thing done seizo» and -,. '. i ,- i * ,1 prosecutors. in pursuance of this Act, the defendant may plead the general issue, and give this Act and the special matter In evidence ; and if the same shall appear to have been done in pursuance... | |
 | African Institution (London, England). - 1807 - 644 lehte
...tecnon of be commenced against any person, for an y stizo»»nd *• • J prosecutors. tiling done in pursuance of this Act, the defendant may plead the general issue, and give this Act and the special matter in evidence, and if the same shall appear to have been done in pursuance... | |
 | Isaac 'Espinasse - 1808 - 480 lehte
...in substance with the title set out. 2 In trespass against officers of the excise and customs, they may plead the general issue, and give the special matter in evidence. 3. Th«r 3. There is a difference to be observed as to the evidence in actions against the sheriff... | |
 | South Carolina - 1808 - 602 lehte
...executed, by virtue of, or in pursuT (General fee ed. nuce of the directions of this act, shall and may plead the general issue, and give the special matter in evidence. Be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, That this act shall remain and continue in foree for three... | |
 | William Nicholson - 1809 - 734 lehte
...time. If any action »hall be brought against a justice for any thing done by virtue of his office, he may plead the general issue, and give the special matter in evidence ; and if he recover, he sliall have double costs. Such action shall not be laid but in the county where the... | |
 | Virginia, William Waller Hening - 1820 - 714 lehte
...if any action shall be commenced against any sheriff, or other officer, for performance of his duty in pursuance of this act, the defendant may plead the general issue, and give this act, and the special matter, in evidence, and upon nonsuit, or judgment fur the defendant, he... | |
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