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" College, the Bodleian Library at Oxford, the Public Library at Cambridge, the Library of the faculty of Advocates at Edinburgh, the Libraries of the four Universities of Scotland, Trinity College Library, and the King's Inns... "
A Treatise on the Law of Copyright in Literature, the Drama, Music ... - Page 22
by Peter BURKE (Serjeant at Law.) - 1842 - 128 lehte
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A Digested Abridgment, and Comparative View, of the Statute Law of ..., 1. köide

Joseph Gabbett - 1812 - 712 lehte
...corporate, proprietors or managers of the libraries following, :/';.- the British museum, Sion college, the Bodleian library at Oxford, the public library at Cambridge, the library of the faculty of advocates at Edinburgh, the libraries of the four universities of Scotland, and Trinity...
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A Compendious Law Dictionary: Containing Both an Explanation of the Terms ...

Thomas Potts - 1815 - 840 lehte
...delivered on demand within twelve Bonths after publication for the use of the British Museum, Sioa College- the Bodleian Library at Oxford; the Public Library at Cambridge; the Library of the Faculty of Advocates a, Edinburgh; the libraries of the Four Universities of Scotland ; Trinity...
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A Treatise on the Laws of Commerce and Manufactures, and the ..., 2. köide

Joseph Chitty - 1824 - 516 lehte
...hand of stationers' company's warehouse-keeper, or the librarian of the British Museum, Sion College, the Bodleian Library at Oxford, the public library at Cambridge, the library of the Faculty of Advocates at Edinburgh, the libraries of the four universities of Scotland, Trinity...
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Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Courts of Common Pleas and ...

Great Britain. Court of Common Pleas, John Bayly Moore, Joseph Payne - 1828 - 864 lehte
...corporate, proprietors, or managers of the libraries following; viz. the British Museum, Sion College, the Bodleian Library at Oxford, the Public Library at Cambridge, the Library of the Faculty of Advocates at Edinburgh, the libraries of the four universities of Scotland, Trinity...
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An account of the different ceremonies abserved in the Senate house of the ...

Adam Wall - 1828 - 532 lehte
...corporate, proprietors or managers of the Libraries following; videlicet, the British Museum, Sion College, the Bodleian Library at Oxford, the Public Library at Cambridge, the Library of the faculty of Advocates at Edinburgh, the Libraries of the four Universities of Scotland, Trinity...
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Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Common ..., 4. köide

Great Britain. Court of Common Pleas - 1828 - 812 lehte
...corporate, proprietors, or managers of the libraries following, viz. the British Museum, Sion College, the Bodleian Library at Oxford, the Public Library at Cambridge, the Library of the Faculty of Advocates at Edinburgh, the Libraries of the four Universities of Scotland, Trinity...
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A Practical View of the Statute Law of Scotland: From the Year ..., 1. köide

Esq. James Watson - 1828 - 602 lehte
...corporate, proprietors or managers of the libraries following, videlicet, the British Museum, Sion College, the Bodleian Library at Oxford, the Public Library at Cambridge, the Library of the Faculty of Advocates at Edinburgh, the Libraries of the four Universities of Scotland, Trinity...
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University of Cambridge - 1830 - 554 lehte
...proprietors or managers of the .libraries following ; videlicet, the British Museum, Sion college, the Bodleian library at Oxford, the public library at Cambridge, the library of the faculty of Advocates at Edinburgh, the libraries of the four Universities of Scotland, Trinity...
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University of Cambridge - 1831 - 552 lehte
...corporate, proprietors or managers of the libraries following ; cidelicet, the British Museum, Sion college, the Bodleian library at Oxford, the public library at Cambridge, the library of the faculty of Advocates at Edinburgh, the libraries of the four Universities of Scotland, Trinity...
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The Book of the Constitution of Great Britain

Thomas Stephen - 1835 - 806 lehte
...corporate, proprietors or managers of the libraries following: viz., the British Museum, Sion College, the Bodleian library at Oxford, the public library at Cambridge, the library of the Faculty of Advocates at Edinburgh, the libraries of the four universities of Scotland, Trinity...
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