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Raamatud Books
" book' shall be construed to mean and include every volume, part or division of a volume, pamphlet, sheet of letter-press, sheet of music, map, chart, or plan separately published... "
A Treatise on the Law of Copyright in Literature, the Drama, Music ... - Page 76
by Peter BURKE (Serjeant at Law.) - 1842 - 128 lehte
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Annual Register, 86. köide

Edmund Burke - 1845 - 864 lehte
...Sculpture Copyright Acts, and in respect of which the privileges of copyright are thereby conferred ; and the words "printing" and "re-printing," shall...the expressions " order of Her Majesty in council," " order in council," and " order," shall respectively mean order of Her Majesty acting by and with...
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The Law Journal for the Year 1832-1949: Comprising Reports of Cases in the ...

1844 - 740 lehte
...Sculpture Copyright Acts, and in respect of which the privileges of copyright are thereby conferred ; and the words " printing" and "re-printing," shall...the expressions " Order of Her Majesty in Council," " Order in Council," and " order," shall respectively mean order of Her Majesty acting by and with...
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Kritische Zeitschrift für Rechtswissenschaft und Gesetzgebung des ..., 11. köide

1839 - 468 lehte
...word „hook" «hall he eonitrued to include „volume", „pamphlet", „sheet of letterpre««", „sheet of music", „map", „chart", or „plan";...and the words „printing" and „reprinting" shall inclade engraving and any other method of multiplying copie«; and the expression „her Majetty" shall...
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Statutes at Large ...: (37 v.) A collection of the public general statutes ...

Great Britain - 1842 - 1294 lehte
...this Act the Word "Book" shall be construed to mean and include every Volume, Part or Division of a and Moveable Kstate. XXVI. And be it enacted, Tlrat if any Action or Suit s separately published; that the Words " Dramatic Piece" shall be construed to mean and include every...
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The Jurist, 6. köide,2. osa

1843 - 564 lehte
...this act the word " book" shall be construed to mean and include every volume, purt . чdivision of a volume, pamphlet, sheet of letter-press, sheet of music, map, chart, or plan separately published ; that the words " dramatic piece" shall be construed to mean and include every...
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A Treatise on the Law Relating to Aliens, and Denization and ..., 249. köide

George Hansard - 1844 - 286 lehte
...enacted, that in the construction of that Act, the word "book " G 4 should be construed to include " volume," " pamphlet," " sheet of letter-press," "...;" and the words, " printing," and " reprinting," should include engraving, and any other method of multiplying copies ; and the expression " Her Majesty,"...
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Statutes at Large ...: (37 v.) A collection of the public general statutes ...

Great Britain - 1844 - 1174 lehte
...be it enacted, That in the Construction of this Act the Word " Book" shall be construed to include " Volume," " Pamphlet," " Sheet of Letter-press," "...of Music," " Map," " Chart," or " Plan ;" and the Expression " Articles of Sculpture" shall mean all such Sculptures, Models, Copies, and Casts as are...
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Martin's Practice of Conveyancing: With Forms of Assurances, 1. köide

Charles Davidson, Thomas Martin (of Lincoln's Inn.) - 1844 - 692 lehte
...section of the act declares that the word "Book " shall include " every Volume, Part, or Division of a Volume, Pamphlet, Sheet of Letterpress, Sheet of Music, Map, Chart, or Plan separately published, "and that " Copyright" shall mean " the sole and exclusive liberty of printing...
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The Jurist, 8. köide,2. osa

1845 - 544 lehte
...representation * performance thereof, otherwise than such (if any) as he may become entitled to under this act. the words "printing" and "re-printing" shall include...the expressions " order of her Majesty in council," " order in council," and " order," shall respectively mean order of her Majesty acting by and with...
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The Annual Register, Or, A View of the History and Politics of the Year ...

1845 - 866 lehte
...it enacted, That in the construction of this Act the word " hook " shall be construed to include " volume," "pamphlet," "sheet of letter-press," "sheet...of music," " map, "" chart, "or " plan ;" and the expression " articles of sculpture " shall mean all such sculptures, models, copies, and casts as are...
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