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The Guinea Goat is a dwarf species originally from the | coast whence its name is derived. There are three varieties. Besides the commonest (Capra recurva, Linn.), there is rarer breed (Capra depressa, Linn.), inhabiting the Mauritius and the islands of Bourbon and Madagascar. The other variety is met with along the White Nile, in Lower Egypt, and at various points on the African coast of the Mediterranean. Some of these dwarf goats may be seen at the Jardin d'Acclimatation in Paris.

Habits and Management.—The milch goat has been aptly described as the "poor man's cow "—a designation it well merits, for with a couple of these animals the cottager may at an almost nominal expense enjoy the same advantages in a domestic point of view as the rich man with his "Alderney." Comparatively few are kept in England, because the advantages of goat-keeping are but very imperfectly known, and also on account of the large proportion of land under cultivation. The goat in a state of nature frequents hills and mountainous places, and in a domesticated condition it generally gives preference to elevated situations; but it is a mistake to suppose that it will not thrive on low ground. Being naturally adapted to rocks and dry soils, however, it should not be exposed in marshy places, as this brings on disease of the feet and general ill health; otherwise there is no animal more uniformly hardy. The common varieties will stand heat aud cold equally well, but have a decided objection to storms of wind and rain; when they are left to roam loose, therefore, a rough shed should be erected to shelter them Under this arrangement a goat may from the weather. be left out day and night the whole year round; but, if it is kept for the sake of its milk, the yield is greater and it thrives better if housed during winter. Owing to the troublesome propensity of these animals to bark trees and destroy shrubs by nipping off all young and tender shoots, they should not be allowed to roam loose-except on a common-unless proper protection is afforded by wire netting or some such arrangement.

The goat breeds, generally speaking, but once a year. If well housed and under liberal treatment, it will bring forth young twice in twelve months; but this is not advisable. As a rule, at the first birth one kid only is produced, but afterwards two and sometimes three. One has been known for three consecutive years to drop four at a birth; but this is rare and by no means desirable, as the progeny are sure to be small and thrive badly,-the dam in most cases having insufficient milk for so large a family.

The goat propagates at a very early period of its life. The male is generally capable of engendering at seven mouths; and, in the case just referred to of four at a birth, the father on one occasion was barely six months old. One is sufficient for a hundred females. The latter bring forth at twelve months, and sometimes earlier. For the sake of the future growth and productiveness of the animal, however, it is unwise to permit intercourse between the sexes earlier than at eighteen or at least sixteen months. It is owing to the baneful practice of letting them breed as soon as they will, under the mistaken idea that a more rapid return is obtained, that so many diminutive specimens are met with, both dam and progeny being spoiled in consequence.

The best kind for milch purposes are those with long and deep bodies, not necessarily so broad at the chest as about the haunches, the belly ample, and the legs tolerably short; head fine and tapering, with prominent eyes, ears long, thin, wide, and inclining horizontally, horns short and not corrugated, neck thick, and coat close and short. The udder above all must be not only large but soft and elastic, with nice pointed teats. Hornless specimens are often the

best milkers

The goat has 32 teeth, and by these the age up to five years may be pretty accurately ascertained. The lower jaw possesses 12 molars and 8 incisors, and the upper 12 molars alone. The kid at its birth has 6 molars but no incisors; the latter, however, are generally all cut in about three weeks, the first cut molar being visible at three monthis. At a year or fifteen months old the two front "milk teeth," as the first set of incisors are called, fall, and are replaced by permanent ones; the next two at from two years to thirty months, the third pair from two and a half to three and a half years, and the fourth and last at from three and a half to four and a half years. When all are changed the mouth is said to be "full."

Between two and five years old the she-goat gives the best return in milk, continuing productive often for eight or nine years; its length of life is on an average from ten to fifteen. These animals vary very greatly in the quantity of milk they yield. An ordinary specimen gives from 2 to 3 pints, a superior one 2 quarts, and occasionally first-rate individuals are found supplying 3 quarts a day. The Nubian breed surpasses the common goat in this respect, as the following table from the French work of M. du Plessis will show, in which the yield of a Nubian is compared with that of a half-bred, itself a superior milker.

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The litre being as near as possible 1 piuts, the return in English measure is accordingly-from the half-bred 31 pints, or an average per day of 3 quarts, and from the pure Nubian 40 pints, or nearly 4 quarts daily, the rich ness of the quality being proportionately greater.

Milking should be performed at regular hours, morning and night; but with heavy milkers three times daily, is better for the first two or three months, as the oftener the udder is emptied when once full the quicker it is replen ished, a sufficient supply of food being of course provided. It is a good plan to accustom the animal to jump on a platform whilst being milked; the teats are thus more casily manipulated, and more command is obtained over the goat and the pail. Feeding and milking should always be carried on at the same time.

Many persons are under the wrong impression that the milk of the she-goat,-which by the way has no strong hircine scent attaching to her like the male, another common error, possesses a flavour peculiar to itself; but this is quite a mistake. Out of dozens kept by the present writer, only one has been found to yield milk differing from that of the cow in taste. The peculiarity in this case seemed natural to the animal, and the milk was decidedly unpalatable.

The flesh of the common goat, although quite eatable, is not to be recommended in comparison with mutton, being rather hard and indigestible. Kid, however, is a great delicacy, and tastes like lamb or veal, according to the manner of dressing. It is preferable cooked like veal,' with layers of bacon tied round and stuffed, for with the exception of the suet there is very little fat A good rich gravy should accompany the joint when served, and there' should be no lack of cooking. Hot or cold it is then equally acceptable. Suckling kids are the best eating, as they have then their milk flesh, and are nice and plump. skins dressed and sewed together make handsome rugs. For food and other remarks on goat-keeping see AGRICUL TURE, vol. i. p. 399. 's. H. P.)


GOATSUCKER, a bird from very ancient times absurdly fixed at one end and in a state of vibration at the other, believed to have the habit implied by the common name and loud enough to reach in still weather a distance of halfit bears in many European tongues besides our own- a-mile or more. On the wing, while toying with its mate, as testified by the Greek Aiyo@nas, the Latin Capri- or performing its rapid evolutions round the trees where it mulgus, Italian Succiacapre, Spanish Chotacabras, French finds its food, it has the habit of occasionally producing Tellechèvre, and German Ziegenmelker. The common another and equally extraordinary sound, sudden and short, Goatsucker (Caprimulgus europaus, Linn.), is admittedly but somewhat resembling that made by swinging a thong the type of a very peculiar and distinct Family Caprimul in the air, though whether this noise proceeds from its gida, a group remarkable for the flat head, enormously mouth is not ascertained. In general its flight is silent, but wide mouth, large eyes, and soft, pencilled plumage of its at times when disturbed from its repose, its wings may be members, which vary in size from a Lark to a Crow. Its heard to smite together. The Goatsucker, or, to use per position has been variously assigned by systematists. haps its commoner English name, Nightjar,1 passes the day Though of late years judiciously removed from the Passeres, in slumber, crouching on the ground or perching on a tree in which Linnæus placed all the species known to him, -in the latter case sitting not across the branch but lengthProfessor Huxley considers it to form, with two other ways, with its head lower than its body. In hot weather, Families-the Swifts (Cypselidae) and Humming-birds however, its song may sometimes be heard by day and even (Trochilidae), the division Cypselomorphae of his larger group at noontide, but it is then uttered, as it were, drowsily, and Egithognathae, which is equivalent in the main to the without the vigour that characterizes its crepuscular or Linnæau Passeres There are two ways of regarding the nocturnal performance. Towards evening the bird becomes Caprimulgide-one including the genus Podargus and its active, and it seems to pursue its prey throughout the allies, the other recognizing them as a distinct Family, night uninterruptedly, or only occasionally pausing for a Podargida. As a matter of convenience we shall here few seconds to alight on a bare spot-a pathway or roadcomprehend these last in the Caprimulgida, which will and then resuming its career. It is one of the few birds then contain two subfamilies, Caprimulginc and Podar- that absolutely make no nest, but lays its pair of beautifullygina; for what, according to older authors, constitutes a marbled eggs on the ground, generally where the herbage third, though represented only by Steatornis, the singular is short, and often actually on the soil. So light is it that the act of brooding, even where there is some vegetable growth, produces no visible depression of the grass, moss, or lichens on which the eggs rest, and the finest sand equally fails to exhibit a trace of the parental act. Yet scarcely any bird shows greater local attachment, and the precise site chosen one year is almost certain to be occupied the next. The young, covered when hatched with darkspotted down, are not easily found, nor are they more easily discovered on becoming fledged, for their plumage alınost entirely resembles that of the adults, being a mixture of reddish-brown, grey, and black, blended and mottled in a manner that passes description. They soon attain their full size and power of flight, and then take to the same manner of life as their parents. In autumn all leave their summer baunts for the south, but the exact time of their departure has hardly been ascertained. The habits of the Nightjar, as thus described, seem to be more or less essentially those of the whole Subfamily-the differences observable being apparently less than are found in other groups of birds of similar extent.


Common Goatsucker.

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Oil-bird, or Guacharo, certainly seems to require separation as an independent Family (see GUACHARO).

Some of the differences between the Caprimulginc and Podargina have been pointed out by Mr Sclater (Proc. Zool. Soc., 1866, p. 123), and are very obvious. In the former, the outer toes have four phalanges only, thus presenting a very uncommon character among birds, and the middle claws are pectinated; while in the latter the normal number of five phalanges is found, and the claws are smooth, and other distinctions more recondite have also been indicated by him (tom. cit., p. 582). The Caprimulgina may be further divided into those having the gape thickly beset by strong bristles, and those in which there are few such bristles or none-the former containing the genera Capri. mulgus, Antrostomus, Nyctidromus, and others, and the latter Podager, Chordiles, Lyncornis, and a few mor

The common Goatsucker of Europe (G. europaeus) arrives late in spring from its winter-retreat in Africa, and its presence is soon made known to us by its habit of chasing its prey, consisting chiefly of moths and cockchafers, in the evening-twilight. As the season advances the song of the cock, from its singularity, attracts attention amid all rural sounds. This song seems to be always uttered when the bird is at rest, though the contrary has been asserted, and is the continuous repetition of a single burring note, as of a thin lath

A second species of Goatsucker (C. ruficollis), which is somewhat larger, and has the neck distinctly marked with rufous, is a summer visitant to the south-western parts of Europe, and especially to Spain and Portugal. The occur. rence of a single example of this bird at Killingworth, near Newcastle-on-Tyne, in October 1856, has been recorded by Mr Hancock (Ibis, 1862, p. 39); but the season of its appearance argues the probability of its being but a casual straggler from its proper home. Many other species of Caprimulgus inhabit Africa, Asia, and their islands, while one (C. macrurus) is found in Australia. Very nearly allied to this genus is Antrostonus, an American group containing many species, of which the Chuck-will'swidow (A. carolinensis) and the Whip-poor-will (4. vociferus) of the eastern United States (the latter also reaching Canada) are familiar examples. Both these birds take their common name from the cry they utter, and their habits seem to be almost identical with those of the Old. World Goatsuckers. Passing over some other forms which need not here be mentioned, the genus Nyctidromus, though consisting of only one species (E. albicollis) which

1 Other English names of the bird are Evejar, Fern-Owl, Churn-Owl. and Wheel-bird-the last from the bird's song resembling the noise made by a spinning-wheel in motion.

inhabits Central and part of South America, requires remark, since it has tarsi of sufficient length to enable it to run swiftly on the ground, while the legs of most birds of the Family are so short that they can make but a shuffling progress. Heleothreptes, with the unique form of wing possessed by the male, needs mention. Notice must also be taken of two African species, referred by some ornithologists to as many genera (Macrodipter ♫ and Cos metornis), though probably one genus would suffice for both. The males of each of them are characterized by the wonderful development of the ninth primary in either wing, which reaches in fully adult specimens the extraordinary length of 17 inches or more. The former of these birds, the C. macrodipterus of Afzelius, is considered to belong to the west coast of Africa, and the shaft of the elongated remiges is bare for the greater part of its length, retaining the web, in a spatulate form, only near the tip. The latter, to which the specific name of vexillarius was given by Mr Gould, has been found on the east coast of that continent, and is reported to have occurred in Madagascar and Socotra. In this the remigial streamers do not lose their barbs, and as a few of the next quills are also to some extent elongated, the bird, when flying, is said to look as though it had four wings. Specimens of both are rare in collections, and no traveller seems to have had the opportunity of studying the habits of either so as to suggest a reason for this marvellous sexual development. The second group of Caprimulgina, those which are but poorly or not at all furnished with rictal bristles, contains about five genera, of which there is here only room to particularize Lyncornis of the Old World and Chordiles of the New. The species of the former are remarkable for the tuft of feathers which springs from each side of the head, above and behind the ears, so as to give the bird an appearance like some of the "Horned" Owls-those of the genus Scops, for example; and remarkable as it is to find certain forms of two Families, so distinct as are the Strigida and the Caprimulgida, resembling each other in this singular external feature, it is yet more remarkable to note that in some groups of the latter, as in some of the former, a very curious kind of dimorphism takes place. In either case this has been frequently asserted to be sexual, but on that point doubt may fairly be entertained. Certain it is that in some groups of Goatsuckers, as in some groups of Owls, individuals of the same species are found in plumage of two entirely different hues-rufous and grey. The only explanation as yet offered of this fact is that the difference is sexual, but, as just hinted, evidence to that effect is conflicting. It must not, however, be supposed that this com mon feature, any more than that of the existence of tufted forms in each group, indicates any close relationship between them. The resemblances may be due to the same causes, concerning which future observers may possibly enlighten us, but at present we must regard them as analo gies not homologies. The species of Lyncornis inhabit the Malay Archipelago, one, however, occurring also in China. Of Chordiles the best known species is the Night-hawk of North America (C. virginianus or C. popetue), which has a wide range from Canada to Brazil. Others are found in the Antilles and in South America. The general habits of all these birds agree with those of the typical Goatsuckers. We have next to consider the birds forming the genus Podargus and those allied to it, whether they be regarded as a distinct Family, or as a Subfamily of Caprimulgida. As above stated, they have feet constructed as those of birds normally are, and their sternum seems to present the constant though comparatively trivial difference of having its posterior margin elongated into two pairs of processes, while only one pair is found in the true Goatsuckers. Podargus incluses the bird (P. cuvieri) known from its cry as MoreDork

to Tasmanian colonists, and several other species, the number of which is doubtful, from Australia and New Guinea. They have comparatively powerful bills, and it would seem feed to some extent on fruits and berries, though they mainly subsist on insects, chiefly Cicado and Phasmida. They also differ from the true Goatsuckers in having the outer toes partially reversible, and they are said to build a flat nest on the horizontal branch of a tree for the reception of their eggs, which are of a spotless white. Apparently allied to Pudargus, but differing among other respects in its mode of nidification, is Egotheles, which belongs also to the Australian Subregion; and further to the northward, extending throughout the Malay Archipelago and into India, comes Batrachostomus, wherein we again meet with species having aural tufts somewhat like Lyncornis. The Podargina are thought by some to be represented in the New World by the genus Nyctibius, of which several species occur from the Antilles and Central America to Brazil. Finally, it may be stated that none of the Caprimulgida seem to occur in Polynesia or in New Zealand, though there is scarcely any other part of the world suited to their habits in which members of the Family are not found. (A. N.)

GOBELIN, the name of a family of dyers, who in all probability came originally from Rheims, and who in the 15th century established themselves in the Faubourg Saint Marcel, Paris, on the banks of the Bièvre. The first head of the firm was named Jehan, and died in 1476. He discovered a peculiar kind of scarlet dye, and he expended so much money on his establishment that it was named by the common people la folie Gobelin. To the dye works there was added in the 16th century a manufactory of tapestry. So rapidly did the wealth of the family increase, that in the third or fourth generation some of them forsook their trade and purchased titles of nobility. More than one of their number held offices of state, among others Balthasar, who became successively treasurer general of artillery, treasurer extraordinary of war, councillor secretary of the king, chancellor of the exchequer, councillor of state, and president of the chamber of accounts, and who in 1601 received from Henry II. the lands and lordship of Brie comte-Robert. He died in 1603. The name of the Gobelins as dyers cannot be found later than the end of the 17th century. In 1662 the works in the Faubourg Saint Marcel, with the adjoining grounds, were purchased by Colbert on behalf of Louis XIV, and transformed into a general upholstery manufactory, in which designs both in tapestry and in all kinds of furniture were executed under the superintendence of the royal painter Lebrun. On account of the pecuniary embarrassments of Louis XIV., the establishment was closed in 1694, but it was reopened in 1697 for the manufacture of tapestry, chiefly for royal use and for presentation. During the Revolution and the reign of Napoleon the manufacture was suspended, but it was revived by the Bourbons, and in 1826 the manufacture of carpets was added to that of tapestry. In 1871, the building was partly burned by the Communists.

See Lacordaire, Notice historique sur les manufactures impériales de tapisserie des Gobelin et de tapis de la Savonneric, précédée du catalogue des tapisseries qui y sont exposées, Paris, 1853; and also the article TAPESTRY,

GOBI is the name usually applied by European geographers to a vast stretch of desert in Central Asia, which has its western limits in the neighbourhood of 75° E. long., and its eastern somewhere between 114° and 115°. Like many other geographical designations, the word is not only of doubtful origin, but in conventional usage has modified its meaning. According to Sir T. Douglas Forsyth, it is originally the Turki for "great"; and Richthofen informa 1 In New Zealand, however, this name is given to an Owl (Scelo glauz nova-zelandía).

as that by the Chinese it is employed, not as a proper name, | but, like Shamo, as a general term for any sandy and desert piece of country. This being the case, the great German geographer proposes to displace the word Gobi in European usage by the Chinese Han-hai or Dry Sea, suggestive as he says not only of the present appearance but also of the former history of the region; but it is to be feared that the older designation has become too familiar, and the disadvantages arising from its use are of too recondite a character, to render it likely that his proposal will be generally accepted.

lines the course of the river, Away towards the southwest there stretch, if we may trust to native reports, those vast fields of drifting, and treacherous sands which have given so much of its terror to the legendary account of the desert of Gubi. That the reports are in the main true, and that the legends are founded on fact, appears to be rendered probable by the statements of Sir T. Douglas Forsyth, who has contributed an interesting paper on the subject to the Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society (1876). The population of the Tarim basin is scanty and poverty-stricken. On the Lower Tarim there are nine villages with a total of 1200 souls. Cattle-rearing is more general than agriculture, which indeed is of the most recent introduction, and confines itself to barley and wheat. Mahometanism is the universal religion, and the language appears to be identical with the Taranchi and the Sart.

The Shamo or eastern basin is quite different in its character. Here we have no large river like the Tarim, and, instead of its boundaries being marked by lofty ranges of mountains from 13,000 to 20,000 feet high, the ground gradually rises in a series of scarcely marked terraces. The central point, at Ozon Khoshu, is the lowest discovered in Central Asia, being only 607 metres (1948 feet) above the level of the sea. "The aspect of the country," says Ney Elias, "who crossed in a north-westerly direction from China, is that of low hills or downs, with valleys and plains intervening, the whole of a rocky or stony nature rather than sandy, though patches of sand do occur every here and there. What little vegetation exists is chiefly composed of weeds, 'scrub,' and heath, there being scarcely any grass, and only a dwarfed and stunted tree here and there, in the gorges or passes of those low rocky ranges that at uncertain intervals cross the desert in almost parallel lines from east to west." Of the western portion of the basin we have no modern account.


Marco Polo was the first European who gave a distinct description of the desert of Gobi. He tells us how on quitting Charchan (the modern Chachan, according to Yule) "you ride some five days through the sands finding none but bad and bitter water; and then you come to a city called Lop at the edge of the desert. . . . length of the desert is so great that it would take a year and more to ride from one end of it to the other. It is all composed of hills and valleys of sand." And then he goes on to speak of spirits that haunt the waste, and syllable men's names, and of strange noises like the tramp and hum of a great cavalcade, of the sound of drums, and a variety of musical instruments. Polo appears to have proceeded east from Khotan to Lob, and then further east to Etsina on the southern edge of the desert, and afterwards to have spent

As a sea the Gobi or Han-hai must have been comparable in extent to the Mediterranean, and the ancient coast-line can be pretty clearly recognized. In its present state it may be divided into two distinct basins, the western taking its name from the river Tarim or Tarym, and the eastern from the Chinese Shamo or "Sand Desert." The Dzungarian valley stretches westwards like a gulf. The Tarim basin is bounded on the S. by the range of mountains which, under various names applicable to different portions, such as the Kwen-lun and the Altyntag, forms the northward rim of the great plateau of Thibet; on the west it comes up to the spurs of the Pamir plateau, and on the north it lies along the foot of the Thian Shan.. If we measure from the source of any of its principal tributaries, the Tarim must have a course of more than 1000 miles. The head-waters rise in the mountains just named, and the more important of them in the south and west. The Khotan river and its confluent the Kara-Kash both descend from the Karakorum mountains, and flow in a generally northward direction; the Zarafshan or Yarkand River, rising in the same range, winds about in the first part of its course so as to enter the Gobi almost from the west; and the Kizil Su or Kashgar River has its numerous head streams in the Kizil Yart mountains belonging to the Pamir plateau. The Aksai River and the Shah Yar are the most important contributions from the Thian Shan. The course of all of these rivers after they enter the Gobi is largely matter of conjecture, and all that can be asserted with confidence is that they unite to form the Tarim, and find their final goal in an inland lake. They have probably all reached a common channel about 82° E. long.; but as the stream presses eastward it again breaks up into numerous branches, the arrangement of which, except along the route followed by Przhevalski, is still unknown. As it passes east the stream gradually loses in volume by absorption, evaporation, and the demands of riparian populations. In the neighbourhood of the Ugendarya, the breadth is about 300 or 360 feet, and the depth about 20. The course of the Tarim lies much nearer the northern side of the Gobi than the southern, but it gradually trends south east, and at length passing through Lake Karaburan, loses itself in Lake Chon-Kul (ie, great lake) or Kara-Kurchin. This last lake is identi. fied with the famous Lob-nor, the position of which has been one of the outstanding problems of comparative geo-Russian officials Andre Gustavitch Prinz (1863) and Shishmaroff graphy. Against the identification a number of objections have been urged by Richthofen (cf. "Bemerkungen zu den Ergebnissen von Ober-lieut. Prejewalski's Reise" in Zeitsch. für Erdk., Berlin, 1878), the most important of which are the prevailing tradition that the Lob-nor was a salt lake while the Chon Kul is fresh, and the fact that the Chinese maps place the Lob-nor to the north of the position assigned to the Chon Kul, which according to Przhevalski lies about 39° 30' N. lat., immediately to the N. of the Altyntag range (13,000 to 11,000 feet_high). country through which the Lower Tarim flows is dreary and monotonous. "In general," reports the traveller, "the Lob-nor desert is the wildest and most unfertile of all that I have yet seen in Asia; it is sadder than the desert of A meagre vegetation of tamarisks and reeds



forty days in crossing the desert northwards to Karakorum.1
Later notices of the Gobi, especially of its eastern portions, are
given by Gerbillon, 1688-98 (in Duhalde's appendix), by the Dutch-
man Evert Ysbrand Ides (1692-94), and by Lorenz Lange, who was
sent in 1727-28 and in 1736 by Peter the Great to Peking. But it

was not till the present century that accurate information began to
accumulate about the eastern portions, and the traveller who has
lifted the veil from the western portions is still engaged in his ex-
plorations. In 1830-31 Fuss and Bunge crossed the eastern Gobi
from Urga to Kalgan; and Dr Fritsche executed a series of journeys

in the same district between 1869 and 1873.3 The missions of the

(1868) added little to the knowledge of the region; but in 1870 Pavlinoff, consul at Chuguchak, being accompanied by a Government topographer Matusovski, made valuable observations on the route

from Suok to Kobdo, and from Kobdo to Uliassutai.4 Of stil greater moment were the travels of Ney Elias in 1872-73, and of Przhevalski between 1870 and 1877. In his earlier journey (1870-72) Przhevalski travelled across the Gobi in a line almost due south from Urga, and in 1877 he struck south-east from the Yulduz range one of the outrunners of the Thian Shan.

Besides the works referred to in the text see especially Richthoren s

1 See Yule's Marco Polo, vol. i. p. 178-200.

2 Lange's narrative has often been printed. See especially Tage

buch zwoer Reisen von L. Lange: aus ungedruckten Quellen mitgetheilt vom Herrn Prof. Pallas, Leipsic, 1781.

* See Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Erdkunde, 1874, and for map Zeitsch. der Ges. für Erdk., Berlin, 1874.

* See results of journey in Petermann's Mittheil., Jan. 1873.



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the chest) being united into one fin, forming a suctorial disk, by which these fishes are enabled to attach themselves in every possible position to a rock or other firm substances. They are essentially coast-fishes, inhabiting nearly all seas, but disappearing towards the Arctic and Antarctic Oceans. Many enter, or live exclusively in, such fresh waters as are at no great distance from the sea. Between 200 and Fia. 2.-United ven300 different kinds are known. trals of Goby.

GOD. See THEISM. GODALMING, a municipal borough and market-town of England, county of Surrey, is situated 32 miles S. W. of London, in a valley on the right bank of the Wey, which is navigable thence to the Thames. It consists principally of one street nearly a mile in length, on the high road between London and Portsmouth. The chief public buildings are the town-hall and market-house, Wyat's almshouses for poor men, the public hall, and the parish church, an old cruciform building, of mixed architecture, but principally Early English and Perpendicular. The church was repaired in 1840, and also in 1867. It contains a large number of old memorials. Godalming has manufactures of paper, leather, parchment, and hosiery, and some trade in corn, malt, bark, hoops, and timber. The town obtained a market from Edward L. in 1300, and was incorporated in 1575. The population in 1871 was 2444.

GODÁVARI, a river of Central India, which flows across the Deccan from the western to the Eastern Gháts, for sanctity, picturesque scenery, and utility surpassed only by the Ganges and the Indus. The total length is 898 miles; the estimated area of drainage basin, 112,200 square miles. Its traditional source is on the side of a hill behind the village of Trimbak in Nasik district, Bombay, but according to popular legend it proceeds from the same ultimate source as the Ganges, though underground. Its course is generally south-easterly. After passing through Nasik district, it crosses into the dominions of the nizam of Hyderabad. When it again strikes. British territory it is joined by the Pranhita, with its tributaries the Waraha, the Penganga, and Wainganga. For some distance it flows between the Nizam's dominions and the upper Godávari district, and receives the Indravati, the Sal, and the Sabári. The stream is now very imposing, with a channel varying from 1 to 2 miles in breadth, occasionally broken by alluvial islands. Parallel to the river stretch long ranges of hills; on the opposite side the country is more open and cultivated. Below the junction of the Sabári the scenery is such that the Godavari has got the name of the Indian Rhine. The channel here begins to contract. The flanking hills gradually close in on both sides, and the result is a magnificent gorge only 200 yards wide through which the water flows into the plain of the delta, about 60 miles from the sea. The head of the delta is at the village of Dhaulaishvaram,

where the main stream is crossed by the irrigation anicut. The river has seven mouths, the largest being the Gautami Godávari. The Godávari is regarded as peculiarly sacred, and once every twelve years the great bathing festival called Pushkaram is held on its banks.

The upper waters of the Godávari are scarcely utilized for irrigation, but the entire delta has been turned into a garden of perennial crops by means of the anicut at Dhaulaishvaram, from which three main canals are drawn off. The river channel here is 3 miles wide. The anicut is a substantial mass of stone, bedded in lime cement, about 2} miles long, 130 feet broad at the base, and 12 feet high. The stream is thus pent back so as to supply a volume of 3000 cubic feet of water per second during its low season, and 12,000 cubic feet at time of flood. The canals have a total length of 528 miles, capable of irrigating 780,000 acres, while 463 miles are also used for navigation. In 1864 water-communication was opened between the riversystems of the Godávari and Kistna. Rocky barriers and rapids obstruct navigation in the upper portion of the Godávari. Attempts have been made to construct canals round these barriers but with little success, and lately the undertaking has been entirely abandoned.

GODÁVARI, a district of Madras presidency, British India, lying between 16° 15′ and 17° 35' N. lat., and between 80° 55′ and 82° 38′ E. long.; and bounded N. by the Central Provinces and Vizagapatam district, E. by Vizagapatam and the Bay of Bengal, S. by the Bay of Bengal and Kistna district, and W. by the Nizam's dominions. The district is divided by the Godavari river into two nearly equal parts. The scenery along the course of the river is varied and striking. The only lake of importance is the Koléru, which is studded with islands and fishing villages. Building stone and limestone are abundant in the uplands. Iron is also found. The jungle products are myrobalans, soap-nuts, tamarinds, bamboorice, honey, and beeswax, Wild animals and game birds

are numerous.

The population in 1871 numbered 1 592,939 (803,603 males, 789,336 females), showing a considerable increase on former years. The Hindus numbered 1,555,981, the Mahometans 35,178, the Christians 1483 (Protestants and Roman Catholics in nearly equal numbers); 39 were Buddhists, and 263 not separately classified. Nineteen towns each contain upwards of 5000 inhabitants,-the aggregate population of the three chief towns, Ellor, Rájahmandri, and Cocanada, being 63,064.

The total area of the district is 7345 equare miles, of which 2718 square miles belong to Government. Of Government land, 386,400 estates, or is waste and uncultivable. The chief products are rice, gram, acres are under cultivation; the rest either belongs to the zamindári jute, hemp, gingelly, tobacco, sugar-cane, and indigo; rice and food grains have improved in quality owing to the extension of irrigation by canals. Government tenants have permanent right of occupancy so long as they pay the Government demand, while on the zamindárs estates cultivators are merely yearly tenants. The district is well supplied with means of communication by 491 miles of good road and 431 miles of canals. The principal manufactures are cotton and woollen carpets, sheep wool blankets, uppada cloths, sugar, and indigo. The chief articles of trade are grain, cotton, jaggery, turmeric, cocoa-nut, flax-cloth, onions, garlic, lace cloths, tobacco, gingelly seed, lamp-oil, salt, tamarinds, cattle, teakwood, skins, opium, and indigo. Cocanada, Ellor, Rajahmandri, Mandapetta Jaggampetta, Husan bada, Nasapur, Palakollu, Dowlaishvaram, Ambajipetta, and Jagannathpur are the most important seats of


The estimated value of imports in 1874-75 was £204,238, and of exports, £903,253. The total revenue in 1875-76 was £558,812; the expenditure, £28,604: the total municipal income, £5152. There are 28 magisterial and 15 revenue and civil courts. There are 387 schools, attended by 7759 pupils. The administrative headquarters is at Cocanada. The prevailing epidemic diseases are beri-beri and fevers; cholera and small-pox occur during the hot season, but only the poorer classes are attacked. Cattle diseases also prevail. The average annual rainfall from 1871 to 1875 was 43-35 inches; the average mean temperature at Rájahmandri in 1876 was 82-7° Fahr. Two severe storms, which caused great destruction to property, occurred in

1832 and 1839.

The Godavari district formed part of the Andhra division of

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